About this mod

This is the All-In-One pack for the Skyrim Realistic Conquering series!

Turn your adventures into a game filled with consequences. For the good natured adventurer, this mod allows you to see the changes you made actually take effect. The world will be repopulated as you free Skyrim of it's fouls inhabitants.

Permissions and credits
  • Turkish
  • Russian
  • Portuguese
  • German

Turn Skyrim into a dynamic world that repopulates lost locations. You as the adventurer clear locations of it's foul inhabitants on a daily basis, but with this mod, you will actually be able to see Skyrim become a better place. Turn locations that are inhabited by monsters* back into realistic and liveable settlements. Depending on their surroundings, previous structures, inhabitants and resources, locations are changed in a lore friendly AF way. You will also find some short inconsequential quests to give new life to these locations.

*Monsters: Creatures and NPCs which inhabit locations after being abandoned by the owner. 
    For example: wolfs, spiders, witches, bandits and such.

Using Fort Takeovers Framework these locations dynamically change towards a better future. Make Skyrim the world your efforts deserve it to be!

Included in the Gate To Sovngarde collection!

Original map by GameBanShee

Specific information and links


Currently included in the pack:
Bannermist Tower
Cracked Tusk Keep
Darklight Tower
Dragon Bridge Overlook
Duskwatch Tower by Apocrypher00 
Embershard Mine
Falkreath Watchtower
Fort Fellhammer by Apocrypher00 
Ironback Hideout
Lost Knife Hideout New

Peak's Shade Tower & Pinewatch Checkpoint
Pinefrost Tower New
Refugees' Rest
Rift Watchtower
Riverside Shack
Robber's Gorge
Shor's Watchtower
Skybound Watch 
Snowpoint Beacon
Swindler’s Den
Traitor's Post

Valtheim Towers
White River Watch
Wreck of the Brinehammer New

Locations I'm currently working on:
Standing Stones Module - New optional module which alters Standing Stones locations.

Locations on hold:
Faldar's Tooth - 80% finished.
Traitor’s Post - 85% finished.
Fellglow Keep - 80% finished.
Knifepoint Ridge - Stopped. Painful loss of files ):
Western Watchtower - Stopped. Already good mods for rebuild.
Helgen - In progress (many ideas, will take some time).

Your Suggestions

-Treva's Watch
-Faldar's Tooth (Black briar Mercs?)
-Silent Moons Camp :MidnightFire1222:
-Halted Stream Camp
-Fort dunstad
-Gallow's Rock (Companions?)
-Mistwatch :Zahnrad:
-Broken Tower Redoubt :everyone:
-Brittlesthin pass :marob307:
-Nightcaller Temple :marob307:
-Northwatch Keep :marob307:
-Chillwind Depths :m1sf1t711: (Check for fitting solution to remove the cart outside)
-Broken Oar Grotto :Lukto:
-Redoran's Retreat :werewolfman187:
-Bloodlet Thorn :larsseehans:
-Karthspire and Karthspire Camp :Zahnrad:
-Bleakwind Bluff
-Labyrinthian :Kl582C: (former glory)

-Northshore Landing :larsseehans:  (Smugglers harbour or fishing camp)
-Damphall Mine :addyee:
-Broken Tusk Mine :addyee:
-Fort Frostmoth :addyee & meloasd11:

-Bandit attack world encounters removal/protection :Zahnrad: 
-Expand guilds, possibly by choice :meloasd11:
-Ship wrecks and dwemer ruins could become archaeological locations :lelouch107 & marob307:
-Recycle abandoned houses/NPCs.
-Civil war camps removal/repurpose :marob307:

---Some more elaborate requests are being held in separate files and therefore not shown on the list---
---I also keep bigger personally chosen plans secret as I sometimes want to take my time with locations--- 

This mod is safe to install mid-playthrough if you keep standard procedures in mind.

Find multiple patched versions of the SRC_ERS.esp on this separate mod page:  Exclude from Radiant System

Included compatibility
Anniversary Upgrade - Patch included
Tactical Valtheim - Patch included
Interesting NPCs - Patch included
Inigo - Patch included
Landscape and Water Fixes - Patch included
Northern Roads - Patch included
Lux - Patch included
Lux Orbis - Patch included
Lux Via - Patch included
Lux Via & Northern Roads - Patch included
Ulvenwald - Patch included
Man Those Borders SSE - Patch in Optinal Files
Man Those Borders Reborn - Patch included
Dungeons Revisited - Patch included
Hand Placed Enemies - Patch included
Nilheim - Misc Quest Expansion - Patch included
Populated Skyrim Hell Edition - Patch included
Hand Placed Enemies - Light - Native compatibility
Welkynar knight quest - Native compatibility

Other compatibility
Headhunter - Bounties Redone - Patch included in its installer
House of Horrors Quest Expansion - Patch here
Populated Skyrim Reborn SSE - Patch on its mod page

Partial Compatibility
-Lawbringer - Use it's modular installer to remove unwanted locations, also install the correct ERS version.
-OBIS - Bandits may respawn at certain locations (Epic chaos!?).

Valtheim Towers - Border Officer: Chase Coleman aka AchillesPeleus -- Check out his IMDb profile! 
Peak's Shade Tower - Cinda: Jace "Fish" Sayre - Check out her Twitch: DiceandDynamics!
White River Watch - Prisoner: Terrell Brooks
Skybound Watch - Merntur: Kyle
Other: Spliced vanilla and AI generated

Fully voiced German translation by Fyntastic here.

Ratsmash for his Elder Scrolls lore advice and dialogue writing
Apocrypher00 for his Fort Takeovers Framework
Kuczaja for his advice and testing

Thanks to everyone who donated, the support is much appreciated! <3

Black Briar Banners - Adds Black-Briar family banners to the world of Skyrim!
Realistic Humanoid Movements Speed SSE - Changes movement speeds values to be more realistic!
