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LoneWolfEburg mnikjom

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  1. mnikjom
    • premium
    • 1,724 kudos


    Development: ENDED
    Support: ENDED
    Mod is feature complete and bug-free (I hope). If you have problems, there is a chance that something in your load order broke functionality of this mod. Even if there are still some issues that I missed - I won't fix them.

  2. mnikjom
    • premium
    • 1,724 kudos




    Compatible list:


    Compatible || Semi-Compatible || Incompatible
    Needs patches for mods that are touching MerchantRiftenGrandPlazaGrelkaChest, MerchantWindhelmCandlehearthHallChest, MerchantWindhelmHilleviChest containers.
    Needs patches for mods that are touching Shahvee, ScoutsManyMarshes, StandsInShallows actor records (for example: patch for AI Overhaul is needed).

  3. SeanJohnRawn
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    I cannot get this mod to work to activate in my mod manager. Not sure if anyone else is having this issue but after I go through the installer it does not show that it installed properly
    1. MortalCoil85
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      what mod manager are you using?
  4. deleted66442511
    • account closed
    • 4 kudos
    are all NPCs voiced? Because I found (only one) npc from this mod that has subtitles, but no voiced dialogue
    1. MortalCoil85
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      They are voiced, must be something on your end
  5. toscarmardou
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I know you have said that the mod is bug-free, and that support has ended, but two containers in the mod seem to be bugged:
    In both there is an item with probably a broken id, which obviously doesn't appear in-game. I'm curious for which item is it, and I can fix the plugin for you if you want
    1. mnikjom
      • premium
      • 1,724 kudos
      Not a bug.
  6. TheCruxis
    • supporter
    • 7 kudos
    Can I please get access to the original 1.0 version of the mod? This version makes changes to the palace that are incomaptible with Palaces and Castles enhanced, which I use.
    1. mnikjom
      • premium
      • 1,724 kudos
  7. TheCruxis
    • supporter
    • 7 kudos
    I can't install this mod. It just keeps saying "an error has occurred during install". The very first version you released wasn't like that, but the updated ones are. I'm using NMM
    1. mnikjom
      • premium
      • 1,724 kudos
      That's your problem. Don't use NMM.
      Everything works fine with MO2.
  8. Tathrin
    • premium
    • 337 kudos
    Probably a really stupid noob question, but help please? When I go to install this mod (using NMM) I am given options that I don't understand:

    More Racism - CRF LotD YASH Economy Overhaul Patch; ESPLite plugin (ESPs with the ESL flag).
    More Racism - LotD YASH Economy Overhaul Patch; ESPLite plugin (ESPs with the ESL flag).

    Are these referencing required mods? If so, which one(s)? If I don't have any of the mods referenced, does it matter which option I pick? It insists that I choose one, but I'm not sure which...any help or guidance, please? This mod looks incredible and I would love to add this realistic (unpleasant!) element to Windhelm, thank you!
  9. aerynn39
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    This mod combined with Reputation makes Windhelm the most unwelcoming place to visit, ever. Perfect, I really love it, thank you.
  10. danono
    • premium
    • 2 kudos
    install seems to force a megapatch for a mod i do not have which ends up with a missing master, is there a way to deselect all megapatches?
  11. Kornelius707
    • member
    • 21 kudos
    Adds some flavor to Windhelm. More NPCs to interact with in a roleplaying game is always good.
    1. Kornelius707
      • member
      • 21 kudos
      Somebody should have done a Thalmor propagandist npcs mod in Solitude. haha
    2. SoMaTheCandleMaker
      • member
      • 19 kudos
    3. Grub
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      Even cooler: Imagine being a Thalmor rookie who's a big time believer, and then getting caught up in the main storyline and realizing you're the Dragonborn, after which you discover the true intent of the Thalmor, rebel against them, save both sides of the Civil War, and defeat Alduin... that's like the final peak form of the Skyrim story.
  12. DOPR5
    • premium
    • 25 kudos
    Despite my own dislike of racism, I love the idea of this mod.
    Like many others in the comments have said, I also felt that the allegedly "racist" city of Windhelm has always been surprisingly welcoming to every Khajiit or Argonian character I've played. My Argonian never got thrown out of the inn or refused service, or even verbally assaulted, despite what all the dockworkers say.
    I also love the feature that allows Argonians back into the city after an Imperial victory. It gives an extra incentive to help liberate Windhelm from Ulfric.
    1. fegaman
      • member
      • 13 kudos
      Dunmer openly show Xenophobia and practices slavery. Nobody bats an eye

      Nords try to protect their land. everyone loses their mind
    2. AlanPaul
      • member
      • 75 kudos
      A lot of people did "bat" their eye when Morrowind had a vassalage with the Empire. Imperials hate slavery too since they suffered the same under the Ayleids.

      But now, Skyrim is still part of the Empire but the Empire have abandoned Morrowind after Oblivion Crisis and the Great War, so they are in many ways out of Empire's control or interests, that is why there is no mention of slavery (other than Bethesda's oversight)
    3. 9Revan9
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      lol I miss the days of being called an "N'wah". I'm going to give this mod a try.
    4. Theffluffmaster
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      @ fegaman What are you even talking about?
    5. jacovny
      • premium
      • 5 kudos
      I think he's referring to the common trope of all Windhelm residents being described as racist in online forums, and suggesting that a double-standard exists, as Dunmer historically enslaved the Argonians. I'm not familiar enough with Nirn history to know if his assessment has a solid basis, but I believe that's where @fegaman is coming from, unless I'm mistaken.