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This is a “note to myself” kind of thing.
I'm the kind of guy that remods skyrim every now and then, and I always end up encountering / wasting time with the same issues
this written guide details briefly how to fix these common issues

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The SNOW LODs have a different color (blue)/Snow color mismatch
This is most likely due to the misuse of xLodgen using the wrong files before generating your lods
to fix it:
- make sure that your snow mod isn't being overwritten by something else
- make a new mod, then copy and rename your snow textures like so:
/textures/landscape/snow01.dds ===> /textures/effects/projecteddiffuse.dds
/textures/landscape/snow01_n.dds ===> /textures/effects/projectednormal.dds
- use the projecteddiffuse/normal textures on the download tab (made for Vanaheimr - Snow)
- find your files here if a patch for them has been made
Projecteddiffuse patches
In brief
MAKE SURE THAT projectednormal.dds projecteddiffuse.dds are IDENTICAL or at least CONSISTENT with the snow textures you're using in game (that have the highest priority/not being overwritten in mo2)
The SNOW is brighter when close but too dark in a distance!
This is most likely an issue with shaders
to fix this:
- Install bethini, and use one of the presets (and the recommended tweaks) which automatically applies all the best shader options.
make sure that your snow textures follow this exact load order
- Your snow textures (not being overwritten by anything else, except by what comes next)
- projecteddiffuse and projectednormal effect textures (and make sure that they are identical/consistant to your snow textures)
- simplicity of snow (preferably over better dynamic snow)
HD terrain noise texture This shouldn't be overwritten by ANYTHING
- Since this is just about shaders, you most likely don't have to regenerate your lods using xlodgen UNLESS YOU CHANGE YOUR LANDSCAPE TEXTURES
No grass in objects and dyndolod aren't generating LODs for grass!
This is because your grass mod doesn't have objectbounds set in the creation kit
you could either use a mod that includes objectbounds instead or create them yourself using the creation kit (one of the guides I linked below goes over how to do that, it is fairly straightforward)
Brightness problems: When using vanilla weather/moded weather/lux/... interiors are too dark! Exteriors are too bright! etc...
This is a brightness issue which I'm still trying to find a way to fix all over the board, you only have one slider for all the situations. It is really hard to find the setting that would accommodate everything
Interior vs exterior brightness settings This mod helps alleviate this issue by setting different brightnesses for different cell types/exterior and interiors etc
Dyndolod is killing my fps! even the lowest setting! / I have performance issues!
Not if you're using the inbuilt medium setting (and below) for dyndolod. You can also use my dyndolod settings that are even more performant than the medium settings while being almost identical quality wise. (using no grass in objects AND grass cache helper AND dyndolod dll NG)
fBlocklevel0distance is killing your fps when used in tendem with dyndolod. you could either set it in bethini, or preferably, in the dyndolod mcm menu. I've set mine to arround 15000 (instead of 70k from bethini high) the performance gain is significant and the quality loss not as obvious, specially in 1080p which is my resolution
from my experience, making changes to fBlocklevel1distance and fBlocklevel16distance leads to a significantly more obvious quality drop in visuals for a negligeable gain in performance, I keep mine at around 110k and 200k respectively
I set the ftreeloaddistance (Visuals>far off tree distance in bethini) to 33682.
I halfed the shadow resolution the detail tab of bethini from 4096 to 2048
and the detailed draw distance from 3500 to 2800
