The Legacy developer's kit is designed to allow mod authors or their authorized agents to create official patches for their mods to integrate into Legacy of the Dragonborn. By using this guide you can create mods that will seamlessly integrate into the Dragonborn Gallery and it's various systems. With it you can:

  • Create quest displays within the museum which enable upon completion of your quest.
  • Create item displays which will sort at the museum office Prep Station automatically or can be hand placed by the player.
  • Add your items and displays to the Legacy display checklist MCM menu.

And all without altering or writing a single line of code! Simply follow the guide, build your displays and set up the required quest record, apply a few pre-made scripts and point a few properties and you are done!

Download the full developer's kit in the Misc section of the Patch Central Files section which includes the full PDF guide and required source scripts

The process is simple:

  • Download the SDK from the File Section
  • Read the guide and/or watch the instructional video
  • Contact Icecreamassassin to request an assigned display space. Describe your mod and project and we'll work out the best spot with you
  • Once approved, build your displays according to the guide
  • After you are done, submit your patch to the Legacy team to have to validated
  • If approved, you will be given a "Legacy Official Seal of Approval" as an officially endorsed 3rd party content provider for Legacy of the Dragonborn

The rules are few:

  • Do not edit any Legacy scripts
  • Keep displays in the pre-determined areas assigned
  • If endorsed, place the seal of approval graphic on your mod page or addon page with a link back to the Legacy of the Dragonborn mod

That's it!

Any questions, feel free to post on the Patch Central comment page.

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