Finding Helgi
▪ Helgi's humming, which can rarely be heard in the vanilla quest, will now sometimes be faintly playing when you visit the house for the first time.
▪ If speaking to the Innkeeper about the burnt house, the player may accept or decline the task to speak with the Jarl.
▪ The objective text "Talk to the Jarl" has been made a bit more explicit. In general many of the objective texts have been tweaked to be more explicit and detailed.
▪ You must now investigate the house before Helgi's ghost will appear. Mechanically, this is similar to investigating Hjerim during Blood on the Ice, but on a much smaller scale.
▪ Journal entries have been added to most quest stages, to track what you’ve learned while investigating.
▪ Sound effects and VFX have been added to Helgi's appearing and disappearing.
▪ Once the house has been investigated, you will be given an optional objective to speak with Hroggar about what you've found.
▪ You may tell Hroggar that the story that he gave to the Jarl doesn't hold up. He doesn't care.
▪ The conditions on Hroggar's dialogues have been set so that they do not expire as the quest progresses, but are available until Alva is dead. They're also now flagged as 'say once'.
▪ The burnt house has been re-navmeshed so that followers can path through all of the various points of entry.
▪ "Helgi's Ghost" has been re-named to simply "Helgi". (Skryim is a bit inconsistent about this. Sometimes they're called "The Ghost of __" but usually they're just called by the character's name. This is the only case I could find of "__'s Ghost," which felt awkward to me.)
▪ You may tell Helgi that you are a stranger. She doesn't like this.
▪ (1.0.2) The Innkeeper will no longer give you an objective to speak to the Jarl about Helgi if you've already done so. (This is for after you've already met Helgi, not at the start of the quest.) Thanks, Tanker1985!
▪ A path to the graveyard has been created, starting from the left side of the Jarl's hall, wrapping around behind it. It's visible from the burnt house.
▪ Lanterns have been added to draw more attention to the path and to the graveyard.
▪ The path to the graveyard has been navmeshed as ‘preferred’, so NPCs will use it to travel there.
▪ Helgi’s coffin’s verb has been changed to “Investigate”. If used, a message will be displayed, similar to investigating the house. This is only used if you visit during the day.
▪ Laelette’s spawn point has been moved to be much closer. She will run, not walk, to Helgi’s coffin. This gets her there faster if the player waited until dark in the graveyard.
▪ Laelette's AI package changed from Travel to Travel and use Idle so that she can use the special idle marker which had been set for her.
▪ “Laelette the Vampire” will now appear as simply “Vampire” during the attack.
▪ As soon as Laelette is dead, Hegi’s ghost will appear and greet you, rather than her speaking to you from inside the coffin after activating it. This is now a dialogue.
▪ The objectives will update after Helgi is done speaking, not as soon as she begins speaking.
▪ The coffin will no longer be interactive after Helgi speaks with you.
▪ Laelette’s body will be shown as “Laelette” after the conversation with Helgi.

Finding Laelette
▪ Thonnir's initial lines have been changed from "hello" barks to an interactive dialogue, where he can vent his frustrations. The player's lines smooth over a non sequitur in his rant.
▪ This dialogue no longer expires once the quest has begun.
▪ Thonnir will no longer come running during the scene in the graveyard. Instead, you will be given an objective to find out who Laelette is.
▪ If the player already knows who Laelette is, this objective is skipped.
▪ If Thonnir greets you with “Have you seen my wife, Laelette?” you may now tell him that you haven’t.
▪ Alva will no longer randomly comment that she knows that you killed Laelette. The line is delivered via a dialogue option. The player may press her for more information. Alva finds this amusing.
▪ The player may complete the objective to learn who Laelette is either by talking with the innkeeper, or if Thonnir asks you if you've seen his wife, Laelette. It will also complete if you merely overhear him calling it out.
▪ Once the player knows that Laelette is Thonnir’s wife, an objective is given to tell him. This triggers the scene of Thonnir running to the graveyard, which previously played simultaneously with Helgi’s graveyard scene.
▪ Thonnir will now stay at Laelette’s body, rather than immediately walking away as soon as he gets close to her.
▪ Animations were added to Thonnir’s scene to give him a little more emotion.
▪ After you leave, Thonnir will bury Laelette and re-bury Helgi.

Finding Alva’s Journal
▪ Hroggar will now guard Alva for the entire duration of her sleep during the day. During the middle of the day he will be out on his front porch.
▪ Furniture and idles have been added to Alva's front porch to give Hroggar content to sandbox with.
▪ Hroggar will not ask you to chop wood for him.
▪ Hroggar's "rouse Alva" package will have him go into the cellar to wake her. Previously it did nothing.
▪ At sundown, Hroggar and Alva will walk through the town together, Alva on her way to the Inn, Hroggar to the sawmill.
▪ Alva will "carouse" in the Inn near the seating area, rather than hiding in one of the rooms.
▪ Hroggar works the sawmill at night, so he can at least appear to be keeping his job, though with odd hours. This gives the player a window to search their home when both of them are not around.
▪ Hroggar will get a meager three hours of sleep at night while Alva is out on the prowl.
▪ Alva will no longer use the sweep idles inside their home; only Hroggar will.
▪ Alva will no longer sleep in the beds in her house while she's sandboxing on the ground floor.
▪ The final dialogue with Hroggar has been slightly expanded so that the player can more directly address what they (and presumably the player-character) know is actually happening. 
▪ A trap door back entry to Alva’s Cellar has been added, so the player doesn’t have to pick Alva’s lock right in front of the townspeople of Morthal.
▪ Alva’s journal has been moved out of her coffin and onto a table, so that if you successfully sneak in while she’s sleeping you can read the journal before deciding what to do.
▪ A few vampire-esque props have been added.
▪ The two center-most candelabras from Alva’s Cellar have been removed to give the player more room in the case of an altercation.
▪ Hay has been removed. (My war on hay continues.)
▪ Alva will now flee to the vampire lair when you're in Highmoon Hall reporting her to the Jarl, rather than as soon as you pick up the journal. In addition to making it less likely for the townspeople to deal with a hostile Alva, it also gives you a chance to slay her yourself after reading the journal.
▪ She will also don a more concealing outfit during her flight, as this may happen during daytime.

Saving Hroggar
▪ If both are still alive, handing Alva's journal over to the Jarl will trigger an optional objective to save Hroggar by defeating her.
▪ Hroggar will no longer be hostile to you after Alva dies, and will end combat if it's happening. Previously this was only true after you were sent to Morvath's lair.
▪ He is now flagged as protected, so the townspeople don't kill him while he's trying to defend Alva from them, should that take place. If Hroggar dies, it's by your hand. (A USSEP fix already deals with this, but there's still rare cases where they kill him anyway.)
▪ The 'Thank you for saving me' line becomes available as soon as Alva is dead, not after the quest is finished.
▪ He will resume his not-enslaved schedule when Alva is dead, not when the quest is over.
▪ The lines about ignore superstition and talk of spirits and "made up troubles" will no longer play you've broken the spell on him.
▪ If not completed by the time you've reported back to the Jarl, the objective will be canceled, but all of the effects of completing it will still be valid whenever Alva finally dies.

The Mob & Aftermath
▪ You no longer omit Laelette's involvement when reporting your findings to the Jarl.
▪ Jarl Ravencrone's lip file has been rebuilt, so her mouth isn't closed when she says "Alva."
▪ Thonnir now wears armor during the mob scene, to get him a little more ready to face a lair of vampires.
▪ All of the members of the mob scene will now reliably be present for the scene.
▪ The lines for the scene have been re-arranged.  Thonnir now begins with a short monologue calling for vengeance. 
▪ If you speak with him and ask if he'd like to kill the vampire, he'll say "Oh yes! Take us to Movarth's Lair!" rather than "We're marching on Movarth's Lair whether you come with us or not."  He'll now only say that if the mob leaves without you having talked with him.
▪ After returning from Movarth's Lair, Alva's house is re-named Hroggar's House on the city map and on the level load door.
▪ Alva's cellar will be blocked, both inside Hroggar's house and the new cellar back door.
▪ Thonnir may reflect on events once everything is finished.
▪ After Thonnir knows that Laelette is dead, his son will no longer say lines wondering where he is.
▪ The player may attempt to console Thonnir’s son about his mother’s death.

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