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  1. ra2phoenix
    • premium
    • 132 kudos
    Patches are finally here! Also cleaned the regions from the main esp to reduce conflicts.

    Enabled the bug tracker so I can help investigate any issues that may come up.
  2. ra2phoenix
    • premium
    • 132 kudos
    For people upgrading to LOTD v6: Just delete/do not use the LOTD patch for this mod, it's currently not required and will break your game.  New game required for v6, obviously.
  3. BurnsofWhiteFire
    • premium
    • 4 kudos
    I can't get this working on 1170. Crashes on new game straight away
  4. LiterallyJustADude
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Overall love the mod and the vibes, but I can't seem to find Dead Drop Falls anywhere. I'm not using anything else that changes Fort Dawnguard, and don't even have any retextures on. I'm using the mod as part of the Crusader Mod Bundle, if that means anything. Any hints to the entrance will be much appreciated !
    1. ClefJ
      • member
      • 474 kudos
      The entrance, normally to the right of the fort, is now on the left behind the troll pen. :D Should be, anyway.
    2. LiterallyJustADude
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I'm still having a hard time finding it :( I'll keep sifting around to see if there's a conflict somewhere in my modlist, or if I'm just missing the obvious lol. I'm not sure how hard it is to do so, but would it be possible to put a screenshot of the entrance location? Just in case I'm not the only person having this issue. Again, great mod, absolutely love the changes you've made and the new rooms added :D
  5. HDMFanatic
    • premium
    • 21 kudos
    I see that you have a patch for SPO but not the No Homes version. I've remedied this for myself using xEdit with a bit of messing around essentially re-patching the records, but just a heads up.

    Note: I'm using the ESL version.
  6. Kulharin
    • premium
    • 618 kudos
    But… my ENB made an exclusive custom weather INI for your weather:( …. Can you at least leave it as an optional?
  7. ra2phoenix
    • premium
    • 132 kudos
    Just noticed the CK stripped off the ESM flag when I was working on it.. rather than upload another version, I'll leave it as is, the relevant records are already marked Persistent so you can just add the flag back if you want. (but recommend in general running the Persistify Those Plugins script for this)
  8. Stridvagn2000
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    can you make a version for AE?
    1. ClefJ
      • member
      • 474 kudos
      why, does it not work?
  9. Kulharin
    • premium
    • 618 kudos
    Does this need to be ESM flagged? I was wanting to put it below a few conflict mods.
  10. gforgregarious
    • premium
    • 15 kudos
    For those considering this mod, be aware that the mod adds a Dwemer tower as part of the fort, a Forgotten Vale archway near the entrance, and doors from Solitude inside the fort. It also adds Tel Mithryn mushrooms in the area around the fort. Personally, I found it lore unfriendly and a weird mashup. It's not my cup of tea.

    It's also incompatible with Snazzy Furniture and Clutter Overhaul because that mod adds a painting where the entrance to the stairs to one of the towers is located, blocking that entrance.
    1. ClefJ
      • member
      • 474 kudos
      You forgot the ruined imperial tower on top of the dwemer tower. :D Nevermind that they're retextured to match the masonry, of course.
    2. gforgregarious
      • premium
      • 15 kudos
      I noticed that in the screenshots, but it didn't show up that way in my game. All the textures were the ones from the other texture mods I'm using.
    3. ClefJ
      • member
      • 474 kudos
      Huh, must be an issue with some other mod; I've noticed 3D Objects or similar mods have different texture paths.
    4. gforgregarious
      • premium
      • 15 kudos
      Sorry to be a wet blanket. FWIW I think your Morthal is perfection.
    5. Darkspire101
      • premium
      • 3 kudos
      I like it. It comes across as more of a freeform interpretation with heavier fantasy vibes. Not everyone's cup of tea, but I think it is beautiful. Thanks ClefJ!
  11. Lizalfos11
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I found the path behind the troll enclosure,  but there's not really anything in it, nor does it take me to dead drop falls. The map shows the entrance to dead drop falls out of bounds on the other side of the castle!
    Could anyone help with this?
    1. ClefJ
      • member
      • 474 kudos
      Sounds like a mod conflict, or did you install the mod mid-save?
    2. didjamom
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      It's not a mod conflict.
    3. ClefJ
      • member
      • 474 kudos
      Everything looks fine in the creation kit. Maybe a load order issue, since it's now a master file? Got enable-multiple-masters in your .ini? Can't imagine what else could be the issue, I'm sorry.
  12. didjamom
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    There's a suspicious cabinet that's completely pointless in one of the bedrooms on the second floor! There's nothing in it or any false wall/panel nothing. Also the entrance to Dead Falls Drop is not showing up.
    1. ClefJ
      • member
      • 474 kudos
      The cabinet doors are just so you can have a proper door to some shelves, that's intentional.

      The entrance to DFD was moved to the left of the cell rather than the right, it should be there on a fresh save.
    2. didjamom
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Nope there is no dfd at all. And i have search every inch of fort dawnguard. Everything else added is there but dfd has been completely removed from the game. You go past the forge, into the troll pen and there's a short tunnel that leads to a dead end. And that is where DFD is supposed to be but there is nothing. Even if you use noclipping ring from cheat room there is nothing but a void.