About this mod

A comprehensive, modular gameplay overhaul for Skyrim. Addresses perks, spells, races, combat, standing stones, enemy scaling and encounter zones.

Permissions and credits
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This is a port of T3nd0's popular Skyrim Redone mod,
intended for use with Reproccer Reborn.

original mod by T3nd0
ported to SSE by jdsmith2816
description by matortheeternal
maintained by Ingvion

Skyrim Redone is a comprehensive, modular gameplay overhaul for Skyrim. The overhaul addresses perks, spells, races, combat, standing stones, enemy scaling and encounter zones.

The primary goal of this overhaul is to provide more options for specialization. Master fighting with a katana, reforge your crossbow to address different situations, harvest bones as a necromancer, disguise yourself as a Forsworn, or blow up bandit camps with explosives.

Skyrim Redone is the result of hundreds of hours of gaming, modding, and processing user feedback. It has a rich history of use with Classic Skyrim. If you give it a try, and you may find that its changes improve the game to your taste.


Skyrim Redone is kind of "done". The original Skyrim mod hasn't been updated since 2014.  This port was created by fans of the overhaul who wanted to use the overhaul with SSE and share it with other SSE players. Because of this, it is unlikely that this mod will receive any major updates or support.

Please do not expect any updates or fixes. Consider the version of the mod uploaded here as final. That said, if you want to contribute changes or fixes, please post a comment in the comment section or send a private message to one of the project maintainers.  (jdsmith2816, ingvion)

Support and development is reopened. Yay! Please address any questions, advices and wishes to the comment section, bugs (or what you think is a bug) - to bugs section. You can also send a PM to the project's current maintainer (Ingvion).

This description includes most but not all of the details from the original Skyrim Redone mod page description. Feel free to refer to the original mod page description.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: So, when should I start to consider using an overhaul like this one?
A: If you've played vanilla for a while and are disappointed by the lack of depth and options, especially regarding character development. Bonus points if you've been playing the console version before and want to check out what modders can do with enough free time.

Q: Where can I get a complete breakdown of everything this overhaul does?
A: The guide for 2.0 can be found here, legacy guide can be downloaded here. Note that the description of this mod page is not particularly useful, so read the fuide.

Q: What does Skyrim Redone not change?
A: Skyrim Redone does not make any changes to dragons, animation, quests (except the magic school mastery quests), vanilla textures/meshes, werewolves, vampires, cells/locations, or spawn points.

Q: Can I use my weapon/armor mods with Skyrim Redone?
A: Yes, use ReProccer Reborn to patch them to work with Skyrim Redone.

Q: What does X do / how do i Y / why is Z happening?
A: Please, seach for the answer in the guide first. I've tried to make it as user-friendly as possible, to save both yours and my time.


  • Verify you have all requirements installed (see the section below).
  • Download, and install Skyrim Redone in your mod manager of choice (MO2 or Vortex is recommended).
  • Build and activate the ReProccer patch; make sure the patch is last in your load order.
  • Start a new game. Note that characters created with SkyRe cannot be rolled back to vanilla.


Skyrim 1.5.97 or higher
SKSE64 - Required for the respec potion and various spells.
Skyrim Skill Uncapper for SE and AE - Required to make full use of SkyRe's perk changes.
ReProccer Reborn - Required to balance items and make them work with SkyRe's systems.

Load Order

  • The Combat Module should be lower than the Main Module.
  • The Standing Stones Module should be lower than the Races Module.
  • Patch files should be lower than the Main module and mods they`re for.
  • ReProccer patch should always be the last mod in the load order.

The Core Module

The Core Module is the body of Skyrim Redone; it contains all new records - perks, spells, weapons, etc., and does not change anything in the game nor have any quests or scripts running by itself. It only exists as the resource pack for other modules.

The Main Module

The Main Module is the soul of Skyrim Redone, and is what transforms vanilla Skyrim into Skyrim Redone. It changes existing spells and quests, starts quests, distributes perks, spells and effects, fills leveled lists and inventories, and so on.

This module requires building of the ReProccer patch. The Main Module should be used with ReProccer patch for Skyrim Redone's functionality to operate as intended.

The Races Module

Apart from optics, what’s the main difference between a Khajiit and a Breton in vanilla Skyrim?

The correct answer: Khajiit need an additional piece of ”Resist Magic” gear to be at their strongest. Kinda sad, isn’t it?

Racial abilities were just not good enough overall. Orcs had a nice activated effect, Bretons a decent (yet extremely boring) passive ability. And the rest? Imperials find a few extra coins that don’t make any difference in a game where it’s so easy to become rich, High Elves have a good magicka potion, Argonians have a good health potion, Nords cast an Illusion spell once a day, and so on. The vast majority is boring, weak, generic, or any combination of that.

Thus, I tackled racial abilities. I wanted to give each race tools that make them good at something, potentially better than everyone else. What’s the use of an ability that becomes negligible as the game progresses?

The new racials should either allow multiple uses or be worthwhile enough to make even one use a decent move, they should relate to lore and possibly expand on it, and above all, they should be fun.

In addition, all races now have slightly different starting stats - attributes, their regeneration rates, and carry weight. NPCs either have access to new abilities, or have counterparts / exclusive bonuses.

The Combat Module

Combat in vanilla Skyrim basically consisted of spamming power attacks with an Absorb Stamina enchantment or vegetable soup. No tactic was required, and stamina did virtually nothing.

A new combat system, provided by this module, heavily relies on Stamina (and, to a lesser extent, on Health) and forces to use more tactics, especially when using the other enemy boosting modules: Enemy Scaling and Encounter Zones.

The Standing Stones Module

This module alters all Standing Stone abilities, as well as the related loading screens.

Each Standing Stone blessing provides both benefits and penalties now; choose a Stone that suits your style, or choose none at all.

The Enemies Module

Enemies don’t scale well above level 50, and generally suffer from a lack of perks and spells.

Since Skyrim Redone promotes high level gameplay, adjustments were made. Humanoid enemies’ level now varies in a certain range (e.g. enemy at vanilla level 10 in SkyRe can be between level 5 and level 15).

  • High level enemies and boss level enemies scale up to level 100.
  • Enemies at vanilla level 1 scale up to level 3.
  • Thieves and random assassins have a new max level of 100, and level at the same speed as the player.

In vanilla Skyrim, some enemies gain huge, free boosts to health, magicka and stamina. In Skyrim Redone, they start at 100, just like you, and gain more with every level - just like you.

This makes gameplay fair and opens up new tactics - you can avoid spells and make mages run out of magicka, for example.

Enemies carry more perks, including some stuff from Skyrim Redone.

Encounter Zones Module

In vanilla Skyrim, a small number of encounter zones have a minimum level, and most will adjust to scale enemies to match the player's level.  This makes it easy to beat a dungeon whenever you encounter it.  This module assigns minimum levels to many zones, several of which are quite high.  This means that you may encounter areas where enemies are too strong to beat until you've leveled up a bit more.  It also means that you may be able to get awesome and powerful loot early on in the game by grinding through a difficult, high-level dungeon early.

If you choose not to use this module, you're probably a domesticated flightless bird.

Recommended Mods

Thanks & Credits

- T3nd0: for creating Skyrim Redone.  Thank you for providing thousands of hours of entertainment to the community and giving permission for this port.
- The Skyrim Redone userbase and community. Thank you for helping make this mod as awesome as it is today.
- jdsmith2816: For doing all the work to port the ReProccer to UPF and the Skyrim Redone mod files to SSE.
ingvion: For all of his ongoing maintenance and support work. Thanks mate!
- 747823: Weapons of the Third Era
- EnaiSiaion: Modern Brawl Bug Fix
- PrivateEye: Heavy Armory
- Borgut1337: Sneak Tools
- Grantiz: Recurve Longbows
NickaNak: animations and models for halberds and longspears
ashingda: animations for shortspears


We have a Discord server, where you can report an issue, get help, suggest a feature or discuss this mod.