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About this mod

A 'simple' patching/merging of three major perk overhauls and one excellent spell mod, forming a single enormous replacement for Skyrim's (skill) perk trees.

Permissions and credits
Minor update: The big old Real Life has been giving me a runaround this week, so updates (like me documenting more perk descriptions down below) keep getting pushed back. I'll post updates when I can get to it, but in the meantime, sorry for the slowdown!

This amalgamation of perk tree replacers was born from the decision that one perk overhaul mod was not enough for my Skyrim. I set out to melt together my favourites and reshape them to more-or-less fit the constellations that represent each perk tree, and this is the result.

This overhaul forms its core from EnaiSiaion's Ordinator and TheThirdRace's TTRSO, with the Magic skills' trees significantly expanded via steelfeathers' Path of Sorcery and rounded out with built-in support for reaperix's Elemental Destruction Magic.
Elemental Destruction Magic was patched in with some reference to DrMonops' patch with Path of Sorcery and Studio5's patch with Ordinator. Their patches helped me learn how to modify what I wanted out of the other mods' content.

The "Ferris Perks.esp" has the core mods as masters. Installation order should be:
<main Skyrim .esm files>
. . .
. . .
Elemental Destruction.esp
Ordinator - Perks of Skyrim.esp
Elemental Destruction - Ordinator Patch.esp (recommended for its updates to EDM's and Ordinator's assets, but shouldn't be strictly necessary)
Ferris Perks.esp
. . .

TTRSO comes in a merged or a modular version, but which one you choose shouldn't make a difference. I used the modular version in making this; if you choose modular, all the .esp files should be deactivated, and only the TTR_Skill_Overhaul.esm should be activated. With the merged version, it shouldn't be much different - just make sure the .esm is activated and you should be good to go.

For users curious about compatibility with NSO: I've learned from MrSkyrimBro that using Wrye Bash to redirect master references from Ordinator and Elemental Destruction Magic to NSO's file instead seems to work mostly as normal. From how that's set up I would imagine Mayhem overwrites NSO's merged changes to the Thief perk tree, but that can be solved with some fenangling with xEdit (creating a patch plugin simply copying NSO's changes and loading it after Mayhem). As I don't have access to NSO, I can't test or confirm this myself.

Details on the perk trees can be found below, but first, some acknowledgements.

Mayhem has been posted with permission from EnaiSiaion, TheThirdRace, steelfeathers, and reaperix. Without their mods this one would have no reason to exist, and without their permission it would have no right to. So a huge thanks to all the mod authors referenced here!
These were all mods that I became enamoured with upon trying them out and seeing them in action, and I couldn't bear having to choose between them. You've each made something great enough that I just had to have all of it, and that's incredible.

Combat Skill Perks


  • Smithing Mastery 1 (Ordinator) - You can create Novice (Steel/Bonemold) items at a forge or anvil, and improve them twice as much. Investing a second perk point lets you choose both, and allows you to improve all items 10% more.
  • Meric Smithing 1 (Ordinator) - Choose an item type: Contemporary Meric (Elven/Chitin), Dwarven. You can create items of the chosen type at a forge or anvil, and improve them twice as much. Investing a second perk point lets you choose both.
  • Expert Smithing 1 (Ordinator) - Choose an item type: Hard Steel (Scaled/Plate/Nordic), Orcish. You can create items of the chosen type at a forge or anvil, and improve them twice as much. Investing a second perk point lets you choose both.
  • Exotic Smithing 1 (Ordinator) - Choose an item type: Glass, Crystalline (Ebony/Stalhrim). You can create items of the chosen type at a forge or anvil, and improve them twice as much. Investing a second perk point lets you choose both.
  • Planar Smithing 1 (Ordinator) - Choose an item type: Daedric, Dragonbone. You can create items of the chosen type at a forge or anvil, and improve them twice as much. Investing a second perk point lets you choose both.
  • Daedric Infusion (TTRSO) - Infuse Daedra hearts into high-quality minerals or alloys to create heavy equipment just as strong as Daedric, but heavier and less valuable.
  • Dragon Infusion (TTRSO) - Infuse dragon scales into high-quality minerals or alloys to create light equipment just as strong as Dragonscales, but heavier and less valuable.
  • Master Blacksmith (TTRSO) - Your knowledge in armor and weapon smithing lets you improve them 20/40/60% further.
  • Arcane Blacksmith (Ordinator) - You can improve enchanted weapons and armor.
  • Sandstone Sheath (Ordinator) - When you draw a weapon, it is automatically sharpened, granting 25% extra attack damage for 10 seconds. This can only occur once every 30 seconds.
  • Advanced Workshop (Ordinator) - You may choose to upgrade one grindstone or workbench to an Advanced version for 2500 gold. It improves items one tier higher (items can be improved beyond Legendary). Can be "Disassembled" by sneaking, allowing you to upgrade another of the same type.
  • Recycle Materials (Ordinator) - 50% chance to retain any materials you spend at an Advanced Grindstone or Advanced Workbench.
  • Smithing Specialization (Ordinator) - You may choose an item type: One-Handed, Two-Handed, Light Armor, Heavy Armor or Archery. Items of the chosen type can be improved 20% better at a grindstone or workbench.
  • Iron Lore (Ordinator) - If you Specialized in an armor type, your attacks ignore 15% of the armor rating of enemies wearing items of the chosen type. If you Specialized in a weapon type, you take 10% less damage from weapons of the chosen type.
  • Fuel the Inferno (Ordinator) - When activating an Advanced Grindstone or Advanced Workbench, you may choose to sacrifice a Dragon Soul to improve items by a further one tier during that session.
  • Heart of Creation (Ordinator) - Pour your Dragonborn blood into the fire at one forge. Forging an item in this forge empowers you, increasing attack damage and critical strike damage by 15% and reducing attack damage taken by 15% for 1800 seconds.
  • Dwarven Autocannon (Ordinator) - You can create Dwemer Autocannons at a forge or anvil. Use the "Dwarven Autocannon" power to deploy them. Cannons fire parallel to your crosshair for 30/60 seconds, dealing damage equal to 30/40% of your Smithing skill, if you are within 12 feet.
  • Remote Control (Ordinator) - Your Dwarven Autocannon now fires regardless of the distance between it and you.
  • Electrobolt (Ordinator) - Every fifth Dwarven Autocannon shot is an electromagnetic blast that moves slower than a regular shell but deals shock damage to Health and Magicka equal to 80/240% of your Smithing skill level.
  • Firing Line (Ordinator) - Your Dwarven Autocannon now deploys two cannons side by side.
  • Spin Up (Ordinator) - Your Dwarven Autocannon gradually shoots faster over time, gaining 2% firing speed per shot, up to 200%.

Heavy Armour

  • Heavy Armour Mastery (Ordinator) - Armor rating of Heavy Armor increased by 20/40%. You gain a small amount of Heavy Armor experience when wearing at least
  • two pieces of Heavy Armor in combat.
  • Cushioned (Ordinator) - You take half/no damage from falling if wearing all Heavy Armor.
  • Fists of Steel (TTRSO) - Unarmed attacks with Heavy Armor gauntlets do 1.5/3 times their armor rating in extra damage.
  • Battle Weary (Ordinator) - Tired enemies have a harder time defeating your armor. You take up to 20% less attack damage from enemies with half or less Stamina, if wearing all Heavy Armor. The lower their Stamina, the less damage you take.
  • Conditioning (TTRSO) - Heavy Armor weights 25/50% less. If wearing at least 3 pieces of Heavy Armor, you gain an additional 20/40 points of Health and Stamina.
  • Well Fitted (TTRSO) - 10% Armor bonus if wearing at least 3 pieces of Heavy Armor.
  • Horseman (TTRSO) - Reduce by 50% the penalty to stamina regeneration rate from wearing a piece of Heavy Armor.
  • Defiance (Ordinator) - You are trained to deflect incoming attacks while wearing all Heavy Armor. Whenever an enemy attacks you, you gain 15 points of armor rating for 10 seconds. This effect stacks.
  • Revel in Battle (Ordinator) - Defiance also increases melee weapon damage by 3% for 10 seconds. This effect stacks.
  • Arcane Defender (TTRSO) - Reduce by 50% the penalty to spell cost and magicka regeneration rate from wearing a piece of Heavy Armor.
  • Tower of Strength (TTRSO) - 50% less stagger when wearing only Heavy Armor.
  • Matching Set (TTRSO) - 10% Armor bonus if wearing at least 3 pieces of Heavy Armor from a matched set.
  • Break Upon Me (Ordinator) - You are immune to basic melee weapon perks (Clash of Champions/Heroes, Denting/Crushing Blows, Bleed Like a Lamb/Dog, Bite Marks). If wearing all Heavy Armor, you take 10% less attack damage from enemies affected by one or more of these perks.
  • Rise Above (Ordinator) - If wearing all Heavy Armor, you intimidate enemies within 15 feet. They lose 5% attack damage and you gain 5% attack damage for each enemy affected.
  • Primal Fear (Ordinator) - If wearing all Heavy Armor, walking (but not running) towards living enemies within 30 feet in front of you may break their confidence, causing them to flee for 8 seconds.
  • Reap the Whirlwind (Ordinator) - When struck by a power attack or power bash, your attacks deal 125% more damage to the attacker for 5 seconds if wearing all Heavy Armor.
  • Sovereign (Ordinator) - When struck by an attack, subsequent attacks are deflected if wearing all Heavy Armor. You take 75% reduced damage from attacks for 1 second.
  • Face of the Mountain (Ordinator) - When struck by a power attack or power bash, the attacker's strike rebounds forcefully as if striking solid rock, staggering them and potentially knocking them to the ground if wearing all Heavy Armor.
  • Rallying Standard (Ordinator) - Grants the "Rallying Standard" power. Once a day, place a banner that grants 150 points of armor and 25% melee damage to allies within 25 feet wearing all Heavy Armor (including you) and prevents them from fleeing. Lasts 60 seconds.
  • Never Kneel (Ordinator) - If wearing all Heavy Armor, take 30% less attack damage from power attacks.
  • Out of the Inferno (Ordinator, updated for Elemental Destruction Magic) - Incoming fire, earth, frost, water, shock, and wind damage reduced by 0.02% per point of armor if wearing all Heavy Armor.
  • Immortal (Ordinator) - If wearing all Heavy Armor, take 75% less damage from attacks below 15% Health (or 20% Health if you are affected by Rallying Standard).
  • Warbringer (Ordinator) - Raising your hands (to draw a weapon or spell) places a Rallying Standard at your location for 120 seconds. This does not count against the limit of one Rallying Standard at a time.
  • Doombringer (Ordinator) - Rallying Standard also improves Destruction spells and effects by 15%.
  • Reflect Blows (TTRSO) - 10% chance to reflect melee damage back to the enemy if wearing at least 3 pieces of Heavy Armor.


  • Shield Wall (TTRSO) - Blocking is 10/20/30% more effective.
  • Timed Block (Ordinator) - Assume a defensive position for 1 second after raising your shield or weapon, blocking 30% more damage and staggering attackers in melee range. (If you do not block an attack during this time, you cannot attempt another Timed Block for 2 seconds/1 second.
  • Poke the Dragon (Ordinator) - After a successful Timed Block within 8 feet, you may retaliate with increased strength, increasing your attack damage and critical strike damage against the attacker by 25% for 5 seconds.
  • Apocalypse Proof (Ordinator, should apply to Elemental Destruction Magic) - Perform a Timed Block to mitigate incoming elemental spells and effects, reducing their damage by 50%.
  • Dragon Tail (Ordinator) - After a successful Timed Block, bashing the attacker within 5 seconds deals double damage.
  • Block Runner (Ordinator) - Can move at full speed while blocking.
  • Hold the Line (Ordinator) - During a Timed Block, allies within 10 feet gain 250 points of armor rating.
  • Timing Streak (Ordinator) - Performing 3 successful Timed Blocks in a row completes a Timing Streak, restoring 75 points of Stamina. (Taking an unblocked attack or blocking an attack outside the timed block window breaks the combo.)
  • Break Their Teeth (Ordinator) - Completing a Timing Streak violently disarms the last attacker, staggering all within an 8 foot radius.
  • Deliverance (Ordinator) - Completing a Timing Streak grants 10% extra attack damage for 90 seconds. This effect stacks.
  • Dragon Scales (Ordinator) - You take no damage from attacks during a Timed Block as long as you have Stamina remaining.
  • Deflect Arrows (Ordinator) - While blocking with a shield or weapon, arrows do half damage. Arrows that hit the shield do no damage.
  • Quick Reflexes (Ordinator) - Time slows down if you are blocking during an enemy's power attack.
  • Dominion (Ordinator) - Take 25% less attack damage from any direction when blocking in combat.
  • Respite Stance (TTRSO) - Regenerate health 50% faster while blocking during combat.
  • Defensive Stance (TTRSO) - 10% chance to reflect melee damage back to the enemy while wearing a shield.
  • Power Bash (Ordinator) - Able to do a power bash by holding down Attack while blocking.
  • Skull Rattler (Ordinator) - Bashing deals 3% more damage per point of Stamina.
  • Mocking Blow (Ordinator) - Power bashing with a weapon infuriates living targets for 30 seconds. They won't flee from combat but can't regenerate Stamina, lose 15 points of Stamina per second and you take no damage from their attacks during a Timed Block.
  • Cast Aside (Ordinator) - Interrupting an attack with a power bash with a shield knocks the attacker to the ground. Targets can only be affected once every 30 seconds.
  • Unstoppable Force (Ordinator) - Able to sprint with a shield raised. This knocks enemies in your path to the ground, but costs 10 points of Stamina per second. Enemies can only be affected once every 10 seconds.


  • Barbarian (TTRSO) - Damage from two-handed weapons scales with your skills up to 25/50/75%.
  • Massacre (Ordinator) - In combat, swinging a two-handed weapon has 10% chance to increase attack speed by 175% for 3 seconds.
  • Voice of Rage and Ruin (Ordinator) - In combat, swinging a two-handed weapon has 4% chance to activate your currently equipped power.
  • Enter the Arena (Ordinator) - Massacre always activates when you take your first two-handed swing in combat. This effect has a 30 second cooldown.
  • Champion's Stance (TTRSO) - Power attacks with two-handed weapons cost 15/30% less stamina.
  • Death or Glory (Ordinator) - Two-handed power attacks deal up to 100% more damage below half Health. The damage bonus increases as your Health decreases.
  • Well-Timed Blow (TTRSO) - Two-handed weapons have a 25% chance of doing 50% more damage if the target is staggered.
  • Ferocious Strength (Ordinator) - Power attack damage with two-handed weapons increased by 15% plus 0.1% per point of Stamina. Unlocks decapitations.
  • Wolfkin (Ordinator) - After performing 2 or more consecutive two-handed power attacks in combat, your next two-handed regular attack manifests a Spirit Wolf for 30 seconds that deals 15 bonus damage for each power attack.
  • Ramming Speed (Ordinator) - Can perform a two-handed sprinting power attack that deals up to 50% more damage and critical damage to a target above half Health. The higher its remaining Health percentage, the more damage and critical damage is dealt.
  • Bear Hide (Ordinator) - You take half damage from enemy attacks while power attacking with a two-handed weapon.
  • Clash of Heroes (Ordinator) - Attacks with greatswords reduce the target's attack damage by 15/20/25% for 3 seconds.
  • Maul (Ordinator) - Power attacks with a greatsword destabilize a target, increasing the damage of your regular attacks against the target by 25/50% for 5 seconds.
  • Breach the Wall (Ordinator) - Forwards power attacks with a greatsword that would leave the target above 60% Health deal enough additional damage to make up the difference.
  • Subjugate (Ordinator) - Sideways power attacks with a greatsword hit all targets in front of you, lowering attack speed to 50% for 10 seconds. This effect has a 20 second cooldown per target.
  • Humiliate (Ordinator) - Standing power attacks with a greatsword fatigue a target, draining 150 points of Magicka and Stamina and halting regeneration for 5 seconds.
  • Overthrow (Ordinator) - Bashing with a greatsword to interrupt an attack before it hits allows you to follow up with a power attack within 2 seconds to deliver a critical strike that deals three times critical damage and disarms them.
  • Bleed Like a Dog (Ordinator) - Attacks with battle axes deal an additional 2/3/4 points of damage per second for 3 seconds to living targets. When the bleeding stops, they take damage equal to 20/25/30% of the Health they lost while bleeding.
  • Rive (Ordinator) - Power attacks with a battle axe ignore 25/50% armor.
  • Execute (Ordinator) - Forwards power attacks with a battle axe execute targets below 30% Health, delivering a critical strike that deals twenty times critical damage.
  • Decimate (Ordinator) - Sideways power attacks with a battle axe hit all targets in front of you. This deals 20% more damage for each enemy within 8 feet.
  • Bisect (Ordinator) - Standing power attacks with a battleaxe deal bonus damage equal to 15% of a target's current Health.
  • Ram's Head (Ordinator) - Bashing with a battle axe to interrupt an attack before it hits allows you to follow up with a power attack within 2 seconds to knock them to the ground.
  • Crushing Blows (Ordinator) - Attacks with warhammers reduce the armor rating of armored enemies by 75/100/125 points for 15 seconds.
  • Batter (Ordinator) - Power attacks with a warhammer have 15/25% chance of a critical strike. All critical strikes with a warhammer deal double critical damage.
  • Avalanche (Ordinator) - Forwards power attacks with a warhammer daze a target for 8 seconds, causing it to stagger when struck by any unblocked attack.
  • The Pendulum (Ordinator) - Sideways power attacks with a warhammer hit all targets in front of you. When this hits a target twice within 10 seconds, the second hit knocks the target to the ground, dealing 50% more damage and a critical strike that does double critical damage.
  • Grand Slam (Ordinator) - Whenever a standing power attack with a warhammer inflicts a critical strike, it deals 3% more critical damage per point of Stamina.
  • Deadfall (Ordinator) - Bashing with a warhammer to interrupt an attack before it hits allows you to follow up with a power attack within 2 seconds to crush the attacker, reducing their armor by 500 points for 5 seconds.
  • Slayer of a Thousand Sons (Ordinator) - In combat, two-handed weapons deal 5% more damage for each humanoid or animal you have slain in the previous battle, up to 40%.


  • Armsman (TTRSO) - Damage from one-handed weapons scales with your skills up to 25/50/75%.
  • Rogue's Parry (Ordinator) - When wielding a one-handed weapon and an empty other hand, attacking with the weapon while the opponent is winding up their attack or drawing a bow deals 40% more damage and delivers a critical strike.
  • Well-Timed Strike (TTRSO) - One-handed weapons have a 25% chance of doing 50% more damage if the target is staggered.
  • Dual Flurry (TTRSO) - Dual wielding attacks are 20/40% faster.
  • Dual Savagery (TTRSO) - Dual wielding power attacks do 25/50% bonus damage.
  • Man O'War (Ordinator) - While dual wielding in combat, build up a battle rage with each attack, gaining 1% extra attack damage and 1% bonus attack speed for 20 seconds. This effect stacks.
  • Unleash the Beast (Ordinator) - While dual wielding in combat, enter a murderous frenzy every 20 to 40 seconds. For 8 seconds, dual wield power attacks deal 50% more damage and 100% more critical damage.
  • Bite Marks (Ordinator) - Unblocked attacks with daggers deal an additional 1/2/3 point of bleed damage per second for 30/45/60 seconds to living targets. This effect stacks.
  • Savage (Ordinator) - Attacks with a dagger deal 25/50% more damage if you rapidly hit the target three or more times. Resets when 2 seconds pass between hits.
  • Twin Fang (Ordinator) - Forwards power attacks with a dagger impale the target, dealing double Bite Marks damage, whether or not the attack is blocked.
  • Swaying Cobra (Ordinator) - Sideways power attacks with a dagger inflict distracting wounds, draining 100 points of Magicka and Stamina and halting regeneration for 5 seconds.
  • Death Adder (Ordinator) - Standing power attacks with a dagger ignore armor.
  • Coiling Python (Ordinator) - Hitting a target with a forwards, sideways and backwards power attack with a dagger within 30 seconds paralyzes the target for 20 seconds. Your attacks against the paralyzed target are critical strikes that deal nine times critical damage.
  • Clash of Champions (Ordinator) - Attacks with swords reduce the target's attack damage by 10/15/20% for 3 seconds.
  • Cross Cut (Ordinator) - Unblocked regular attacks with a sword increase the damage of your power attacks against the target by 25/50% for 4 seconds.
  • Falling Sword (Ordinator) - Forwards power attacks with a sword cause targets to bleed for 20 seconds. When a bleeding target falls below 25% Health, your attacks against that target are critical strikes that deals ten times critical damage.
  • Windswept (Ordinator) - Sideways power attacks with a sword fling targets backwards up to 6 feet, dealing up to 40% more damage based on distance traveled.
  • Into the Dust (Ordinator) - Repeated standing power attacks with a sword against a target do escalating damage if no more than 3 seconds pass between each. This effect stacks up to three times, each doing 15% more damage. Reaching four stacks knocks the target off their feet.
  • Judgment (Ordinator) - Slaying an enemy under the effect of Clash of Champions restores 100 points of Stamina.
  • Bleed Like A Lamb (Ordinator) - Attacks with war axes deal an additional 1/2/3 point of damage per second for 3 seconds to living targets. When the bleeding stops, they take damage equal to 15/20/25% of the Health they lost while bleeding.
  • Mangle (Ordinator) - Attacks with a war axe ignore 25% armor if the target is staggered.
  • Shieldbiter (Ordinator) - Forwards power attacks with a war axe smash through a block, causing the target to drop their shield and take a critical strike that deals five times critical damage.
  • Wolfstooth (Ordinator) - Sideways power attacks with a war axe grant 15% extra attack damage for 30 seconds. This effect stacks.
  • Go for the Throat (Ordinator) - Standing power attacks with a war axe remove all active instances of Wolfstooth on the user, dealing 50% bonus damage and a critical strike for 250% bonus critical damage for each instance consumed.
  • Apex Predator (Ordinator) - Attacks with war axes deal bonus damage to living targets equal to 4% of their current Health (max. 40 damage).
  • Denting Blows (Ordinator) - Attacks with maces reduce the armor rating of armored enemies by 50/75/100 points for 15 seconds.
  • Smite (Ordinator) - Power attacks with a mace deliver a critical strike that deals three/six times critical damage (four/eight times against the undead). Targets can only be struck by Smite once every 30 seconds.
  • Rise Kinsmen (Ordinator) - Forwards power attacks with a mace inspire nearby allies, granting them 20% extra attack damage for 15 seconds. This effect stacks.
  • Toll the Bell (Ordinator) - Sideways power attacks with a mace deplete all of your Stamina on impact, dealing 1% more damage per point of Stamina depleted and doing a critical strike.
  • Meteor Storm (Ordinator) - Each standing power attack with a mace that hits a target empowers subsequent standing power attacks with a mace within 20 seconds, increasing their damage and Stamina cost by 15%. This effect stacks.
  • Skull Crack (Ordinator) - Attacks with maces interrupt spellcasting. Does not work on massive targets.
  • Fighting Stance (TTRSO) - Power attacks with one-handed weapons cost 15/30% less stamina.
  • Precision Strike (TTRSO) - Attacks with one-handed weapons have a 10/15/25% chance of doing critical damage.
  • Furious Strength (Ordinator) - Power attack damage with one-handed weapons increased by 15% plus 0.1% per point of Stamina. Unlocks decapitations.
  • Overrun (Ordinator) - Can perform a one-handed sprinting power attack that deals up to 50% more damage and critical damage to a target above half Health. The higher its remaining Health percentage, the more damage and critical damage is dealt.
  • Thundering Blow (Ordinator) - Whenever you perform a total of 8 or more one-handed regular attacks in combat, your next one-handed power attack is a Thundering Blow that deals double damage and costs no Stamina, resetting the counter.
  • Aftershock (Ordinator) - After a Thundering Blow, attack speed is increased by 75% for 3 seconds.
  • Wandering Warrior (Ordinator) - Whenever you defeat at least 4 humanoids and/or animals in a single battle, you gain a permanent +1% bonus to one-handed damage. This effect stacks up to +20%.


  • Overdraw (TTRSO) - Damage from bows scales with your skills up to 25/50/75%.
  • Wingstrike (Ordinator) - Bashing with a bow or crossbow staggers/always staggers the target. Bows and crossbows deal 20/40% more damage to that target for 10 seconds.
  • Long Shot (Ordinator) - Bows and crossbows deal up to 40/60/80% more damage to targets beyond 50 feet. The damage bonus increases as distance increases.
  • Clean Kill (Ordinator) - Bows and crossbows deal 20% more damage to a target at full Health.
  • Thread the Needle (Ordinator) - Bows and crossbows ignore 25/50% armor if the target is not moving.
  • Steady Hand (Ordinator) - Pressing Block while aiming will zoom in your view /and slow time by 25/50%.
  • Snipe (Ordinator) - Shooting targets you haven't shot within the past 10 seconds inflicts a critical strike that deals three times critical damage, and any weapon enchantments applied by the shot are twice as effective.
  • Ambush Predator (Ordinator) - After standing still for 6 seconds with a bow or crossbow out, it does 25% more damage until you move.
  • Hawkeye (Ordinator) - Grants the "Hawkeye" power. Once a day, slow time and focus on your foes for 10 seconds, looking for opportunities for a killing shot. Finding their vulnerability takes 1 second per 125 Health. Once you do, you may shoot them for an instant kill.
  • Three Crows (Ordinator) - Shooting a target beyond 25 feet three times in rapid succession, leaving less than 2.75 seconds between each hit, deals bonus damage equal to 15% of the target's current Health (max. 150 damage) and knocks the target to the ground.
  • Crippling Shot (Ordinator) - Arrows and bolts slow a target within 25 feet by 10% for 20 seconds. This effect stacks.
  • Pinning Shot (Ordinator) - Arrows and bolts have a chance to stagger a target within 50 feet. More effective against targets with a lower remaining Health percentage. No effect on massive targets.
  • Ranger (Ordinator) - Can move at full speed with a drawn bow. (Do not take this perk while sneaking.)
  • Quick Shot (Ordinator) - Can draw a bow or reload a crossbow 30% faster.
  • Beak and Talon (Ordinator) - Your shots disrupt targets within 25 feet, disarming them if they are power attacking and knocking them down if they are staggered.
  • Hailstorm (Ordinator) - Attack 8% faster with bows and crossbows for 10 seconds after shooting a fully drawn bow or crossbow in combat. This effect stacks.
  • Perfect Aim (Ordinator) - Bows deal 25% more damage if the shot strikes a target within 2 seconds after the bow is fully drawn. Crossbows deal triple damage to targets with 20% or less Health remaining.
  • Hunter's Discipline (Ordinator) - Recover twice as many arrows and bolts from dead bodies.
  • Focus on the Prey (Ordinator) - Cannot be staggered while holding a drawn bow or reloading a crossbow.
  • Trick Arrows (Ordinator, updated for Elemental Destruction Magic) - Able to upgrade many types of arrows at a forge or anvil, adding a bonus effect based on its material.
  • Hunt Together (Ordinator) - When fighting only one enemy, hitting the target with a bow or crossbow manifests a Spirit Wolf for 30 seconds. The wolf deals damage equal to 15% of your current Stamina. This effect has a 30 second cooldown per target.
  • Lion's Arrow (Ordinator) - Grants the "Lion's Arrow" power: use it to store the spell you are dual casting. Shooting a fully drawn bow in combat also releases the stored spell in the direction of the crosshair. Only works with spells that affect other targets.

Descriptions of other perk trees coming soon!
Light Armour
