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About this mod

A small mod that replaces the very modern-looking map added to the Arcanaeum by Immersive College of Winterhold with a more authentic looking, brown paper map.

Permissions and credits

I never like the map added to the Arcanaeum by Immersive College of Winterhold, it looks like work of a highly sophisticated laser printer, not some cartopgrapher slaving away in a dark workshop, so I set about looking for a better alternative, and came across this on DeviantArt:

After experimenting a bit with turning it into a texture, I managed to get it into the game, and at the same time was lucky enough to get SkullSmithy's permission to share it here, if anyone else found themselves wanting the same thing. It's just a texture replacer, has no plugin, and if you open the texture you'll see it's a bit weirdly positioned, so as to end up in the correct position in-game.


Install it with your favourite mod manager, or just drop it into your 'data' folder and let it overwrite Immersive College of Winterhold, which should be easy since it usually provides its textures in a bsa.


SkullSmithy – for making the map and giving me permission to put it in-game. Go check out his other works, he makes tons of cool art.
SlashMatrix and XMadManJazzaX – fixing typos in the original map and adjusting the date.
barame3526 – for taking screenshots of the newer versions.