1. Wolfpack49
    • premium
    • 305 kudos
    Updating these instructions for 5.3.3+:

    BASE REQUIREMENTS: This is an SKSE64 plugin. Therefore, you need to have the correct version of SKSE64 installed to use this mod. If you are playing the Special Edition (1.5.x), you will need the latest SE version of SKSE64.  If you are playing the Anniversary Edition (1.6.x), you will need the latest preliminary AE build of SKSE64.  If you don't have SKSE64 installed or don't know what SKSE64 is, STOP.   DO NOT attempt to install this mod until you know what the hell you are doing. Go learn what SKSE64 is and why you might want it here. Recent installation instructions video here. Come back once you are better educated and have SKSE64 properly installed.

    (1) RECOMMENDED: Completely remove all files and uninstall any previous installations of SSE Engine Fixes prior to starting.

    (2) DO a fresh download, install and enable/deploy of the required all-in-one Address Library for SKSE Plugins with your mod manager.  You will need to install the latest Special Edition (1.5.x) OR Anniversary Edition (1.6.x) version of the Address Library depending on which version of the game you are playing. If you're getting error 1114 or 617, it's probably because you don't have the Address Library installed or properly enabled.

    (3) DO download and install the latest x64 version of the required Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2019 (on the linked page, it's the download that reads x64: vc_redist.x64.exe). Install it even if you think you already have it installed. Yes, it's a Windows install. Double click the downloaded file, follow the prompts, and yes you'll need to reboot. If you're getting error 126, it's probably because you don't have the C++ Redistributable installed.

    (4) DO a fresh download, install and enable of Part 1 of SSE Engine Fixes with your mod manager. You will need to install the latest Special Edition (1.5.x) OR Anniversary Edition (1.6.x) version of Part 1 depending on which version of the game you are playing. EngineFixes.ini has been replaced with EngineFixes.toml in 5.3.3+. Open the UTF-8 encoded .toml file in Notepad to make your setting changes. You can delete the old EngineFixes.ini.

    (5) DO NOT install Part 2 of SSE Engine Fixes with your mod manager. Instead, download it manually and EXTRACT the Part 2 zip, then copy and paste the 3 dll files from there directly into /steamapps/common/Skyrim Special Edition/. DO NOT simply place the zip file in that directory. DO NOT create a folder with the 3 files in that directory. DO NOT place the extracted files in your /Data directory. Part 2 is compatible with both the Special and Anniversary editions of the game. 
    OPTIONAL: If you are using Vortex, you can download and install Part 2 using the Mod Manager Download, but before deploying, double click the item in Vortex and change the Mod Type to Engine Injector. Then enable/deploy Part 2.

    DO NOT RENAME your skse64 executables. If you have already done so, you will need to CHANGE THE FILE NAMES BACK to the original skse executable names. That means skse64_loader.exe and SkryimSE.exe. Skyrim.exe and adding an INI, as several obsolete guides tell you to do to get skse launching from Steam, WILL NOT WORK. SSE Engine Fixes needs the original skse64_loader.exe and SkyrimSE.exe file names and files.

    If you want to launch from Steam, add skse64_loader.exe as a Non-Steam Game. If Steam is open you can also launch skse64_loader.exe from a shortcut or from the mod manager and still get achievements in your Steam SSE Library and the overlay. The original Steam SSE page will always execute the standard launcher, but you can still see your achievements and screenshots there if you launch via skse64 using one of these other methods.

    If you are getting Error 193, you are running an Oldrim plugin and need to uninstall it and find the SE version.

    If you want to verify that Engine Fixes is running ok, open your d3dx9_42.log in your SSE game folder. It should look something like below when Engine Fixes is running properly. Don't worry about the line reading "failed to search dll plugin directory" - this just means you don't have other plugins that use the \Data\DLLPlugins directory installed.

    skse64 plugin preloader - d3dx9_42
    exe path: X:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\SkyrimSE.exe
    loaded into SkyrimSE.exe or SkyrimVR.exe, proxying SkyrimSE d3dx9_42 funcs and registering preload hook
    hook triggered, loading dll plugins (meh's loader)
    failed to search dll plugin directory
    DLLPlugin loader finished
    hook triggered, loading skse plugins
    found plugin "EngineFixes" for preloading
    attempting to load found plugins
    attempting to load "X:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Data\SKSE\Plugins\EngineFixes.dll"
    loaded successfully and Initialize() called
    loader finished

    That is all.
  2. Creepyuser
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Got Part 2 finally installed. Now my esps wont load. Dammit
    1. NihilisticOracl
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Same issue ur not alone
    2. seeanenemy
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I had the same problem but I figured out what went wrong for me. Just a careless mistake of putting the contents of part 2 into the wrong folder. 
    3. Brattybats22
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      I am putting them into the folder that has my SkyrimSE.exe and it's not working. What folder is the right one then? 
    4. Kiaardoo
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      same issue, is there any fix for it?
    5. Argonianfighter
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Has anybody figured this out yet cause I did everything right and same issue, none of my esp's are letting me load them
    6. Kiaardoo
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      i solved this problem by disable all plugins in Vortex and reenable them all again. If this dont work, start skyrim, go to creations, press "T" and enable all plugins there
  3. kingmiamikdn
    • premium
    • 3 kudos
    At my wits end here... has anyone managed to find a culprit for the "crash on death load" bug? It's followed me through multiple characters for months now. It's very inconsistent, which makes it near-impossible to test for without getting false-positives. Sometimes I reload ten times in a row without crashing, other times I'm not as lucky.
    I'm asking here because the most consistent advice I've heard regarding the issue is to change MaxStdio to 8192 and set SaveGameMaxSize to true. While I have both of these on, it hasn't changed anything about my situation unfortunately. Wondering what I'm doing wrong here?
    1. krolqaa
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      I have the same problem and it only started when i updated the game and the modlist to 1.6.1170. 1.5.97 was rock solid, so i think i'll revert the build back now, because i tried pretty much everything too.

      But the thing that kinda helped in that regard was disabling Better Third Person Selection, was moderately stable in 1.5.97, but in 1.6 it's just a ctd fest on load in particular.
    2. kingmiamikdn
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      I'll consider it on my next playthrough, thanks
  4. Cearwyn85
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    i really need some help here.

    i've used this mod plenty of times before without any problems but this time it just keeps crashing on the main menu loadscreen.

    newly installed and verified game 1.6.1170. i have the correct SKSE, All in one Address Library (Anniversary Edition), C++ and part two of this mod installed.
    at this point it runs fine but as soon as i enable part 1 it starts crashing on load.
    i've tried verifying again, reinstalling and the toml edits to EnableAchievementsWithMods, SaveAddedSoundCategories, SaveScreenshots, MemoryManager and ScaleformAllocator.
    the d3dx9_42.log looks fine too.  

    any advice???


  5. legonpower
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    when i apply the second part i get an error on launch attempt saying SrtCrashFix64 patch cannot be applied and if i ignore this and continue into the game half my mods stop working
    1. legonpower
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      realized that part of my issue was because nexus auto chose the wrong part 1 file for my version but it still wont apply srtcrashfix64 and thus breaks my esp's
  6. sp00nracc00n
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Mod added volume sliders wont save between games for me, I'm not really sure whats wrong. im on 1.6.1170
  7. huckledasher
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hi, I'm wondering if there is any help in deciphering the crash logs?  I'm using Trainwreck, but perhaps there is a better option, or data somewhere else?

    I've reinstalled Skyrim and when it plays, it plays solid, but it crashes every other launch.  (50% of the time it crashes, the rest it works fine).  It will launch and I can choose, "continue", but then it crashes a few seconds into loading the save.  (I've started a new game multiple times so I don't believe its the save)  I see 3 different "culprits" according to trainwreck (but all 3 of them are EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION):

    1.  most often is simply SkyrimSE.exe
    2.  Second most often is tbbmalloc.dll
    3.  Least is This mods's name, Engine Fixes, but I also believe tbbmalloc.dll is this mod as well.
    (I'm not using the other engine fixes for se... just this one)

    All 3 crash the same way as mentioned above. 

    Other than those names, the log appears to simply be memory addresses.


    SkyrimSE v1.6.1170
    trainwreck v1.4.0

    Unhandled exception "EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION" at 0x7FF9D3695A9B tbbmalloc.dll+0015A9B scalable_realloc

        OS: Windows 10 Home 23H2 22631.4169
        CPU: GenuineIntel 11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-11700KF @ 3.60GHz
        GPU #1: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070
        GPU #2: Microsoft Basic Render Driver
        RAM: 15.54 GiB/31.74 GiB
        PAGE FILE: 29.49 GiB/37.10 GiB

        [0 ] 0x7FF9D3695A9B       tbbmalloc.dll+0015A9B scalable_realloc
            mov r9,[rax]
        [1 ] 0x7FF9D369372E       tbbmalloc.dll+001372E scalable_malloc
            mov rdi,rax
        [2 ] 0x7FF6A4606B92        SkyrimSE.exe+0CC6B92
            mov [rdi],rax
        [3 ] 0x7FF6A46068CB        SkyrimSE.exe+0CC68CB
            test al,al
        [4 ] 0x7FF6A4B48209        SkyrimSE.exe+1208209
        [5 ] 0x7FF6A4B38544        SkyrimSE.exe+11F8544
            inc ebx
        [6 ] 0x7FF6A40C3882        SkyrimSE.exe+0783882
            test al,al
        [7 ] 0x7FF6A3FD277F        SkyrimSE.exe+069277F
        [8 ] 0x7FF6A3FC8EFD        SkyrimSE.exe+0688EFD
            mov rcx,rdi
        [9 ] 0x7FF6A4067D8E        SkyrimSE.exe+0727D8E
            mov rax,[rbx]
        [10] 0x7FF6A3F46584        SkyrimSE.exe+0606584
            mov byte ptr [rsp+20h],1
        [11] 0x7FF9CFDF070B skse64_1_6_1170.dll+001070B
            movzx esi,al
        [12] 0x7FF6A3F55654        SkyrimSE.exe+0615654
            mov [rbp+478h],al
        [13] 0x7FF6A3F5351A        SkyrimSE.exe+061351A
            test al,al
        [14] 0x7FF9CFDF08D8 skse64_1_6_1170.dll+00108D8
            cmp byte ptr [1031DDh],0
        [15] 0x7FF6A3F85F3F        SkyrimSE.exe+0645F3F
            mov rax,[1AB29E9h]
        [16] 0x7FF6A3F7EAD5        SkyrimSE.exe+063EAD5
            test bl,bl
        [17] 0x7FF6A4E7BB8E        SkyrimSE.exe+153BB8E
            mov ebx,eax
        [18] 0x7FFA59FC257D        KERNEL32.DLL+001257D BaseThreadInitThunk
            mov ecx,eax
        [19] 0x7FFA5A7EAF28           ntdll.dll+005AF28 RtlUserThreadStart
            jmp short 0000000000000021h

    Crash with Engine Fixes named as the culprit:


    SkyrimSE v1.6.1170
    trainwreck v1.4.0

    Unhandled exception "EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION" at 0x7FF9CCB5F910 EngineFixes.dll+004F910

        OS: Windows 10 Home 23H2 22631.4169
        CPU: GenuineIntel 11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-11700KF @ 3.60GHz
        GPU #1: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070
        GPU #2: Microsoft Basic Render Driver
        RAM: 14.55 GiB/31.74 GiB
        PAGE FILE: 28.85 GiB/38.44 GiB

        [0 ] 0x7FF9CCB5F910     EngineFixes.dll+004F910
            cmp eax,[rdi+10h]
        [1 ] 0x7FF9CCB5E0B8     EngineFixes.dll+004E0B8
            test al,al
        [2 ] 0x7FF6A3AFBB70        SkyrimSE.exe+01BBB70
            mov rbx,rax
        [3 ] 0x7FF6A3D26FB8        SkyrimSE.exe+03E6FB8
            mov rcx,rbx
        [4 ] 0x7FF6A3D130E1        SkyrimSE.exe+03D30E1
            inc ebx
        [5 ] 0x7FF6A3E73D98        SkyrimSE.exe+0533D98
        [6 ] 0x7FF6A3F49B9D        SkyrimSE.exe+0609B9D
            mov al,1
        [7 ] 0x7FF6A3F49823        SkyrimSE.exe+0609823
            jmp 0000000000000091h
        [8 ] 0x7FF6A3F466BE        SkyrimSE.exe+06066BE
            mov rax,[1AEFC62h]
        [9 ] 0x7FF9CFDF070B skse64_1_6_1170.dll+001070B
            movzx esi,al
        [10] 0x7FF6A3F55654        SkyrimSE.exe+0615654
            mov [rbp+478h],al
        [11] 0x7FF6A3F5351A        SkyrimSE.exe+061351A
            test al,al
        [12] 0x7FF9CFDF08D8 skse64_1_6_1170.dll+00108D8
            cmp byte ptr [1031DDh],0
        [13] 0x7FF6A3F85F3F        SkyrimSE.exe+0645F3F
            mov rax,[1AB29E9h]
        [14] 0x7FF6A3F7EAD5        SkyrimSE.exe+063EAD5
            test bl,bl
        [15] 0x7FF6A4E7BB8E        SkyrimSE.exe+153BB8E
            mov ebx,eax
        [16] 0x7FFA59FC257D        KERNEL32.DLL+001257D BaseThreadInitThunk
            mov ecx,eax
        [17] 0x7FFA5A7EAF28           ntdll.dll+005AF28 RtlUserThreadStart
            jmp short 0000000000000021h

    I believe I have followed installation parameters and all requirements are installed, including latest VC++ redistributable.  I verified Engine Fixes is running properly via log file.  I've tried turning a few parameters to false per other suggestions.  I've run loot and cleaned everything so that the only warnings are "check compatibility for this mod".  I'm sure its a conflict, but just not sure where to look next.  Thanks for any suggestions.
    1. Carlinator1918
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      I had this problem about 6 months ago. This is how i fixed it. Hope it helps. In my case, it turned out to be a virtual memory problem, not any mods. 

      Click on the window icon at the bottom of your screen.

      Enter into the search 'view advanced system settings'. a System properties box will pop up.

      There are 5 tabs at the top. Click on 'Advanced'

      Just below the tabs, it will read 'Performance'. Click on the 'Settings' box to the right. This opens up another window.

      Click on the 'Advanced' tab at the top.

      Find where it says 'Virtual memory'.

      Click the 'Change' box just lower to the right. Another window will appear.

      Find where it says 'Automatically manage paging file size for all drives'. If it is NOT selected, then make sure it is.

      If it is selected, then you have another problem that I don't know how to fix. As soon as I closed down all the windows and loaded up Skyrim again, I no longer had any CTD's caused by it.

      Also, read any advice written by Wolfpack69. Following his instructions on various posts dated after Dec 2023 helped me get my Skyrim up and running again.
    2. huckledasher
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thanks!  Memory was already managed by the system, but that was a good thought.  I tried the older crash logger that can tie into MO2, so I get more detailed crash logs, but I think it's just throwing out random plugins at this point.  I've removed 3 that seemed to get called often and it crashes less, but when it crashes now its calling out mods that have been stable for years.  It's weird to me how this behavior could be a mod when its not consistent.  Seems like a mod would cause a CTD every time doing the same thing, but this is rock solid when its not crashing while loading a save.  Doesn't even crash when loading zones or making new saves... just loading a save. 
  8. 5TARNorth
    • member
    • 26 kudos
    for all that is holy can someone please help me with this crash? my crash log, without fail, always brings up the tbmalloc.dll and i have no idea how i would go about fixing this issue. i do know that whenever i equip an outfit or if the game loads a save after my character dies, the game just crashes.

    i manually downgraded my game to 1.5.97 btw, just incase if its relevant to the issue (i followed a guide here on the nexus to do so)
  9. seriusdonut
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hello ive been having this issue concerning the mod a crash message pops up in the mo2 launcher saying skse trampoline 187 and ive been stuck there for a full day i would greatly apreciate it if someone could advise me on how to proceed
    1. hannahlwest63
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      please let me know if you figure this out lol
  10. jrh643
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    When you say put the files in the directory, I google what folder the directory is and they come up with a few answers, Is there a name on the folder? Where the 3 files get pasted? And is there a name on the folder where you are supposed to move the one file from the first download? Every folder I put the 3 in screws things up. It would be nice to know folder names instead of "directory" which refers to a few folders in there. Thanks, if you could be more specific. Actually, I had this installed with no problems on earlier versions, now that it is blocking mods, it is a problem, or vortex is the problem. Every time I come back to play this game same ol, same ol, something is not right. I might hang it up for another year after today.
    1. sapojoe
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      Directory means folder.

      Game Directory = Game Folder.

      Damn, were you born yesterday?
    2. jrh643
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      I was at my wits end and pissed at that game, sorry for being rude. I understood it after. The internet can sometimes be a bad place for info with so many opinions. Someone blamed your mod for the problem, which it clearly was not. Vortex just was not working at all. No proper load order or anything, couldn't even sort them myself. They would not move. I was thinking maybe Bethesda was screwing with it, because they are selling mods. I don't know. Just deleted everything off my computer. Last time I tried to play the game it wasn't working for a few reasons. Seems I get in on the wrong times. Not worth it to me to spend all day messing with it. Thanks for the input and I wish I was born yesterday ;). I figured out where everything went and still vortex was messed up. Weird because all the mods were in the game folders, but not in the proper load order. I am from construction, computers aren't my thing, besides building them, all plug and play. Good luck conducting the vortex mess..lol
  11. FrozenIce000
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Downgrade to 1170 solved my problem. Not sure if the new updated broke this mod but when I have many mod but not pass the references limit, I cann't start a new game, and my save keep crash everytime.