1. icecreamassassin
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    Legacy of the Dragonborn V6 10th anniversary edition is live!

    V6 is now live and ready to go! This has been a massive undertaking for Kriana and myself and I'm glad to fi
    nally have it release. Please make sure to re-read the full guide linked above before downloading, review the change log and reference these quick updates:

    - V6 requires a NEW GAME (reality of large mod updates for Skyrim, not a choice made by us, or an option for you, your game will break otherwise)
    - V6 now has an extra dummy plugin (you can ESL-fy it as I forgot to this go around), which is required for loading one of the texture BSA's
    - You MUST re-download Legacy Patch Central's patches update
    - You MUST download the new Legacy Creation Club and Curator's Companion updates if you use them, they have been updated for V6
    - DO NOT use any 3rd party patches for Legacy until they have been updated for Legacy V6
    - Several mods have been merged into V6 so refer to the compatibility and integrated mods article referenced in the full guide. DO NOT run these mods along with V6.

    - V6 requires _ResourcePack.ESL which was released with V1.6.1130+ of Skyrim. If you wish to continue using an older version, you must update then downgrade again so you have the resource pack and use the BEES (backported Extened ESL Support) mod in order to utilize expanded ESL support offered in Skyrim v1.6.1130+. No support on downgrading will be provided. You may have to choose between using Legacy and using something else in your load order that hasn't been updated in awhile, update the older mod to work on the new version of Skyrim, or figure out how to patch it so it does work. (See below for info on collections). Alternatively you can use Steam to download the _ResourcePack.esl on your older version of Skyrim without updating, but you still will need to install BEES referenced above. Steps are found here:


    On windows:
    -Open steam
    -Press (Windows key)+R and type "steam://open/console"
    -Once opened, type the following and press enter "download_depot 489830 489831 8442952117333549665"
    -Wait until steam console says: "Depot download complete"
    -Go to "steam/steamapps/content" and in the folder located there you'll find some content for Skyrim, plus the _resourcepack.esl and _resourcepack.bsa
    -Use winrar or 7zip to put both .bsa and .esl into a zip/rar file. Name that file _resourcepack
    -Use MO2 or whatever you use to install that rar/7zip file.
    -Make sure you name it "_resourcepack" and place it at the top of your Mod list. (This last step isn't necessary, it's just for the sake of knowing where and what it is later on.)
    -Activate it and there you have it. No piracy, no missing out on the mod, no updating anything. Simply using steam services.

    Also remember that when starting a new game you MUST wait for all mods to initialize to have the best performance and minimize any possible issues. Legacy had a message box that will pop up when it is finished building the new lists which will take about 5-10 minutes depending on load order when you start your new game. This list builder ensures a more complete radiant list for research and fetch quests, relic location abilities and tools, etc. And also vastly speeds up the processes during the game after.

    Daedric Gallery Display issues: If the displays in the Daedric gallery are not accepting items or are mismatching the items being pulled for the display then you have a conflict in another one of your mods. You are either not up to date with Hall of Wonders or The Curators Companion mods, or you are using unsupported mods or patches or just out dated ones. ANY plugin which edits the museum's formlists is breaking your game. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the displays.

    Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch (USSEP): MO2 particularly seems to be moving USSEP AFTER Legacy which it should not be doing. USSEP should ALWAYS be loaded as early as possible in your load order and certainly before Legacy, otherwise it will block the museum entrance with a dirty edit to a vanilla asset. You can lock Legacy and USSEP in your load order to ensure it doesn't get moved.

    Collections: DO NOT update to Legacy V6 manually until it has been updated for your collection. The collection curator will have to address any required patch updates and compatibility issues before you can use V6. You cannot just slap in V6 into a standing collection and expect it to work, regardless of the Skyrim version issue. At very least the curator will have to review any custom patches to ensure they are working on the new version. And again, we DO NOT support any load orders using collections.

    Dev Aveza Mod: Until further notice, the original Dev Aveza live flight airship mod is NOT SUPPORTED. We are reworking the patch and it's more involved and requires an update to the original mod by its author before we can properly patch it. Once that happens, a patch will be included in the Legacy patcher but will require a new game to use.

    Xbox: The Xbox port will take a few months for Rhaela to update. All updates on this or questions should be handled on the Discord Xbox support channel. As a reminder we do not directly support the port here and any questions need to be taken to the channel on our discord.


    Lux Patch for Legacy
    Lux's patches fort Legacy has been undergoing updates and is the cause of numerous problems legacy is experiencing right now including missing stairs on the museum, broken airship functions and misplaced meshes in the safehouse to name a few. If you use LUX or LUX Orbis or any other version of LUX, make sure you are absolutely up to the minute updated with whatever patch for V6 has been recently updated.

    Your Own Thoughts (YOT) Patch
    YOT needs to update its patch and is currently breaking the supply stash spell/crate access menu and the museum guide display planner for starters. Do not use the Legacy patch until it updates.

    Scribes of Skyrim
    Breaks the furniture options and household planner for the stuff merged in from safehouse plug. Their patch need to be updated.

    Improved Survival Mode
    If you are using this mod, you need to turn off the 'disable fast travel' option inside its INI file and use a separate fast travel disable mod. Without doing so, it will block the airship's ability to travel because it managed fast travel in a different way that interferes with the airship's temporary bypass of fast travel blocking.
  2. icecreamassassin
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    • 1,931 kudos
    6.6.0 update
    This update will be marking the end of the major development cycle for the release of V6. Additional updates will be made in the future as needed along with a few model updates for some things being currently worked on, but most items have been addressed and any remaining issues have largely been caused by user error by using out of date translations, patches, or unsupported content, or collections which have not been updated for V6. The only remaining issues are related to NPC AI and can largely be fixed by using the NPC AI fix utility indicated in our recommended utilities article on the article tab. Additionally most systems have a reset function in the Legacy Debug MCM menu to cancel the gala, tours, etc. So if you have issues with Auryen or other NPC's just standing and not going anywhere else, try those fixes.
  3. Hansek27
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Hi icecreamassassin and legacy dev team,
    I don't know if this is a bug or something you removed but when I pick up the first fate card on a new game the tutorial dialog no longer appears.
  4. MiTxGamer
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    So LOOT is telling me to delete BCS as its included in LoTDB...
    If i disable BCS mods that need BCS freak out and they cant find BCS. Some reason The version included in LoTDB wont talk with my other mods
  5. quietlychamil
    • premium
    • 5 kudos

    Hiya, the stairs to the safe house seems to be clipping with DBM_MuseumBuildingStairs, Formid 000a924a.

    On a side note, horray for stairs!  I used to just jump off the balcony onto the canopy and hope not to die =D.

    Update: Issue with the stairs is due to Museum Exterior Fixes which isn't fully adapted yet for V6 of LotD as of this writing.
    1. stonehands1
      • premium
      • 46 kudos
      Sticky touches on it a bit, but update your Lux patch.
    2. timothy3354
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Is that VR? 
      I ask because I've not been able to get it to work in VR 
    3. stonehands1
      • premium
      • 46 kudos
      No idea, since we don't offer support for games on VR.
    4. icecreamassassin
      • premium
      • 1,931 kudos
      You can get it to work on VR if you buy AE and then use steam to download the ResourcePack.esl to use in the VR game.
    5. quietlychamil
      • premium
      • 5 kudos
      Yep, this is VR, I did as IceCreamAssassian said and downloaded the AE version and just moved the AE content into a separate mod folder for VR.  Incidentally, this makes it much easier to use Cities of the North which also requires AE content.

      My mistake with the stairs.  The issue was with Museum Exterior Fixes, and not because of this mod at all.  Also, I'm not using Lux.  The museum looks gorgeous!
    6. quietlychamil
      • premium
      • 5 kudos
      Started a new game just to make sure.  Removing LotD Museum Exterior Fixes did fix the blocked stairs but my stairs are still a little off center with the right wall clipping a bit into it =P
    7. icecreamassassin
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      you still have something bumping the terrace. Use more informative console and click on the stairs and the porch and see what mod last touches it.
  6. DK662
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    Hi there,
    can i use the most recent patches for displays or should i wait until they are updated?
    1. icecreamassassin
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      • 1,931 kudos
      everything official is up to date
  7. AlphaBrother
    • member
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    Hi icecreamassassin, legacy dev team and community,

    It seems that I have the same issue as user FeedMe3323 in regards to a compatible mod.
    The mod in question is Skyrims Unique Treasures uploaded by clintmich.

    The current problem is that with both mods installed, LotD and Skyrims Unique Treasures, all relics/artifacts/treasures that come with are present and fully working. But, the room that is opened within the Hall of Oddities, it's displays show the names of the relics/artifacts/treasures that can be placed on each spot, but when interacting with the displays they do not remove the item from my inventory nor does it display any error message(s).

    I've attempted uninstalling and re-installing Skyrims Unique Treasures and therefor trying again the same steps, but this does not fix the current issue.
    Changing the load order index also does not bear fruit.

    I have noticed that after the update from LotD patches (Official) that the room stopped functioning. Because, before this update I had relics/artifacts/treasures already displayed. Unfortunately, after reverting the update to an earlier version, it did not bring back the room to it's original state. This does also mean that relics/artifacts/treasures that were displayed have vanished.

    If anyone has some insight on this current issue, perhaps an idea or an already existing solution, please let me know.
    1. AlphaBrother
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Hi icecreamassassin, legacy dev team and community,

      A bit more insight on the installed mods LotD and Skyrims Unique Treasures.
      I forgot to mention this in my original post.

      Mod Deploy order 20.
      Plugin load order .esp 25 with mod index FE (00B) and .esm load ourder 35 with mod index 12.

      Skyrims Unique Treasures:
      Mod Deploy order 33.
      Plugin load order 60 with mod index 24.

    2. icecreamassassin
      • premium
      • 1,931 kudos
      I work on SUT and it's been working perfectly with Legacy for years. Your issue is likely an out of date translation which we don't support.
    3. AlphaBrother
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Hi Icecreamassassin,

      So, there is no way for me to resolve this issue?
      Because I've downloaded the same version of SUT like any other person does.
      It seemed to work before and suddenly one day it didn't.
    4. stonehands1
      • premium
      • 46 kudos
      I literally just tested it and it's working fine; this is something to do with your game.  Either the save is corrupted and/or you have a conflict with one or more other mods.  It's not something to do with Legacy, SUT, or the official patch - so there's nothing for him to fix.  You'd have to try a quick new test game (since it's a test, console give yourself a SUT item and try to display it) to see if the issue is with your save or load order.  If it's your load order, make sure all your mods/patches work on v6.  Including any translations as Ice suggested.
  8. inspiredbubbles
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    Him, I am having an issue where the stairs from the front of the museum to the safe house is not showing up. Although I have all the most recent Lux patches installed, I thought it was the culprit. Therefore I loaded the same save without it just to see what would happen. I removed also dyndolod (since Lux is a master of it  on my load order). I have no idea how to fix this!  

    Since english is not my 1st language, I dont know if I am being clear enough, so you can see what I am talking about here


    Edit: After playing around with a new save, it seems that the culprit is Lux Orbis...
    1. icecreamassassin
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      Yeah, just like is mentioned in the main sticky above.
  9. ttorias
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    I encontered two porblems and dont know how to fix, maybe causing by my other mods, just want to ask if anyone have similar problem or anyone know a fix to it.
    1. showing cant wait while being asked to leave inside the museu
    this is happened after I cancel a gala scene from MCM. Because the scene never starts.
    2. Aruyen cannot carry anything that has weight, I cant give him anything for display, but items with no weight (like arrows) works fine.
    I dont know when did this become a problem, tryied to reset Aruyen from DEBUG and set his carryweight higher with commands, no luck.
    they both were works fine at the beginning.
    I started new game for V6. but not  for V6's updates.
    1. icecreamassassin
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      • 1,931 kudos
      this is something you will likely need to bring to the discord for help (assuming your load order isn't littered with NSFW content which could be the cause, and given your profile pic, I'd wager that's it).
  10. Andrewg71WA
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    I am having an issue with the SORT chest in the Safe House. Once I try to use it it wont let me use again. I have waited and still not able to use.

    1. icecreamassassin
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      You have something installed that is overriding the sort chest script. This was an issue in testing and it's 100% been resolved. There's absolutely no reason it will self lock up anymore. Try to use the MCM debug to reset it.
  11. seppie08
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    i seem to have a problem with the library and the safe house. The library seem to have wooden posts all over the place, some blocking one of the flights of stairs. The safehouse has a wooden rail blocking one of the doors. I have tried uninstalling all you mods and curator companion and also the patch folder. Then reinstalling them. No change. I have tried a new game, still the same. I have even uninstalled any files to do with the game and uninstalling the game and anything related to it. Then reinstalling the game. Still the same. Any ideas what I can do to rectify it. I was well over 3 quatres of the game completed. Very frustrating. Please help me. Joe   
    1. stonehands1
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      • 46 kudos
      You have content that is meant for v5 but loaded on v6.  Check all your mods/patches and make sure they are compatible.  You might make sure that if you run a translation it works with v6 and is up to date.
    2. icecreamassassin
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      if you can post a link to a photo somewhere or come to discord and drop it in a support topic there, that'd also be helpful
  12. PrimalBOS
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    • 1 kudos
    Got a bug, have this and the patches mod installed, they are at a good spot in the load order and yet after starting a new game, the place is not in Solitude. Walked all around the place, even went TCL to find it from up high. Its just not in the game, I thought everything was good since nothing else it bugged besides this. I got a bunch of mods, none of which mess with the cities at least not Solitude, besides "Open Cities", "Solitude Expansion", so unless another mod is causing this I have no idea.
    1. stonehands1
      • premium
      • 46 kudos
      If the museum is not there, you have a problem with something else in your load order.  Otherwise we'd have a lot of complaints! 

      Check for things that have not updated to v6.  For instance, you mentioned Open Cities, but that's not a supported mod (check the Compatibility and Integrated Mod List) and frankly may not be updated to this version of Legacy.
    2. PrimalBOS
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Okay yes thank you for the reply. Open Cities was not the issue, I had Immersive Encounters that had a Open Cities patch file that broke LotD. Though since you told me I just got rid of the patch and it works not. The mod still breaks things but the Museum is still there, just cant use it.
    3. icecreamassassin
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      • 1,931 kudos
      Then you just don't have it enabled in your load order at all. if there is no sign of the museum and no change to that corner of the game, you just didn't install it right
    4. PrimalBOS
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      You are right, before when I had the patch the museum was not there. Now with the patch gone but Open Cities still installed, the corner is still the same but the museum is there, just the whole stair area is gone and the doors are missing. Please dont try to tell me its not installed right, since I even said the museum was there just not usable.
    5. stonehands1
      • premium
      • 46 kudos
      A few things.  Open Cities, without some sort of of functional compatibility patch, will not work with the museum.  So it's not just remove the patch; unless you can patch it correctly, it's remove Open Cities.  Maybe you knew this, but just in case, if you adjust your load order (add/remove/reorder), you need to start a new game (and not some early save, inside LAL's prison cell for instance) after doing so. 

      If the museum is there but you can't get in, then yes, an unpatched version of Open Cities can cause that.  Since the LotD-OCS patch was taken over and maintained by the author of Open Cities beginning with v5, I'm not sure if it's been updated to work with v6.  You'd have to check.  And as is noted in the FAQ, OCS is not the only mod that can cause issues with blocking the doorway.  Bottom line, something is not installed right or is missing if access to the museum is blocked.
    6. PrimalBOS
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Yes you are right, I am completely aware of what is causing the problem. While getting rid of the patch allowed the museum to spawn in, it is still not accessible which is why I have also gotten rid of Open Cities, unless I can find a patch for it because yes Open cities does have a patch for v5 or LotD, and a new game or early save isnt actually needed. I was able to do all the load order things in the same save. 
    7. AlmightyRevan
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      There's your problem. Installing/uninstalling any mod during a playthrough can and will break the save.
    8. PrimalBOS
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Okay again, I have it working, I just had to get rid of Open Cities. There is quite literally no issue anymore, there hasnt been since the first reply helped solve it. 
    9. icecreamassassin
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      You WILL have issues somewhere because open cities has to re-reference EVERY persistent element in the enclosed cities, I know you have no idea what that means but please for your own sake trust the people who know how the engine operates when we tell you that removing open cities mid game will screw you up eventually.