Skyrim Special Edition

About this mod

This tool automatically identifies necessary translations in your modlist, searches for them on Nexus Mods and downloads them.

Permissions and credits
This tool allows you to translate entire modlists with relatively little effort. It utilizes AI-based language detection to automatically identify necessary translations in your modlist. The tool then searches for available translations of the original mods on Nexus Mods and downloads them (automated downloads are exclusively available for Nexus Mods Premium users). SSE-AT manages all installed translations in a single database and injects them into the game using the Dynamic String Distributor SKSE plugin, without modifying any plugins or "downgrading" the original plugins in case of outdated translations. Additionally, the tool also features a built-in editor for creating and editing translations yourself and has support for Google Translator and DeepL API.


See Documentation.

- Automated detection of required translations
- Automated detection and import of already installed translations
- Automated scan for required translations on Nexus Mods
- Version-independent translations via SKSE
- Combined Database to auto-translate plugins that are completely covered by Vanilla strings or other installed translations
- Built-in Editor for creating and editing translations
- Search and Replace Feature
- Built-in support for Google Translator (free) and DeepL API (API Key required)
- Export Feature to share own translations
- Import Feature for manually installing translations
- Ignore-List Feature to completely ignore plugins that are falsely marked as "Translation Required"
- Built-in Documentation
- Deep Scan Feature to find incomplete translations
- Startup-Dialog for easy setup and introduction
- Status colors to quickly give an overview of the translation state of your modlist
- Supports Mod Organizer 2 and Vortex
- Bind to "Mod Manager Download" Buttons at Nexus Mods to conveniently download translations from Nexus Mods (especially for free users)
- this requires manual activation in the "Translations" tab
- "Auto-bind" is available in settings (experimental)
- with this enabled, SSE-AT gets auto-linked to Mod Manager Downloads on startup and unlinked when closed
- experimental, because a crash might prevent unlinking
- Update feature to update downloaded translations
- Automated inclusion of non-Plugin files like interface translations and Papyrus scripts (if enabled in User Settings)
- Support for French translation website La Confrérie des Traducteurs

- Only Plugin Files (.esp, .esm and .esl) are fully supported at the moment
- Non-Plugin files like interface translations (.txt) or Papyrus scripts (.pex) only get extracted and copied from imported translations if enabled in User Settings
- Translations that are not on a separate modpage and/or linked (under "Translations") on the original modpage cannot automatically be found by SSE-AT unless linked in a masterlist
- Masterlists are a way to link to translations that are not linked from the original mod like regular translations, for eg. the german translation for Unofficial Skyrim Modder's Patch
- They have to be maintained by volunteers but so far, there is only a small masterlist for German
- If you're interested in maintaining a masterlist for your language, contact us (@cutleast or @whusten) on our Discord server linked above
- Vortex: SSE-AT and Vortex must not be run at the same time!
    - This is a limitation of Vortex's database which only allows one app to access it at a time

Do I have to edit any ini files?
  • Make sure to set [General] > sLanguage in Skyrim.ini to your desired language (for eg. GERMAN)
  • Since sound is not supported I also recommend setting the english voice files in the same ini file. Just go to [Archive] and under sResourceArchiveList2 replace Voices_xx0.bsa with Voices_en0.bsa

SSE-AT detected a plugin (or multiple) as Translation Required although it contains no visible strings. What can I do to prevent it from detecting it again?
  • You can add it to the ignore list like this: Select and right click the plugin(s) > "Add to Ignore List"
  •  This prevents SSE-AT from including it at all
  •  You can view and remove plugins from the Ignore List via the "Ignore List" Button right next to the filter button at the top

There are still untranslated strings in my game. I thought SSE-AT fixes this?
  • SSE-AT can only download translations available on Nexus Mods and auto-create translations for mods that are entirely covered by already installed translations (including vanilla strings).
  • Depending on your desired language, there are more or less available translations at Nexus Mods

I found untranslated strings from a mod that has a translation installed.
  • Please ensure that the original translation works and that it's a problem with SSE-AT before opening a Bug report or Issue

I get a FileNotFoundError when trying to install translations!
  • Please check if the path mentioned in the error message is longer than 255 characters. (This happens often with Modpocalypse xPatch plugins because they have long file names.)
  • If the path is longer than 255 characters, start SSE-AT > Help > Fix Windows Path Limit > Grant Admin Rights > Reboot > Try again
  • If the path is shorter than 255 characters, please join our Discord server and create a post in #support that includes your log from SSE-AT/data/logs.

What about SSE-LD? Will it be taken down or discontinued?
  • While SSE-AT is able to scan Plugin files (.esp, .esm, .esl) just like SSE-LD, it does not support Papyrus Scripts (.pex) or MCM translations (.txt) at the moment.
  • SSE-LD will remain online for the time being, but don't expect any major updates or changes other than some bug fixes.
  • As soon as SSE-AT supports extraction of non-plugin files from translations, SSE-LD will be completely discontinued and the GitHub repo will be archived (but stay public).

What languages are supported?
  • Every language that is supported by the game and Nexus Mods is supported by SSE-AT.
  • Other languages may work or may not. Support is not provided for those.

1. Feedback (Suggestions/Issues)
If you encountered an issue/error, create an Issue at the GitHub repository and send the full log via pastebin. And if you have a suggestion to improve or add something: tell me!

2. Code contributions
Check out the GitHub repository.

3. Beta-Testing
If you are interested in testing pre-release versions of SSE-AT, join our Discord server above.

4. Maintaining a Masterlist
If you're interested in maintaining a masterlist for your language, contact us (@cutleast or @whusten) on our Discord server linked above!

My other Stuff
