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Wigfrid09 - Mitsuyomi

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About this mod

Decimated/Optimized 3d Lod Resources for Ulvenwald version 3.3. Still WIP and has bugs. ALSO, performance heavy.

Permissions and credits
Optimized 3d Lod Resources for Ulvenwald 3.3, covering all trees for Tamriel Worldspace. DLC trees are not yet covered as well as SEASONS.

If you encounter any bugs, please do provide information about the tree in question (Form IDs, Pictures, nif/Mesh Name). 

It is performance heavy/intensive, medium-high rig recommended. If you are suffering from high frame rate loss, please post your before and after frame rates and what type of gpu and cpu you use. Also please, provide which area in game you experience this.


1.) Download and install using any Mod Manager.
2.) Run Texgen and Install Texgen_output
3.) Run Dyndolod and Install Dyndolod_output


1.) Dyndolod and Dyndolod Resources
2.) Ulvenwald 3.3

THIS IS A WIP!, some bugs and needed optimization are to be expected, it is still being looked at and fixed.


Wigfrid09 - for creating Ulvenwald
sheson - for DynDOLOD
Blender - for Optimization