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About this mod

Removes map markers that are visible on some mods before you've even discovered the locations. Because it's far more fun to find things on your own.

Permissions and credits
Elwaps' Hidden Map Markers for Mod Locations is a large and excellent mod, but there are some mod locations that aren't included, so I decided to edit them myself. Here you will find more hidden map markers for the following locations:

Enhanced Solitude: Elwaps' mod already contains a fix for The Golden Crossroads; in addition, I have created a file to hide the marker for The Rookery. With Elwaps' fix added to my own, all you will see on the initial map of Solitude is the main city marker.

Enhanced Solitude Docks: Hides a marker for Solitude Docks that was visible just below Solitude City.

Forgotten City: For some reason, you could see the Forgotten City entrance on your map right from the start of the game. Now you won't see it until you receive the quest at level 5.

Gray Cowl of Nocturnal (Alternate Start): In order for this plugin to work, you will need to have the Alternate Start for the Gray Cowl of Nocturnal mod installed. This file is meant for more adventurous types who would like to explore to find the House of the Thief, rather than automatically knowing its location. The default Alternate Start will not give you the location via any other means. If you want to be told where to go, don't install this.

Ruined Temple of Phynaster: Hides the map marker for the Shrine of Phynaster.

Winterhold Restored: Hides four map markers that were visible around Winterhold.

Install with Vortex or Mod Organizer 2 as normal. Manual installation is not recommended and will not be supported.

Load Order:
Load each hidden map marker after its main file.

All files are ESLs.

This mod is directly inspired by elwaps' Hidden Map Markers for Mod Locations, and is also where I learned how to make these files. Much thanks to elwaps for the idea, and the excellent tutorial.