About this mod
Adjustment patch to fix overlapping/clipping items when using both "A Cat's Life" and "Immersive Laundry."
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
Edited Areas:
- Solitude - lines hanging outside the front entrance of the Winking Skeever have been moved to the other side of the door.
- Falkreath - line hanging outside Deadman's Drink has been moved to the other side of the door. Barrels and broomstick near correspnding washtub have been adjusted slightly to make room for the washline. (Thanks, MakizushiSama!)
Those are the only two overlapping spots I've found so far but that doesn't mean there aren't more! Please let me know if you spot anything else that needs adjusted!
(Have non-laundry clipping? Consider my A Cat's Life with Drinking Fountains Patch as well.)