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  1. Dobr0mysl
    • premium
    • 121 kudos
    Hi, BowmoreLover
    Can you please help me with problem occured?
    what have I done:
    I havew OS Windows 10 pro x64.
    * actiwated .Net Framework 4.8 on available for my system
    * unpacked portable WinMerge 2.16.30
    * I put your plugins in folder as usual
    * configured your plugin for papyrus decompiler
    * tried to compare two PEX files with auto-unpacking option enabled and got this error:
    Would you please help me to resolve his issue?
    1. Dobr0mysl
      • premium
      • 121 kudos
      Nevermind, I figured reason myself:
      > Only Installer version of WinMerge should be used.
      Otherwise (WinMerge portable) these plugins simply don't work.
      So, please feel free to add this info on the mod page.
  2. BeranabusBarnes
    • premium
    • 44 kudos
    1. BowmoreLover
      • premium
      • 196 kudos
      Yeah, stay home, happy modding!
  3. Dobr0mysl
    • premium
    • 121 kudos
    Hi, BowmoreLover! Thank you for this gift! Endorsed and voted!
    1. BowmoreLover
      • premium
      • 196 kudos
      Thanks NeOniq, enjoy modding :)
  4. FelesNoctis
    • premium
    • 114 kudos
    Me, a few minutes ago on Discord:
    "You know what would be really nice? A comparison tool to see the differences between mods as a whole, like between LE and SSE versions, similar to what you can do with text files."

    Oh look, and published only 3 weeks ago. You're awesome! <3
    1. BowmoreLover
      • premium
      • 196 kudos
      Thanks FelesNoctis, I'm glad to hear that!
      Yeah the comparison tool is a tool that modders should use more and more.
      Unfortunately, this still doesn't allow you to compare the plugin files themselves. Perhaps it is possible using xEdit's TES5Dump / SSEDump / FO4Dump, but it is probably inconvenient because the output results are too large.
      It's best to have an external tool that lists the digest of the plugin content, but I still can't find it.
    2. FelesNoctis
      • premium
      • 114 kudos
      That would be incredible if you do manage to put one together. It's something that came up last night as well due to questions about how the CK handles porting and backporting. In short, being able to resave an Oldrim plugin in CK64 to update the data isn't an added feature, it's just how the CK works. In theory dropping SSE plugin form versions from 44 to 43 and saving the plugin in the Oldrim CK should have the same effect: formatting the data to be fully compatible with Oldrim.

      I'm working on comparisons right now for that by building test plugins and porting back and forth for analysis in xEdit, using xEdit's "isSSE" source code as a base reference for what to look for, but it'd definitely be a huge help to be able to see the diffs in a more obvious format!

      If you're interested/determined enough to aim for it, we could definitely use it. Pickysaurus started a wiki page for documenting the info.
    3. BowmoreLover
      • premium
      • 196 kudos
      Then SSEDump should help you. It is a tool that comes with xEdit and dumps plugin contents in text format.
      It is not included in the files distributed on Nexus, but is included in the package released on GitHub here :
      This is a command line tool. You can see the help by starting from the command prompt without any arguments. The name of the command is "SSE", but you can rename it to "TES5" or specify the game type as an argument.
      Unfortunately, this command does not seem to be able to dump a single plugin in any folder, it seems difficult to use SSEDump in WinMerge plugins.

      You should be able to dump by placing your plugins in the game's Data folder and running the following command:
      SSEDump64 -SSE your-plugin.esp > mydump.txt

      Note: The 32-bit version of SSEDump seems a bit buggy, so if something goes wrong, use SSEDump64.