Skyrim Special Edition

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A lover of the beans

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About this mod

Cooper is the purr-fect companion for any quest—just don't expect him to carry your burdens without a few treats in return! If you're looking for a stealthy sidekick with a love for moon sugar and a disdain for water, Cooper's your cat.

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In the lush, verdant woods of Riverwood, there's a tale that tickles the whiskers of every adventurer with a penchant for the peculiar. It's the saga of Cooper, not your average Khajiit follower, but a feline companion with a flair for the dramatic and a taste for adventure that rivals even the most seasoned of Skyrim's wanderers.

This isn't just any cat burglar or caravan guard; no, Cooper is a Khajiit of culture, a connoisseur of fine cheeses and a bard with a purr that can soothe even the most savage of beasts. Imagine, if you will, a Khajiit so dapper, his fur coat has its own fur coat. With eyes like gleaming moons over Elsweyr and a tail that sways with the confidence of a thousand well-negotiated trades, Cooper struts into battle with the grace of a dancer and the ferocity of a sabre cat.

His claws are not just weapons, they're tools of expression, etching tales of valor into the very air as he fights. But Cooper's talents don't end at the battlefield. Oh no, this Khajiit has a mind as sharp as his claws. He's a scholar of the arcane, a wizard with whiskers, casting spells with a flick of his tail and a twitch of his ears. And when the sun sets over the Throat of the World, Cooper becomes the life of the campfire, regaling his companions with stories of his nine lives, each more unbelievable than the last. Yet, for all his talents, Cooper is a humble companion, always ready to lend a paw or offer a comforting meow. He's the kind of follower who'll carry your burdens without complaint, unless it's a particularly stinky cheese, in which case he'll kindly request you carry that yourself. And should you find yourself in a tight spot, with bandits or dragons closing in, fear not! Cooper has a plan, which usually involves a daring acrobatic escape or a cunning distraction involving yarn.

So, if you're wandering the wilds of Skyrim and hear a melodious yowl carried on the wind, follow it to Riverwood. There you may find Cooper, the Khajiit follower extraordinaire, ready to join you on your quests, share in your victories, and perhaps, if you're lucky, sing you a ballad of the moons under the starlit sky. Just remember to keep an extra wedge of cheese in your pack – it's the surest way to earn his loyalty and affection. And who knows? With Cooper by your side, you might just become the stuff of legends, or at least, the talk of the taverns. After all, in Skyrim, every hero needs a trusty Khajiit companion, and Cooper is, without a doubt, the best of the bunch.

Cooper is located in Riverwood; he works at the lumber mill during the day and resides at the inn at night. On weekends, he's often found hunting near the village.

His class is designated as a ranger.
He begins at level 10 and scales with the player up to level 100.
He possesses the Lightfoot perk, muffled movement, silent roll, and the initial perk in archery.
He carries a few starting items, which you may take or leave.
It's advisable to equip him with light armor and an upgraded bow.
That's all there is to say about him.

His backstory was created by AI for his mod page, and it seemed too compelling to discard.

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