My meshes are not soul absorb fix ready as I still lack the knowledge to do that manually. Though, I've managed to patch my dragons using one of underskincho's mesh but unfortunately can not share due to perms. But, if the textures are Soul absorb fix ready so you can use it with the GoT Dragons - Fixed Soul Absorb And Optimized meshes for texture variations, if you're up to it. 

This is not suggesting this is the "proper/ best" way of doing this but this is how I did it for my game

I did it by importing my mesh blocks (body, horns, etc.) inside 1 mesh of Soul absorb fix through outfit studio, essentially.
* knowledge on nifskope blocks and outfit studio tools is needed, just the basic mask and move vertices are enough.
* If anyone has an easier, more proper method please let me know

1.) First and this is important, copy my lighting and texture settings manually to the SA fix mesh. (Not the whole block to avoid messing up the linked settings, just the values, the colors and texture paths) 

2.) You'll be loading up the edited SA fix mesh inside OS, then the mesh you want to convert on top of it. 
- delete the blocks from the latter mesh which are the same/ aren't changed (claws and mostly tongue, teeth)

3.) Move all the SA fix blocks away from the modded mesh blocks, except the blocks which are the same of course (+500 on the z axis or whatever, so it could be easily mask-selected and deleted)
- the modded mesh blocks should be in the original position

4.) With the 2 mesh blocks separated, merge mesh blocks. Satisfy the requirements/ fix the errors if prompted (usually adding alpha with 0 threshold)
- if prompted: too many triangles (the body blocks), delete most vertices of the SA fix and leave just a small part, then merge. 
- it should say "no errors found"
- When merged, delete the remaining floating vertices

5.) Do this to all mesh blocks.

6.) If satisfied, export as .nif then spawn test in game.

*** You only have to do once this per HotD dragon model (e.g. 1 Syrax mesh conversion, 1 for Caraxes, etc.). After that, you can just change the lighting settings and texture paths for the variations. ***

***If you want to just use my SA fix-ready textures to the SA fix mesh, mix and match textures, just for variation, etc., just transfer my edit's lighting color and values and texture paths into SA fix mesh.

While you're in Outfit Studio, you can follow these instructions to make the neck nodes follow the mesh better to address neck distortions in some way:

* I forgot if this is carried over when merging so just check.

* Does not matter what mesh block is selected but 1 of the body is preferred. Visualize the bone nodes by pressing Shift+B.

1.) Select the Bones tab, look for the nodes: NPC Neck1 to NPC Neck5

2.) Right click on 1 and select "Edit Bone..."

3.) At the Origin column, change the Z value to the ff. (these are the values I use in my edits):

  • NPC Neck1 - Z value to 260.00
  • NPC Neck2 - Z value to 265.00
  • NPC Neck3 to 5 - Z value to 270.00

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  1. viniciusdoland
    • premium
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    Dear archlyde123,
    I'm not dumb, dumb, into modding, and I have some experience in 3D modeling as an architect. I've been using this platform since 2014 specifically for Skyrim mods (I'm one of those who plays other games but always ends up going back to Skyrim precisely because of its versatility with mods - the game with many faces, I'm sure you know I'm talking about.).

    But, until today, I've never been interested in body tuning mods like CBBE and others, so I never had a reason to open Outfit Studio before.
    I hope you also understand that 99% of the tutorials that teach you how to use the OS are aimed at exactly what the app was created for, clothing adjustments for modified bodies.
    So it's very difficult to learn how to use this app for the specific use of your Soul Absorb Fix Convertion guide.

    It would be very educational, and even enriching for me, to learn how to execute this guide of yours on my own, but I really need a more "for dummies" instructions to follow. And I know I'm not alone, based on the amount of comments I've seen here at Nexus on the subject.
    Would it be possible for you to teach us in more detail how to perform the patch in this guide? I know that producing a video is not simple, but if only a more detailed guide with some screenshots were possible, it would really help a LOT.

    I loved your mod, and I just wish I could run it the way it was designed without having to worry about the endless permission bureaucracies of mods here on the platform.
    Please read this with care as I have really tried to be as respectful as I can.
    1. viniciusdoland
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      For people that is trying to do it by themselves, maybe some references on how to tweak some basic things on Outfit Studio, here it is some videos.

      For the "copy my lighting and texture settings manually", video below:
      (NifSkope I already knew, but in case someone doesn't know, here it is)

      For the "merge mesh blocks", video below:

      For the "delete the remaining floating vertices", video below:

      But, archlyde123, I still couldn't do it, lol.
      Even following step by step, does this means I am officially a dumb, dumb? lol
      Just joking for good humor, but I really need help to make it work.
      Could you help us?
    2. xPromethius
      • supporter
      • 2 kudos
      I followed this guide a couple of weeks ago. I had never used Outfit Studio before this. I must say It was very hard it took me all day, but i eventually figured it out. I might personally make a video on it in a few days. If I don’t I’ll at least elaborate in detail on some of the steps in this guide.
    3. archlyde123
      • member
      • 252 kudos
      Hi! I apologize, I am really not good at making a guide on things and I admit it is confusing, heck even I was confused making this. I really tried to make it easy to follow enough, tho. I am afraid that would be my best to make it straight to the point. I did mention you need to have basic knowledge about the programs involved, and what you've linked are good references. And also don't just focus on learning OS specifically just for this conversion. 

      Anything that helps to elaborate this guide further, or ideas on how to tackle this easier/better will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
    4. viniciusdoland
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Thank you very much for your replies, guys.

      In fact, it appears that something has overwritten or canceled my personal patch on LO.
      So today, just to make sure I was doing this right way before I continued patching any other dragons, I used brute force, lol.
      I copied and overwrote each mesh with the dragonforest.nif I patched with your guide, turning every freaking dragon into the Serpentine Dragon, and BOOM, it was working! (And I'm very happy about it, and some proud too.)

      So hopefully someone else, also noob to this mesh stuff on OS, can also do this with the "additional" help I made with the linked videos.
      Every single step archlyde123 said was right, so just follow it, lol.
      And don't worry about learning something new just to do it. I believe every single skill you learn is used someday, somehow.

      I have just one more problem, the dragons don't fade away smoothly while burning, they just alternate between flesh and skeleton.
      But I think this is something caused by the alpha channel of the textures I used.
      I'll try to do something in Photoshop to get it done.

      I was following your recommendations, archlyde123, about these textures, and you mentioned it was SA Fix ready.
      So if I'm missing something you know about, please tell me.
      But I will keep trying to patch it smoothly like underskincho did and tell people how here. And don't worry, I will not post the thing, just how to do it like you did.
    5. viniciusdoland
      • premium
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      Just so anyone knows.
      I couldn't resolve the soul absorb transition.
      The alpha channel from the texture provided by Mr Archlyde123 is 100% correct, but the dragon keeps burning without any transition to the mesh between scales and bones...
      The dragon body is there, then it burn when the dragon dies, and when the spiritual fire ceases it transforms in the bare bones body. It just pop into bones, I mean.

      But the guide 100% works! I think it is something with the mesh itself. Maybe using another app like Blender it could be done.
      But I think I've found the limit of my patience, lol. So I will let it be like this, waiting for the Underskincho get the permission it needs to kindly patch the other dragon bodies too.

      Again, thank you for your help, guys.
    6. archlyde123
      • member
      • 252 kudos
      Hi viniciusdoland, what you are describing (abrupt skeleton transition) is the default behavior of the soul absorb effect of the HotD/GoT dragons. That is what you will encounter if you just download and install GoT/ HotD dragons normally without conversion. If you've followed the guide, and have the required textures, which I think all of my edits at this point are SA Fix-ready, you should have smooth soul absorb transition like the vanilla ones. 

      Few things that can help in checking
      - Open your edited dragon in nifskope and compare it to one of underskincho's SA fix dragon (use it as reference as to how the settings of the mesh blocks should look like). 
      - Maybe your just missing the alpha property. In the Block List (left panel), All mesh blocks (every BSTrishape) under the main NiNode should have 3 properties(?) under it: BSDismemberSkinInstance, BSLightingShaderProperty and NiAlphaProperty with a threshold of 0 or 3.
      - The main NiNode should have a BSBehaviorGraphExtraData and a NiControllerManager, added through the conversion from the SA fix mesh.
      - Check if you've installed the pre-conversion mesh instead of the converted one (I have done that). 
    7. xPromethius
      • supporter
      • 2 kudos
        viniciusdoland At the very least you could just do step 1 of this guide. Copy all value, colors, and texture paths from archlyde123 meshes into the SA Fixed Meshes. Doing this will still give you GoT dragons with variety in terms of colors and textures and fix the soul absorb, but the horns and fins will be the same on all dragons. 

        If you're gonna take another crack at merging the meshes in outfit studio, the one tip I can give you is on step 4 make sure you merge archlyde123 mesh blocks into the SA fixed mesh blocks. I made the mistake at first by merging the other way around lol. Good luck hope you can figure it out!
    8. viniciusdoland
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Hi, guys, me again.
      Yep, I still didn't solve this soul absorb fix thing lol.
      But I'm here to say that I've spoken with mr KaienHash and he allowed any of us to make a patch for this, and just add an optional file os the main mod of him.
      He will give credits for the person that do the thing, and I thought you would find this reasonable.

      Any of you could do that?
      If you wish to help, just let KaienHash upload it as an optional file there.
  2. xPromethius
    • supporter
    • 2 kudos
    I very much appreciate the guide my friend! Helped me out a ton!
  3. Soldier948
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    My brother in Christ can you please add some pictures or make a video on it, I have no idea what any of this means after step 2