About this mod

Shalidor the Archmage was famous for his exploits in the First Era. Various tales tell of him battling Dwemer legions single-handedly, building the city of Winterhold with a whispered spell, stealing the secret of life from Akatosh, or constructing Labyrinthian himself. Find the source of his power and unveil the secrets of the Glamoril.

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Shalidor the Archmage was renowned for his exploits in the First Era. Various tales recount his incredible feats, such as battling Dwemer legions single-handedly, building the city of Winterhold with a whispered spell, stealing the secret of life from Akatosh, and constructing Labyrinthian himself. Discover the source of his power and unveil the secrets of the Glamoril in this mod, which will add approximately 1 to 2 hours of new content.




36 new spells with unique effects.
A player home.
3 new dungeons.
5 boss fights, 3 of which have multiple phases.
An elder scroll that enhances the effects of the newly added spells.
A new armor piece called "Shalidor's Crown," which reduces novice and apprentice spell costs from all schools to 0.
A new sword that cuts through reality with each swing.
A new staff that causes temporal diversions.
2 new spell tomes that function as shields with different effects when blocking.
2 new perk trees for each archetype introduced by the mod, fully diegetic and compatible with any perk overhaul.
The maze of Labyrinthian has been revisited, featuring a new boss, new foes, and traps to give it a "magical" appearance, rather than the abandoned building found in vanilla.

How to start
To begin the first quest, simply go to the maze of Labyrinthian. It is recommended to be at least level 30, as the bosses will be at least level 40 and will scale with your level up to very high levels (the highest being 110).


Arcane thievery: teleport any item from your target inventory to yours.
Teleportation: teleport to aimed location

Energy erasure: Erase the target's affinity to magicka. For 30 seconds the target can't cast any spell.
Time Marches On: Increase your movement speed by 50% for 20 seconds.
Chrono Trap: If target dies within 30 seconds steal 10 years of life time.
Mark: mark the place to be recalled.
Recall: teleport to marked place.

Gravity push: Create a gravity wave that pushes everything away. The force impact will deal 30 of physical damage.
Chrono Stasis: Distort the currents of time creating a wave that locks targets in time for 5 seconds. If the target has less than 10% of health it will be trapped in time for ever.

Force field: Create force field around you for 60s. Reflect damage and spells by 60% and become immune to fall damage. This spell removes any magic armor you're using.
Blur: distort your shape in mundus becoming intangible for 10s but you lose all your stamina (you can still attack or fire spells)
Absolute Ward: Create an impenetrable barrier and receive 20% less damage inside the barrier. You can dispel this effect by activating the barrier.
Gravity pull: maintain to pull objects and creatures to you.

Gravity Heft: Increase the force of gravity in a 150ft area around you. Targets will be pushed to the ground and unable to move for 30 seconds.
Spatial Curtain: Create a spatial diversion around you for 60 seconds. Anyone that tries to cross the diversion will be pushed away.
CHIM: Break space-time continuum creating a distortion at your location and gaining godlike powers. After 12 seconds you go back in time but all you made remain true.
Stop Time: Snap your fingers and slow time as long as you want for half of your base magicka. Snap them again to return time to normal.


Dimensional Realm: Cast to teleport to your personal realm in which you have a home. Cast it again to return to mundus.

Dimensional Vault: Open the vault of your dimension in which you can store any items.

Dimensional Door: Open a door to travel to a created realm in which you have access to any major settlement in Skyrim. Recast over the map of Skyrim to travel to the position you're in the map.
Time Construct: restore life to the rocks and conjure a old golem. The time construct fights as a frost atronach and has it's own powers, it's resistant to magic but has less resistances to physical damage.

Chrono Prison: Trap the target in a prison inside your dimensional realm up to 8 targets. You can see the targets trapped inside when you travel to your realm. When you have trapped at least one target a new spell will be added to you to be able to release the latest target trapped.
Noemocath: A conjurable merchant. The voice was made using some dialogue from the black market merchant form the Dragonborn DLC and SKVA SYNTH


Time shift: Deal 20 points of magic damage and steal part of the target's lifetime. If the target dies this will grant you 2 years of life time and empowers this effect by 10% for 30s

Wither: Speed the aging process of the target dealing 5 points of unresistable damage for 10 seconds. If the target dies from this effect you absorb 3 years of lifetime and empowers this effect by 20% for 30s.
Cosmic volt: A blast of cosmic energy that does 30 points of true damage.

Expanding bolts: Energize your target dealing 40 points of true damage, the energy surge jumps to other targets in a 20ft radius.
Chrono Mantle: for 90 seconds create a diversion around yourself that steals lifetime absorbing 10 points of health. If the target dies absorb 2 years of his life time.

Cosmic Vortex: create a vortex of cosmic energies dealing 40 magic points for second.
Reality Slash: cut reality itself dealing 75 points of magic damage.

Zero Sum: Awake the target from the dream that is reality making him disappear (items will be lost). Absorb all of the target's remaining life time (maximum 100 years).


Restore: Rewind your time to a more healthier state curing poison and diseases.

Eternity Feast: Consume cosmic energies healing yourself for 50 points. If you have stored more than 250 years you also regenerate 10% of your total magicka.

Pain Reminisce: Make your target relive the pain countless times. The target sufferts 50% extra damage from all sources.

Rewind: rewind time on your targets wounds healing him 15 points for 10 seconds. If the target is dead this spell will revive him with 10% of health (reviving a follower may cause to stop following you so you will have to talk again with him/her).

Shalidor's Mirror: create a ward that blocks spells and physical damage. If hit by a spell you cast it back wherever you're pointing.

Lesser Powers

Reload: On cast store the spell equipped in your right hand, on recast replicate that spell. (30s of cooldown)

Once you have completed the quest, you will receive the Dimensional Realm spell and Time Shift spell for free. These allow you to enter and exit the realm of the Glamoril and collect Life Time from foes killed by Time Shift. In one of the isles, there's a magic circle called the "Glamoril Forge." Beside it, you will find two fountains: the left one grants access to the new perk trees, and the right one lets you exchange Life Time for Glamoril Fragments. Use these fragments in the Glamoril Forge to craft the new spells and items from the mod. Note that some items must be unlocked by perks before you can craft them.
Other spells like Wither or Chrono Trap are better for farming more Life Time, so try to prioritize them. There are many combinations of spells to collect more Life Time from targets.
1. Stacking Wither Effect: You can stack the Wither effect multiple times on the same foe, increasing the damage caused. If the target dies with multiple effects stacked, it will give you 3 years for each stacked effect.
2. Combining Spells for Maximum Effect: For example, if you stop time, you can cast more than just 10 Wither effects before finishing with a Chrono Trap, a Time Shift, a Chrono Mantle effect, a Time Construct near the target, and a Zero Sum. This can store a large amount of years from a single target. The best I managed to get was around 400 years.
3. Using Chrono Stasis: Cast Wither two or three times on a target, then freeze them with Chrono Stasis. They will slowly get damaged over time while being imprisoned, allowing you to handle other foes.
4. Rewind to Revive: Use Rewind to revive a target and keep farming Life Time from them. For instance, if you reaaaaaaaly dislike a particular character like... Nazeem, trap him with Dimensional Prison, take him to your Glamoril Arena, drop him inside, kill him with multiple Wither effects, revive him with Rewind, and repeat the process until you are satisfied.

The first boss you will encounter is Ogrim.

A new named Dremora in the Labyrinthian maze has been introduced. This Dremora is stronger and has more health. Also, it will spawn leveled atronachs to assist in battle. If you have mods installed that change the spawns, there's a chance for those atronachs to be spawned as well, similar to the random encounters inside the maze. This Dremora wears the new version of the Diadem of the Savant.

The second is the draugr overlords.
They are three old Draugr overlords, each resistant to a specific type of destruction magic: fire, frost, and shock. The battle is straightforward—you just have to kill them. The fire overlord is weak against frost, the frost overlord is weak against fire, and the storm overlord has no specific weakness. Once you defeat all three, the other Draugr will die. However, it is recommended to kill some of the minions in each wave to avoid being overrun.

The third one is the ebony golem.

The fight is straightforward: just defeat him, as he has a large health pool and behaves like a giant. You can use the varying heights of the room to your advantage to make the battle easier.

The forth one is the council.
They behave like hagravens. You don't have to defeat them to proceed, so you can sneak past and leave the room. However, if you choose to fight them, be aware that they will use a lot of fireballs, and you will likely get hit as soon as you enter the chamber. Fire or magic resistance is highly recommended for this boss fight. The chamber is large with varying heights, allowing you to use the debris for cover to avoid being overwhelmed by fireballs.
The chest in the center contains Shalidor's Crown.

The fifth one is Master Loddmund.
This mage is intended to be difficult to defeat, behaving like a dragon priest with potent fire spells such as Incineration and Fireball, along with wards, Ebony armor, and Flame Cloak. By default, he will deflect 50% of all damage dealt to him and will have a health pool ranging from 1,000 to 5,000, so be prepared.
The best strategy to counter him as a mage is to deplete his magicka pool. Use tools like the Staff of Magnus or shock spells to drain his magicka effectively.
He will phase three times during the battle:
1. He will teleport to the top of the room, shielding himself and continuing to cast spells from above.
2. He will summon three potent atronachs that you must defeat to make him vulnerable again.
3. After defeating the atronachs, he will teleport back to the center of the room and be stunned for a few seconds, unable to cast spells and with no resistance to damage. Take advantage of this moment to deal as much damage as possible.
Prepare yourself accordingly for this challenging encounter.

The sixth one will be Sheogorath.
Uncle Sheo will not engage in combat himself but will summon random minions that you must defeat and mock you along the way. These minions will be hostile to you and sometimes to each other (as Uncle Sheo is here for the amusement). In the worst-case scenario, you may only need to battle enemies and defeat the mimics for their potentially valuable rewards.
The types of foes can vary significantly; there is a pool of 30 different enemy types that may spawn in this battle, with most of them originating from this mod.

The four important characters you must defeat to progress to the next wave are:

1. Gozaru: A named scamp wearing Dremora armor who attacks with fireballs or a staff. He behaves similarly to a Falmer.
2. Order Priest of Jyggalag: Uses shock spells in combat.
3. Shalidor: Utilizes a wide range of spells and wields a powerful destruction staff.
4. Vivec: Also uses a variety of spells and wields a powerful staff.

Prepare for a dynamic and challenging battle with a diverse array of enemies and strategic encounters.

Watch the walkthrough made by my friends from System of Gaming if you have any doubts.

About compatibility:
The mod should be compatible with anything but mods that changes the labyrinthian maze, those were the only vanilla records i've touched the rest is entirely new.

Incompatible mods:
Shalidor's Migrant Portals

If you wish to use incompatible mods but still access the powers of the Glamoril, I provide a standalone version containing only the powers. This version of the mod has been cleaned of typical CK errors using TES Edit.

What If you completed the Labyrinthian maze early in your playthrough?: I recommend having a clean save from before entering the maze. However, in patch 1.0.3, I've included a function that resets the maze if necessary. This function triggers in the corridor at the entrance. Please note that using "coc MazeEntrance" may prevent the function from triggering properly.

For those interested in a lighter version that includes only the spells, please visit the old Glamoril page, which has been updated in version 1.0.2 of this mod:


If you like my work and want me to keep doing it please consider to

¡And don't forget to endorse!

I wanted to tell a story, but it seems I'm very bad at it. So I'll write it down here.
I've received messages in my personal inbox where players are asking questions like "why does chim spell does this" or "what actually does chim". So, let me explain the issue here.
Chim is a highly abstract and unconventional concept created to unify a narrative with multiple endings into a single cohesive world. It's incredibly challenging to encapsulate the concept of breaking the space-time continuum into a singular power. Thus, I developed an entire mod centered around space-time continuum themed abilities to represent this concept. Additionally, I aimed to tell a story with a subtle narrative, which I will elaborate on below.
Fundamentally, the overarching theme of Glamoril revolves around enlightenment, akin to achieving Chim for a second time. Lorewise, it's strongly suggested that as Dragonborns, we achieved Chim at the peak of the Throat of the World when using the scroll to defeat Alduin, thereby canonizing all outcomes of the guilds of Skyrim, much like what occurred in Daggerfall.
If you intend to delve into the mod to scrutinize details, please refrain from clicking on the spoiler below.


The recent update I made to "Glamoril: The Maze of Labyrinthian" aimed to revisit the original concept I envisioned when I first created the mod. In this context, "Glamoril" is equated to "Chim" and is symbolized by an Elder Scroll that describes the creation of the world itself, much like a blueprint. The player is then guided to ascend to the pinnacle of existence, transitioning from a demigod to an actual deity. The Chim ability found in the spell pack merely symbolizes the power to manipulate the space-time continuum at will; however, the player effectively achieves Chim upon "unlocking" Glamoril.

If you read the descriptions of the dragon words you're using, they bear a resemblance to the power of the Skeleton Key. The idea is not only to unlock physical barriers but also to unlock latent abilities within oneself. Allow me to delve into metaphor here:

- "Bex" means "opening," signifying the act of becoming open.
- "Orbex" means "to open again" or "to open," as in opening a gate.
- "Staadnau" means "unbound," denoting the state of being liberated and free, though not in the sense of "Vomir," which means unaligned or independent (as you might recall dragons saying "MU LOS VOMIR" when the Dragonborn returns from Sovngarde).

So, when shouting and activating the Elder Scroll, your Dragonborn communicates to the world's blueprints:
"I am here at the apex of the tower, open to change; open the door before me; release me from the constraints of reality."

In essence, your character merges with the power of an Elder Scroll, mantling it and gaining the abilities that can be forged in the Glamoril forge.

I hope this explanation satisfies you, knowing that your character has likely ascended to the pinnacle of existence while honing their skills with Glamoril atop Mundus. Beyond the sun.

For Loremasters familiar with the lore, I acknowledge that Glamoril is likely not Chim; they represent distinct concepts. My intent was to explore this alternative and create the mod I wanted.

Oh, by the way, the confrontation with Sheogorath isn't just arbitrary; it serves two purposes:
1. Everything appears insane when grappling with abstract philosophical concepts.
2. Sheogorath tempted Shalidor with the Floium Discognitum (refer to: elderscrolls...ium_Discognitum).
3. And of course, Uncle Sheo adds a fun twist to the mix.

I realize there are three reasons listed, isn't it crazy?, like the wishes you might ask of a genie?

* The model for the Shalidor's Crown is from KD Circlets made by kafeid
* Most of the new creatures are from Vicn Creature pack
* The model for the time construct comes from Rock atronachs by mihailmods
* The model for Noemocath comes from Watchers by mihailmods
* The model for the new sword comes from Custom Sword Modders Ressource by Standalone09
* The model for the new staff comes from Crescent Moon Staff based on a Roman Guro’s concept art and made by magiccc
* The model for the books comes from magic book made by JOM in Sketchfab