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Saiska Bugenhagen

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Adds a configurable interest rate to the Imperial Mail bank

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Quick modification to add a configurable Interest Rate to the Imperial Mail Bank. You can find it in the MCM menu, by default it's set to 1,7 golds per 1000 golds in deposit per day. You'll see and takes your gain every time you check your account.

For those who remember, i've done this because i miss Bank of Cyrodiil. 

Legacy Of The Dragonborn museum patch: this patch and this mod share the mcm script. You can make the two work together, but you have to choose which menu you want to keep in the mcm. Lotd give you access to the cost of the package from the museum, this mod give you access to the interest rate. Meaning you'll keep the one you won't see at default value, not configurable by mcm. Whatever you choose, be certain the last esp of your load order is the one of the script installed. Meaning if you overwrite the scripts by mine, my esp must come last, after the dbm patch.

Due to the scripts changes, it will only work on a new game. Or, not advised it's dirty but well, it should works, deactivate imperial mail, save, change the scripts, and reactivate it. Take back anything you have in the bank before doing this.

Obviously needs Imperial Mail thanks to Sthaagg (port to se) and NorthHare (original)