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About this mod

A bug fix for fixing bugs. BLT works to correct and fine-tune all Butterfly landing zones in Skyrim. Everywhere in Skyrim.

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Vision for Butterflies Land True

There is one mod I did not want to create, and there was one mod I absolutely had to have. The butterflies of Skyrim are one of the most pleasing aspects of the ambiance, as well as the most immersion breaking aspect in the game, at least for myself. I really wanted them to land where they should. It has always drove me nuts running past a hovering butterfly that's 3 feet higher than the plant it's supposed to be perching on. I really wanted someone else to create this mod, as I knew what it would entail, but the work is now done, at long last, and I can move on with the most well-behaved butterflies in Skyrim.

Mod does the following:

Works to fix all Butterfly Landing Zones in Skyrim by the following two methods:

1 - All direct landing zones have been reviewed, adjusted, and fine-tuned for optimal placement. If the landing zone was close to perfect and in a good perch location, it was rotated (almost none of the landing zones had rotation/directional data, with 99% pointing the same direction) and fine-tuned. If the landing zone was clipping into something, shoved into the middle of a plant, or hovering in the air, it was adjusted to the closest viable landing area for placement, then rotated and fine-tuned.

2 - All indirect landing zones have been reviewed by observing the behavior of the butterflies, how they interact with the plants, and then the worst offenders have been stricken from the available landing zone list. This form list is a list of plant types that Butterflies can land on, with different variable landing zones on these plants. Sometimes the butterflies get close, sometimes not. Sometimes not at all. If you see a Butterfly hovering close to a plant, but not on it, it is likely due to the variable nature of the remaining indirect landing zone list plants.

Important Note: BLT was built initially with the USSEP as a Master File, so all landing zone adjustments would be in perfect harmony with any and all changes the USSEP makes. The Master File requirement was removed after completion, as it was not necessary other than for aligning all landing zones with the USSEP. BLT will work best when used with the USSEP. If you do not use the USSEP, BLT will still work just fine, and will still provide a huge improvement over vanilla landing zones.

Mod does not:

1 - Add anything new, nor remove anything existing.

2 - Modify anything other than the direct landing zone placements, and the indirect landing zone form list.


Compatible with nearly everything. Load as early as you can in your load order.

Note: If a mod adjusts an area, it will overwrite the landing zones with it's data, as it should be. If another mod adds new plant types to the Form List, it will overwrite the form list and allow the Butterflies to land on all of them again, causing a higher chance of hovering Butterflies. In this case, if you do not want all of the hideous indirect landing zones again, you will have to create a patch, or modify that mod's form list to your personal preferences.

Note: Mods that change plant meshes, grass meshes, tree meshes, and meshes of other objects in the world where the Butterfly landing zones are located may cause clipping or hovering of the Butterflies, due to these changes in meshes. BLT should still improve the landing zones with these mods installed over what you would see in Vanilla Skyrim, but may need a patch created for maximum immersion.

Available Versions

Butterflies Land True

Main Version - As described above. Requires nothing other than Skyrim Special Edition. Will work best when used along with the USSEP.

Butterflies Land True - ESPFE Alternate Version
Alternate Version - An ESL flagged ESP version, for those that use hundreds of mods. Same content as the Main Version. Will not count towards your mod limit.

Butterflies Land True - No Formlist Changes Alternate Version
Alternate Version - For those that just want the direct landing zone improvements. Does not include the formlist changes with the removal of the worst of the indirect landing zones. Butterflies will be able to access all original landing zones.

Butterflies Land True - ESPFE No Formlist Changes Alternate Version
Alternate Version - For those that just want the direct landing zone improvements. Does not include the formlist changes with the removal of the worst of the indirect landing zones. Butterflies will be able to access all original landing zones. An ESL flagged ESP version, for those that use hundreds of mods. Will not count towards your mod limit.

Note: If using with the mod "Butterflies Unchained", use one of the "no Formlist" versions of BLT, or allow Butterflies Unchained to overwrite BLT.

Recommended mods for use with BLT

Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch
- While not required, BLT was built with the USSEP in mind, and aligned to any and all changes the USSEP makes.

Butterflies Unchained - This mod adds much needed variation to the butterfly behaviors, and works to improve the landings on the indirect landing zones.
 Use one of the "No Formlist Changes" versions of BLT with Butterflies Unchained, or simply have Butterflies Unchained overwrite BLT.


Permissions are now open, so long as you keep the data free to all users. Wrye's musings on open modding can be found here for those that are interested.


SSEEdit - Utility that makes so many things possible and practical. I wouldn't have attempted to create this mod without it. Learn to use it if you don't already.

Bethesda - For Skyrim and the Creation Kit. The Creation Kit was the main tool used in creation of this mod, for reviewing and adjusting the landing zones.

Microsoft Paint, Paint 3D, Excel, and Adobe Photoshop - Used in creating the logo image and screenshots.

Random Internet Discussions - For continual information and insight.

Nexus Mods - Cause awesome.