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LordMithro And WeelBones

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About this mod

NPC OVERHAUL for one of the best player mod house in the game, welcome to the SKYFALL ESTATE REVAMPED: Now is personal, please remove your shoes before entering or wherever.

Permissions and credits



"One more fight, that's all i need"
— Zeus

Born as any other man in the lands of skyrim, he decided to venture against his family will to become an adventurer and fight the bandits and beasts of these lands, his closest mercenary partner gave him the name "Zeus" from an old book.

After many fights he met a woman with whom decided to retire and create a family, many years passed, and they got two children and a pacific life, he received a mystery package of his old friend head murdered in cold blood.

He went in rage looking for the people responsible leaving his family, finding after weeks the people and killed every last of them or that's what he though, he found a note saying  "Go back home".

When he got there he couldn't believe the face of the person he saw, one of the first bandits he left to live when he started his adventures, they forced him to see how they murdered his family, after that the thirst for revenge was all over his soul, he trained hard and found again the murderers of his family, but that didn't satisfy his rage and didn't bring back his family, deciding to going back to the old days he decided to take the job of a bodyguard in an old house named "SKYFALL ESTATE" 


"You'll hear everyone saying my name one day, you just wait"
— Drake

Since the day he started walking, people used to gather around him just to see his red eyes, rumors spread quickly about him "Future hero of skyrim", "The dragonborn from the legends", "The son of a daedra", but they couldn't be more far from the truth, he was just like any other peasant, but the rumors grew in him and using his status since his parents are noble people decided to become an adventurer and become an actual hero but people never with time noticed that this was just another kid without anything special.

When the day came for him to actually fight a beast he freezed right there and the guards killed the beast for him, his reputation went down, but something broke inside him that day, he needed people to love him, to worship him and call him a hero so using his money and power he started paying the people to spread the word that he actually is a hero, he went so far that set up a "Bandit attack" to defeat them and send them to jail, people finally was calling him hero, but every hero needed a name, and he called himself "Drake".

He started training and working hard to become an actual hero, paid a trainer, but he saw the trained as just loose of time and money so he decided to train by himself and went for adventures alone almost dying against a troll and barely surviving, he ended with horrible injuries but couldn't stop training and didn't want to stop taking jobs so he took the job as bodyguard that no one wanted at the "SKYFALL ESTATE". 


"I Will never stop fighting for my home, never"
— Olivia

A sweet girl with big dreams of having a big farm where she could send food to the people in need but dreams changed when her grandfather died and left the SKYFALL Estate in her hands, after he died the jarl of whiterun went there right away to take the taxes they never paid him, he was going to trow her out of the house if she did not pay so without many other options she paid from the money her grandfather left her.

One night she heard thieves inside the house taking many things from there, she decided to post a job for bodyguards for the house, she could barely sleep thinking about more thieves, but the jarl sent guards asking for extra taxes for posting the job but this time she was not going to let him win calling people from the market to back her up since no one has to pay a septim to post a job, she won, but the jarl grew hate that day. 

After weeks someone finally took the job, an old man with in grieve and looking for a fresh start, they didn't trust each other until one day she made a meal, and he decided to open about his life and problems, that day a friendship was born, and she started to see her father in that old man.

Weeks later another man knocked on the door looking for a job as bodyguard, trying to seduce her from the very beginning, but she always stopped him since she is her boss, he was still injuries and could barely fight, but she accepted him since more safety is better, after that day the man and the old man started fighting with her stopping them from arguing 

When things were getting better, the jarl sent a letter tasking this time for 10k septims, or he would kick everyone out, any of them couldn't make 10k in a month. With sadness in her face, she decided to sell the estate with the condition of her being the caretaker and the two bodyguards still working there.

Thanks to her "SKYFALL ESTATE" will continue many generations more, she is the soul of the estate. 

Thanks to my friend "Lucho" for testing the mod and some background pictures.
Thanks to all the modders who created the Assets & Programs for me to create these overhauls.

↤ Assets Authors 
- Lord Mithro & Ld50365,- Wammy,- Kyoe,- Swefrida,- Kalilies and Stealthic
- Hvergelmir,- DDS Workshop,- Northborn,- Expired ,- scarlettdays21
- Koralina,- Obicnii,-Acro, Ousnius , Caliente , Jeir,-Kreiste and Novelyst

↤ Programs Authors 

- Hexabits, - SKSE Team, - xEdit Team, - matortheeternal, - Bethesda

• Even More Eyes
Even More Makeup
Koralina's Freckles and Moles 
by Koralina
• Kyoe's Bang'n Brows By Kyoe
•  KS Hairdos SSE By Kalilies and Stealthic
• Bnp Female Skin 
BnP Male Skin
By swefrida
• Beards By Hvergelmir
• Facial Hair By DDS Workshop
• Lovely Makeup - Racemenu Overlays
Lovely Makeup 2 - Racemenu Overlays
By scarlettdays21
• Northborn Scars By Northborn 
• Obi's Warpaints 2K By Obicnii
3ba By Acro
(And CBBE that led to 3ba creation) By Ousnius , Caliente , Jeir
•  HIMBO By Kreiste and Novelyst
•  Skyfall Estate Revamped By Ld50365 and LordMithro
▹ NifSkope By Hexabits
▹SSEEdit By xEdit Team
▹Zedit By matortheeternal
▹ Creation Kit By Bethesda

৹ Special Thanks to 
BacetricaLordMithro and all modding community.

৹ Big thanks to KhisartinVermilllionAtomiSkullObicnii for the direct permissions to use their mod assets.
EnroysKhisartin and the Frida sisters for the BnP Skin.

৹  And a thank you to Roovers for the idea in their comment.   


                                                                                                                   (Now Animated LOL)