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About this mod

Replaces certain character effect shaders with an invisible version. No more garish green glow from Alteration armor spells! No more red/green/blue outline when using drain spells and effects! No more horrid outline on enchanted armors and weapons! No more ugly effects!

Permissions and credits

Ftreach did most of the work with his mod No More Glowing Edges. Then I made an update I made that includes ShieldSpellHitFX, MagicArmorOakFleshFXS, MagicArmorStoneFleshFXS, MagicArmorEbonyFleshFXS, and MagicArmorIronFleshFXS. It is called No More Ugly Effects for Oldrim. This is an SE version of my version of the mod, plus a bunch of extra edits from No Edge Glow by mm137.

How it works:
No More Ugly Effects SE makes certain magic effect shaders on your character INVISIBLE, such as the colored outline you get from armor spells, absorb spells, and healing spells. It is not tied to any particular spells, so any mod-added enchantments, spells, ANYTHING that causes the shader to be applied, it simply has no graphical effect. If you have Cutting Room Floor, it also negates the spell-specific visuals on Alteration armor spells (such as the wooden Oakflesh effect), but it does not require CRF or a separate version of this mod to do so. I'll update if I find any more ugly effects to "turn off."

--credit to Ftreach for the original idea and mm137 for doing 99% of the work in the SE version--

The official DLC (which came with SSE anyway).

Installation Instructions:
Use your mod manager of choice or literally just stick the esp in your data folder and checkmark the box in data files from your Skyrim launcher. Load order shouldn't matter except in the rare case that some other esp changes these particular effect shaders. If you currently have No Edge Glow installed, it should be safe to remove it from your load order.

This mod likely won't do anything for you that No Edge Glow doesn't already do, unless you're using Cutting Room Floor, in which case it will kill the 'flesh spell specific shaders. v1.1 update! Now changes Lightning Cloak effect shader as well.

This mod is based on No More Edge Glow - Magic and Transformations by mm137, which does the same thing except it negates a few less effect shaders.
Oldrim No More Ugly Effects is here
Oldrim No More Glowing Edges is here

Fun fact! If you use Oldrim No More Ugly Effects in SSE, it might break your female bow animations. I have no idea why, but it did for me. Hence my actually putting in some work and uploading this mod separately. This mod will not break your female bow animations. Also, this mod includes some additional shader edits from No More Edge Glow that the Oldrim NMUE does not have.