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About this mod

Retextures and remodels a lot of imperial gear, adds new items, and overhauls civil war faction leveled lists to give greater variety in the types of enemies. Requires guards armor replacer, USSEP, barbarian steel armour and Diverse Skyrim

Permissions and credits

This mod requires requires guards armor replacer, USSEP, barbarian steel armour and Diverse Skyrim. It overhauls civil war faction leveled lists to give greater variety in the types of enemies and their gear. It adds new NPCs that replace bosses in fort and siege battles and have a 12.5% chance to spawn in place of a normal soldier. Full list:

Bastion (tanky NPC that buffs nearby friendlies so long is the Bastion is alive)
Heavy and Light Champions (2-handed Warriors)
Voice (uses shouts and 1h+shield, half as likely as other bosses)
Mage (uses destruction, conjuration, restoration and alteration)
Battlemage (a mage that uses heavy armour instead of alteration and will use a greatsword if enemies get too close)
Bladesman (uses two swords)

Heavy and Light Champions 
Mage (Is less common in stormcloak lists)
Battlemage (Is less common in stormcloak lists)
Berserker (like bladesman but uses barbarian armour and is more aggressive)

All new NPCs have several variants. They have lots of perks (but no NPC cheat perks) and have a chance of spawning variants with more perks at high levels. They appear at any player level, start at level 12, and level with the player character up to 60. Lower ranking soldiers now scale at a rate of 0.75 (up from 0.25) times the player level. At higher levels, new Imperial heavy armour NPCs will spawn with new 'Imperial Champion Armour' using the meshes for Nordwar's Penitus Oculatus armour from new legion, along with some alternate textures he included in that mod. Mages spawn with new mage gear using edited textures from MonkeyKong's 'HighRes Mage clothes colored Robes and Hoods.' Light armour NPCs can spawn with Imperial studded armour. Stormcloak NPCs spawn with armour from 'Guards Armour Replacer'.

Galmar and Rikke have had their max level increased to 50 and civil war leaders receive all the perks that the corresponding champion class gets- bastion for Rikke and Tullius, heavy champion for Galmar and voice for Ulfric. This will make them much more challenging. Tullius spawns with a unqiue ebony Imperial Armour set based on NordwarUA's version of the imperial knight set. Rikke and the other legates spawn with new Imperial legate armour (thanks to NordwarUA for letting me use his textures and meshes from Heavy and new Legion).  Imperial armour has been mostly redone using meshes and textures from Nordwar's mods, because even with Frankfamily's textures the difference in quality and style between basic and elite armours was... jarring. Imperials have a chance to spawn with two variants of heavy armour. 

Imperial gear has been buffed. All the new gear can be crafted. Imperial characters will receive miscellaneous quests to pick up Heavy or Mage gear from Beirand as they advance through the Civil war Questline. Characters will receive a quest to pick up the elite armour (Windhelm Ebony or Imperial Knight) belonging to their faction once they have finished 'Alduin's Bane' and reached the maximum civil war faction rank. Not tested with IA but will porbably work fine-  I recommend disabling Heroic Stormcloak, Heroic Imperial, Imperial Knight, and Stormlord distribution in the IA MCM as the elite armours have been distributed manually and Heroic ones will look out of place.
When using bashed patch, manually verify the outfits and item leveled lists affected by this mod in xedit as it appears to sometimes cause soldiers to spawn with only helmets or no gear at all.

As of 3.0 Immersive Armours is no longer a requirement but Barbarian Steel Armour is- let my mod override the ESP for Barbarian Armour! I have not tested using Immersive Armours with this mod now but if you disable faction armours in IA it will probably work fine. The old version of my mod only has one bug as fas as I know (invisible imperial light gauntlets in first person) so I would use v2.0 if you're still committed to immersive armours.

**I recommend using Frankly HD Imperial as imperial swords, shields and medium helmets use vanilla assets**

**Note on Immersive patrols patch: the immersive patrols page suggests that some npcs should have hold guard outfits. I have overridden those as part of the main patch, so if that is important to you use the battles only version. I also haven't played with these patches apart from to check that the battlers were spawning with my NPCs, so they are mostly untested**

**Note in CWO Redux Patch: This patch removes all of CWO's special NPCs from leveled lists (Apart from giants which are now much less common) because I don't like them and/or my mod provides a better version. It seems to work fine but CWO is pretty temperamental so use with some caution. If you want them back, open up the patch in the creation kit or sseedit and add them to cwolcharsoldierimperialapollo'**

Thanks for downloading- balance suggestions and bug reports welcome! Please disable all other mods and adjust your load order to the recommended before reporting a bug, and identify which mod is causing an incompatibility issue before reporting one. 

DP from this mod all goes to the Ukraine relief effort with Nordwar's permission

Patch provided for Morrowloot Ultimate
Patch provided for Civil War Overhaul Redux
Patch provided for Immersive Patrols
Will not interfere with mods similar to Immersive patrols, but the new NPCs will not spawn on patrol
Compatible with Open Civil War 
Not compatible with other civil war faction gear mods
Not compatible with mods that change civil war faction leveled lists, although wrye bash will probably sort that kind of incompatibility out

Thanks to Monkeykong for letting me use Mage Color Robes and a MASSIVE thanks to NordwarUA for Heavy Legion and New Legion