About this mod

Mod adds a fully playable skeleton race of all race types (Elf, Orc, Human, Argonian, Khajiit) with unique face customisations and powers. New races fully supports ALL vanilla equipment (shows bones instead of skin)

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***RELEASE v3.0 is up!***
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Table of Contents - please read at least the FAQ before posting questions
  • Introduction - about the mod
  • Features - overview of what the mod adds
  • Installation and Requirements
  • Custom Lich Race - brief overview + F.A.Q.
  • Misc Items - quick overview of some of the items this mod adds
  • Alternate Life Addon - New Start Quest + Player House Overview
  • Credits, donations etc.
   This mod is a standalone version of a Lich Race, which was part of my other mod - "Overlord - Become an evil Lich" (please check it out if you like playing as undead! You wont regret it :)). Mod adds a new, fully playable skeleton race with unique customizations and abilities. Race is fully functional and can be used in normal play. 
2.Features - what the mod adds
  • New, fully playable custom race: Skeleton (based on skeleton model) with its own visuals and abilities
  • 5 types of Skeleton races: Human (Nord/Breton/Imperial/Redguard) , Elf (Wood/High/Dark) , Orc, Argonian, Khajiit both Male and Female genders
  • Full face morph and customisation support
  • 2 new followers: Musika & Sans. Both are skeletons, friendly and can be married
  • New races support ALL vanilla equipment (armours, gauntlets etc) and show bones instead of skin
  • Custom powers and spells just for those races: starting powers 1. Once a day: Create soul gems, fully restore your energy
  • Custom starting spells: incoming spell damage absorption
  • An amulet that can enable attack on sight function - you will be attacked by all living beings while not wearing it. 
  • Full, craftable set of Ancient Nordic Armor, ONLY for Lich Race
  • Unique set of Arch Necromancer Outfit obtainable only in a special dungeon
  • Full, craftable set of Evil Lich Robes and Evil Lich Priest Robes, ONLY for Lich Race
  • An Alternate Life Addon - adds a new starting quest for Liches
  • A player house

3.Installation & requirements
Download this mod and unpack the zip archive into /Data folder in skyrim directory. Launch the game and choose <Lich> race in character creator. Because the mod modifies vanilla entries to make the skeleton visible while wearing clothes you need to load this mod AFTER any other mod that alters vanilla clothing data. Otherwise while wearing eg. stormcloak chestplate you will see human skin instead of bones.

If you downloaded the alternate life addon you will need to also have Alternate Life - Live Another Life mod installed/on your mod list loaded before the addon .esp

4.New Lich Race - Overview

Mod adds 5 playable skeleton races into the game, based on all main Tamriel races. Each have their own unique starting stats and spells. They can use every vanilla equipment and you can normally play them through Skyrim questlines without issues, like any other vanilla race!
Races can be chosen on character creation menu like any other one "Lich (<race>)". Below a few questions and answers:
1. What are the available customisation options?
You can choose: 
  • gender (male/female)
  • race type (orc, human, elf, khajiit, argonian)
  • warpaints and tatoos
  • horns
  • many presets with unique looks
  • hairs and beards
  • 20 eye colour and shape variants
  • full head morph customisation for all race types
  • skin complexion and skin tones

2. What about playability? Can I normally play the game with this race? Are there any drawback\functions that are not present?
This is a fully playable race like any other. You wont have problems playing or doing any quests with it but those that require Vampire\Werewolf since you are already undead and cant become one. In other words drawbacks of this race are: 
-you are "undead" from the very start.
-you cannot become a vampire by normal means (because you are dead already and you have full immunity to diseases) 

Most vanilla Skyrim quests, where NPCs comment on your race are also supported! You can complete whole Skyrim questline like with any other race without issues.

Werewolf: users reported that there is no problem in becoming one. Everything works, the companion quests work etc.
Vampire (Dawnguard questline): due to lack of vampire race variant of Lich races there are 2 things that can happen : 
 a) after Harkon changes you into a vampire your race will be changed into a Vampire Nord (you can counter it by setting your race back to Lich via console I guess)
 b) nothing visually will happen. Your status will just change into a vampire. All depends on your game and mod list really and how the game will act.
Vampire (normal gameplay): due to 100% disease resistance of this race getting the vampire disease is very unlikely or nil. 
Vampire Lord Form: since this is a separate form like werewolf it should work normally

3. Clothing/Armorus/Spells etc. Can I use them?
All wearable equipment can be worn by this race. It goes without saying that clothing that already covers your whole body is no issue to wear.
From clothing\armors that expose your skin while wearing (eg. imperial sets) I made them include a version for a skeleton. You can see them in image gallery.

Equipment that is supported (you can equip it, and it wont show skin):
- EVERYTHING from vanilla base game and DLCs

Equipment that is not supported (shows skin):
- NONE! 

Of course all modded armors will show skin. If you want custom armors to be supported ask their own authors for it. I cant support every single piece out there. Its impossible
Spells, foods, activators, doors etc: all can be used of course

4. The "Attack On Sight" function. What it is and how it works.
Attack On Sight (AoS) - called "Feared Monster" in game is by default disabled. You can enable it by casting illusion spell "Feared Monster On Off" that is added to you at the start
When activated you will receive an amulet called "Undead Illusion Amulet". If you wont wear it everyone (excluding your "friends") will attack you. You will be treated like a conjured skeleton. If you want to walk around human settlements you NEED to wear that amulet constantly.
Disable the function if you think its bothersome or for some reason it makes a quest or two unplayable (eg. those quests that remove all items from your body like Cidra Mine or The Party one)
When activated the amulet adds you to a temporary faction that is enemies to everyone but undead (like draugr or skeletons). 

5. What are the race traits, stats, bonuses etc?
90 HP, 105 SP, 115 MP
+15 conjuration, +5: destruction, alteration, illusion, one-handed
105 HP, 105 SP, 100 MP
+10 conjuration, +5: destruction, alteration, illusion, two-handed, heavy-armor
90 HP, 100 SP, 120 MP
+15 conjuration, +10: alteration, +5: destruction, illusion
110 HP, 110 SP, 90 MP
+10 conjuration, + 10 speech, +5: destruction, illusion, pickpocket
100 HP, 110 SP, 100 MP
+15 conjuration
+5: destruction, illusion, pickpocket, sneak

>All have:
Starting spells, abilities: Spells: Frostbite, Flames, Fear, Conjure Familiar, Raise Zombie, Healing, Feared Monster On Off
Traits: undead status from very start, immune to paralysis, 100% disease and poison resistance, 25% weakness to fire

Starting Power Guide:

When you start a game you will recieve a lesser power: "Lich: Configuration Menu". Use it to enable or disable features.
AoS: when enabled you will get an amulet. When you wear it people wont attack you. When you dont wear it everyone will treat you like a monster


All 5 Skeleton races have the following powers (can be used once per day):
  • [Power ] Once a day create a filled soul gem. 25% chance to get either common, greater, grand or black soul gem
  • [Power] Once a day fully restore your health, stamina and magicka

  • [Starting Spell] Spell Absorption: Absorb X% of incoming spell magnitude and duration (concentration spell)
  • Level 10-29 : 25% absorption
  • Level 30-49 : 50% absorption
  • Level 50-69 : 75% absorption
  • Level 70+ : 100% absorption

6. Compatibility and other stuff
For those who want to know: to make a race playable eg. ability to wear any armor I would have to manually add my new race to EVERY SINGLE vanilla armor/cloth etc list. This would make this mod incompatible with anything that modifies vanilla armours.
The workaround was to make this "Lich" race inherit those things from "Manakin" race. In other words what manakins can wear this race can too. the drawback is that all those modified armors I listed above (eg. iron) will appear with skeleton bones while on a manakin.
Also I still had to manually edit a few lines of "code". I had to add my race to all: amulets, rings and those custom modified armors. 
This means that if a mod that edits those vanilla lines is loaded after this one you wont be able to see wearing rings, amulets and human skin will show on listed armors. But other than that visual drawback everything will be fine.

7. I enabled the AoS function but no one attacks me despite not wearing the special amulet?
After enabling the function equip the Undead Illusion Amulet and then unequip it. You need to do it only the first time you active the function. A message in top left corner should show up informing you about either being safe or unsafe from others.

8. I have a better skeleton texture on my mod list. How can I change the default skeleton texture in this mod?
In the .bsa  there is a file called "SkeletonUndeadRaceSkin.dds". Unpack it and change it to your own. Just make sure the new texture has the same format and placement of elements (eg head in your texture is in the same place as in my). Tail and heads of Argonian and Khajiit texture is called "isgard_beastskeletons.dds" and is also located in mods .bsa. Human race uses textures located in /evileye/misc/LichRaces/  All textures inside are used by it.

9. Why does the skeleton model has a collar/scarf around it? Cant you remove it? I dont like it!
Its there for a reason. You see, most vanilla chestplate (armour) models have either holes in the neck part (you can see through the model) or the hole is filled by an ugly low resolution texture. This hole is always hidden by the neck part of the head model. The skeleton model has no human neck but bones that are what thinner. They do not cover the holes of the models or their ugly textures. The scarf is here to act as a "neck" that hides it.  Without it it would look bad. Trust me. I've seen it with my own eyes.  And no, I wont manually fix every single mesh this game offers to fix it. Im not that committed.  

10. About followers. What if you cannot find them?
This mod adds 2 new followers: Musika (Female) and Sans (Male). Both have levels 5-100 (their level is 0.9 * yours). Musika is a rogue and Sans is a warrior. Both followers are your friends from the start and both can be married. They are sitting next to a camp fire at <Pilgrim's Trench>. If you cannot find them there it means you have a mod loaded after this one that modifies this location. Change the load order.

11. After upgrading to a new version (2.0) from older and loading an old save my character (Khajiit, Orc, Elf or Argonian) has an invisible head. Only eyes are seen. What can I do to fix it?
This issue is because version 2.0 redesigns and replaces all old head models to new, higher quality ones. This change is not backward compatible. In order to fix this issue on an old save you need to open the console and type /showracemenu. Then you need to refresh your character by either changing the gender, head preset, race or anything that will reload the head. You can then go back to your original look.  One issue is that after you do this you will basically start a new character. Older saves will be treated as a separate character story.

Sorry but I cannot do anything about it.

12. Will you convert this mod to : XBox, Playstation etc?
As far as I know Playstation doesnt allow mods with .bsa archives (which this mod has and cannot work without), only .esp mods. Conversion to this platform is not possible. Xbox - I dont own it, so I cannot test the mod at all. Even if I attempt a conversion I wont know if it generated any issues or if it even works. If someone ever offers help in this then sure.

5.Misc Items Description
This section will introduce you to some of the items that are added to this mod. Almost all can be crafted, tempered and enchanted. There are also a few more items ingame that are not listed here 
  • [Armor: M+F]Ancient Nordic Set: crafted at any forge with ebony smithing. Can only be crafted if playing as Lich Race
  • [Armor: M+F]Evil Lich Set: crafted at any forge. Can only be crafted if playing as Lich Race
  • [Armor: M+F]Evil Lich Priest Set: crafted at any forge. Can only be crafted if playing as Lich Race
  • [Armor: M]  Lich Armoured Robes : crafted at any forge. 

6.Alternate Life - Live Another Life Addon/New start

This mod also has an optional file that adds a new dialogue option and new starting quest - "The time I was resurrected as a skeleton". The new dialogue option is called "I was resurrected as an Undead (Lich Lv1)" and should be most likely at the bottom of the Mara Statue dialogue.
After you start the quest you will wake up inside a dungeon. Make sure to tick the quest in your journal to follow (and read new entries as they have some backstory for your character). 


Stage 1:
You are inside a round room. You need to read the journal on the table. After you do so look around the room and loot what you need. Take the 4 lockpicks that are on a barrel next to a metal cage. With them open a novice door leading to a large prison hallway.

Stage 2:
Defeat the enemies there. You can also loot the prison cages as well. Open the door  at the end of the hallway. Defeat the enemies in the narrow corridor. Take the right turn. Lockpick the Novice door. Inside pick up a key, loot the room and read Damarok's Notes. You will get an optional objective to loot his storage.

Stage 3: (OPTIONAL)
Go to the doors on the left. You can use your remaining lockpicks to try and open the master lock. If you dont manage to do so you can always come back. If you do then you will have to defeat the enemies inside. Loot the room.

Stage 4:
After you get the key head back to the round room you started at. Open the locked doors with the key. Defeat the enemies on your way. Remove the lock on the wooden door and defeat the final enemy. Use the trapdoor to escape the dungeon. After you get outside you will witness as some wolves attack some horkers. You can fight them or ignore them.

Stage 5:
After that the quest ends. You can use the dungeon as your player house.

Stage 6: (Optional + Hidden)
Find the two undead mentioned in Damarok's Journal (Musika & Sans). They can become your loyal followers.

Orc+Elf+Argonian+Khajiit head models used as a base for further edits by PROMETHEUS_ts from his mod Beast Skeletons