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A quick patch to make Lykaios-bodies and Joy of Perspective compatible.

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A basic patch to make the unclothed bodies of BadPup's Version of the Lykaios Race compatible with LogicDragon's Joy of Perspective, so they are not invisible in first person view.

Not compatible with HDT-Tails. HDT-Tail will glitch in first person view. It may be possible to fix this with using Faster HDT-SMP instead or additionally to HDT-SMP (Skinned Mesh Physics):
1. Open Faster HDT-SMP configs.xml located in \SKSE\Plugins\hdtSkinnedMeshConfigs with an editor, like Notepad++
2. Change <disable1stPersonViewPhysics> from true to false

Like it sounds, it disables physics in first person view to save performance and by deactivating the disable, it should fix the tail-glitch, so it should also fix potential physic bugs with model-enhancer that uses physics for body parts like CBBE 3BA, but it is still untested for JoP.

But overall, as a former JoP-User, I would recommend Improved Camera SE as alternative to JoP. It runs more stable than JoP and doesnt need Patches for all and every new armor/races you may want to mod in. So less trouble and less worries with a solid first person view.