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About this mod

Adds value to Spell Theses, allows you to study them, and a few other assorted changes.

Permissions and credits
I made this for myself, but thought it would be good to share on the nexus. I do apologize for the following wall of text.

Mod Features:
Spell Theses Have Value

you can sell or buy theses. Which I feel opens up some new dynamics. Find a wizard's research notes? Sell it. A court wizard is selling a master level thesis and you have a gigantic pile of gold, you can buy that thesis to study it. If you're a poor master wizard, sell some of your research for some gold.

I also carried over the changes that the Spell Research Convenience Add-on made regarding thesis weight, that mod is not required, but it is recommended, if it is installed have it above this mod in your load order. In regards to the value and weight of the theses, it follows the below format:

Novice Thesis - Worth 115 septims, weighs 0.1
Apprentice Thesis - Worth 285 septims, weighs 0.2
Adept Thesis - Worth 725 septims, weighs 0.3
Expert Thesis - Worth 1750 septims, weighs 0.4
Master Thesis - Worth 4500 Septims, weighs 0.5


Spell Theses Have a Magicka Requirement to Craft Them

To somewhat balance out the fact that theses are worth money now, crafting a thesis has a magicka requirement. If you don't have the required amound of Magicka, you will not be able to craft a spell thesis of that level(the option to craft it using the message box won't appear).

Novice - 50 Magicka
Apprentice - 100 Magicka
Adept - 200 Magicka
Expert - 300 Magicka
Master - 400 Magicka

Spell Theses Renamed
I changed the names of the spell theses.

So rather than
Novice Fire Thesis
Thesis - Fire - Novice
This was done to keep my inventory a bit more organized, so now all spell theses should be in about the same area of the inventory.

I also changed the name of the Ancient Texts,
now they are Ancient Text I, Ancient Text II, Ancient Text III, Ancient Text IV, Ancient Text V, and Ancient Text VI
This was done to be more clear if you got a new ancient text, rather than having them all be named the same thing.

Study Spell Theses
You can now study spell theses. The amount of archetype experience gained depends on the level of the thesis, and will scale based on the artifact study experience set in the Spell Research mcm. You cannot actively break a thesis, but you can accidentally destroy one.

Theses          Amount of Experience Gained
Novice Fire Thesis     -   Novice fire archetype experience
Adept Water Thesis   -   Adept Water archetype experience

Basically the main reason I made this mod. I wanted the possibility of having my character stay in a cave researching magic as a hermit, but there was the limitation of which spells he knew, and he would have to study a large amount to get to the next level of spell, now you could potentially create spell theses of a level higher than what you know, based off the research your character has already done.

You no Longer Need a Hammer and Tongs

I did also remove the need for hammer and tongs to study artifacts, I also removed the crafting recipe for a hammer and tongs from the Spell Research mod.

This is because I made the spell theses into artifacts so that they could be studied, the issue with that is you would then need a pair of tongs when studying a spell thesis, which is a very funny mental image, but also a bit strange.

The solution to this was also rather strange
I didn't want to break the mod by messing with the scripts, so now septims are counted as both hammers and tongs for the purposes of studying, so now as long as you have at a minimum 1 septim, you can study and break artifacts. I did also change the message boxes to not refer to tongs, or hammers. For example, rather than breaking an artifact with a hammer, you are overloading it with magic.


There is Now a Chance for Theses to Show Up in the Leveled Lists
I only touched the leveled lists the Spell Research mod already uses, and added a chance for each type of spell thesis to show up. The following are the leveled lists changed from Spell Research. Depending on the leveled list, there is a decent chance of spell theses, weighted more towards novice-adept, with a small chance of expert or master theses. With the way I implemented it, it's going to potentially be higher or lower than the numbers I give below. Basically theses can now be found in shops, dungeon loot, or on enemy wizards.

_SR_LVLMerchantWizard - 5    Wizards probably sell some research in order to fund experiments, soul gems aren't very cheap after all.
_SR_LootFalmerBase - 1   I feel like Falmer may grab a spell thesis or two, but not necessarily know what they are.
_SR_LootDwarvenBase - 5  Dwarves are known for having knowledge, not sure how much focus the dwarves had on researching spells though.
_SR_LootDraugrBase - 2  I think there may be some research the ancient nords have done in the past, not sure how much there would be intact though.
_SR_LootWizardBase -  8  Wizards are probably going to experiment a lot, so they are probably going to have some theses to support that.
_SR_LootVampireBase - 10  Vampires probably don't actively research spells, however, they do have time on their side, and depending on your mods, vampires are going to be a pain, so I am letting them have the most theses.

I excluded the following Leveled Lists
_SR_LootAnimalBase - Not sure why an animal would have a spell thesis.
_SR_LootForswornBase - I don't feel like the forsworn would be interested in "new" magic, they would probably focus more on magic based on nature, curses, or the old ways, but I don't think they would make a thesis regarding those things.

Do keep in mind that depending on your load order, there may be some patches needed, but with the way this mod works, if Spell Research's leveled lists work, so should these.

Message Box Changes

I also changed some of the message boxes for a combination of flavoring, and also trying to make things a bit more clear. One thing to note is I did base my changes off the Spell Research convenience add-on.

What aspects of this item should I study?
Primary properties are inherent to the base object, independent on what enchantment or other effects it has.
Secondary properties are due to what enchantment or other effects are applied to the item. Unique items likely won't have any secondary properties.

What aspects of this item should I study?
Base properties are inherent to the object, independent on what enchantment or other effects it has.
Secondary properties are due to what enchantment or other effects are applied to the item. Unique items likely won't have any secondary properties. Due to the nature of my experiments, my skill in enchanting will affect whether or not things go awry when experimenting.



As far as I am aware, this mod should be compatible with both Spell Research and its Convenience Add-on. Due to the leveled lists changes make a bashed patch just to be safe.
I'm pretty sure it's compatible with the Experience Book Add-on, but I am not sure.



1.Install using your prefered mod manager.

2.Put the mod into your load order, preferably under Spell Research and the Convenience Add-on.

3.Rebuild your bashed patch(if you have one)

4.Once you get into your game re-import your spells and ingredients using the Spell Research mcm
(say yes once it gets to the import of this mod)

5. Pretty sure this can be installed mid-playthrough, but not certain(new game is recommended).


So there's a few features I was considering for the future: 

Tweak some of the formulas regarding artifact studying so that rather than the chances of an artifact being destroyed based purely on enchanting, also including the other magic schools, or magicka, maybe even pickpocketing and alchemy, or something.

Increasing amount of research gained based on your character's skill in magic(maybe something like total magicka multiplied by a fraction of your skills in the different schools of magic, or vice-versa?) Not great at coding so I'm not fully certain how to do this. Like, I know it would be through the _SR_MiscArtifactScript from the Spell Research Mod, but how would I actually go about it? The same would probably have to be done regarding grimoires and ancient texts.

Changing the names of Spell Theses to being something along the lines of
Thesis - Theories Regarding Fire Magic - Novice
Main reason I didn't do this was because it would be a bit long, and depending on the thesis would be a bit strange.

Maybe further limiting theses crafting to require a specific amount of skill in a magic school,
So something along the lines of requiring a skill of 25 to craft an apprentice thesis, 50 for adept, etc.
I had decided against it because I didn't want to overly limit people, but it may still be an interesting idea.

IronDusk33(Spell Research)

Voeille(Spell Research - Convenience Add-on)

WushuLate(Papyrus Compiler App)