Make sure your LOOT masterlist is up-to-date ("download" arrow in the LOOT app) for the latest UCOW sorting rules.

It is strongly recommended that you use a mod manager to install. My personal preference is Mod Organizer 2, but Vortex, Kortex, and Wrye Bash BAIN are also great choices. Nexus Mod Manager and manual installation are not supported (meaning I won't help you).

When installing ICOW and OCW, don't install any patches in their FOMOD installers except:
  • Book Saturation Level for ICOW
  • Open Cities Patch for ICOW (if you plan on using Open Cities)
  • Immersive College NPCs Integration for OCW (if you plan on using IC NPCs)

Load ICOW BEFORE OCW. LOOT will do this automatically.

Allow the version of OCW_CellSettings.esp that is included in the UCOW FOMOD installer to overwrite the version from Obscure's. This plugin will be sorted by LOOT to be very low in your load order. Some UCOW lighting mod patches will load after it, that is fine.

If you use Mator Smash, you will need the UCOW Smash Fix plugin from the Unofficial Mator Smash Updated page. Make sure to load it before UCOW, but after ICOW and OCW. If your curious what the issue was before this fix, I designed the plugin with OCW loading second, so conflicts between ICOW and OCW that I wanted OCW to "win" were left untouched. Mator Smash detects these conflicts and tries to resolve them, even though they should be left alone.

It is strongly recommended that you run DynDOLOD once you have set a load order for your playthrough. Many mods edit the LOD for Winterhold and the surrounding area, including Obscure's, which will cause conflicts and Winterhold to look incorrect from a distance. I will eventually provide some very basic LOD patches, but you would benefit greatly from just using DynDOLOD instead. GamerPoets has an awesome video on how to use DynDOLOD if you've never used it before. Here is a comparison video if you're not convinced of the benefits of DynDOLOD.

All patches I make also make ICOW and OCW compatible with the mod in question. For example, UltimateCollege_CRF_Patch.esp makes Cutting Room Floor compatible with UCOW, ICOW, and OCW. No other patch is needed.

There are exceptions to this:

  • You'll need the Legacy of the Dragonborn patch for ICOW along with my patch in UCOW's FOMOD installer.
  • For Immersive College NPCs, use the version for Obscure's for it to work properly, and install the Immersive College NPCs patch in the OCW FOMOD.
  • For Open Cities Skyrim, use the patch for ICOW in its FOMOD Installer.

Other than those three, I do not recommend you use any patches that were made specifically for OCW or ICOW.

Please use the patch request form if a mod needs a patch. Patches will be released early on my Discord (check the patch status sheet linked below to see a list), then uploaded here in batches.

Compatible mods, no patch required:


  • Interesting NPCs (3DNPC)
  • The Midden - Expanded
  • Oblivion Artifact Pack
  • Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim
  • Skyrim Project Optimization

Mods with a patch in UCOW's Installer:

Current Patch Authors: themayor897, Spacedroner, what777

  • Additional Hearthfire Dolls
  • Aemer's Refuge
  • AI Overhaul
  • Amulets of Skyrim
  • Animated Armory
  • Apophysis Dragon Priest Masks SSE
  • Arcanum - A New Age of Magic
  • Artifacts - The Tournament of the Ten Bloods
  • Artifacts of Skyrim
  • Atlas Map Markers
  • Atlas Map Markers SE
  • Audio Overhaul for Skyrim SE
  • Bijin Warmaidens
  • Bijin All-In-One
  • Bijin All-In-One 2020
  • Bijin All-In-One 2020 SV
  • Black Mage Armor
  • Cloaks of Skyrim
  • Creation Club: Arcane Archer Pack
  • Creation Club: Wild Horses
  • Cutting Room Floor
  • Diversity - A Character Overhaul
  • Diversity - A Character Overhaul Vanilla Hair Option
  • Dynamic Firewood Stacks
  • Enhanced Lights and FX
  • ELFX Enhancer
  • ELFX Exteriors
  • Immersive Weapon Integration
  • Jampion NPCs
  • Konahrik's Accoutrements
  • Legacy of the Dragonborn*
  • Legacy of the Dragonborn BadGremlin's Collection
  • M'rissi's Tails of Trouble
  • Men of Winter SSE
  • Men of Winter SSE - Enthir Modular Edition
  • Morrowloot Special Edition
  • Morrowloot Ultimate
  • Mystic Condenser
  • Mysticism - A Magic Overhaul
  • Northbourne NPCs of Winterhold
  • Not So Fast - Mage Guild (Thanks to Jonathon594 for the method I used to patch this)
  • Opulent Outfits AIO
  • Opulent Outfits Replacer
  • Pandorable's Brelyna
  • Pandorable's NPCs
  • Pandorable's NPCs - Males
  • Pandorable's Small Replacers AIO
  • Quests are in Skyrim
  • Skyrim Unique Treasures
  • Snazzy Furniture and Clutter Overhaul
  • Solitude and Temple Frescoes
  • Solitude Temple Frescoes 2019
  • The Great City of Winterhold
  • The Ordinary Women SSE
  • The Tools of Kagrenac
  • Weapons, Armor, Clothing, and Clutter Fixes
  • WACCF - Armor and Clothing Extension
  • Windsong Immersive Character Overhaul (WICO) SSE
  • Your Choices Matter - A Dark Brotherhood Expansion
*Requires LOTD's patch for ICOW.

Mods with patches available elsewhere:
  • Beards of Power - Patch available on the mod's page.
  • Cheesemod for Everyone - Patch available here.
  • Lux - Patch available in the Lux FOMOD Installer.

Incompatible with UCOW:
  • College Modifications - I don't like the way this mod is implemented. I will add similar features to UCOW at a later date.
  • Magical College of Winterhold - It's a full overhaul of the college that I do not want to integrate into UCOW for a variety of reasons.

Click here for the compatibility status of other mods. The list will be updated as needed.

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