About this mod

A Snow Elf race mod. It adds a new playable Snow Elf race, overhauls Dawnguard's Snow Elves, introduces optional Snow Elf followers to the game, and adds craftable Ancient Falmer weapons to the leveled lists and world.

Permissions and credits
  • Portuguese
  • Mandarin



* Sacrosanct Unified Patch to resolve conflicts with Timelost Dwemer and Ancient falmer
* Minor updates for Sacrosanct Patch and Sacrilege Patch
* Sacrilege Patch adds Ancient Will ability to snow elf vampires

There are several Snow Elf race mods on the Nexus (such as Playable Dawnguard Snow Elf Race, True Snow Elf Race, etc), but I wanted to put together my own mod using recolored and edited high res assets from the Skyrim community's wonderful modders and creators. This mod is inspired by BetrayalSeeker's Snow Elf Overhaul.

Though long thought to be extinct, the remnants of the Ancient Falmer race are emerging from their hidden underground enclaves. Some are survivors, returning to the surface after enduring thousands of years of war and constant danger. Others are but mere children, bearing witness to the light of day for the first time in their lives. But whether young or old, these falmer walk the hostile land of Skyrim knowing that they are the last of their kind, and that one wrong step could extinguish their race forever.


* RaceCompatibility
* Ancient Falmer Skin Patcher


* Race Compatibility Dialogue SSE
- Installing this mod will let NPC's recognize you as an elf (a high elf, specifically)

* Inventory Interface Information Injector and Racial Abilities - I4 icons
- (IIFJ SE 1.5.97 version)
- Racial Abilities - I4 icons adds unique icons for Ancient Falmer spells and abilities

* Wintersun and Wintersun - Custom Race Support
- Install this if you use Wintersun, and your snow elf will be able to choose a god to worship

* Alternate Start - Live Another Life
- useful if you want a more immersive or varied start to the game

* Frosty Snow Elf Skin Renewal 
- Hyperborean BnP skin for Ancient Falmer!


 Schlongs of Skyrim SE or Schlongs of Skyrim Light SE
- The Ancient Falmer - A Snow Elf Race SOS Plugin Installer
- SOS/SOS Light Patch for The Ancient Falmer

 The New Gentlemen 
- The Ancient Falmer - A Snow Elf Race TNG Patch
- TNG Patch for the Ancient Falmer


Their skills are weighted towards spellsword or witchhunter type characters.

  • Destruction 10
  • Restoration 5
  • Enchanting 5
  • Light Armor 5
  • One-Handed 5
  • Archery 5

  • ICY TERNION - launch a volley of three ice spikes

  • ICY FURY - Snow elf frost magic does an additional 25% damage, and ignores the inherent frost resistance of Nords

  • Start with FROSTBITE in your spellbook

Smite undead abominations in the name of Auriel with the might of the sun!

  • CASTIGATE - Lay your hands upon the undead. burning them with concentrated sun fire, as well as dealing half damage to nearby targets.

  • SMITE - Strike down an undead foe with a blast of sun fire, stunning it briefly, setting it aflame, and causing it to flee for 10 seconds while taking lingering sun fire damage

  • NOVA - Unleash a blinding flash of light, hurling away all nearby undead, disintegrating those that die instantly, and turning those that survive.

To become a snow elf vampire is to become an affront to all of Creation: your patron deity, Auriel, will abandon you, causing you to lose your ability to cast sun fire magic. Instead, you gain powerful frost magic to reap the living.

  • ICY TOUCH - Blast an enemy at close range, freezing them, and severely-slowing their movement speed and their melee attack speed for 5 seconds.

  • HOARFROST - Encase yourself in an armor of ice, increasing your armor and your fire resistance for 30 seconds.

  • GLACIAL PRESENCE - Become as cold as winter and freeze the environment around you, gaining 100% frost resistance while drastically slowing all enemies around you, and allowing you to walk on water for 1 minute. Your unholy presence also awakens the cursed spirits of ancient falmer, summoning three Wisps armed with Ice Lances to attack your foes.

  • REPRISE - Once per day, when your health reaches 50%, time will slow to a crawl for a few seconds and you will auto-equip the Reprise power. Cast Reprise to instantly restore all your Magicka and Stamina, and surround yourself in a storm of ice, dealing 20 damage per second to surrounding enemies while increasing all your offensive skills by 20% for 10 seconds.

  • RESIST FROST - Resist 50% of incoming Frost damage

  • RESIST POISON - Resist 50% of incoming Poison damage

  • WEAKNESS TO FIRE - Take 25% more of incoming Fire damage

  • IVORY GLASS SMITHING - Allows you to forge Ancient Falmer Ivory Glass weapons and armor at the start of the game

  • IVORY GLASS ARMOR - Gives a 5% armor bonus to all equipped Ancient Falmer armor pieces

  • IVORY GLASS WEAPONS - Gives a 1% damage bonus to all equipped Ancient Falmer weapons

Craft Ancient Falmer Armor and unique Ivory Glass weapons!


Dawnguard's Ancient Falmer Armor pieces are now craftable! They are categorized as 'Ivory Glass Material' and as such are only craftable by Snow Elves.

Adds craftable Ancient Falmer weapons (from Ancient Falmer Ivory Glass Weapons by GyntRyle) to the leveled lists and the world.

Snow Elves may craft Ancient Falmer weapons at the start of the game.
  • Ancient Falmer arrows, swords, axes, maces, daggers, battleaxes, warhammers, and greatswords
  • - craftable at any forge, and improvable at grindstones

  • replaces all elven weapons found in the Forgotten Vale with Ancient Falmer weapons

  • Ancient Falmer weapons may be found in Falmer, Falmer loot/treasure chests, in places where Falmer reside, and in the Forgotten Vale

  • Special enchanted variants of Ancient Falmer weapons can also be found, such as the Icy Souls and Sun Fire enchantments

Only Snow Elf player characters can forge them at the start of the game.

  • Ivory Glass equipment can be forged at any blacksmith forge, and improved at grindstones and work benches

  • Non-snow elves can find a book in the Inner Sanctum at the Chapel of Auriel called Ivory Glass, that will teach them how to craft Ancient Falmer weapons and armor.

  • - This book is also useful to Snow Elves, as it rewards them with Forgotten Falmer Knowledge that increases the strength of Ancient Falmer equipment

You may also install a Snow Elf Follower Addon that adds two Snow Elf followers to the game: Valrysa, a Spellsword, and Ashian, an Assassin.


Both followers can be found in the Silverblood Inn at Markarth.


* Apachii Hairs
* KS Hairdos OR SG Hairs Pack 350

(If you want Valrysa to look as close to the screenshots as possible, you need SG Hairs Pack 350)

SG Hairs Valrysa (left) vs KS Hairdos Valrysa (rignt)

  • I can't provide a link to SG Hairs (because SG Hairs and its mod author got banned for stealing assets), but you can find it by searching for "SG Hairs 350" on Google. 
  • - If you can't find it then please PM me and I'll help you. Don't ask me in the comments.

  • SG Hairs Pack is not ported to SSE. You will need to port it yourself. I provided instructions on how to do this, below:

  • SSE Port Instructions


1. Open both SGHairPackBase and SGHairPackAIO in SSEEdit (aka XEdit)

2. Click each plugin, go to the right side of the screen, navigate to Record Flags, and disable the ESM flag. Exit SSEEdit to save.
- notice that it says Form 43 under Form ID. This means that it is an Oldrim form plugin. Converting it in the steps below will change it
to SSE's format, Form 44.

3. Open SGHairPackBase in Creation Kit, and edit something random from SGHairs (like a name or something) then remove your change. 
- You just need to show the CK that something changed in the plugin. After you're done, save the plugin. The CK will save it as a form 44 plugin.

4. Do the same thing as you did in step 3 to SGHairPackAIO

5. Once again, open both SGHairPackBase and SGHairPackAIO in SSEEdit

6. Click each plugin, navigate to Record Flag, and enable the ESM flag for both plugins. Exist SSEEdit to save.

Valrysa (Spellsword)

Valrysa is a young Falmer, born less than a century ago. Growing up, she honed her innate, natural skills with magic, melting and shattering her foes with a deadly mix of destructive sorcery and brutal close combat. Life beneath the earth is a precarious one, with monsters lurking in every shadow. Many times has an over the head swing with her trusty mace saved her life in close combat when her spells proved too slow to cast. Once, however, a feral Falmer slashed through her guard and across her cheek, leaving a scar that she now hides carefully with her platinum blonde hair. Ever since then, Valrysa became determined to perfect her skills with her magic and her mace, and is never content with settling for second best.
Valrysa had never seen or felt the light of the sun upon her skin until she stepped out into the surface world. Spurred onward by her youthful pride and a lust for action and adventure, Valrysa was eager to venture forth into Skyrim and leave her mark on the history books in the land her ancestors once called home. Valrysa is skilled in magical ranged combat, and isn't afraid to enter a bloody melee with her frost-enchanted Ivory Glass mace, Leyaser.

Ashian (Assassin)

Ashian is a truly ancient Falmer. Having witnessed and survived both the Atmoran Conquests of Skyrim and his people's enslavement by the Dwemer, Ashian has seen all that the world could offer - for better or for worse. He carries with him the horrors he saw and committed in his long life, knowing that they will forever haunt him for as long as he lived. But those memories have not stopped him from living. In the centuries he spent underground, he grew accustomed to that neigh fruitless, brutal life. After being hunted for so long by both his devolved brethren and the Dwemer machines that patrol Skyrim's underworld he learned how to hunt them, and became exceptionally skilled at stalking unseen and loosing magical arrows from the darkness. When Ashian emerged unto the outside world, he was filled with great relief. After all he had seen and all that he had done, he was finally glad that he could put that darkness behind him and start anew.
Although he looks forward to brighter, sunnier days, he has no qualms with plunging back into the darkness beneath the earth to slay the monsters that had tormented him and his people for so long. Ashian wields the ancient Ivory Glass witch-hunting bow, Leshasea, and prefers to strike from a distance.


* Ashian (and probably Valrysa) will equip a Hunting Bow when first recruited. This is a bug that all custom followers have. You will need to remove the bow from his inventory, or he won't use his own weapons. You only need to do this once. I can't fix this without breaking every follower mod out there, so manually removing that stupid Hunting Bow from his inventory ingame is the only way around this bug (thanks Bethesda)

Overhauls Gelebor and Vyrthur's appearances, and equips them with Ancient Falmer weapons! This overhaul is an optional plugin that may be installed via the mod's installer.


See the gallery for more pictures of the two Ancient Falmer brothers!

* KS - Hairdos Renewal

  • This mod is fully-compatible with Dawnguard, which is also a requirement for this mod to work.
  • Compatible with Better Vampires and Sacrosanct (requires the Sacrosanct Patch, more info in the installation section)

  • Snow Elves can become werewolves too!

* Both males and females use recolored body textures from talented modders (with permission) to create a unique elven race!
  • the Snow Elves in this mod were inspired by Light Elves from Kingdoms of Amalur
  • Default skin tones include: White, Yellow, Blue, and Teal. Default hair colors include: Platinum Blonde, White, Dark Red, Dirty Blonde, and Dark Brown.
* Five preset faces for both Males and Females

compatibility and patches


  • All perk tree or enchantment overhauls

  • Better Vampires, Sacrosanct, Sacrilege

  • RaceMenu SE

  • Fertility Mode SE and Fertility Mode v3 Fixes and Tweaks

  • High Poly Heads

  • Aesthetic Elves

  • Requiem

  • Moonlight Tales, Manbeast


  • Ethereal Elven Overhaul

  • Enhanced Character Edit

  • Beast form mods (needs a patch)
  • - True Hybrid, Path of Trancendence, and Growl are unsupported

  • Gelebor and Vyrthur Face Replacers

  • Vampire Mods (needs a patch)
  • - Any vampire mod not listed in the COMPATIBLE section needs a patch

  • Leveled Lists
  • - If you use other mods that edit the leveled lists, you will need to build a Bashed Patch

installation guide

"File Path too long" errors:

* If you can't install due to a "File Path too long" error in Vortex, download the mod manually from the site, and rename the .zip file that you downloaded to something shorter, like "TLD.zip". Then try installing it again.

Disclaimer: Installing with MO2 is preferred. Vortex & NMM do not allow users to manually-reorder their mods and plugins, and in some cases may cause bugs specific to Vortex and NMM. This is the case for most mods with facegen data and patch plugins on the Nexus. Your experience may vary!

1. Install RaceCompatibility

  • If you are using Growl or Moonlight Tales, you must select Moonlight Tales compatibility in RaceCompatibility's installer

  • If you are using vampire overhaul mods, you must select the vampire mod you are using (Better VampiresSacrosanct, or Sacrilege)
  • - if you are NOT using any vampire mods, select No Vampire Overhaul

2. Install The Ancient Falmer - A Snow Elf Race. Opening The Ancient Falmer SE.zip with your mod manager will open an installer program which will guide you through the installation process.
  • Please follow the instructions on the first screen, or the installer will terminate prematurely.

3. Select any addons you wish to install. Make your selections and click Install to finish installation.
Patch/Plugin Information(if you care):

Some options may be pre-selected for you, because they are required, or the installer detected the addon's prerequisite plugin in your load order.


  • Fertility Mode Patch
  • If you are using Fertility Mode, and want your female falmer character and female falmer followers to have a menstrual cycle and experience pregnancy, you can install this plugin. You must select the plugin that corresponds to the version of Fertility Mode that you are using.
  • NOTE: Requires Fertility Mode or Fertility Mode Fixes and the Ancient Falmer Follower Plugin

  • Timelost Dwemer-Ancient Falmer Unified Fertility Mode Patch
  • If you are using BOTH the Timelost Dwemer fertility mode (fixes) patch AND the Ancient Falmer Fertility Mode (fxies) patch, you MUST INSTALL THE UNIFIED PATCH in order for both plugins to work together


  • Snow Elf Follower Addon
  • Requires ApachiiHairs, and KS Hairdos OR SG Hairs. You must between either of these mods for Valrysa's hairstyle in the next step.
  • - if you can't find SG Hairs Pack 350, PM me. Do not ask in the comments.
  • Follower location: Silverblood Inn

  • Snow Elf Follower Hair Patches
  • If you installed the Snow Elf Follower Addon, you must choose Valrysa's hairstyle.
  • KS Hairdos - Requires KS Hairdos SSE. This is the default selection. 
  • SG Hairs - Requires SG Hairs 350 (must be converted for SE). This is the original hair option for Valrysa, as seen on the modpage. 
  • - If you've found SG Hairs 350, see the SE-porting guide under Features>Snow Elf Followers on this modpage, further above

  • Snow Elf Follower Plugin RDO Patch
  • If you use Relationship Dialogue Overhaul, you can install this patch to replace Ashian's voice set with the bandit voice.

  • Gelebor and Vyrthur Overhaul


  • No Ivory Glass Smithing Patch
  • install if you don't want to be able to craft Ivory Glass smithing at the start of the game
  • you will need to learn IVG Smithing from a hidden book in the Chapel of Auriel

  • Better Shaped Weapons Patch
  • install if you are using Better Shaped Weapons and you want slimmer IVG weapons.

  • Immersive Jewelry Patch
  • install if you're using Immersive Jewelry

  • High Poly Heads Patch
  • If you are using High Poly Heads, you must install this patch so that deep elves can use the high poly face parts.

  • Better Vampires
  • Better Vampires is compatible without a patch as long as you selected Better Vampires in the RaceCompatibility installer in Step 2
  • Mod and plugin need to be loaded in a certain order. Follow instructions in the Load Order Guide after Step 6.

  • Sacrosanct Patch
  • If you are using Sacrosanct, you must install this patch
  • Sacrosanct Unified Patch
  • If you are using both the Timelost Dwemer Sacrosanct and Ancient Falmer Sacrosanct patches, you MUST install this patch. 

  • Sacrilege Patch
  • If you are using Sacrilege, you must install this patch
  • Sacrilege Unified Patch
  • If you are using both the Timelost Dwemer Sacrosanct and Ancient Falmer Sacrosanct patches, you MUST install this patch

4. Download the SKIN PATCHER and from the Ancient Falmer Patch Center

  • You MUST install the Skin Patcher or your character will not look like anything close to the snow elves in my screenshots. 
  • - select the options that correspond to the textures you're using, or choose the options that you like the most.

  • After installing all the required files, you must load the Skin Patcher AFTER the main mod, like this:

5. Run LOOT.
  • If you want to, merge the Ancient Falmer patches and addons with Mator Smash or Merge Plugins in order to save plugin space.
  • Read the Load Order Guide below and make sure LOOT put your plugins in the right order.


The following section will instruct you on how to load the optional plugins and patches you installed in their required order.


Better Vampires does not need a patch in order to work with Ancient Falmer.

However, you must load Better Vampires' plugin after RaceCompatibility USKPOverride like this:

  • RaceCompatibilityUSKPOverride.esp
  • Better Vampires.esp

You also need to load the mod folders of RaceCompatibility, Better Vampires, and Ancient Falmer in the order below:

  • Better Vampires
  • RaceCompatibility


If you installed the Snow Elf Fertility Mode Fixes Patch, you must arrange your plugins in this order:

  • Fertility Mode.esm
  • Fertility Mode 3 Fixes and Updates.esp
  • Snow_Elf_Fertility_Mode_Fixes_Patch.esp

If you installed the Snow Elf Fertility Mode Fixes Unified Patch, you must arrange your plugins in this order:

  • Fertility Mode.esm
  • Fertility Mode 3 Fixes and Updates.esp
  • Deep_Elf_Followers.esp
  • Snow_Elf_Followers.esp
  • Deep_Elf_Fertility_Mode_Fixes_Patch.esp
  • Snow_Elf_Fertility_Mode_Fixes_Patch.esp
  • TAF-TLD_Unified_Fertility_Mode_Patch.esp


If you installed the Snow Elf Fertility Mode Fixes Patch, you must arrange your plugins in this order:

  • Fertility Mode.esm
  • Fertility Mode 3 Fixes and Updates.esp
  • Snow_Elf_Fertility_Mode_Fixes_Patch.esp

If you installed the Deep Elf Fertility Mode Fixes Unified Patch, you must arrange your plugins in this order:

  • Fertility Mode.esm
  • Fertility Mode 3 Fixes and Updates.esp
  • Deep_Elf_Followers.esp
  • Snow_Elf_Followers.esp
  • Deep_Elf_Fertility_Mode_Fixes_Patch.esp
  • Snow_Elf_Fertility_Mode_Fixes_Patch.esp
  • TAF-TLD_Unified_Fertility_Mode_Patch.esp


If you installed the Follower Plugin, and are using the KS Hairdos Patch, then you must load your plugins in this order:

  • Snow_Elf_Followers.esp
  • Snow_Elf_Followers_KS_HAIRS_PATCH.esp


(Taken directly from Enai's mod page)
RaceCompatibility compatibility workaround

RaceCompatibility modifies werewolf scripts and distributes them as loose files, which
will take precedence over any regular mod you have installed, resulting
in an unavoidable conflict regardless of load order.

To avoid this:
  • If you have no mods that REQUIRE RaceCompatibility: There is no need to
    install it. Growl already handles custom races correctly.
  • If you have not yet installed RaceCompatibility and want to install it
    using the included installer: Choose Moonlight Tales compatibility. According to the author of RaceCompatibility, this will result in the werewolf scripts not being installed.
  • If you have not yet installed RaceCompatibility and want to install it
    manually: Do not install the PlayerWerewolfChangeScript that comes with RaceCompatibility.
  • If you have already installed RaceCompatibility: Remove the loose PlayerWerewolfChangeScript
    it comes with. If using a mod manager, it will be in its own directory. If installing manually, it will be in your Scripts folder.

SO BASICALLY, you need to either Select Moonlight Tales compatibility when installing RaceCompatibility, or delete the PlayerWerewolfChangeScript inside of RaceCompatibility's script installer.


If you are using Immersive Jewelry, you should have installed the Immersive Jewelry Patch in the previous installation steps.

Make sure you load the Snow Elf Race + Immersive Jewelry Patch.esp AFTER Immersive Jewelry.esp.

  • Immersive Jewelry.esp
  • Snow Elf Race + Immersive Jewelry Patch


You must load the Snow Elf requiem patch after Requiem.esp


If you are using Sacrilege, you should have installed the Sacrilege Patch in the previous installation steps. Load your plugins in the following order:

  • RaceCompatibilityUSKPOverride.esp
  • Sacrilege - Minimalistic Vampires of Skyrim.
  • SnowElf-Sacrilege.esp

Make sure that your RC, Sacrilege, and TLD mod folders overwrite each other in the following order, or vampirism won't work:

  • The Ancient Falmer - A Snow Elf Race SE
  • Sacrilege 
  • RaceCompatibility

UNIFIED PATCH (Timelost Dwemer Users)
If you are using both the Ancient Falmer and Timelost Dwemer Sacrilege Patches, you should have installed the Sacrilege Unified Patch. Load your plugins in this order: 

  • RaceCompatibilityUSKPOverride.esp
  • Sacrilege - Minimalistic Vampires of Skyrim.esp
  • SnowElf-Sacrilege.esp
  • DeepElf-Sacrilege.esp
  • SnowDeepElf-Sacrilege.esp


If you are using Sacrosanct, you should have installed the Sacrosanct Patch in the previous installation steps. Load your plugins in the following order:

  • RaceCompatibilityUSKPOverride.esp
  • Sacrosanct - Vampires of Skyrim.esp
  • Snow_Elf_Race_SCS_Patch.esp

Additionally, Sacrosanct's mod folder must overwrite RaceCompatibility's mod folder as well.

  • RaceCompatibility
  • Sacrosanct - Vampires of Skyrim

UNIFIED PATCH (Timelost Dwemer Users)

If you are using both the Ancient Falmer and Timelost Dwemer Sacrosanct Patches, you should have installed the Sacrosanct Unified Patch. Load your plugins in this order:

  • RaceCompatibilityUSKPOverride.esp
  • Sacrosanct - Vampires of Skyrim.esp
  • Snow_Elf_Race_SCS_Patch.esp
  • Deep_Elf_Race_SCS_Patch.esp
  • TLD-TAF Unified SCS Patch.esp


I aim to provide updates and bugfixes for this mod when I am able. These updates should not break your save, however, there are some steps you should take to make sure your character's traits are updated properly.

There is no need to conduct these procedures unless stated in the changelog.

Standard Updating Procedure
This is the standard updating procedure for 1.0 and above, unless specifically stated otherwise.

- Hit Tilde ~ to open the console, type in 'showracemenu' (without quotes) and press enter
- You will now be in the RaceMenu Screen. Make any changes you want (you don't need to) and press R to save and finish
- You should see on the top left of your screen: "Timelost Dwemer perks and spells have been added successfully."
- Done!

Advanced Updating Procedure
Do not use this updating procedure unless instructed to.

- Hit Tilde ~ to open the console, type in 'showracemenu' (without the quotes) and press enter
- You will now be in the RaceMenu Screen. If you are using the RaceMenu mod or ECE, I suggest that you save a character preset of your current character before continuing
- Change your character's race to any other race
- Press R and confirm your changes, and return to the game. You should see the message at the top left of the screen: "Timelost Dwemer perks and spells have been removed successfully"
- Open the console a second time, and enter RaceMenu again
- Change your character back to a Deep Elf, load your the character preset you saved
- Press R and confirm your changes, and return to the game. You should see a message on the top left of your screen: "Timelost Dwemer perks and spells have been added successfully." Your new skill bonuses should be applied, and the Smite ability should be in your spellbook

You may also need to rebuild your Bashed Patch if I update the leveled lists, but I will let you know if you need to.



If you want to use your own custom textures to fit your custom body meshes, all you need to do is replace this mod's textures with yours.

Simply drag and drop your textures (such as femalebody_1.dds, femalebody_0.dds, etc) into the following folder:

...\Snow Elf Race - The Ancient Falmer\Textures\snow elf

Click yes to overwrite any files if asked.

If that doesn't work, then make sure the Essential's Patcher is overwriting the main mod.


If you're a Vortex user, then it's more complicated because Vortex is inferior doesn't give users the necessary controls needed to manually-modify their load order. 

  • Open the contents of the Skin Patcher
  • Drag and drop your textures (such as femalebody_1.dds, femalebody_0.dds, etc) into the following folder:
  • ...\Snow Elf Race - The Ancient Falmer\Textures\snow elf
  • Copy the entire contents of the Skin Patcher and paste them into the main mod's folder. 
  • Overwrite when prompted. This will manually-overwrite the assets of the main mod with the contents of the Skin Patcher.


These skin tones aren't lore friendly, they break my immersion, peepee poopoo skin tone bad etc
  • If my snow elf skin tones are not to your liking, you can change them by replacing my mod's textures. Instructions on how to do this are under the Customization section of the mod description. 

Help! My falmer don't look like the dwemer in your screenshots!
  • You forgot to install the SKIN PATCHER from The Ancient Falmer Patch Center. Make sure it loads AFTER the main mod, meaning the contents of the Skin Patcher must overwrite the Ancient Falmer mod folder.

  • If you installed the SKIN PATCHER and the skins still aren't changing, then you're probably using Vortex. Vortex doesn't give you the same amount of load order control as Mod Organizer does (cough Vortex is inferior cough) you need to do some extra work.
  • For instructions, see the spoiler below:

  • You need to open the contents of the Skin Patcher, and cut and paste it into the main mod's folder. Select yes if asked if you want to overwrite. 

My game is crashing on start!
  • You are most likely missing a requirement. Read through the installation guide again and make sure you installed every requirement needed for the mod to function. If you installed any plugins or patches, you must make sure their requirements are installed, too.

I started a new game and I'm crashing when I select Snow Elves in RaceMenu!

  • This can be caused by one of several things, but it is all related to the male body meshes or textures in some way, shape or form:
  • - You chose the SOS body in the installer, but didn't install Schlongs of Skyrim
  • - You chose the SOS Light body in the installer, but didn't install Schlongs of Skyrim Light
  • - You chose the SkySight Skins body in the installer, but didn't install Skysight Skins
  • - There is a mod in your load order that is overwriting the SOS, SOSL, or SkySight Skins body meshes and causing CTD's
  • - You are using incompatible Oldrim textures in SSE (not all Oldrim textures are compatible with SSE)
  • Please make sure you installed the right requirements, and that there are no incompatible mod conflicts in your load order. If anything overwrites the male body meshes that SOS or SOSL provides, you will most likely crash. If you chose SOS or SOSL in the installer, and you do not have either of the two main mods installed, you WILL crash for sure.

Vampirism isn't working!
My character isn't getting his/her Better Vampires/Sacrosanct/Sacrilege spells!

  • Reinstall RaceCompatibility, and make sure you selected the corresponding patch for the vampire overhaul you use (you can only pick one)
  • Reinstall the Timelost Dwemer, and make sure you installed the corresponding patch for the vampire overhaul you use (you can only pick one)
  • Read the Load Order section of the mod description under Installation > Load Order. You must load the vampire overhaul mod folders, plugins, and patches in a particular order for things to work. 

Where are the Snow Elf followers?
  • Valrysa and Ashian are both in the Silverblood Inn.

My male snow elves have holes in their crotches!
  • You are missing the Snow Elf SOS Plugin. You need both SOS/SOS Light and the Snow Elf SOS Plugin if you want your male snow elves to have genitals.
  • If you have the Snow Elf SOS Plugin installed, and your Snow Elf males still have holes in their crotches, you may need to manually-apply their schlongs. Make sure to apply the Snow Elf schlong.

Do NPC's refer to me as a snow elf ingame?

My textures look messed up!
  • Make sure you load the Essentials Patcher AFTER the main mod's folder.
  • If you’re experiencing weird texture stretching on females or males, then you might have installed the wrong textures. For example, if you are using CBBE, you MUST install the CBBE option in my mod's installer. If you are using Skysight Skins, you must install the Skysight Skins option in my mod's installer etc

Is there an Xbox One port? Xbone port when?
  • I don't own an Xbox so I have no plans to port the mod. Other users are welcome to try though, provided they ask me for permission and follow my mod's permissions. 

Can you make Valrysa into a character preset?
  • No, sorry!

New penis mod came out. Can you make a patch for it?

When is the Xivkyn race coming?
  • Not anytime soon! 


(Text taken directly from my Deep Elf mod, because it's the exact same bug)
Caused by switching from the female sex to male sex in racemenu. Can be fixed by dragging the Face Part slider to the left until the forehead looks normal again. See pictures below:

future plans



Old Changelogs:

[Version 1.0.0]
Initial release

[Version 1.1.0]
* Icy Fury Perk was not actually being applied. I fixed my perk application script to actually do this.
* Snow Elf Vampires should be the same height as regular Snow Elves now
* Snow Elves now have a 50% vulnerability to fire
  • - consequently, if you are a Snow Elf Vampire with Stage 4 Vampirism, you will have a 100% vulnerability to Fire Damage, a 100% resistance to Frost Damage, and a 150% resistance to Poison Damage
* Updated Snow Elves’ Resist Frost and Poison descriptions to be more immersive and consistent in wording
* The Vanilla Snow Elf Race (Gelebor and Vyrthur’s race) are now around the same height as Snow Elf players
* Hostile Falmer NPC’s and Snow Elf NPC’s now have the exact same resistances and weaknesses as Snow Elf players
  • - this means Gelebor and Vyrthur now have the same resistances and weaknesses as you
  • - note that Vyrthur is a vampire, so his resistance and vulnerabilities will be equivalent to that of a Snow Elf Vampire player
* Updated Ancient Falmer Knowledge - Icy Fury’s description.The ability increases the damage of your Frost Magic by 25%, but the description said it was 5%. This has been corrected to 25%.
* Ivory Glass Arrows now do 20 base damage.
* Snow Elf body, hand, head, and eye textures have been moved to \Snow Elf Race - The Ancient Falmer…\Textures\snow elf
* Snow Elf females now use facial complexions from Mature Skin Complexion

[Version 1.1.1]
* Lowered charge up time for Icy Ternion to 0.5 seconds
* Reprise now does 20 damage per second and restores all your magica and stamina rather than 100 points of each
* Added default light yellow skin tone (resembles Altmer skin, but lighter and kinda bluish)
* Vulnerability to fire reduced from 50% to 25%. I did this because I kept getting melted by fire mages and dragons, and I figured that since fighting dragons is pretty central to the game's main quest, you shouldn't get one-shotted by them for being a snow elf.

[Version 1.1.2]
* Gave vanilla Snow Elves the Reprise ability
  • - this means when you fight Vyrthur, he'll use Reprise when his health gets low enough... consequently this will make him more dangerous in combat
  • - I have yet to actually combat test him in the actual Dawnguard questline so please report any bugs you find
  • - Vyrthur already has a Frostcloak spell, so it might look like he's using Reprise above 50% health, when actually he's just using Frostcloak
* Tweaked vanilla Snow Elf and Falmer resistances and weaknesses to be the same levels as player Snow Elves
  • - thus Vyrthur and all hostile Falmer NPC's will have 50% frost resistance, 50% poison resistance, and 25% fire weakness
  • - Vyrthur is a vampire, so these resistances and weaknesses stack on top of his vampire traits
  • - consequently, he will be (near) impervious to frost damage and poison damage, but will take 75% more damage from fire attacks
* Fixed Gelebor and Vyrthur's body textures
  • - they shouldn't be missing textures anymore
* Fixed Gelebor and Vyrthur's face textures
  • - their faces should be the same color as the rest of their body now
* Fixed female Snow Elf first person hand mesh
  • - hand textures should not be missing in first person when wielding weapons anymore
* Edited textures for males and females to make their nipples darker... lol
  • - prior to this edit their nipples were near or at the same color as the rest of their body hahahahaha
* Swapped the non-HDT CBBE female textures with the CBBE HDT COSIO textures, because I couldn't darken the color of the non-HDT textures' nipples properly
* Male Veteran's Skin-derived textures are now in 4k quality
  • - Male Skysight Skin-derived textures are still in 4k

* Icy Ternion is now an Apprentice level Destruction spell, and is thus affected by the Apprentice Destruction perk

[Version 1.1.3]
* Finished my Snow Elf Follower plugin!!!
  • - this plugin adds Valrysa and Ashian, the two Snow Elves seen in the gallery above.
  • - Valrysa is a Spellsword, and Ashian is a Witchhunter.
  • - this plugin requires the SG Hairs Pack and Apachii Male Hairs
* This mod is now packaged in a convenient FOMOD Installer
  • - If there is something wrong with the installer, or my instructions (they might be confusing...) PLEASE LET ME KNOW ASAP!!!!
  • - I didn't include the Better Males Non-SOS patch in the installer because I really don't like that mod
* Updated COSIO mesh to v4.0
* Changed Non-HDT CBBE mesh to CBBE Curvy
  • - In previous versions, the Non-HDT CBBE body mesh in this mod used the Slim Preset, while its textures were meant to be used with the Curvy Preset. This caused strange warping/bulging of the breasts due to the incorrect texture being used. This is now fixed, and the Non-HDT CBBE body should look normal with its textures, now.
* Added in new enchanted Ancient Falmer Ivory Glass weapons
  • - includes Shock, Magicka Damage, Sun Damage (new), and Icy Soul (new) enchantments
  • - Ivory Glass weapons enchanted with Sun Damage are functionally equivalent to Dawnguard Rune Axes
  • - Ivory Glass weapons enchanted with Icy Souls both Soul Trap enemies and deal Frost damage, similar to the Fiery Souls enchantment in the base game.
  • - The Icy Souls Enchantment can only be found on Ivory Glass Daggers.
* The new enchanted Ivory Glass weapons can now be looted off Falmer or found in Falmer chests too.
* The drop rates for both enchanted and non-enchanted Ivory Glass weapons are now slightly higher (by about 10%)
* Some Falmer enemies should be guaranteed to drop both enchanted and non-enchanted Ivory Glass weapons, or wield them, or both
* Some Falmer chests are guaranteed to hold both enchanted and non-enchanted Ivory Glass weapons
* Vyrthur now wields an Ancient Falmer Ivory Glass Dagger of Icy Souls
* Vyrthur now has Snow Elf Perks too. In previous updates, I gave him the same resistances and abilities that Snow Elf players have. Now, he also has their same perks, namely the Armor and Weapon set buffs, as well as the Icy Fury
  • - this means he should be even deadlier in combat
*Added a book that can teach non-Falmer how to craft Ivory Glass weapons and armor. I honestly don’t see the point of this, since… why would you be playing this mod if you aren’t playing a Snow Elf? But, I made the book anyway. You can find it in the Inner Sanctum inside that secret room
* Fixed SnowElfPerkStart script so that it removes Icy Fury if you are not a Snow Elf

[Version 1.1.4]
* Added an Immersive Jewelry compatibility patch.
  • - IJ alters the names and keywords of the Ancient Falmer armor set, essentially rendering the Ivory Glass Armor perk useless. This patch, which is included in the FOMOD installer as an optional plugin, fixes this, combining the Ancient Falmer armor set's keywords and IJ's keywords. Ivory Glass Armor should work, now.
* Gave enchantment charges to all enchanted Ivory Glass weapons. Prior to this enchanted Ivory Glass weapons found in the world had no charges, and thus were essentially just unenchanted weapons.
* Added a 10% Ivory Glass weapon damage bonus, and 10% Ivory Glass armor bonus to those who read the book 'Ivory Glass', found in the Inner Sanctum.
  • - Initially, this only gave non-Snow Elves the Ivory Glass smithing perk, but I added the damage bonuses (Forgotten Falmer Knowledge +10% damage for Ivory Glass weapons and Ancient Falmer armor) to make it useful to non-Snow Elf players, too.
* Gave Vyrthur and Gelebor unique, named, and enchanted weapons that are slightly more powerful than the enchanted Ivory Glass weapons you can find in the leveled lists
* Edited the flavor text and names of the magic effects applied by the Snow Elf racial perks
* Snow Elf males now use Fine Male Face Textures' complexions
* UUNP and UNP Snow Elf females now use the Demoniac UUNP skin.
- this consequently fixed the UUNP and UNP Snow Elf female's neck seams
- Snow Elf female faces are a lot smoother now, due to the Demoniac textures.
* Fixed wrist and ankle seams on male Snow Elves
* Fixed Valrysa's transparent hair bug. Her hair was missing some headparts.
* Fixed the percentages listed in the Snow Elf perk descriptions. The weapon and armor perks increase your damage and armor rating by 20% and 25%, respectively, and their magic effects should reflect this.
* I renamed the three tiers of enchanted Ivory Glass weapons to match their vanilla counterparts (Ivory Glass Sword of Blizzards, etc)
* Reworked the Snow Elves' starting spells so that they are added to the player via script, and not by default ingame. I did this so that Ashian wouldn't spawn with Icy Ternion by default, forcing him to use that spell and not his bow. You will NEED to make sure the script re-applies all your perks/spells. Please see the 'Updating' section above for instructions on how to do that.

[Version 1.1.5]
* Reduced Ancient Falmer Knowledge - Armor buff to 5%.
* Reduced Forgotten Falmer Knowledge - Armor buff to 5%.
* Reduced Ancient Falmer Knowledge - Weapons buff to 1%.
* Reduced Forgotten Falmer Knowledge - Weapons buff to 1%.
* Added some new instructions to the FOMOD installer, to indicate to users that they need XP32 Skeleton if they choose the SOS male body
* Moved Snow_Elf_Race.esp to the Development folder so people wouldn't make the mistake of having both the .esp and .esm enabled...

[Version 1.1.6]
* Added Ancient Falmer Shields and their enchanted variants to the leveled lists
- these shields do not count toward, or are affected by the Ancient Falmer armor set bonus
- these shields do not replace Auriel's Shield, but they use the same graphics (minus the special effects)
* You can craft Ancient Falmer Shields, too
* Added the Sacrosanct Patch
* Added a patch that makes it so that Snow Elves can't craft Ancient Falmer Armor at the start of the game. Instead, this skill will need to be learned by reading the Ivory Glass book, which I hid in the Inner Sanctum in the Touching the Sky quest.

[Version 1.1.7]
1) WARNING! If you are using the SOS Plugin, you will need to download the new version (The Ancient Falmer - A Snow Elf Race SOS Plugin 1.0.1) so that the genitals textures will match the newly-colored body in the main mod's update
2) WARNING! If you are updating from any version lower than 1.0.2 TO 1.0.3, you MUST follow the updating procedure below: You will NOT get the new Restoration skill bonus unless you follow this procedure:
- Hit Tilde ~ to open the console, type in 'showracemenu' (without the quotes) and press enter
- You will now be in the RaceMenu Screen. If you are using the RaceMenu mod or ECE, I suggest that you save a character preset of your current character before continuing
- Change your character's race to any other race
- Press R and confirm your changes, and return to the game. You should see the message at the top left of the screen: "Ancient Falmer perks and spells have been removed successfully"
- Open the console a second time, and enter RaceMenu again
- Change your character back to a Snow Elf, load your the character preset you saved
- Press R and confirm your changes, and return to the game. You should see a message on the top left of your screen: "Ancient Falmer perks and spells have been added successfully." Your new skill bonuses should be applied, and the Smite ability should be in your spellbook
Main Mod:
* Snow Elves starting skill bonus for Alteration has been replaced with Restoration. The skill bonuses are now as follows:
- Destruction 10
- Restoration 5
- Enchanting 5
- Light Armor 5
- One Handed 5
- Archery 5
* Snow Elves now start with the Smite spell
- casts a ball of blazing light that does a moderate amount of initial damage, staggering your target, and causing them to flee while dealing lingering sunfire damage for 9 seconds
- can only damage undead
* Ivory Glass Arrows have been renamed to Ancient Falmer Arrows
* Auriel's Shield now has the Ivory Glass keyword
* Made male Snow Elves' skin lighter. This should achieve the same 'snow white' look that female Snow Elves can have if using the 'white' skin tone
Follower Plugin:
* Updated Valrysa's face to look like my Valrysa. Her face is more refined now and she should not look like she's scared or sad all the time (lol). This will likely be my final iteration of her. You can see pictures of her in this mod's newly-updated gallery
SOS Plugin:
* I updated the genitals texture to match the lighter skin tone of the male body texture
* You will need to download the new version of the plugin: The Ancient Falmer - A Snow Elf Race SOS Plugin 1.0.1 
New Patches:
* Added Better Shaped Weapons patch for the Ivory Glass weapons
* Added a Dual Sheath Redux Patch for the Ivory Glass weapons

[Version 1.1.8]
* Please do the standard updating procedure (enter RaceMenu and exit. See the Installation>Updating section in the mod description for more info)
* Now requires the Dragonborn DLC
* Snow elf and snow elf vampires now use the same headmorphs
- this essentially makes non vampire snow elves and vampire snow elves look the same in terms of face shape
* Replaced snow elf headmorphs with up-to-date Ethereal Elven Overhaul headmorphs
- Gelebor and Vyrthur use these headmorphs too, now
* Removed all non-snow elf complexions from snow elf vampire complexions and added default Snow Elf complexions to Snow Elf vampire race
* Replaced Frostbite with a unique (but statistically unchanged) Frostbite spell so that the SnowElfPerkStart won't remove the vanilla Frostbite from characters when changing races
- you can now play non-Snow Elves and or keep this mod in your load order even when you aren't playing a snow elf without losing Frostbite every time you exit RaceMenu
* Reprise has been reworked:
- it now triggers when you are below 30% HP, and restores 60HP when activated
- reduced the damage Reprise inflicts from 20 damage per second to 10 damage per second
- it now has a chance to hurl enemies off their feet, and slows those who are caught in the blizzard
- you now suffer moderate, lingering damage per second for 20 seconds
- the spell is now more powerful, but increasingly risky to use as you can die during or after it wears off if you don't take the chance to heal yourself
* New Patch: Castable Reprise
- this patch replaces Reprise with a version that can be casted at will. With this patch, you will no longer need to wait till you have 30% HP for Reprise to auto-cast. However, this version of castable Reprise is much more dangerous to use as it deals more damage to the player and lasts for 25 seconds instead of 20
* New Plugin: Gelebor and Vyrthur Overhaul (Beta)
- this plugin overhauls Gelebor and Vrthur's appearance (see the gallery for screenshots)
- it will consequently overwrite any NPC overhaul/replacer that edits Gelebor and Vyrthur's appearance
- USE AT YOUR OWN RISK! I had to change Gelebor and Vyrthur's race from the vanilla Dawnguard Snow Elves to my modded Snow Elves. I don't know what effects if any this will have on the Dawnguard questline, as I have yet to test it.
- What I DO know is that this plugin gives Vyrthur the Reprise ability, which will trigger when he reaches 30% HP, making him more dangerous when his health is low. It may also kill him. lol. I will see if I can fix this in the next udpate.

[Version 1.1.8b]
* BUGFIX - fixed Better Vampires compatibility
- you should be able to play as Snow Elf vampires again
[Snow Elf Follower Missing Dialogue Patch]
* BUGFIX- Changes Valrysa and Ashian's voices to YoungEager and EvenToned, respectively.
- This will give them follower dialogue and allow them to be recruited.
- In previous versions of this plugin, you needed Relationship Dialogue Overhaul or Vanilla Voice Expansion to recruit Valyrsa and Ashian, because they used ElfHaughty soundsets which do not by default have follower dialogue.
- Only install this if you installed the Snow Elf Follower Plugin in previous patches.

[Version 1.1.9]
* Snow Elves now use whatever body mod you have installed
- consequently, their bodies will fit and conform any armors you built in BodySlide
- they still use their own unique texture, so there may be some mesh-texture misalignments if you aren't using a CBBE Curvy or U(UNP) body
* added KS Hairdos as a soft requirement for the Gelebor and Vyrthur Overhaul
* edited the femalehead_ridged_msn.dds to blend in with the base head texture better
- try it out on your character: I blended the texture with the base head texture but kept the brow ridges
* Added ridged versions of the non-ridged complexions:
- Ridged40yo, Ridged50yo, Ridged Freckles, Ridged Rough
* Added ridged versions of the male non-ridged complexions:
- Ridged40yo, Ridged40yo Rough, Ridged50yo, Ridged Rough01, Ridged Rough02
* Snow Elf vampires now have regular Snow Elf skin tones... prior to this, they were using High Elf skin tones
* Reduced the installer size by about 21%
Follower Plugin
* Valrysa and Ashian now use the YoungEager and EvenToned voicesets, respectively
- this gives them follower dialogue, and allows them to be recruited
- previously, both NPC's used the ElfHaughty male and female voicesets, which do not by default have follower dialogue unless you have Relationship Dialogue Overhaul or Vanilla Voice Expansion installed
* SG Hairs is now a soft requirement for the follower plugin (the .esp will not load without SG Hairs)
- requires SGHairPackBase.esm and SGHairPackAIO.esp
* Added the following perks to Ashian:
- Overdraw 60%, Critical Shot 15%, Ranger, Power Shot, Quick Shot
* Added the following perks to Valrysa:
- Augmented Frost 50%, Augmented Shock 25%, Deep Freeze, Disintegrate, Armsman 40%, and Novice, Apprentice, and Adept Destruction
SOS Plugin Installer + SOS Light Plugin
* Made a new installer that includes both the SOS Plugin and the SOS Light Plugin
* can only be downloaded at Loverslab
* New SOS Light Plugin which includes the VectorPlexus Regular, Smurf Average, and Smurf Muscled schlongs
- The SOS Light Plugin requires SOS Light to function

[Version 1.2]
* CBBE/HDT and COSIO texture options now use the appropriate textures made specifically for their bodies (CBBE uses a CBBE texture now, not a COSIO texture)
* Fixed the installer and missing SkySight males textures
- choosing SkySight Skins resulted in missing textures for males
- this was because the FOMOD config wasn't pointing to the right installation folder
Snow Elf Plugin
* Added perks to Valrysa and Ashian (they don't need to unlock these perks as they level. Instead, these perks are active for them at the start of the game)
- Valrysa: Agile Defender 60%, Augmented Frost, Augmented Shock, Light Foot, Bonbreaker, Armsman 40%, Destruction Apprentice, Deep Freeze, Disintegration, Fighting Stance
- Ashian: Agile Defender 40%, Overdraw 40%, Quick Shot, Ranger, Power Shot, Light FOot, Critical Shot, Stealth 30%, Silent Roll, Silence, Muffled Movement, Atronach, Atronach Stone Perk, Armsman 20%
* Removed Frostbite and Lightning Bolt from Valrysa's spell list
* Made Valrysa's Icy Ternion ability cost less mana so she can cast it more often even at lower levels
- I did this so that she, as a snow elf, could showcase Icy Ternion instead of using vanilla spells

[Version 1.21]
* Added Snow Elf Better Vampire Lord Transformation plugin
- lets you keep you sexy snow elf body when changing into a vampire lord (ONLY WORKS ON FEMALES)

[Version 1.211]
* Follower Plugin now requires ApachiiHairs (the main mod) rather than ApachiiMaleHairs

[Version 1.3]
* Overhauled Reprise!
- Reprise no longer auto-casts upon reaching 30% health
- Now, at 40% health, Reprise will be added to your spellbook and auto-equipped, giving players the choice to cast Reprise for 10 seconds before it is removed from their inventory
- using Reprise will make it unusable for 24 hours just like any power
- TL;DR Reprise auto-equips at 40% HP, and players have 10 seconds to use it before it disappears
- At 40% Health, time will slow briefly and you will be notified that Reprise is equipped
- Reprise no longer damages your health - so you won't suicide yourself when you use it anymore
- Reprise now causes Overexertion, which damages your health, magicka, and stamina regeneration for 30 seconds when Reprise is used
- Radius of Reprise's ice storm is doubled
- Reprise's Ice Storm is now affected by Augmented Frost
* Smite is now affected by Novice-Master Perks, and the Regeneration perk
- Smite now turns undead up to level 30
* Smite's magicka cost is now 80 and it takes 1 second to charge
* New power: Nova
- unleash a flash of light that hurls aside nearby undead, dealing 40 sunfire damage to them and additional 1 sunfire per second for 10 seconds, and causing them to flee.
* New spell: Castigate
- concentrated sun fire spell that deals 10 damage per second to undead and half of that to nearby targets
* New sound FX for Reprise and Smite
* Applied MagicRestoreHealth keyword to all Snow Elf sun fire spells, and the DLC sun fire spells so that they benefit from the Regeneration perk in the Restoration tree.

[Version 1.31]
* Fixed * Fixed Sun Fire, Vampire's Bane, and Stendarr's Aura
* Added Aesthetic Elves patch

[Version 1.32]
Main Mod
* Icy Fury now negates Nords' inherent resistance to frost
- the Icy Fury magic effect's description reflects this change


New Fertility Mode Patch!
* Requires Snow Elf Follower Plugin
* Female snow elf players can now experience the joys of pregnancy lol
* Includes a TKAA patch, which makes the Fertility Mode plugin use TKAA assets

Snow Elf Follower Plugin
* Updated Val's face to look like my personal preset
* Fixed the missing textures in Ashian's hair

Snow Elf BVLT Plugin
* Fixed the leg gap in female vampire lords

[Version 1.33]
Fertility Mode Plugin
* Updated plugins for Narue's new .esm format
- the plugins for Fertility Mode v2.9 and below are still included in the installer
* If you are updating the Fertility Mode plugin for use with Fertility Mode 3.0+, you will need to do a clean reinstall of Fertility Mode, or start a new game
- I recommend you start a new game, but if you don't want to, here's how to clean reinstall Fertility Mode:
 - Download and install FallrimTools - Script Cleaner
 - Open your mod manager and disable Fertility Mode and my TLD Fertility Mode Plugin (or remove TLD Fertility Mode from your merged patch, if you merged all my plugins)
 - Open Skyrim and load your save (you will be notified that the save is missing mods. Proceed anyway)
 - Save your game and exit
 - Open the save you created with FallrimTools, remove all unattached instances, and resave the save game
 - Open Skyrim, load your save, and wait for Fertility Mode to load
 - Done: Fertility Mode should be 'updated' to detect both female dwemer players and female dwemer followers

[Version 1.342]
* My scripts should no longer remove Ivory Glass Smithing from your character if you aren't a snow elf after leaving racemenu
* Added Follower Plugin RDO Patch
- changes Ashian's voice to Bandit voice set. Valrysa's voice remains unchanged. Requires Relationship Dialogue Overhaul.

[1.34 Hotfix 2]
* Set snow elf female head to default femalehead.tri
- allows compatibility with the male and female Expressive Facial Animations mod

[1.34 Hotfix 1]
* Reprise dummy effect is now properly removed if not snow elf (enter and exit racemenu to remove, if not a snow elf)
* Updated Valrysa's face. She looks exactly like in the screenshots now
* Fixed Ashian's hair

[Version 1.34]

Main Mod
- please see the mod description Installation>Updating for instructions on how to perform this procedure

* Reprise is now added and removed to players via a script
- this is why the Standard Updating Procedure is required
* Added new skin texture options for snow elf females:
- Bijin CBBE and UNP
- Fried's CBBE and Vanilla Nevernude
* Added new skin texture options for snow elf males:
- Tempered SOS
- Tempered SOS Light
- Tempered SFW (with undies)
* Replaced ALL female ridged head normal maps with default cbbe/unp head normal maps
* Added ridged head normal maps as an option in the installer
* Cleaned up the HTML in the installer (no more missing folder notifications)
* Remade all the lootable Ancient Falmer ivory glass enchanted weapons
- this means that any enchanted Ancient Falmer weapons you've found will be deleted from the game when you update this mod.
- you will need to reacquire them from the console if you want them back
- all lootable enchanted Ancient Falmer ivory glass weapons are now 1 tier stronger, which means any enchanted Ancient Falmer weapon you find will be stronger overall
* Added ancient falmer weapons and shields to more falmer loot tables
* Ancient Falmer weapons and shields should now be enchantable and improvable, and enchanted weapons and shields can now be improved
* Deleted an old, unused Reprise-scaling perk that was causing an array of errors in XEdit
* Updated all NSFW female textures to fix some visual inconsistencies with female snow elf genitals
- female vulva should no longer clip unaesthetically through the mons pubis
* Replaced ThePure Snow Elf texture with Demoniac Snow Elf textures for visual consistency

No Ivory Glass Smithing Patch
* Fixed: should no longer overwrite the new and improved Reprise with an old and non-functioning version of Reprise

BVLT Plugin
* Reworked the entire plugin because it was having irreconcilable problems with SSE physics mods
* WARNING: BVLT plugin is a finicky plugin to use
- ONLY install this plugin if you are playing snow elf. Because this plugin replaces ALL playable vampire lord females with SNOW ELF females, you will look like a snow elf if you are playing a dark elf vampire lord, or a nord vampire lord, or a khajiit vampire lord, etc.
- TLDR: you probably shouldn't play as any other race but snow elves while you have this plugin installed, or enabled.
- DO NOT install this plugin if you are using the BVLT - Deep Elf plugin from the Timelost Dwemer. You CANNOT play with both. Both plugins edit the same vampire lord race, and will have irreconcilable conflicts.
* both nude and armored BVLT snow elf vampire lords now use static body meshes that are pre-packed into the mod
- if you want snow elf vampire lords to use your own custom body, you must replace the mesh files that are in meshes>snow elf>vampire lord
- WARNING: only static meshes (i.e. without physics) seem to work in this plugin, and I can't figure out why

SOS Plugin
* Added VectorPlexus Regular schlong support for Tempered Males SOS
* Added Smurf Average schlong support for Tempered Males SOS
* Added support for Tempered Males SOSL
* Added VectorPlexus Regular and Muscular Schlong support for Veteran Skin

Gelebor and Vyrthur Plugin
* ApachiiSkyMales is no longer required for the Gelebor and Vyrthur Plugin
* Vyrthur now casts a modified version of Reprise when low on health
- Vyrthur's Reprise no longer simultaneously casts Frost and Whirlwind Cloak

[Version 1.343]

Main Mod
* Added new versions of the vanilla beards that fit male Snow Elf faces
- this means that you do not need Ethereal Elven Overhaul to make beards work with my male Snow Elves anymore

SOS Addon
* If you are using SOS Light, you must reinstall the Snow Elf SOS Addon
* I moved some SOS Light assets between the main installer and the SOS installer.
- If you are using SOS Light you must download and install the updated Deep Elf SOS Addon on Loverslab

New Requiem Patch!
* Added Tarkanice's Requiem Patch

[Version 1.35]
Mod Assets Were Restructured
Many assets were moved to separate patches at "The Ancient Falmer SE Patch Center" on the Nexus. See the notes below for more info.

* All Ancient Falmer skin textures were moved to "The Ancient Falmer - SKIN PATCHER"
- if you do not install the SKIN PATCHER, your falmer will use basic, edited, vanilla skin textures

* BVLT patches were moved to "The Ancient Falmer - BVLT PATCHER"

* Completely removed all Ethereal Elven Overhaul assets (the mod author's permissions are a goddamn mess)
- consequently, I removed all the Ethereal Elven Overhaul beards that I added in 1.102. If your male dwemer was using them before the update, they will now be beardless upon installing this new update
- because of this, the Aesthetic Elves patch is no longer needed, and has been removed from installer
- both male and female dwemer will now use the default, vanilla headmorphs, and will consequently use whatever headmorphs you install. This should make my mod more compatible with head mesh mods
- your snow elf player characters may look different now, because EEO was removed. Results may vary.

* Removed the Aesthetic Elves Patch from my mod, as it is no longer needed

Main Mod
* New snow elf vampire spells:
- if you become a vampire, your sunfire spells will be replaced with the following:
- Icy Touch - a short range ice blast spell that does AOE damage around its target. Slows enemy movement speed by 50% and melee attack speed by 75% for 5 seconds.
- Hoarfrost - spell that confers 80 armor and 75% fire resistance for 30 seconds
- Glacial Presence - a power that slows all enemies around you to a crawl, gives you waterwalking and 100% frost resistance, and summons 3 Wisps armed with the Icy Spear spells for 60 seconds. Wisps have Frost Cloak and will explode if killed.
* Icy Ternion and all other snow elf ice spells are now affected by the Deep Freeze perk, including Reprise
* Fixed missing brow slider bug in RaceMenu

[Version 1.36]

Fertility Mode Fixes Patch (New!)
* Adds support for FM Fixes
* Snow elf females and snow elf female followers can conceive unique snow elf children

Snow Elf Follower Plugin KS Hairdos Patch (New!)
* Adds a patch that changes Valrysa's hair to a hairstyle from KS Hairs
* This plugin effectively eliminating SG Hairs as a requirement

Snow Elf Follower Plugin
* No longer needs the ancient, forbidden artifact known as SG Hairs as a hard requirement
* But if you want Valrysa to use her original hair (as seen in screenshots) then you must install SG Hairs and ENABLE both SGHairPackBase.esm and SGHairPackAIO.esp

Snow Elf RDO Plugin
* Updated to accomodate changes from the KS Hairdos Patch

[Version 1.37]

Fertility Mode Addons
* Removed SG Hairs as a requirement from ALL Fertility Mode patches, including the FM Fixes patch and the Unified patches

[Version 1.38]

* Rewrote Fertility Mode section to be more straightforward and easier to navigate

Sacrilege Patches (New!)
* Added a Snow Elf Sacrilege patch
* Added a Snow Elf-Deep Elf Sacrilege Unified Patch

Requiem Patch
* Re-added the Requiem patch because it disappeared for some reason I can't remember

[Version 1.39]

Main Mod
* Mod no longer requires SKSE
- All Ancient Falmer perks and spells have been added directly to the player's race, rather than in RaceMenu
* Ivory Glass Smithing perk should let you temper Ancient Falmer/Ivory Glass equipment
* Renamed Ivory Glass Daggers to Ancient Falmer Daggers to match the rest of the Ancient Falmer equipment

Weapons Armor Clothing and Clutter Fixes Patch (New!)
* Added a patch that adjusts Ancient Falmer armor to fit WACCF's scaling

[Version 1.40]
Main Mod
* Adjusted the Ivory Glass weapon and ammo leveled lists
- they should start spawning on falmer and in falmer loot chests after level 27
* Added Glass material keywords to ivory glass weapons
* Added Elven material keywords to ancient falmer armors

Fertility Mode Patches
* Updated for Fertility Mode Fixes v2.59
* Updated TLD-TAF Unified Plugin for FM Fixes v2.59
* Added snow elf vampire support
- snow elf vampires can now give birth to snow elf vampire babies!

Hipoly Heads Patch
* Fixed a mod conflict from the Hipoly Heads Patch that was making snow elves unable to transform into vampires 

Diverse Racial Skeletons Patch
* Added support for Diverse Racial Skeletons
* Not really sure what this mod actually does but this patch makes my custom race use DRS's custom high elf male and female skeletons

[Version 1.41]

Main Mod 
* Removed Gelebor and Vyrthur appearance and gameplay changes from main mod 
* Shades summoned via Glacial Presence are now considered undead actors 
* Tweaked Glacial Presence Shades' combat style 

Gelebor and Vyrthur Overhaul 
* Added Glacial Presence (enhanced) to Vyrthur 
- Vyrthur will now cast Glacial Presence upon entering combat
- this enhanced version of the spell summons Ancient Shades that have +50HP more than the player's shades 
* Fixed Vyrthur's missing hair textures

Snow Elf Follower Addon 
* Tweaked Valrysa and Ashian's stats 
- they now level with you to level 80, and start at level 10 
* Tweaked Valrysa's Icy Ternion magicka cost, increased to 25 
* Valrysa's default warpaint has been made invisible

Gelebor and Vyrthur Vanilla Appearance Addon (New!)
* Changes Gelebor and Vyrthur to the snow elf race
- only changes their skin tone
- lacks the Vyrthur gameplay changes from the Gelebor and Vyrthur Overhaul 
* Maktzerah should be equippable in either hand 

Nymphamie's patches 

Cutting Room Floor Patch (New!)
* Forwards ivory glass keywords to the Supple Ancient Falmer Bow 

Occiglacies Patch (New!)
* Adds the Occiglacies weapon to Vyrthur

Gelebor and Vyrthur Addon - Occiglacies Patch (New!)
* Requires the Ancient Falmer Gelebor and Vyrthur Overhaul
* Vyrthur's Maktzerah dagger is replaced with an Occiglacies Maktzerah sword with the original enchantments and higher DPS 

Project ja-Kha'jay Patch (New!)
* Fixes overrides in the hair formlists 

[Version 1.412]

Sacrosanct Patch
* Minor formlist update, probably has no effect on gameplay

Sacrosanct Unified Patch
* Install this if you also have the Timelost Dwemer SCS patch installed
* Resolves formlist conflicts with Timelost Dwemer

Sacrilege Patch
* Adds the Ancient Will ability to snow elf vampires, which makes them immune to the effects of blood-starvation

Sacrilege Unified Patch
* Resolves formlist conflicts with Sacrilege Patch changes in both the Timelost Dwemer and Ancient Falmer. 

by ArcticScrolls

by Doctor Nostalgia


by Zake and Zach

LeanWolf for Better-Shaped Weapons

LogRaam for The Eyes of Beauty eye textures
(ALL of following texture assets listed below were all moved to a separate file at the Ancient Falmer Patch Center)
ZwabberdieBo for the Veteran Skin male body textures
Fadingsignal for the SkySight Skins male body textures
urshi for the Fine Face Textures of Men face detail textures
Geonox for High Res Face Maps for Men
pikkatze for Smooth Faces for Ladies and Gents
Regenbot03 for the Demoniac CBBE body textures
Maevan2 for the Mature Skin Texture's femaleheaddetail textures
scivirius for the Clams of Skyrim CBBE Demoniac Texture Patch
traa108 for the Tempered Skins for Males body textures
HHaleyy for the Fair Skin Complexion body textures
TheFriedturkey for Fried's Female Skin Textures
Shiva182 for Bijin Skin 
PureSkinTexture by Anini and Regenbot03
Real Girls Realistic Body Texture for UNP UNPB and SeveNBase by Zonzai and Seren4XX
Real Girls Realistic Body Texture for CBBE (Beta) by drunkenmojo
Real Women of Skyrim - Texture Overhaul by Gearhog
SG Female Textures Renewal by Hello Santa
UNP Tender Hands by Hidanna
Better Makeup for SKSE by Diethardt
meirimi for RS Children kiddo textures

Caliente for CBBE body and Body Slide
NeoValen for Dual Sheath Redux
jynx474 for putting together the Dual Sheath Redux and Better Shaped Weapons patches
GyntRyles for the amazing, intricate work on his Ancient Falmer Ivory Glass Weapons mod
VectorPlexus, Smurf, and b3lisario for Schlongs of Skyrim, and their ‘How to make an SOS Plugin guide’
Halofarm for Halo's Poser, which I used to pose my characters in the screenshots above
Apachii for Apachii Male Hairs
triptherift for The Kids Are Alright
Narue for Fertility Mode
subhuman0100 for Fertility Mode Fixes
 and Vioxsis from LoversLab for the baby item armor models/textures.
giamel for the baby item world model/textures
Loshirai14 and Souldemon for Better Vampire Lord Transformation and its Vampire Lord armors, respectively (Assets were moved to a separate file at the Ancient Falmer Patch Center)

SKSE Team for SKSE, and their scripts
Feyra from /r/SkyrimMods for helping me write my scripts

Made by Redshiftja with Photoshop CS6
Skyrim SE Logo from Better Looking Desktop Icons by Darkzip

TMPhoenix for RaceCompatibility and all his help (I wouldn’t have been able to get this mod working without him)
StackEmHigh for his guides on Creating a Playable Race (I wouldn’t have been able to put this mod together without them)


J. C.
M. T.
M. D.
A. L.
N. T.
S. P.
T. S. II
