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About this mod

Frost Mammoths does what it says on the tin, adds a new type of mammoth to the game. This mod uses a texture resource courtesy of Exray Catt to add Frost Mammoths to the more snowy regions of Skyrim. You will now be able to encounter these new mammoths in winter giant camps.

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Frost Mammoths does what it says on the tin, adding a new type of mammoth to the game. This mod uses a texture resource courtesy of Exray Catt to add Frost Mammoths to the more snowy regions of Skyrim. You will now be able to encounter these new mammoths in winter giant camps including Blizzard Rest, Red Road Pass, and Tumble Arch Pass.

The new Mammoths have resistance to frost but a weakness to fire. You can also find a spell tome at Secunda's Kiss which will give you the ability to conjure a Frost Mammoth of your own to fight alongside you in battle.

Optionally, you can download the Frost Mammoths & Giants version that adds new giant variants in snowy regions. Some of the locations differ as some areas have giants but no mammoths and vice-versa.


New Frost Mammoths
New Frost Giants (Optional)
New Spell Tome



exray catt for mammoth and giant textures.