About this mod

He is cranky, senile and occasionally flatulent, but he may just be the follower you have been looking for. Say hello to Professor Benjamin Doon. Fully voiced with over 1300 unique and annoying lines of dialogueUpdated for Skyrim SSE and now with high definition wrinkles

Permissions and credits
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Say hello to Professor Benjamin Doon, the one and only elderly male follower. He is quite possibly the most irritating and cantankerous old goat you'll ever likely to meet. Tempted? You should be.

Question: Why would anyone on the nexus like to have an elderly male follower?
Answer: If it's okay for Luke Skywalker, then it should be okay for you.

Yes, say goodbye to all those scantily clad female companions with no back story and the slim possibility of romance, and say hello to Benjamin Doon, whom admittedly really just complains a lot. But hey, at least it's different. Go on, give him a try. You'll probably regret it, but at least you'll be able to stand among friends and say that "you are really trying.....".

Who is Benjamin?

Benjamin is a somewhat bittersweet old Story Bard who currently resides at Solitude Bards College. The only problem is, he can't stand them! Aside from his dislike of people in general, he considers himself as "actually quite fun to be around". Think Oscar Wild meets Uncle Monty from Withnail & I, and you may just get him.

Ability: In a fight, Ben is fairly nifty for his age. Also, if you ask him nicely, he may read you the odd book or two. Fully voiced with over 1300 unique and annoying lines of dialogue
Likes: pubs, idiots and a good book.
Hates: bards, idiots and you quite possibly. Ben can be found upstairs in the Bards College in Solitude. 

FEATURES: Over 1300 CUSTOM VOICED lines of annoying dialogue.A Quest that is mind-bogglingly easy and yet hard.30 books for Ben to read for you.

First-time Installation

Oh Cmon, do you need me to tell you?. You are a veteran gamer.. you've beaten all kinds of games..although, let's face it, your Flappy Bird score makes you blush whenever your 9yr old nephew enters the room... Well okay then...if you insist..

To Install use Nexus Mod Manager or the swanky new Mod Organizer and put the kettle on whilst they perform their magic. Or if you prefer just manually install. The latter probably won't allow you to put the kettle on, so choose wisely if you're particularly thirsty.

Un-install as above with the same kettle options.

Uninstall (okay really)

Walk away and pretend it never happened...Or just use your mod manager

About Ben's Quest.

If you're reading this far, you are a thorough and beautiful being and therefore deserve success in life

This isn't a quest as such, it doesn't require you to do any running around, battling monkeys or creeping around a darkened back passage. Quite simply its randomly triggered by certain insignificant actions. Your actions will eventually affect Ben's personality. There are 4 stages to him:


The quest will also unlock or remove certain book readings along the way. All stages are triggered by random activities which hopefully will be a real bugger for you to find. All I can say is that when you're not distracted by your mindless hacking and slashing, listen to Ben. He will give you clues...Okay, that's just annoying. I'll give you the first one...Ben likes a drink.


Personally I'd like to say a special thanks to MenthaMatthiaswaggCaitheDarren83, Mofakin, and bojanni. Also, I would like to say cheers to Terso. Thank you for your continual nagging. Sometimes we need to be pushed;)Thank you.

It's always nice to receive kind words or an endorsement and it's equally nice to receive donations. However, none of these are expected or demanded, as I do what I do for my own reasons.But all the same, if you still feel like buying me a coffee (with perhaps a sweet roll on the side) to show your thanks, I am more than happy to accept your generosity.You can either use the Donate button located at the top right of this page, or you can use the direct link below.

