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  1. Ionas177
    • premium
    • 179 kudos
    For those who would like a bit more information about installation:

    -Any AOS or SoS patches that you were previously using for either True Storms, Vivid Weathers, or both can be safely replaced by the patches provided here. This patch was created to completely merge both mods into one experience, so you can basically think of it as its own weather mod in need of its own patches.
    -You only need to have ONE of the available four versions loaded, meaning that you should not have both the main version and its respective Water Fix version loaded at the same time, just choose one or the other. The only real difference between these two versions is the fog levels, so if you like having lots of fog in all of your weathers, just stick to the main version. If you would like to tone down the fog levels in your weathers and you are bothered by the blocky water edges that can appear during foggy weathers, then I would definitely recommend using the Water Fix version.
    Hope that helps! :)

    *ALSO* Please do remember that there is a bug section. It is 1,000 times easier for authors to fix and keep track of bugs and glitches when you post them in the bug report section, rather than in the comments, so if you find any strange visual glitches or places where the mod isn't working, please post it there instead of in the comments :) It would be greatly appreciated. If you do, please remember to mention what setup you have, which version you are using, and if you are using an ENB. I will continue to try and monitor both the bug section and the comments, but as I release more and more patches it gets hard for me to do so. If I don't get around to answering a bug-related comment, please try posting it in the bug section instead. Thank you!
  2. Ionas177
    • premium
    • 179 kudos
    Up to date for these versions of all related mods:

    True Storms SSE - V1.0.2
    Vivid Weathers Definitive Edition SSE - V2.42
    Audio Overhaul SSE - V3.2.0
    Sounds of Skyrim Complete SE - V1.9.5

    **I do plan on keeping my patches up to date with the latest versions, but as I have quite a few to manage at this point, I would greatly appreciate any friendly reminders if it seems as though I missed an update :)
  3. Ionas177
    • premium
    • 179 kudos
    Hey guys! Just wanted to post a quick update on the status of these patches. I've recently gone through some major changes in my life (I'll spare you the boring details ^^), but very soon I should finally be settled enough to get back at it again with updates. Specifically by the end of this month, once I finish moving into my new place.

    In the meantime, here's a few answers to some common questions that I don't want to leave hanging:

    -The new True Storms patch 1.0.2 is completely safe to use with all of these patches. It only makes a few minor tweaks to certain weather chances, tweaks which I've mostly incorporated into my patch versions already, so there will be zero issues :)
    -All of my patches can easily be used as ESL, in fact I'm planning on re-releasing them all as ESL in my next updates so you shouldn't even have to worry about it very soon.
    -Currently I don't have any available options for Cathedral, I apologize for the delay on that. I do plan on releasing my own Cathedral + True Storms merge and incorporating Cathedral as an option into all of my standalone patches too now that I have more time.
  4. nanana6969
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I dont get it.  It still shows up in the LOOT warning, says "a third party patch is available here", and it's just a cycle.  Then there is a red box underneath saying that these two mods are not compatible.  So.... Does that matter?   What am I suppose to do?
  5. 99androidguy777
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    Loot is telling me I need this patch when i have it already.
    1. FabulousFabGuy
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Whenever that happens for any mod, the solution I have always found is to first close LOOT, then using vortex right click the mod that it said you are missing, then click reinstall.

      Now open LOOT back up and it should be good to go
    2. Ferayn
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      I am having the same issue, but I am using MO2. I did exactly as you suggested, but am still getting the same error. Please send rescue.
  6. DarnoK401
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    For anyone who gets the LOOT Warning that the Patches are not compatible with other Patches: Those are probably the Patches for True Storms and Vivid Weathers from Sounds of Skyrim that get selected automaticially.

    Just deselect them and LOOT isn't complaining anymore
  7. FacetFiru
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    LOOT tells Vivid_TS_Patch_Ominous_WaterFix.esp is not compatible with "SoS_TrueStorms_Patch.esp" and "SoS_VividWeathers_Patch.esp".

    What should I do?
    1. NicolasREV
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Hey, have you managed to fix this?
    2. ContentConsumer
      • member
      • 18 kudos
      I have managed to fix it.
      1. Install True Storms
      2. Install Vivid Weathers - WITHOUT the Extended Rain and Snow plugins.
      3. Install Sounds of Skyrim Complete - WITHOUT True Storms or Vivid Weathers patches (the Sounds of Skyrim installer will complain, but ignore it).
      4. Install Vivid Weathers+True Storms patch
      Loot no longer shows any incompatibilites.
      Looks like the problem lies, somehow, with the Extended Rain and Extended Snow plugins for Vivid Weathers.
      I tried installing all of these mods several different ways, with and without the various patches included in each one, and this setup is the only one that makes LOOT stop complaining.
    3. 99androidguy777
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      This didn't solve the issue for me, i tried what you suggested twice to be sure
    4. DarnoK401
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      I don't know if you're still searching or if you found that out already, but the problem is with the patches from Sounds of Skyrim (just deselect the True Storm and Vivid Weather Patches on that Mods installer)
  8. kilabik
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Snowstorms near the braziers become too bright and red. Is this how it should be?
  9. silvermetal
    • premium
    • 27 kudos
    Has anyone managed to get the dense fog of the Ominous version working with Rudy ENB? Or any ENB for that matter...

    With ENB enabled the fog is barely there:
    With ENB disabled the fog is as dense as it should be:

    Both pictures with the same weather ID: 000C821E - FXMagicStormRain
  10. brentw89
    • premium
    • 7 kudos
    Does anyone else get weird puffs of mist popping up and disappearing as you move down a road?  Not sure if this is a Vivid or True Storms thing, but I see it a lot, at least as I start new games to test my load order. It looks very weird and artificial in the way the puffs quickly pop up and quickly fade out. Wonder if there's a way to get rid of that effect or worst case, make the smoke extremely subtle (I use scenery ENB VR, which looks great, with the exception of this affect).  

    I also noticed some weird rainstorms crop up when I came back outside that lasted like 10 seconds and suddenly its great weather. It did this a couple times and seemed almost like a glitch that I don't recall seeing when I ran Vivid by itself in my previous playthrough. But I suppose real weather can sometimes be similar, but it just stopped so fast it seemed artificial.
  11. WalkerInShadows
    • premium
    • 100 kudos
    I love this mod, but I get constant thunder during thunderstorms - like, there's no pause between thunderclaps. Can you maybe put in an MCM menu to adjust the frequency?
      • supporter
      • 5 kudos
      this.  I am ready to unstinall the mod because I was the impression that modern, sse versions of TS (and this compat patch) fixed that.  Right now the rain is light, and made of thin black lines (it looks like), and the thunder just goes on and on.  No, there is not other incompatibility, and not I didnt not install it badly.

      I want a fix for this thunder-loop yesterday. 

      EDIT - changing the weather to a more hardcore stormy/cloudy weather fixed it, but I dont want that to happen again and I want the thicker nicer rain that TS is supposed to provide. 
  12. xeroyzenith1
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I'm getting these LOOT errors with the VW and True Storms ?Patches:


    • Use only one Vivid Weathers - TrueStorms Merged Compatibility.
    • This plugin is incompatible with "Vivid Weathers - Extended Rain.esp", but both are present.


    • Use only one Vivid Weathers - TrueStorms Merged Compatibility.
    • This plugin is incompatible with "Vivid Weathers - Extended Rain.esp", but both are present.

    Should I disable one of these patches, and also disable Vivid Weathers - Extended Rain script and then run resaver?
      • supporter
      • 5 kudos
      It's a fomod issue, as the water fix esp contains everything the regular one does plus more - so the original is totally not needed HOWEVER you dont need to do anything because at worst you have a patch that will have all of this changes blown away by another esp pushing the same settings (and more, in this case).

      Mod maker needs to update FOMOD to handle this better since you dont need both, that said, no harm in it, so....  LOOT should probably not whine so much about this. 

      OF course, I would not reinstall because of this, the FOMOD might install files for the base esp that is might not for the water fix one, or something like that.

      That said, for the "extended rain" specifically, yes, get rid of it and clean save and resave and all that.  Just to be safe. 
  13. MegaVIP98
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Assuming I wanted to use the following mods:

    Vivid Weathers:
    True Sorms:
    Lightning During Storms:
    Vivid Weathers - TrueStorms Merged Compatibility: (this mod)
    ELFX Weathers - TrueStorms Merged Compatibility:
    Enhanced Lighting for ENB (ELE):
    Enhanced Lights and FX:
    ELE-ELFX Consistency Patch and Tweaks:

    Would there be compatibility problems?
    1. nappilydeestructio
      • premium
      • 25 kudos
      Don't use ELFX Weathers TS patch and lightning during storms and you won't have any problems.  Its kind of pointless to have ELFX weathers patch with the vivid Weathers patch.  They both cover weathers.  As for the lighting during storms use the better alternative Storm lighting for SSE its way better than lighting during storms.