Millwater Retreat FAQ

Can I update the old version of this mod?

No. This is a complete rebuild and the mechanics work in an entirely new way. You will need to start out fresh.

How do I generate LOD using Dyndolod?

When generating LOD for this mod, you'll need to take a few things into consideration to prevent issues with large structural objects which change state. Use this handy tutorial by Phayntom for LOD generation.

How do I hire labourers? (Borik and Xuzai)?

Although you can find and speak to Borik and Xuzai straight away, you will not be able to hire them until you have used the ledger in the Office to restore the Bunkhouse; the old building on the other side of the wall. Hiring workers makes available an option on the ledger for "Worker Tasks" where you can assign the task of restoring the bunkhouse to the workers. Once this is complete (after a day or so) you can then approach the labourers and make a deal on wages. Give them 4 hours to arrive at the mill once a deal has been made.

The reason you cannot build the bunkhouse yourself like everything else is because it's too large a task for one person and would take far too many materials. This is mentioned in the note on the table outside of the bunkhouse.

How do I turn the lights on around the mill?

Lighting is controlled by the house water wheel (front dock lighting), windmill (upper decking lighting) and the saw mill (mill lighting). The lever for the house water wheel can be found 
in the basement by removing the rug on the floor entering the bedroom
. The lever for the windmill is just inside the tower on the right. The lever for the saw mill is on the saw mill itself and requires Borik to be recruited and working the mill for it to function.

Where does the travel boat go?

The old version of this mod allowed you to travel across Skyrim. I decided this made no sense given the waterfalls blocking the way. This mod's travel boat links with other mods, allowing travel to Mammoth ManorLake Illinalta Shack , and my in development project Oar's Rest.

EDIT: Future plans are to expand on the boat travel so that some vanilla locations can be reached via the boat.

Can you remove the electrical cabling because I feel it's not lore friendly?

Firstly, with dwemer technology it’s not outside of the realms of possibility and it’s been explained in the journal that the previous owner was an inventor. Secondly, I won’t be creating a version without the cables.

Is this mod compatible with Hearthfire adoption?

No. The house is not large enough and isn’t designed for children to be running around.

What's wrong with Nesbin and his horse?

Skyrim’s horse riding system is terrible and there’s not much else I can do to make things run smoother.

Why is the mod so convoluted?

Most of my mods, especially player homes require you to do some walking around and experimenting. I work off things making logical sense, so if you think logically and read any notes or journals in-game, you will find your answers. I do try to include tutorials throughout the mod but players can easily miss them and they only show once.

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  1. KrazyKlownKat
    • member
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    how do I get them to make the bunker im having problems I furnished everything else I don't know how get the wheel going or have the bunker started please help
  2. Darksteve222
    • member
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    Darkfox127 first i have to say you did an awesome job i restarted skyrim yesterday and started for the first time in my life to mod it after several hundreds hours spent working on millwater i went and downloaded you other mods :) one question stays in my head tho i dont find the utility to laborers i pay them they get fish the other guy :S i dont know to they bring me money if yers where does it go? im sorry it might be obvious but i didnt found it maybe add a section with spoiler alert again in faq or more info in the description of the mod thank you :)
    1. EternalJudgment
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      • 3 kudos
      RE-post from Phayntom ;

      The HIRE MERCENARIES option is to hire guards that will patrol Millwater Retreat and they will guard the property so that Bandits cant steal whats in your safe.If everything is working correctly, this is how all of this should work in game.The amount of gold you put in the safe however is important to running and managing Millwater Retreat. Let me explain why

      One of the ideas for the original Millwater Retreat was not just to have a player home but a piece of property that you could make gold from. In this newly rebuilt version of Millwater Retreat that was expanded upon and enhanced so that now you actually have to MANAGE the property. This is where the phrase "it takes money, to make money" comes into play with the mod.

      I normally suggest some where about 2000 gold to put into the safe in the beginning, so that you have enough gold to cover costs for both Borik, Xuzai and the Guards ((If your not Thane of Falkreath. Thane Guards from Falkreath cost ZERO gold)). Now with that in mind, here is why I suggest about 2000 gold, because the laborers like Borik and Xuzai can cost any where between 200 - 300 - or 400 gold each ((depending on your speechcraft skill when you hire them in Falkreath)), and maybe more if you've been robbed and they didn't get paid. Now add in the fact that the Mercenary Guards can cost about 600 gold to hire them, and now when you add that up, that is potentially 1400 gold just to get every one hired in the beginning.See why I say the phrase "it takes money, to make money" comes into play? It takes money to start, but then once its all running, Borik and Xuzai can make you enough money to keep things running and make you a profit in the end.

      Now one of the newest aspects of this new version of Millwater Retreat is the fact that now Bandits CAN come and steal everything in your safe, if you have no guards patrolling to protect the property. This is why hiring guards is an important aspect of managing the Millwater Retreat Property. If this ever happens the leader will have everything he took out of the safe on him, so you can get it all back if they rob you.

      With all this said, and I am very sorry for the long explanation, If there is a problem and things are NOT working how I just described, or the guards are deducting more gold than they should be, and/or the contents of your safe is constantly being removed, then yes please post a bug report with as much detail as possible under the BUGS tab, so Darkfox can investigate it. We really do appreciate everyone who posts bugs so that Dark ((and others who assist him in testing such as myself)) can resolve problems when they arise.

      I hope this information proves helpful for you.
      supporter101 posts0 kudos
  3. Wolfenform
    • supporter
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    First of all I want to say that you did an awsome job on this mod.
    But I got one issue.
    I don't know why but i can't make my huscarl become a guard. The game allways says that I need to be thane of Falkhreath, wich I already am.
    I excuse me if my englisch isn't that good