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About this mod

Skyrim's lack of real character creation, like in Morrowind and Oblivion, has always bothered me. But after playing with mods that added class creation, I decided to create my own version. There are no preset classes, you get to create your own! Choose your starting stone, create your class, choose your start spells, and go explore Skyrim!

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This mod is not fully supported currently, but will be reworked to mesh better with a new collection I am curating! I am not sure what I will be calling it yet, but will be focused around sticking to the vanilla style, but with some modernized systems.

This collection will be balanced around the SimonRim suite, but with Vokrii as a base for the perk system. I hope to bring a fresh breath to the world of Skyrim that anyone can enjoy, from veteran players to new players, as well! I released a new mod called Skills of Survival - Updated for Starfrost, please check it out! It will have a place in the collection, as well.

That being said, this mod will be a major feature of the collection, and will be getting an update in the near future! A major feature I will be adding is the ability to earn extra perk points from reaching skill thresholds in the major and minor skills you select (similar to the optional file in Ordinator, but just a bit different). The starting spells add-on and the original mod will stay up for anyone that wants the old version instead, but will no longer be supported.


Skyrim's lack of real character creation, like in Morrowind and Oblivion, has always bothered me. But after playing with mods that added class creation, I decided to create my own version to suit my tastes. There are no preset classes, you get to create your own! Create your class by selecting a specialization, primary attribute, as well as major and minor skills!

Custom Class Creation
Skills - Specializations - Attributes


Custom Class Creation was created to allow you to fully create your own custom class. This mod is compatible with ANY other mod, except for those that change the starting level for skills, like Aetherius. You just have to load my mod after them so my change takes affect properly. It has no scripts that run automatically after you choose your race. Instead, your character starts with the power "Choose Destiny." You cast this power to start your character creation. Time to highlight the character creation process now:

Class Creation:

First and only word of warning with my class creation mod, the starting level for all skills is 5! I originally had it as a script so anyone can use it in the middle of a playthrough, but I decided to make the change because most people will only use a class creation mod on a new save file. So if you have a save file that you use as a base before doing character customisation (like me), this will not take the change into account, so you will have to recreate your base file once my mod is installed.

This is done to put on the effect that your character doesn't know much about skills other than the ones that your race was brought up around and the skills you choose for your class, except that they exist and what they are helpful for.

SKSE and MCM Helper will be required for version 2 when it releases, but the current file does not have any requirements (maybe SKSE, but I am not 100% sure!)

New in version 1.5, you can now randomize each choice. Perfect if you can't decide, or if you want your character to play as a random class!

The first step in creating your class is to choose a specialization group. Choose from Combat, Magic, or Stealth, and skills in that group are increased by 10 and level 10% faster.

Once you select your specialization, you then select a primary attribute, Health, Magicka, or Stamina. The chosen attribute is raised by 20 points.

Here comes the part where you choose all your skills, but I decided to do mine a little differently. The very first thing you choose is your Armor skill, Alteration, Heavy Armor, or Light Armor. The chosen Armor skill is raised by 25 points, and it levels 15% faster.

Next, you choose two Major skills from all the skills except Heavy Armor and Light Armor. Alteration is available as an option if you didn't choose it for your Armor skill. Each of these skills are raised by 20 points, and they level 10% faster.

Finally, you choose three Minor skills, all the skills except for Heavy Armor and Light Armor are available here, too. Again, Alteration is available as an option if you didn't choose it for your Armor skill. Each skill you choose here is raised by 10 points, and they level 5% faster.

Once you finish your selections, you are asked if you are sure with your selections. If you hit no, you will simply return to your last Minor skill selection screen, and you can back as far as you need. Hitting yes will lock in your selections, granting each of them to you.

Once the skill bonuses are granted, you will be prompted with one last message box. It will ask if you want to obtain three perk points to spend as you wish, or if you want to obtain three special abilities (class advantages), based on your armor skill and two major skills. The list of each ability is below. Once you make your selection, the power is then removed, and your class is created.


Armor Skill Advantages

Magic Armory (Alteration) - All armor spells last for 10 minutes, but cost all your magicka to cast

Swiftness (Light Armor) - While wearing all Light Armor, you move 10% faster and you take 25% less fall damage.

Reinforced Armor (Heavy Armor) - While wearing all Heavy Armor, all incoming stagger is 15% weaker, and you take 10% less damage from power attacks.

Major Skill Advantages

Catalyst (Alchemy) - All potions, player-made or not, are 10% stronger and last 10% longer. You learn one more effect when eating an ingredient.

Metamagic (Alteration) - You resist 10% of magic, and all spells cost 5% less to cast.

Puncturing Arrows (Archery) - Your bows and crossbows ignore 10% of armor, and when out of combat, they have a 50% chance to critically hit for 25% more damage.

Bash and Cover (Block) - Bashing deals 15 additional damage. You take 10% less damage from all directions while blocking.

Daedric Ritual (Conjuration) - You can summon creatures and reanimate corpses from 25% further away, bound weapons last 10% longer.

Destructive Seals (Destruction) - You deal 20% more damage with fire, frost, or shock spells to enemies who resist the associated element, and you have a 10% resistance to each element.

Shimmering Enchantments (Enchanting) - All enchantments, player-made or already enchanted, are 10% stronger, or 20% stronger for weapons when power attacking.

Mind Melter (Illusion) - Mind Affecting spells affect targets 1-10 levels higher at random, and invisibility spells last 10% longer.

Lucky Looter (Lockpicking) - You find 10-100 more gold in locked chests. This can only happen once per container. If your Lockpicking skill is less than the lock level, the lock is 20% easier to pick.

Finesse (One Handed) - While wielding a One-Handed weapon, you have a 10% higher chance to critically hit, and power attacks consume 10% less stamina

Nimble Fingers (Pickpocket) - When pickpocketing a character, you find an additional 2-25 gold that you automatically loot without being detected. This can only happen once per character. Your chance to pickpocket jewelry, keys, and gold is increased by 10%.

Emergency Reserves (Restoration) - All restoration spells are 20% stronger when below 50% health, and they cost 20% less to cast when below 25% health

Gifted Blacksmith (Smithing) - You can temper all items 10% better. When you have Arcane Blacksmith, you can temper enchanted items 20% better.

Stick to the Shadows (Sneak) - While in low-light conditions (light level less than 30), you sneak 15% better and deal 15% more damage with sneak attacks.

Frugality (Speech) - Buying and selling prices are 7% better. You gain an additional skill level when reading a skill book.

Warrior’s Might (Two Handed) - Attacks with Two Handed weapons deal 15% more stagger, and power attacks deal 10% more damage.

Spell Selection Add-On:

This will not be updated or maintained when version 2 of this mod is released, but will be kept up on the mod page for anyone who uses the older version of the main class creation mod

If you download the Spell Selection add-on, you will also have the "Choose Spells" power. Here is where there are two mod dependencies (technically three), to increase the available spells to choose from. Apocalypse and its optional Waterstride spell add-on is required, as well as 
Simple Bound Weapons Expansion
 (SBWE). I chose to include SBWE for two reasons. One, to increase popularity with it. And two, to increase the amount of bound spells available. I didn't like that the Bound Armory mod available for SSE had you pick your preferred bound weapon in a mod configuration menu, thus why I use SBWE and highly recommend it. The DLC spells you can buy from merchants are included in the spell pools, as well. 

When you cast "Choose Spells," it detects which skill type was chosen for each magic school, and allows you to select your starting spells, in the following order:

Alteration -> Conjuration -> Destruction -> Illusion -> Restoration

New in version 1.5, you can now randomize the spells you obtain for each magic school, to randomize how your mage character plays.

If Alteration was chosen for your armor skill, you automatically get Oakflesh and Ocato's Recital, and Stoneflesh cannot be chosen, but you can pick an extra spell from either the Novice or Apprentice spell pools. For each magic school you choose as a Major skill, you can pick a Novice and an Apprentice spell. If a magic school is a Minor skill, you can pick only a Novice spell. Below are the available spells to pick from for each school of magic:


Novice Alteration
Prepare for Adventure

Apprentice Alteration
Drop zone
Ocato's Recital
Perilous Path
Raise Wall
Reynos' Fins

Novice Conjuration
Azure Reconstruction
Bound Dagger
Bound Mace
Bound Sword
Bound War Axe
Conjure Avenging Wraith
Conjure Familiar
Consuming Power
Raise Zombie

Apprentice Conjuration
Atronach Mark
Bound Battleaxe
Bound Greatsword
Bound Warhammer
Conjure Cat Totem
Conjure Deadeye Captain
Conjure Dremora Churl
Conjure Flame Atronach
Power of the Master
Reanimate Corpse
Soul Cloak
Soul Trap

Novice Destruction
Unbound Fire

Apprentice Destruction
Creeping Cold
Dragon's Teeth
Fire Rune
Frost Rune
Ice Spike
Lightning Bolt
Rift Bolt
Shock Rune

Novice Illusion
Dispel Magic
Pale Shadow

Apprentice Illusion
Curse of the Silent
Illusory Flames
Mind Vision
Shared Trauma

Novice Restoration
Bone Spirit
Circle of Strength
Lesser Ward
Wild Healing

Apprentice Restoration
Fast Healing
Healing Hands
Lamb of Mara
Leech Seed
Mystic Wind
Necromantic Healing
Slay Living
Steadfast Ward
Sun Fire
Turn Lesser Undead
Welling Blood

Known Issues
  • Installing and using on an existing save causes Frostbite to CTD when hitting an NPC with the spell (Fixed)

Credits and Permissions

  • You are free to make your own edits or add-ons to this mod and upload them as you wish, just credit me as the original author of this mod, and a message just letting me know of your mod's existence would be nice so I can check it out :)