About this mod

Skyrim Reputation introduces a reputation mechanic to make you treated as the hero or villain you really are, without it interfering with your game-play. All functions of the mod can be toggled on/off in the MCM menu.

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The reputation mechanic introduced with this mod creates a reputation/morality score for your character based on the quests you complete, the choices you make, and your actions throughout your play-through. 

Based on your reputation score, many of the game's NPCs will change how they respond to you. Your choices will now matter for how people perceive you - and not just whether or not you've delivered/fetched something for that particular NPC.

Video by: Arctic Scrolls

The majority changes introduced by the mod are purely atmospheric and should not interrupt game-play. If you find they do, all functions of the mod can be toggled on and off in the MCM menu. The mod includes the following (see the change-log for specifics):

Greeting dialogue overhaul:
  • Over 4000 files of vanilla asset dialogue have been arranged on a spectrum from welcoming comments to angry comments, and mapped onto the reputation mechanic. 
  • A relatively unknown character will now be greeted with dismissals; a good-willed hero will be greeted with compliments; and an evil outlaw will be greeted with scorn.
  • Guards will now also act as if they’re a little wiser to your criminal activities and comment with greater suspicion. At least until your influence in the Hold increases.

Dynamic reputation titles:
  • Across the seven different reputation levels shown in the media section, there are more than 100 different "titles", each denoting the different choices you have made and/or quests you have completed (e.g. Warrior, Daedra worshipper, etc.)
  • What title you have may also affect greeting dialogue, for example if you gained the reputation title of 'Harbinger' for your warrior prowess, or if you have been labeled a 'Thief' for your crimes, you will hear people commenting on it.

Faction reactions and courier notes:
  • Depending on what quests you complete, some NPCs may now send you courier notes to comment on your deeds. 
  • Key members of join-able factions may also send you courier notes, to comment on you joining another faction or on your current reputation/morality. 
  • For example: The Companions now recognize fame/infamy; and might let you join without the usual delivery quests if your reputation is right, and kick you out again if you turn evil.

Reputation based influences:
  • Minor perks and some passive influences now come with certain reputations (These are unaffected by other mods making changes to your perks, see change log for details)
  • Vendor prices may now be affected positively or negatively by your reputation score. A noble hero receives better prices than an evil-doer.
  • If you gain enough infamy, townsfolk and enemies alike have a chance to start fleeing at the very sight of you.

Vampire and Werewolf suspicion mechanic:

  • The citizens of Skyrim will no longer be completely oblivious to Vampire and Werewolf players' hidden nature. This mod adds over 100 additional greeting lines of dialogue that you can trigger as a vampire or werewolf (compared to the original 7).
  • As a vampire you will need to balance not succumbing to your blood lust, with keeping fed to suppress telltale sings of being undead.
  • As a werewolf you will now need to be careful not to overusing your abilities, and not approach people after a recent transformation or during the full-moon.

Use a mod manager/organizer to install, or drop the loose files into you Skyrim data folder.


The most recent version (v 2.4) unfortunately requires a “cleaned” save, if you’re updating from any of the earlier versions (see below). Hopefully this version will be the last update that require such a procedure. If you have version 2.1, and you are not experiencing any issues, feel free to skip this update - the changes weren't major and the main focus was to make it ready for porting it over to console.

The game stores the scripts from all active mods in your save files, whenever you save a game. Because of this, outdated scripts from earlier versions will linger and can cause problems when updating to newer versions of Skyrim Reputation. To avoid these issues, you can either start a new character or attempt to “clean” an existing save. To clean a save, follow these steps:
  • Load your character and make note of your tracked scores (i.e. Assault, Murder and Petty Crime bounties, Bandit Kills, etc.) listed in the mod's MCM menu. Close Skyrim and back up your save files.
  • Uninstall Skyrim Reputation and clean your save. To clean your save: load your save without Skyrim Reputation, save again, and exit. Then use a Save Cleaner tool to manually remove the old scripts from the save file. Only attempt this after backing up your save files.
  • Reinstall the mod’s latest version, load up you character and change the scores (noted down in step 1) back to their original values in the mod's MCM menu.

Navigate to the control panel in the MCM menu and mute the mod. Uninstall/Remove the mod files.The reason to mute the mod first is to revert some of the changes it makes to a few of the game’s factions. The usual warning goes here; that uninstalling mods mid-game is never recommended due to the scripts it leaves in your save file. However, it shouldn’t cause any problem with this mod, beyond throwing up some minor errors in your papyrus log. If the script errors bother you, try a 'save cleaner' tool to remove the script from your save file after uninstalling the mod. If you’d rather not take the risk just leave it muted.

This mod hardly makes any changes to Skyrim's original records, so hopefully it has minimal conflicts with other mods. Putting it early in your load order, and letting other mods overwrite it, should also be fine. If you’re using mods that change the same aspect of the game as this mod, for example faction ally/hostility changes, and you're experiencing oddities, you may want to turn off the relevant function in the MCM menu.

The following mods are currently reported as compatible:
Relationship Dialogue overhauls 
Guard Dialogue overhauls

  • Translations and other languages than English are unfortunately not supported. 
  • This is due to many lines of dialogue being composites of existing sound files, and so doesn't have a corresponding sound file in the translated versions. You can turn off the voiced comments in the MCM, but that's up to you.
  • Conflicts reported for the following mods: 

- Skyrim Unbound 
 Conflicts with Whiterun thane status, which can be resolved in the MCM 
-  Sneak tools 
 The Gray Cowl doesn’t affect your reputation status and doesn’t stop crime influences on your reputation 

-  The Gray Cowl of Nocturnal 
 The Gray Cowl doesn’t affect your reputation status and doesn’t stop crime influences on your reputation 
-  Master of Disguise 
 Being in disguise doesn’t affect your reputation status 

-  Immersive speech craft 
Speech options not affected by Skyrim Reputation and vice versa 

-  Don’t You Know Who I Am? 
Speech options not affecting Skyrim Reputation and vice versa 


Can I install this mod for an existing character?
  • Yes, you can, but it might take up to an in-game day before your reputation is correctly calculated. 
  • Some of the statistics only start tracking after you install the mod (e.g. Assaults, Murder bounties, Petty crime bounties, Bandit kills, etc.), and any of those you did before installing the mod won't count towards your reputation. 
  • You can manually adjust these scores in the MCM menu.

Is this like the Oblivion fame mechanic?
  • Not quite, but it is inspired by it, and the mod does have a fame score. Certain quests will reward you with fame, which in turn determines what the reputation mechanic does.

How does the reputation mechanic work?
  • Simply put, your character is continuously collecting morality points as you progress through the game, and the mechanic weighs all the 'good' morality points (e.g. earned by saving someone or retrieving an item) against all of the 'bad' morality points (e.g. earned by betraying a friend, stealing, murdering, etc.).
  • The 'fame' points you collect then acts like an amplifier to the the total morality score, producing either a good reputation or a bad reputation.

What makes up the Reputation mechanic?
  • Players who help local temples, uphold the law and generally help out are assumed to be more welcome than players who do the bidding of Daedra, commit crime and betray friends for their own gain.
  • The choices you make are assumed to reflect in some way your character's personality, and the mod then makes assumptions about how a regular Skyrim Nord might respond to such a person or someone they knew had done similar things.
  • Many choices available to the player in game are scored on one or more of the following three dimensions: (1) Aedric-devotion vs. Daedric-worship, (2) Lawfulness vs. Crime, and (3) Dependability vs. Power-hunger. 

What counts in the reputation mechanic?
  • Most things: the race you choose, the character build you choose, many of the tracked stats are included, as are many quests. 
  • Not all quests are included though, only about 3/4 of them are, but they are the bulk of the reputation-points you earn.

How did you decide what is good and and what is evil?
  • I've drawn heavily on the existing lore of Skyrim and other parts of the Elder Scrolls series, as well as my academic background in Personality Psychology.

Which choices matter the most?
  • Many of choices available count a little bit each, the idea being that everything has an accumulative effect on your reputation. 
  • However; Daedric quests in particular are heavily weighted in the reputation mechanic, as they usually have a clear good/evil outcome. The factions also affect a fair bit, especially the Companions quest line.

My new character’s morality scores are not what I expected. What do I do?
  • To add to the role-playing experience, racial prejudice is now an obstacle to overcome. You start with a 1-3 points racial bonus/penalty to the different scores, depending on the race you chose. 
  • For example, as a Khajiit you start with a 75% criminal score, even before you complete any quests or break the law. 
  • This might sound like a lot, but will very quickly even out as you progress and start completing quests. 

I want this or that reputation right now, how can I make that happen?
  • My intention was to have you earn your reputation, so that you actively try and find ways to change it - in whichever direction you desire - if you don't like the reputation you have. 
  • The mechanic is intended as an extra element of the game for you to keep track on and explore. To pick your quests more carefully and maybe weigh your decisions an extra time, as a part of role-playing.
  • That said, if you desire instant gratification or if you feel I got it wrong somewhere, you can change your scores manually in the MCM menu.

Why is being a mage counting towards a bad reputation?
  • In the original game you hear that magic is frowned upon and mages unwelcome, but apart from a few snarky comments about any robes you might be wearing and the college yet again blowing up Winterhold, you don't really notice. 
  • I wanted to change that a little. The College of Winterhold quests, general magic skill levels, souls collected and even books read now counts a little towards your Power-hunger score - but only a little. 
  • If you do other good deeds you'll soon overwrite its negative effect on your reputation. This is to give the sensation that people are mistrusting of mages until proven otherwise.  
  • If it still bugs you, you can always turn it off in the MCM menu.

What about the less evil Daedric quests, do they all result in bad reputation?
  • With the exception of Meridia’s "Break of Dawn," all the Daedric quests have the potential to give you Daedric taint points. 
  • Defying the instructions of Daedra in these quests will earn you a small amount Aedric devotion points and following their commands earn you Daedric taint points. The exception being Azura, where the opposite is now true, following popular demand (low influence, either way).
  • The amount of Daedric taint points you get for the rest depend on things like: if murder is involved, or how abhorrent I imagine the people of Skyrim would think it is.

No one saw me complete this Daedric quest, why does it affect my reputation?
  • Well, the Daedric quests that give you more Daedric-taint points, there's usually a situation where two people enter and only one returns (i.e. you). I wanted to reflect that people would start talking and wondering what had happened. 
  • For the other quests you might not get many points, but each evil deed you carry out for the princes would affect your characters's personality a little. It's the idea that a stone cold killer will likely behave differently as a person, compared to say a dairy farmer, and this would play into how people perceive, respond and spread rumors about you. 

But my character is super-stealthy, why do I get reputation points for criminal acts when no one knows it's me?
  • Undetected thefts, murders, trespasses, etc. the don't contribute very much to your reputation score for this very reason and are capped at a certain amount. The times you're caught, in contrast, contributes a lot. 
  • The reason the undetected acts contribute at all is that people would eventually notice things go missing when you're around and I wanted to reflect that suspicion. You can toggle this in the MCM menu.

How does the Vampire and Werewolf suspicion mechanic work?
  • Hoping to add to the role-playing element of being a vampire or werewolf, each suspicion score is driven by two aspects: (1) how much you indulge in you vampire/werewolf powers, and (2) how careful you are around other citizens. 
  • Both will contribute to an overall suspicion score which in turn affects your reputation and unlocks further reactions and reputation titles as they increase. 
  • Suspicions are also set to gradually decrease as time passes if you don’t do anything to arouse them.

  • Vampires

    • You will now need to balance giving in to your blood lust with keeping fed, to suppress your undead appearance (appearance changes not included - I can recommend dynamic vampire stages for this effect).
    • Excessive feeding and overuse of your vampiric powers will contribute to suspicions. 
    • At the same time, without maintained blood levels people will start noticing that something is off and, at vampire stage 2 and above, NPCs will start to make comments as you approach them (most join-able faction NPCs won’t care). Each comment contributing to your suspicion score.
    • The higher your vampire stage, the more likely it is that people will comment and the higher suspicion contribution become. Soon people will be calling you out for what you are.
    • An indicator of your vampire stage is included in the Undead Aura, in your active magic effects menu.
    • Bad reputation and high suspicion may result in people shouting ‘Filthy Vampire!’ as you pass, or even attacking you outright (toggle in MCM)
    • A Good reputation somewhat negates the suspicions 
  • Werewolves

    • You will now need to be careful of approaching people after having recently transformed or when the moon is full. When you revert into humanoid form, it’s now assumed that some beastly aspects will linger and be visible to others. The same being true when a full moon draws out these aspects (actual appearance changes not included).
    • The mod introduces a similar stage system to that of a vampire player, but dependent on how recently you have transformed instead. 
    • If you head straight into town after transforming, or hang around during a full moon, people will be noticing that something is off and start making comments as you approach them (most join-able faction NPCs won’t care). Each comment contributing to your suspicion score.
    • The more recently you transformed, the more likely it is that people will comment and the higher suspicion contribution become. Soon people will be calling you out for what you are.
    • An indicator of your werewolf stage is included under Beastly Aspect, in your active magic effects menu.
    • Bad reputation and high suspicion may result in people shouting ‘Filthy Beast!’ as you pass, or even attacking you outright (toggle in MCM)
    • A Good reputation somewhat negates the suspicions.

What faction changes have you made?
  • I haven’t made changes to all factions, and I haven’t changed any or their quests. Skyrim already lets you join a faction and have you expelled again if you break their rules. I have just used that framework and added minimally to it. All changes can be toggles in the MCM menu. I have listed changes below, and if you are experiencing anything other than what’s listed, something is going awry:

Faction Changes:
  • College of Winterhold
    • Added courier notes to be sent to the player when completing certain quests.
    • Linked their existing expulsion quest to maybe trigger (through courier notes) when turning evil or joining other factions.
  • Companions
    • Known players can skip the initiation fetch quest.
    • Added to the faction’s existing greeting dialogue
    • Added courier notes to be sent to the player when completing certain quests.
    • Added expulsion quest, similar to that of the other guilds, that may trigger (through courier notes) when turning evil or joining other factions.
  • Dark Brotherhood
    • Added courier notes to be sent to the player when completing certain quests.
  • Dawnguard
    • The faction is more responsive to Vampire players and may become hostile to known vampire players.
  • Forsworn
    • If you escape with Madanach some Forsworn change their reactions to become more friendly. If you keep assisting their enemies or killing their kind, the faction will become hostile again.
    • Added courier notes to be sent to the player when completing certain quests.
    • Added to the faction’s existing greeting dialogue
  • Vigil of Stendarr
    • The faction responds to player’s Daedric and Aedric scores and may become hostile to Daedra worhipping player
    • Added to the faction’s existing greeting dialogue, and they may attack vampire and werewolf players.
  • Thalmor
    • Added a tracker for quests that help/interfere with the Thalmor and change their reactions if you meddle too much.
    • Sets some Thalmor factions as enemies.
    • Added to the faction’s existing greeting dialogue
  • Thieves Guild
    • Added courier notes to be sent to the player when completing certain quests.
    • Linked their existing expulsion quest to maybe trigger (through courier notes) when killing too many bandits or progressing through the Companions quest line. 


If you're reading this I would like to thank you personally for being apart of the Nexus community. I've enjoyed so many hours of gameplay as a result of the dedicated work of people here, and I honestly feel privileged to be a part of it and be able to contribute my own work. So, thank you!
