Skyrim Special Edition

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About this mod

make first person game play great again.

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Bring the Skyrim first-person combat to the modern standard.

This mod replaces first-person animations for all weapon types, with the focus being quality over quantity, each animation are meticulously made and carefully fine-tuned and optimized using what animation knowledge I have to ensure that they fit the standard of modern-day games.
This mod started out as myself wanting a better-looking first person animation for Bow and I'm not happy with what's available, as the mod is being developed it just keeps expanding to the point that I want to remake all weapon animation.

I'm also making this mod "open source", in the sense that I have included all the blender animation files in the optional file section, if you are an animator yourself and know how to use them, you can also contribute to further the development of this mod (warning, they are very messy).


new movement for special dual power attacks.

Fixed the spell conditions on left hand, changed conditions for dual weapon, and new idel for dual axe.

fix the missing foot step sound by removing the sprint animations for one-handed weapons.

replaced the Warhammer and battleaxe bash animation with vanilla one, for better compatibility with precision, for now.
removed the step back when using forward power atttack for smoother  sprint power attck without perk.

Fixing the animations when equating spell on left hand and weapons on right.

-Aside from replacing all the weapon animations, this mod also does something uniqe.-

1:Attack animation transition

One of the problems with the first person animations is the transition between right-hand attack and left-hand attack, after the left attack hand attack end, the right-hand attack animation will reset to idle animation for a short sec before the animation starts, making a whole combo feel janky, this mod added a transition animation to all melee weapon that will play when you attacking, making the attack feels much smoother.

the first gif is the one with the transition animation.

I could add more of these transitions to other animations like Power Attack,I still don't like how they transition between actions, maybe in the next update.

2:Power attack movement

The vanilla ice skating power attack feels way too clunky for me, this mod changes the movement of forward and backward power attacks using AMR, making them much more responses and more impactful to use, the forward power attack will now make the player step back a bit and then change forward, you still move about the same distance as the vanilla animation, but now is an effective way for gap closing.

the backward power attack in vanilla feels really useless, you just back up slowly and hit no one, with this mod the backward power attack becomes a counterattack for when the enemy charges at you, when doing a backward power attack player will take a step back and get really for attack and then slam forward, making the perk like Warmaster much more useful.

3:Randomized attack

the light attack will have 2 sets of random animations instead of the two repeating swings, as for 1.0 only the battleAxe and Warhammer have the random attack animations. more will be added in the future.

4:special Dual wield attack

In the vanilla game, when dual-wielding the right-click attack feels awful to use, is janky, and awkward. this mod changes that.
now when you dual wielding the same weapon, the right-click attack and power attack will perform special attacks that have   
"very cool" animations that feel smooth and impactful, specially the dual sword, it feels really good to use .

Yes, I'm really proud of this one, snip snip~
you are still hitting with your left-hand weapon though.

5:sneak animation

this mod comes with sneak animations(Only dagger and bow for now since the other weapon don't really fit for sneaking)
when you sneak with a dagger or bow, your idle and attack will change to a different set of animations, the dagger will switch grip, and the bow will draw slowly.

6:animation set change with weapon speed 

A lot of the animation from this mod has long anticipation time(mainly the Battleaxe and Warhammer), they make the animation look more dynamic and realistic but can feel weird when your attack speed is high enough, so I made a separate set of animation that don't have any anticipation that will active when your attack speed reach 1.6 or higher. They also have their own transition animations.


This mod was made with compatibility with other mods in mind, and because all animations have the same properties as the vanilla animations (same number of frames, same hit frame) except for the power attack and backward bash of bow and crossbow, because the movement data change. so compatibility with other mods should not be a problem. but if you encounter any issues, let me know.
And if you want to know, Percistion works well with this mod.


_open animation replacer_
_animation motion Revolution_
After you have all the requirements, Install this mod with MO2 and select what weapon type you want to install.


Has the weapon speed changed? they look like they swing faster now.
No, the weapon's speed are exactly the same as the vanilla animations, I just use some animation techniques to make the weapon feel less clunky, like instead of swinging a weapon slowly, now you feel like you take a lot of strange to prepare to swing the weapon really fast.

how will mod work perk overhaul mods like Adamant?
this mod is made to ensure maximum compatibility, so perk mods and such won't conflict with this mod.

Do I have to install Animation Motion Revolution?
Yes, and no, the mod still works for the most part without AMR, but you don't get the power attack movement change if you don't have AMR in your load order.

animations not showing up in the game?
make sure you installed all the requirement correctly, and no mod is being overwritten.

some of these animations don't feel really modern to me.
I know, I don't put the same amount of effort into all the weapons, some got more love than others, the rig are hard to use, and I got tunnel vision while making them, I will be updating them with better ones in the future.

The sneak animations can be funky when you look up or down while sneaking, and the 
sneak animation for Dagger's transition is not very smooth, you need to move after you sneak and unsneak to refresh the animation, but the dual dagger works just fine, I don't know why.

There is still a lot of room for improvement for this mod, I will keep on updating it depending on the popularity of the mod, here are some plans:

1: fine-tuning all animations

2: more random variants on the animations

3: animation change with skill level

4: animation change with player health and stamina

5: more transition animation


A detailed showcase of all the animations

The animation for  one handed sword  are  pretty simple, I dint add much fancy stuff to it, just keeping it simple.

Replaced animations :
Movement and idle
Light Attacks
Power Attacks
Blocking and bashing

Dual Sword
This is a fun one.
The right hand attack is pretty much the same as one hand sword, but power attack is much fluid to use now , and the left hand attack is just too much fun, especially with dual flurry perk. 
 The iconic three hit power attack is just vanilla one with camera movement removed, as I think they look really good alreally, but I might make a new one for it in the future.

Replaced animations :
Movement and idle
Light Attacks
Power Attacks
left hand light attack and powerattack

The one handed axe now attack with a cross pattem , some power attacks are the same as one handed sword.

Replaced animations :
Movement and idle
Light Attacks
Power Attacks
Blocking and bashing

Dual Axe
Dual Axe  left hand attack is now a cross hit , not as fancy as the dual sword, but still pretty good, the power attacks feels the best out of all weapon, especially the forward power attack, it have a very aggressive "tiger hunting" feel.

Replaced animations :
Movement and idle
Light Attacks
Power Attacks
left hand light attack and powerattack

Mace uses the same animations as Axe for now, they fit just ok, and I don't want to make new animation just for the sake of it. 

Replaced animations :
Movement and idle
Light Attacks
Power Attacks
Blocking and bashing

Dual Mace
Dual Mace is the same as Dual Axe.

Replaced animations :
Movement and idle
Light Attacks
Power Attacks
left hand light attack and powerattack

Dagger use the same animation as sword when not sneaking, when you are sneaking the animations will change to reverse grid, with its own different attack animation.

Replaced animations :
Movement and idle
Light Attacks
Power Attacks
Blocking and bashing
sneak animation

Dual Dagger

Dual Dagger use the same right hand attack animations as dual sword, the left hand attack and power attacks are a mixtures of Dual axe and Dual sword, they fit surprisingly well. the animation will also change when sneaking.

Replaced animations :
Movement and idle
Light Attacks
Power Attacks
left hand light attack and powerattack
sneak animation

Great Sword

Great Sword animations are also pretty simple but effective.

and a better show case of the transition animations.

Replaced animations :
Movement and idle
Equip and Unequip
Light Attacks
Power Attacks
blocking and bashing


BattleAxe have a very dynamic set of animation, with good anticipation and follow through so they no longer feels too slow, even though the total frames of the animations stay the same, the light attack animations also increased from 2 to 4.

Replaced animations :
Movement and idle
Equip and Unequip
Light Attacks
Power Attacks
blocking and bashing


Warhammer are the same as BattleAxe.

Replaced animations :
Movement and idle
Equip and Unequip
Light Attacks
Power Attacks
blocking and bashing


The one that started it all, the new animations for Bow are the best of all the weapons.

Too much time and effort have been put into it , and all the idle and draw and release animation animations just flow very smoothly , no longer will you put the bow aside after you shoot, and your weapon won't affect your view anymore.
 One very useful thing I added to the bow is the back step bash, when you use do bash attack while moving backward you will do a back step dodge, very useful when you get shrouded by enemies.

The animation will change to something more stealthy when you are sneaking.

I dear to say that this is the best first person animation for Bow.

Replaced animations :
All animations

The mod also come with a optional fix for the daedric bow mesh:


I tried my best to give the crossbow a fps feel, with a better-aiming animation and recoil after the shooting, and responsive reload animations for both crossbow and dwarven crossbow.

Replaced animations :
All animations

Have Fun !

This mod is the most ambitious and time-consuming Mod I have ever made, Needless to say, this mod takes a lot of effort to make,  if you like to support me and the further development of this mod, consider supporting me on Ko-fi.