
  • Download the main file manually (link
  • Open the zip archive
  • Open BethINI Standalone and move the contents to X:\Skyrim Enhanced\Tools\BethINI\
  • Close MO2
  • Launch BethINI by double-clicking the executable


Setup tab: 
  • The first time launching, you will be asked to select a game; select Skyrim Special Edition
  • Click the Setup tab to move to the correct screen
  • Click the drop-down menu next to Mod Organizer select Browse
  • Navigate to X:\Skyrim Enhanced\MO2\ and double-click on ModOrganizer.exe
  • Click the drop-down menu next to INI Path and make sure Mod Organizer > Skyrim Enhanced is selected
  • Click OK
  • Click OK
  • When asked to modify custom INI files select No

Basic tab:
  • Click Default
  • Make sure BethINI Presets is selected
  • Check Recommended Tweaks
  • Click the Medium preset (if the Skyrim launcher detected anything other than Ultra, select the Low preset) 
  • Set your Resolution depending on your monitor
  • Set Antialiasing to TAA
  • Check:
Windowed Mode
  • Uncheck:
Lock Frame Rate

Gameplay tab:
  • Set Over-Encumbered Reminder to 60
  • Set 3rd person Arrow Tilt-Up Angle to 0.7
  • Check:
NPCs Use Ammo

Interface tab:
  • Check:
Dialogue Subtitles
General Subtitles
  • Uncheck:
Bethesda Modding Platform
Mod Manager Menu
  • Under Mouse Settings set Lock Sensitivity to 0.0425

Detail tab:
  • Check:
Reflect Objects
Tree Shadows
Ambient Occlusion
Depth of Field
  • Uncheck:
Reflect Sky
Lens Flare
Anamorphic Lens Flare
Screen Space Reflections
  • Set Godays to None
  • Set Field of View to 85.00
  • Set Particles to 1500
  • Set Shadow Resolution to 1024
  • Set Shadow Bias to 0.47
  • Set Detailed Draw Distance to 3500
  • Set Exterior Draw Distance to 8000

View Distance:
  • Set Object Fade to 10.0
  • Set Actor Fade to 12.0
  • Set Item Fade to 10.0
  • Set Grass Fade to 18000
  • Set Light Fade to 40000

  • Set Grass Density to 60
  • Set Grass Diversity to 15
  • Set Grass Wind Speed to Default
  • Set Far-off Tree Distance to 40000

Saving Your Settings

  • Navigate back to the Basic tab
  • Click Save and Exit

Additional INI Tweaks

Mod Organizer 2:
  • Click the Tools drop-down menu and open the INI Editor
  • Skyrimprefs.ini
  • bEnableProjecteUVDiffuseNormals=1
  • bScreenSpaceReflectionEnabled=0

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1 comment

  1. Ootred
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Thank you so much for these detailed instructions!

    Question: is the last line in the instructions above correct?

    • bScreenSpaceReflectijavascript-event-stripped0

    The "ijavascript-event-stripped" seems like a pasting error, but if not, I would think it should be

    • bScreenSpaceReflectijavascript-event-stripped=0
    Can you please elaborate?