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LE conversion by IAmDarkPhoenix

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About this mod

KYE Light and Shadow adds unique Shadow-magic and Sun-magic interactions to the Know Your Enemy resistance and weakness system.
NPCs that have existing KYE characteristics are modified to interact with Shadow and Sun effects; NPCs added by Shadow Spell Package will also be given KYE traits.

Permissions and credits
KYE Light and Shadow - An Expansion for Know Your Enemy was created to expand KYE's excellent, trait-based resistance and vulnerability system to include additional assets from Shadow Spell Package.


  • New abilities have been added to shadow atronachs so that they receive KYE traits.
  • New traits unique to these atronachs have been added, similar to the original KYE implementation of fire/frost/shock.
  • KYE creature traits now have vulnerabilities and resistances to shadow and sun.

The mechanism for implementing these changes is the zEdit patcher which has been recently updated to scan for this patch, and add applicable perks to the Shadow Spell Package assets.

Specific changes are listed below.

Creature trait properties added:

  • Furred - No changes
  • Fat - No changes
  • Big - No changes
  • Small - No changes
  • Armored - No changes
  • Dwarven Machine - No changes
  • Undead - Resist shadow 75%
  • Venomous - No changes
  • Ice Elemental - Partial sun susceptibility (takes 25% of the damage undead would take)
  • Fire Elemental - Partial sun absorption (heals 25% of the damage undead would take, unless also undead)
  • Shock Elemental - No changes
  • Plant - Absorb sun, vulnerable to darkness 50%
  • Vile - Partial sun susceptibility (takes 75% of the damage undead would take), resist shadow 50%
  • Skeletal - No changes
  • Trollkin - No changes
  • Weak Willed - No changes
  • Strong Willed - No changes
  • Cave Dwelling - Partial sun susceptibility (takes 75% of the damage undead would take), resist shadow 50%
  • Vascular - No changes
  • Aquatic - No changes
  • Brittle - No changes
  • Supernatural - No changes
  • Rocky - No changes
  • Ghostly - No changes
New creature traits and their properties:

  • Dark Elemental - Immune to shadow, resist frost 75%, resist blunt/axe/blade 25%, resist arrows 50%, vulnerable to sun 50%
  • With Know Your Elements Patch added - Resist wind, water, and earth 25%

Traits for Shadow Spell Package's atronachs:

  • Shadow Atronach - Dark Elemental, Brittle, Weak-Willed, Supernatural


  • Install KYE. The latest KYE includes a patcher which will work fine for this mod (my standalone patcher is no longer required once you update).
  • Install Shadow Spell Package
  • Install the latest version of zEdit and the armor patcher linked on the KYE page
  • Install this mod and ensure that it is lower than both other mods on the load order, using LOOT or your preferred utility
  • If you are using Summermyst, download and install my patch from the Optional Files section
  • If you are using Know Your Elements, download and install my patch from the Optional Files section
  • Run the KYE armor and enemy patchers in zEdit
  • During runtime you should see the usual "perk added" messages and additional messages pertaining to the Shadow Spell Package actors and traits
  • Make sure to save the patches then launch Skyrim




Many thanks to Teneb Kel, the creator of Shadow Spell Package, for allowing their resources to be used in other mods.

Many thanks to EnaiSiaion for Summermyst which also includes patch permissions.

Extra special thanks to tjhm4, the creator of Know Your Enemy, for permission to create this expansion, technical details on the mod itself and the zEdit implementation, feedback regarding element/trait balance, and more stuff I have probably forgotten.

Thanks and Kudos to IAmDarkPhoenix for the LE conversion as well as walking me through the back-porting process.


Please let me know if you experience any problems with the zEdit patcher, either during installation or at runtime.