Flat-Footed & Checkpoint Mielbarr
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(major spoilers ahead)

Checkpoint Mielbarr:

Crossing the first room without dropping into water:

Walk off the broken bridge onto the wooden planks, circle around the first pillar with squeeze through, walk up the side path and jump towards the marker.
Ledge climb up to the top of the first pillar, (you can check the nearby backpack here if you crouch, it's just barely in reach) walk up the wooden scaffolding, normal jump across to the next, platform, then drop down onto the chunk of rock to avoid fall damage.

Solving the mini puzzle to open the main floor gate:

Opening the small room gate and pulling the chain inside leaves you trapped (intentional! it's a puzzle >:(
Keep gate UP, go to the second floor, drop down into the room and pull the chain to unlock both gates

Drawbridges + Ladders

You can lower the drawbridge using the pull chain in the main hall-small gate room.
The key for it can be found in the Liutenant's room.
Inspecting the shelf on the second floor of the main hall gives a hint for a ladder.
You can find the ladder in the living quarters.

'Secret found!' special audio plays when you find..

The secret meeting place & the cell key.

Notes/journals found:

  • Confiscation Cell Note / Just outside the cell
    • There is a key to this cell
    • It is NOT the Liutenant’s key
    • The Bosmer had it previously before losing it

  • Breton Accusation Note / On the table, Lieutenant’s room
    • Points out that the alchemist of the fort messed with the Bosmer’s belongings
    • Details the locations of the alchemist’s and the Bosmer’s beds

  • Heauze’s Journal / Upper Living Quarters, next to the alchemy table
    • Belongs to the alchemist
    • Says that he placed ‘a stolen key’ under the Bosmer’s pillow
    • He also took some smuggled Morrowind bug musk paste from the cell
    • The journal exposes one side of the relationship with the Lieutenant, Durant

  • Liutenant’s Journal / Next to the bed, Lieutenant’s room
    • Exposes the other side of the relationship with Heauze, the alchemist
    • Mentions a Thalmor woman that is making his job difficult

  • Broken Switches / Main Hall, next to 2 pull chains
    • Shows that the drawbridge controls is on the bottom floor
    • Urges the player to solve the gate puzzle to get into the Lieutenant's room

  • Confiscated Secret Note / Upper Main Hall, on a desk
    • Explains how the Thalmor woman caused the structural damage to the fort
    • And other plans to prank her as a consequence for her actions

  • Nog’s Dropped Note / Under Nog’s knapsack, spawns after talking to Lefaire
    • Details an invitation from a sister at the Temple of Dibella in Markarth for Nog

Keys found:

  • Lieutenant's Master Key
    • Found in the Lieutenant's room connected to the main hall, right on the table
    • Used to unlock the door to the living quarters (opposite side,) and the drawbridge door

  • Confiscation Cell Key
    • Found in the living quarters upper floor, under a pillow on a bed in the far corner (detailed by notes above)
    • Used to unlock the confiscation cell

Unique Items:

  • Morrowind Bug Musk / Bottom Floor Main Hall, hidden path behind a shelf
    • +40 Speechcraft for several hours.
    • Placement implies a secret meeting between the alchemist and the Lieutenant.

  • Hazy Soul Gem / Given by Nog if you tell him the truth about Lefaire

    • Filled with a Grand soul
    • Pass a speech check after to learn how he got the gem.


Nog: Ah! A fellow adventurer! I’m Nog gro-Morak. What great timing!

Player Response:
  • Great timing?

(1) I was only supposed to be here for a brief moment, just to get out of the cold with my little kitten.
I put her down for a second to set up a camp, and she scrambled up the rubble here!

  • (?) A.. kitten?
  • What’s stopping you from getting to her?
  • I’ll be back later.

(1) Hah, yes! A little black cat- with bright, big blue eyes. I picked her up a few hours ago just before crossing the border.
She was loitering around Bruma, and didn’t seem to object to sitting in my pack.
She was so sleepy before.. I don’t know where she got the energy to run away.

(2) Trust me, I’ve tried. I just can’t get my footing right on those stones. My loins are soaked from three falls! *Laughs.*

  • I’ll see what I can do.
  • What’s in it for me? (Persuade) (=>30)
  • Your loins are soaked? Do you need help removing them? (Persuade) (this is a joke.)
  • I’ll be back later.

(1) My thanks to you! I’ll be right here- if she comes down, I’ll wait for you to get back.
(2a) (Success) Uh.. how does a pouch of septims sound? (50~ Gold added.)
(2b) (Fail) Oh! She’s quite soft, I think you’ll enjoy petting her.
(3) (Always Fails) Hah! You're a cheeky one, aren't you!

(Quest Starts: Flat-Footed)

Journal Log: 
I met an Orc named Nog gro-Morak, who took shelter from the cold in a ruined fort near the Cyrodiil border. While resting, his pet cat escaped and is far out of reach. He can’t get to his cat himself, and will wait for me while I try to reach her.

(Quest begins. First objective: Find a path to Nog’s cat.) - (Optional objective: Get across without swimming)

(Optional Dialogue, present after starting the quest.)

  • What happened to your leg?
  • What brings you to Skyrim?
  • What do you know about this place?

(1) Is it that noticeable? *Laughs.* It’s just a sprained ankle, nothing serious. Tripped down some stairs while carrying a basket of ingots.

(2) A job proposal in Markarth! I’ve been smithing with my parents under the Legion for some time, but now I’m looking for a change of purpose.

(3) A few months ago, it was a border trading route that cut right through the mountain. Heard that some cave-ins did some damage. - I wish they’d try to fix this up again, it’s warmer compared to Pale Pass out in the snow. I guess the war means that’s not happening.

(Player reaches the cat.)

Lefaire: Halt. What are you doing here?

  • (?) Are you.. talking to me?
  • (Khajiit) This one’s tail dances to the moon.
  • That Orc man down there asked me to get you.

(1) Must I explain this to every being on Nirn? Are you not aware of the different furstocks of Khajiit?

  • My apologies. I’ve never seen a Khajiit like you before.
  • Cut the attitude.

(1) Most never will. Regardless, your reason for approaching?
(2) A backbone? Intriguing! Enough chatter. What do you require?
(Khajiit) I welcome such a comforting presence. What is it that you need, friend?

  • That Orc man down there asked me to get you.

(Skip Point) That flat-footed barbarian? I do not wish to associate with him. I will remain here.

  • (?) Do you have a problem with him?
  • What should I tell him?

(1) The pungent scent of unwashed man isn’t enough? Perhaps the chilly weather clogged your nostrils when you first spoke with him. I wish you luck for the second meeting. 

(2) I do believe there’s a soul gem in his pack- quite headache inducing. Some kind of warding, perhaps pacifying magic radiating from it?

(If player has 200 magicka, 40 Illusion or 40 Alteration)
Its’ aura prevented the communication we have now. You seem capable enough with related magic schools to understand.

Its’ aura prevented the communication we have now. Connected minds through mysticism magic, to put it simply for you.

Should that not suffice in deterring him- do mention the rotting skeever meat, under said gem- it doesn’t compliment his stench.

(Further dialogue is optional.)

  • Tell me more about yourself.
  • How did you end up with him?
  • Can I pet you?
  • You don’t sound like other Khajiit.

(1) Me? I am a High Evoker within the Synod. I am called Lefaire by the Cyrodilic, or Ko’sibana back in Elsweyr.

(2) I was exiting the castle after a chat with the Countess, and that blasted aura glued my paws to the ground like the residue of spilled tea.
He... *shudders* picked me up! The audacity.

(3) Absolutely not. I have suffered enough eyelid pulling from the buffoon.

(4) It’s magic, darling. I sound like whatever I want you to hear.

(If the player fell in the water) You’re back! I hope you didn’t mind that dive! Oh.. is she giving you trouble?
(If the player avoided the water) You’re back! And nice footwork up there! Oh.. is she giving you trouble?

  • (Tell Nog about the Khajiit and the soul gem.)
  • (Lie) I couldn’t find her at all. She must’ve slipped past you.

(1) I had my eyes closed for just a moment.. I can’t believe it. Well, thank you friend, for trying. I really appreciate it.
(Quest complete: Flat-Footed.)

(2) The.. gem? Oh divines, the gem from the camp! Uh, here- take it- do whatever you like with it, I don’t need it. 
(Player receives: Hazy Soul Gem.)
..I can’t believe I’ve done this.. what a fool.

(Quest complete: Flat-Footed.)

(Post Quest)

  • What will you do now?
  • How did you get this gem?

(1) (Truth Ending) I need to rehearse an apology.. Uh.. I’d rather not yell across the cave while you’re here listening, it’s too embarrassing.

(1) (Lie Ending) I’m not sure. I’ll head back to Pale Pass quickly and let them know that there’s a house cat out and about. Hopefully she’ll be okay.

(2) Oh! Uh.. I slayed some bandits in a camp on the way here, and there was a mage with them too! Must've been theirs.

1. (Persuade Success, >=40) That doesn't line up. You're injured, and had the gem in Bruma.
1. (Persuade Fail, <40) You're lying, I can tell.

(Success) I.. uh.. *silence.*
I bought it passing by a camping trader on my way from Leyawiin. It.. was sparkly. I like the colors.

(Fail) Huh? What makes you think that? Don't think I can handle a few puny.. What do Nords call them? Milkdrinkers?

(Once the player goes towards the exit door, Nog will begin to path to Markarth. He is set to protected.)

(Post Quest, Markarth’s Temple of Dibella)

(Greeting, Truth Ending) Hello, friend! Thank you again, for the help. I hope you’ve been well.

(Greeting) Hello again!

(Greeting, The Heart of Dibella Completed) I heard that you were the one to bring Fjotra here. Good work!

  • How’s your leg?
  • What are you doing here?

(1) All healed up! Just needed to walk it off. The trip across a province and a half was good for me.

(2) (Truth) Well, since you’re here, I might as well let the cat out of the bag, right? Hah!
(2) (Lie) Well, since you’re here, I might as well just say it.

I’m a disciple of Dibella! Metalwork with weapons isn’t my only talent- steady hands are useful for jewelry and paints.

(If the player flirted with Nog in the first conversation)
And maybe once I have some experience teaching the arts, you can help me out of my loins like you promised! Haha!

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