The following is a small sample of the changes made by Weapons Armor Clothing & Clutter Fixes.  I've tried to list the more significant changes, as well as providing an overview of the different types of changes made by this mod.  This is not a complete list of every change made by this mod.

  • Fixed the Bash and Block data for many items.
  • Fixed many instances where the Equip/Unequip sounds, Critical Damage, Stagger, Reach, or other stats were incorrect for a particular weapon.
  • Female clothing variants will now use the correct texture in first-person.
  • Fixed ugly hole in female 1st person mesh for Thieves Guild armor.
  • Corrected items using the wrong mesh or ground model.
  • Necklaces and rings that were invisible when worn with certain clothing can now be seen.
  • Corrected incorrect keywords on various items.
  • Added keywords that were missing from certain items that prevented them from being sold or properly identified by the game mechanics.
  • The female version of Ulfric's armor now appears closer to what the male version looks like. 
  • The Tall Laced Boots now have a matching male model instead of using the Redguard boots.
  • Corrected the texture for the Elven Gauntlets so they match the appearance of the rest of the Elven armor set.
  • Fixed the overly bright texture of the Orcish sword, and corrected the textures for all of the Orcish weapons and shield so they better match the armor. 
  • Corrected the Glossiness, Specular Color, and Environment Map Scale on Nightingale torso meshes and adjusted the texture and cubemap on male torso in order to remove the brown tones and better match the rest of the armor.
  • Various "Boots of Muffling" and "Helmets of Waterbreathing" (Chitin Heavy, Nordic, Stalhrim Heavy, Stalhrim Light) from the Dragonborn DLC have been added to the appropriate leveled lists. These items existed in the CK but hadn't been correctly added to the leveled lists, so they would never appear in game.
  • Corrected the Dragonborn shield leveled lists. Bonemold and Nordic shields were on the light shield lists, and Chitin and Stalhrim had been placed in the heavy shield lists.
  • Several obviously mis-named items have been corrected. For example "Ring of Minor Striking" is now "Ring of Minor Sure Grip."
  • Corrected Fortify Light Armor items that were mis-named "of the...Knight" to "of the...Squire."
  • Fixed a number of potion bottles that were using the wrong mesh, and corrected the Poison bottle meshes so they will no longer appear so flat and dull.

  • Changes have been made to the smithing perks to allow all weapons & armor to be improved further based on one of the smithing perks.  The perk tree itself hasn't been altered, but keywords have been added to the various smithing perks to allow them to apply more consistently to the different types of weapons and armor.  Click here, for a list of what items are affected by which perks.
  • Renamed Orcish Smithing to "Advanced Heavy Smithing"
  • Renamed Advanced Smithing to "Advanced Light Smithing"
  • The bleeding damage applied by the Hack & Slash and Limbsplitter perks has been tweaked for consistency (the values used by these perks were really inconsistent and did not follow any sort of logical progression). Both perks now apply all damage over a 3 second duration with an increasing magnitude depending on weapon material. The new scaled damage values slightly increase the maximum damage achievable from this perk, but not enough to significantly alter gameplay. Dragon and Daedric weapons now do different amounts of bleeding damage based on their rank, just like the other weapon materials.  Click here to see the new values.
  • Ancient Nord armor is no longer tied to the daedric perk. The Matching Set perk and the Fists of Steel perk will now also apply properly to this armor.
  • The following sets now apply for the Matching Set perk: Fur Armor, Wolf Armor, Linwe's Armor, Summerset Shadows Armor, and Skaal armor.
  • Dawnguard Heavy Gauntlets have been added to the Fists of Steel perk.
  • Matching Set perks for Dawnguard armors now give the correct 25% bonus, rather than 20%.
  • Matching Set perks for Dragonborn armors now give the correct 25% bonus, rather than 20%.
  • Nordic & Stalhrim axes now benefit from the Limbsplitter and Hack & Slash perks.
  • Forsworn Axe & Briarheart Geis now benefit from the Hack & Slash perk.

  • This spreadsheet lists many of the changes this mod makes to weapon and armor stats.
  • All greatswords now have a speed of 0.8, which better fits the pattern created by the other weapon speeds.
  • Pickaxes now have a speed of 0.9, consistent with other axes.
  • Fur Boots and Fur Gauntlets were part of the Stormcloak set and not part of the Fur armor set. These are now called Guard's Fur Boots and Guard's Fur Gauntlets, and will apply to both the Stormcloak and the Fur matching sets.
  • The different variations of the Thieves Guild armors (including Linwe & Summerset Shadows) can now be mixed and matched and still qualify for the Matching Set bonus (this is consistent with how other faction armors, such as the Shrouded Armor variants, are handled).
  • Enchanted jewelry now scales in quality similar to the way in which the game treats enchanted weapons & armor.  You don't find low-end enchantments on daedric weapons, so why are there low-end enchantments on expensive diamond jewelry?  With this mod, the power of the enchantment will be reflected by the quality of the base ring, necklace, or circlet.  For example, a "Ring of Minor Stamina" will be a Silver Garnet Ring, while a "Ring of Major Stamina" will be a Silver Ruby ring, and a "Ring of Peerless Stamina" will be a gold diamond ring.  Scaling the quality of the base jewelry in this way also allows the base value of the enchanted jewelry to better reflect the quality of that specific item.  This also happens to be exactly how enchanted weapons & armor are treated in the game.  Another effect of this change is that keywords such as "JewelryExpensive" now align more appropriately with truly valuable jewelry.
  • Circlets can now be worn with all hoods.  Due to clipping issues with some hoods, circlets will appear invisible when worn with certain hoods. 
  • Given their spectral nature, the Drainblood Battleaxe & Drainheart sword are now silent.
  • Crossbows make a Normal amount of detectable noise (they are no longer silent like bows).
  • Katanas (such as the Blades Sword) do slightly less dmg than the equivalent sword but weigh less and are slightly faster.
  • Some previously un-playable armors have been made playable, such as Thieves Guild armor worn by generic thieves, Worn Shrouded Armor worn by Dark Brotherhood Assassins, and Summerset Shadows armor. This was done very selectively and unplayable armors worn by ghosts, dremora, or unique NPCs has been left inaccessible for reasons of either balance or realism.
  • Corrected weight, value, and keywords for basic fork & knife (also made weaponized versions of these items match and gave them proper keywords so that perks that apply to daggers would also apply to these "weapons").  The basic fork & knives that were found in furniture have been replaced with weaponized versions.
  • Vanilla Falmer armors have been changed to light armor. There is some indication that this may have been the original intention for this armor, and particularly with the addition of the Falmer Heavy armor added by the Dawnguard DLC, the original armor makes more sense as a light armor.
  • Ulfric's garments are now all considered heavy armor instead of a mix of clothing & armor and have the appropriate keywords. 
  • Removed the armor rating from the Amulet of Articulation and the Locket of Saint Jiub (Dawnguard).  There is no longer any jewelry in the game that grants an added armor rating.
  • The type of enchantment found on Vampire Armor is now reflected by the color of the armor. Destruction = red; Conjuration = dark gray; MagickaRate = light gray.
  • Vampire Lord Armor has been changed from clothing to armor.
  • Renamed Serana's Hood to "Vampire Hood," changed it to light armor and made it playable.  Versions of this hood can also now be found on random vampires. Wearing this hood with the other pieces of Vampire armor will qualify for the Matching Set armor bonus.
  • Children's clothing no longer weighs more than adult clothing. 
  • Created a female sleeveless version of the Dawnguard "Red" Armor, so it now matches the male version. Having the male and female armors match more closely helps the crafting recipes and survival keywords stay consistent regardless of sex. 
  • Miraak's outfit is now entirely clothing instead of the jumble of properties and keywords that it was originally.  The strongest indicators in the keywords and the internal naming of the items indicate that they were intended to be clothing not armor.
  • Skaal garments are now clothing.  Their name indicates that they were originally intended to be clothing.
  • Survival Mode keywords have been adjusted for greater consistency and to better reflect the in-game appearance of the items.  These changes have been added to the spreadsheet linked above. A list of these changes can also be found here.

This mod makes a several changes to the crafting categories for improved organization and to help declutter certain categories such Leather, Steel, and Misc which often get rather crowded with the addition of weapons and armors added by other mods.  For more information on the changes made to the categories, including a reference for modders, click here.

Please understand that I am not attempting to change the weight of items to conform to any sort of absolute real-world scale.  My values are not intended to be pounds or kilograms.  Rather, I've merely attempted to make the relative weight of items internally consistent when compared with other items in the game.
  • All amulets now weigh 0.5 or less.  Most necklaces already weighed 0.5 but some, like amulets of the divines, weighed twice as much. Their weight will now be consistent.
  • Imperial equipment has been re-priced to match the value of equivalent steel items.
  • Skyforge Steel & Nord Hero items now have a much higher value that is more fitting to their properties as well as their presumed desirability.
  • The prices for all Wolf armor has been increased. It was originally valued closer to iron, but it's stats are somewhat better than steel. The price now better reflects its stats.
  • Decreased weight and increased value for bugs in jars, and added proper keywords to allow them to be sold to alchemists or given to children as gifts.
  • Changed Dragon Claws from 0.5 weight to 1.0, and increased the weight of the troll skull (x3 human skull)
  • Corrected weight and value for most ores, ingots, and dwarven metal items for improved consistency.
  • Corrected weight, value, and keywords for Glazed, Nordic, and Silver clutter.  Silver items should be valuable enough to make it worthwhile for a beginning thief or petty criminal to steal them, but not nearly so valuable that they become a quick and easy way to get rich.  I tried to price these items so that things like silver objects would be appealing to low-level thieves who have next to no money, but probably would not be worth the effort for higher-level characters or wealthier thieves.
  • Many clutter items that were worth 1 gold before are now worth more.  Most clutter items still have a rather poor weight-to-value ratio, but it's ridiculous to think that plates, buckets, baskets, tools, etc don't have some sort of intrinsic value in Skyrim's economy.
  • Repriced unique jewelry items to be consistent with the new values I've set for the generic jewelry (which is now based off of the cost of their crafting components).
  • Rare and/or unique items now have values much more fitting to their status (though there shouldn't be anything too outrageous). Honestly, I think Daedric artifacts should be valued, much, much higher, but the purpose of this mod is to make values consistent with the conventions already established by the vanilla game, so I've not strayed far from this. Very simply, many of the daedric artifacts had extremely low base prices (Dawnbreaker had a base price of just 10; the Sanguine Rose was valued at 5). The enchantment value then added to this base price. However, the vanilla convention for generic enchanted weapons is to have the base value equal to that of the unenchanted base weapon and the enchantment value is added on top of that base price. Therefore, I've tried to price most of the daedric artifacts to reflect this, with their base value being equivalent to what a similar item with the same basic properties would be. The enchantment value will then increase this cost further, as it would with any other generic magic item in the game. 

  • Certain items have been renamed to improve inventory sorting, make it easier to recognize which set they belong to, or help to differentiate one item from another: 
  • Lower-class clothing items are typically prefixed with "Common."  Middle-class are prefixed with "Fine" and upper-class with "Noble."
  • Many pieces of clothing have been given more specific names instead of having a dozen different items using the generic name "Clothing" or "Boots."  Not everything has a unique name, so there is still some repetition but not nearly as much as before.
  • The various types of tableware, which were all named "plate," "cup," etc. and are now named "Silver Plate," "Glazed Cup," "Silver Ewer," and so on.
  • Gold coins are now called "Septims." 
  • All college/mage clothing now has the word "mage" in its name (for example, "Novice Robes" are now "Novice Mage Robes")
  • Dunmer outfits have been renamed "Dunmeri Tunic" and are distinguished by the color variant.
  • Where I felt that the in-game appearance of an item deemed it appropriate, I've renamed certain "bracers" to "gauntlets." For example, all Dwarven Bracers are now Dwarven Gauntlets.
  • Imperial light armor is now called "Imperial Light Armor."
  • Studded Imperial Armor was renamed "Imperial Studded Armor" to allow it to sort alongside other Imperial gear.
  • Guard's armor, helmets, and shield were renamed so they would sort better and so that all guard gear uses the name of the respective region/hold (instead of some using the name of the Hold and others using the name of the city).
  • Renamed the Windhelm Guard's Shield to "Stormcloak Shield" to stay consistent with the Stormcloak armor.
  • Enchanted Chitin & Stalhrim armors were renamed to distinguish between Light and Heavy versions.
  • Renamed "Nordic Carved" to "Nordic" as this is consistent with the way the Nordic weapons and the enchanted Nordic armors are named.
  • Falmer Heavy armors were renamed "Falmer Hardened" and Falmer Hardened armors were renamed "Falmer Heavy" so that Hardened is now a higher ranked armor than Heavy.
  • Changed the name of "Ancient Falmer" armors to "Snow Elf" armor as this name is more appropriate given the way these terms are used both in game and in lore.

  • Cupboards, Dressers, End Tables, and Wardrobes will now respawn.  Also, they now use custom leveled lists so that the items they contain will be more appropriate for the apparent class-ranking of the furniture, as well as the type of furniture (i.e. cupboards contain dining and food related items, dressers contain clothing, etc).
  • Pots now have a high likelihood of containing some type of cooked food.
  • Display cases located in the three Hearthfire homes now have proper activation triggers so that you can more easily display your weapons. 

  • All instances of hooded robes have been removed from the game & replaced with separate robe and hood combinations.
  • Necromancers and Warlocks have a 50% chance of having a black, grey, or brown hood.
  • Necromancer or Warlock Bosses have a 50% chance of having a black hood, with a chance that the hood will be enchanted.
  • Hoods & enchanted hoods have a small chance of showing up in loot.
  • Vampires will now occasionally spawn with Vampire Gauntlets and/or a Vampire Hood (playable version of Serana's Hood).
  • Vampire Bosses now use a separate boss outfit and will always be wearing armor & gauntlets.  They will no longer be found wearing clothing or robes. Nightmaster Vampires will occasionally spawn with Vampire Lord armor.
  • Vampire Mages are more likely to wear robes than Missile or Melee vampires (though missile & melee can still be found wearing robes).


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