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  1. bjs336
    • member
    • 158 kudos
    Version 1.3.1 is now up, small fixes to NPC AI and some other minor tweaks, also added keys to their inventory so now they will lock and unlock at certain times.

    Its not perfect but it works!
    Want it to be better but since i can't do any better it will be like this.

    If anyone would like to update/fix/improve the AI Packages send me a PM.
  2. bjs336
    • member
    • 158 kudos
    To everyone that want the mod on

    Not gonna happen!

    I do not support them or their business regarding the modding community.
  3. JayberXD
    • premium
    • 30 kudos
    does this work with enhanced solitude?
    1. PavonisStar
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Necro reply, but yes.
  4. KaldorMintat
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    Just a heads up that the latest version (v0.4) of Immersive Citizens - AI Overhaul SE introduced a small incompability issue with Solitude Exterior.

    As the picture shows the sleeping tent for the carriage driver that is added by Immersive Citizens clips into a staircase of one of Solitude Exteriors houses. Most likely also affects the drivers AI rutines since he no longer can go to bed as intended. He still offers his carriage services as normal though so its a minor issue.
    1. ArcumLucis
      • supporter
      • 5 kudos

      Whenever I see a nice mod and I want to install it, ICAO makes it incompatible in some way like with Arthmoors Town expansions. Guess I'll just keep on using Jaxonz Positioner to move things aside. Or maybe I'll just uninstall ICAO at this point and save me the headache.

      Thanks for the heads up.
    2. lazloarcadia
      • member
      • 17 kudos
      Agreed. ICAO is a super cool mod, but my god that thing can be a real pain in the ass to get compatible with EVERYTHING else
    3. ArthasSeptim
      • member
      • 5 kudos
      Has this been fixed in version 1.3.1 ?
    4. NedStark1987
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      I am getting to the point of getting annoyed by ICAIO, if Shurah was not so stubborn, he would at least allow other modders to patch their mods to accomodate ICAIO. Sadly he is hot-headed and stubborn. I was just about to add this mod here to play along with the docks district and Dawn of Skyrim Director's Cut to make Solitude looks bigger without a great perfomance hit (I had tried better cities for Solitude along with Solitude Expansion (with the patch), but too much lag for my poor GPU.
    5. BBSurf37
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      It's been a few years and he has yet to change. I've come across quite a few forums and posts that have expressed negatively towards his demeanor, personality, and willingness to compensate for other great mods. It's a real shame. I seriously cannot choose certain mods due to constant conflicts with his. I'm limited down to very few and those I'm not interested in them at the moment. I like to be able to choose more than the ones he's approved of. So we are left with the task of editing these mods ourselves. The bright side is more practice with the CK!! : )
    6. Jyotai
      • member
      • 14 kudos
      I fixed this for myself today in creation kit.

      1. Use Wyre Bash to 'esmify' Immersive Citizens so Creation Kit can see it as a Master File.
      2. Load the patched version of this mod:
      Into creation kit along with Immersive Citizens.

      You need to load in the cell 'Solitude Exterior 3' (it's name is close to that,, it's under the 'Tamriel' category of cells). From there you can move the tent and stuff. I deleted the tent, and the put the sleeping bag on the second floor of the tower behind the cart, along with the wine and crate of apples, and moved the cook pot a few feet so it was just off the road.

      Keyboard shortcuts for messing with stuff in the Render Window of Creation Kit:
      - make a backup first. Super easy to mess stuff up in there and accidentally drag a tower onto somebody or throw an NPC under the world...

      Once done, go back into Wyre Bash and 'espify' Immersive Citizens so it doesn't act wonky...

      Test with new saves because any save you use while Immersive Citizens is 'esmified' is likely to be permanently corrupted... I made a new game using alternative starts and put myself a few feet from the carriage... then used a save from there to fiddle with things. Including 'waiting' till midnight to make sure he walks to the sleeping bag and goes to sleep - make sure you put it where navmesh can find it after all...

      You've probably also corrupted your load order during those tests... so use LOOT to fix that before playing a normal game.

      When you're done you might end up with something like this:
    7. HellKitten133
      • member
      • 6 kudos
      As I was reading your reply I had the thought of "If you fixed it why not just upload it instead" in my mind and was happy when I got to the end and saw you had. I've ran into people who say they did and even give a few vague steps on how but never helped out with the file. I just hope your file works still especially given that the first link to the mod page was deleted. Anyway Thank you!

      Edit: I wasn't sure where he was sleeping. I saw his tent was still MIA so I waited and I like that he now sleeps in the tower behind him. :)
    8. Acechalunas
      • premium
      • 4 kudos

      You da man! Thanks for the file! And I have to say, the fact that the driver now sleeps in the tower as greatly added to my inmersion! :D
    9. shalani
      • supporter
      • 12 kudos
      Thanks - saved me an hour of work :)
    10. Nippur1967
      • supporter
      • 5 kudos
      Thank you for this.
    11. StonksNZ
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      hey, mind if i make your file a nexus mod? just so it's a bit more accessible. i'll credit you, don't worry, i just wanna make it a bit easier
    12. ThorstenLicht
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Das wäre super nett :)
    13. 2p1k3
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      Just a bit of necromancy, but I wanted to point out this mod hasn't been updated in close to 8 years;  In contrast ICAO last update was two years ago.  Modding sounds terribly complicated to learn to me, but it seems like the fault would lie more on this mod being too old.  For those who feel passionate about this mod, perhaps select a modder you like and offer a commission to produce a "Rework" of this mod, & be much more compatible?

      Starfield may be a couple months away, but the game doesn't seem to scratch the same itch as Skyrim for me.  Afterall, Fallout 4 & the other one that_shall_not_be_named far from diminished interest in Skyrim. 

      For myself, ICAO is much more valued to me, than what this mod says it does.
  5. Superlazerninja12
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Is this compatible with Solitude Expansion by Ceasirius?
    1. Yalcioneus
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      Oops. Thinking of the wrong mod.
  6. SickXigma
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    What's up with that Wunthord Cabin?  Is it meant to be a player home after clearing the bandits or something?  I found the note but that's all there is to it?  Feels unfinished 
  7. mikiep1031
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Where in solitude are the khajiit caravan after this mod is installed
    1. SammySahm
      • premium
      • 11 kudos
      This doesn't affect the area where the Khajiit caravan sets up.
  8. gneech
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    NGL, much as I love this mod, I do wish it was bigger! ;)
  9. truesurvival22
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Beautiful, I wish it could be compatible with The Great City of Solitude mod, though.
  10. BobTheBobCatt
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    Is this compatible with Great City of Solitude?
  11. 7StringSamurai
    • premium
    • 43 kudos
    Really nicely done without overdoing it. I have been using Solitude Extended for quite a while but my fps tanks in certain spots...well most spots lol, but I'd really liked the idea of Solitude looking more the part of capitol city. So Ive switched to your mod, which while not as busy I think has a great asthetic and practicality, plus it has zero fps impact which is a huge bonus! Rather than trying to cram as much real estate as possible what you've added really fits well and looks great! I'm currently trying out pairing Solitude Docks and while it does hit the fps a bit 5-10fps, it's nowhere near the 20+fps loss that I was getting with Solitude Extended. I don;t see any drop till I get down in the docks/market area, the area your mod occupies is unaffected by it. I'd highly recommend your mod to those that want Solitude to feel more like it should without sacrificing performance. As I said Solitude Docks pairs really well with this mod and I'd recommend checking it out too.Cheers!
  12. Salazanz
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hi what effect does this have on fps around the exterior of solitude?
    Solitude expanded tanked my frames too much and was looking for an alternative
    1. circ
      • member
      • 10 kudos
      Ah, shouldn't have much if any at all. It's an extra 4-5 houses behind Katla's. Anyway, the interiors were IMO a little too dimly lit, and the ivy on the exterior stonewall looks a little strangely floaty. But good stuff, a little bit of Nernie-ish, although could be expanded perhaps.
    2. dinadan95350
      • member
      • 24 kudos
      None, zero. I've had this installed in my games for roughly a year now.
    3. johnceeking
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Really? My game lagged tremendously with this mod installed - which was a bummer, because it is easily the best looking Solitude mod out there.
    4. 7StringSamurai
      • premium
      • 43 kudos
      I have been trying this out and I am getting zero performance impact. Heavily modded modded game, script heavy too, without any exterior overhaul I get 40-50fps depending on where I'm looking. After installing this I saw no difference in fps. For comparison with Solitude Extended I get massive drops into mid 20's at times.