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Got 100 dwarven bows to enchant? Watch in real time as the arcane enchanter takes less than a second to cycle through each item. Starts via hotkey while using an arcane enchanter.

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Activate an arcane enchanter as usual, press Alt+n, and follow prompts. The enchanter will then enchant as many items as you instructed, running through the process just as you would, only much faster. Press Alt+x to suspend the process if you encounter any problems mid-enchanting.

Note there are two versions. You might need the slower version, which runs at about 2 seconds per item, if you have a slower computer or a bloated save game.


Although it is very stable, fast, and easy to use, it is not "smart". It runs independently and does not communicate with Skyrim, so it does not know what's in your inventory or if the echanter is keeping up with its tab navigation. You must use it exactly as described, or it will get lost and end up enchanting a bunch of stuff you probably don't want. This can also happen if the grinder goes too fast for your computer to keep up. If you're sure you're following the directions without mistakes, and it's still getting lost, consider using the slower version. Save before using.

Basic setup:

-Save .exe file wherever convenient.
-Double click file icon to start. This only enables the hotkey. It doesn't actually do anything until you press the hotkey. 
-Don't press the hot key until you've read all the instructions and are ready to enchant.
-Skyrim must be run in windowed mode, so you can double click the file icon to start the grinder before or after launching Skyrim.
-You can access control of the running grinder via the icon in your windows systray.

Basic usage:

This sounds like a lot, but it's actually pretty simple. I'm just trying to be as detailed as possible.

1) Activate an arcane enchanter.
2) Make sure NO items, enchantments, or soul gems are selected or even highlighted
3) Make sure your cursor is not hovering on the enchanter screen.
4) You might want to:
4.1) use the down arrow key to count the number of rows down to your item
4.2) select your item
4.3) then count the number of rows down to your enchantment. Keep in mind that selecting an item changes the available enchantments on the enchantment tab, so the row number of your enchantment is different depending on which item is selected.
4.4) Remember to unselect your item and enchantment and make sure nothing is highlighted. You can use the left or right arrow keys, or d key, to switch to another tab and back to item tab. This will un-highlight the rows.
5) Tab over to item tab.

You MUST be on the item tab with no items selected or highlighted before starting. See image.

5) **Press Alt+n to start grinder.**
6) Menu boxes will ask you to choose your item to enchant, the enchantment, the soul gem, and how many you want to enchant.
7) Make sure you choose the correct rows(you have to count them yourself) or seemingly random items will be enchanted.
8) Make sure you don't input a number larger than your number of items or soul gems, or seemingly random items will be enchanted.
9) Make sure you correctly indicate whether it's a weapon or not, or seemingly....
9) Press cancel if you make a mistake.
10) Relax and watch it fly through the enchanter windows. Press Alt+x to stop the process if needed.
11) Repeat for other items, enchantments, or soul gems.
12) When you're done, right click the icon in your systray and choose "exit".

Special Notes:

You must be able to run arcane enchanters in the usual vanilla way with a keyboard, and with ONLY these 5 keys: down arrow, right arrow, "Enter", "r", and "y".
If you can't run enchanters in this way, you will need to enable your keyboard and/or reassign those 5 keys back to default.

Must be in windowed mode.
- To change to window mode, if you're not already using it, you typically have to change this setting by launching the vanilla non-skse launcher which will not run all your favorite mods. But after launching it once, you can quit, then restart with your skse launcher, and it will remember your windowed mode setting.

Gamepad controller users: if you can't run the arcane enchanter with your keyboard(using the down and right arrow keys, "y",  "r", and "enter" keys) you will need to modify one or two fields in your controlmap file:
1) Navigate to(or wherever your Data file is):
C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Data\interface\controls\pc
2) open controlmap.txt
3) use ctrl+f to find "// Item Menus"
4) find the row in this section that begins with "XButton" for it's first, left-most field
5) find the last, right-most, field on this row. It should be 0x8.
6) delete this 0x8 and leave that field blank
7) Gamepad Plus Plus users change the second field from 0xff to 0x13.
7) save
8) test it out by trying to run the arcane enchanter from the keyboard only.

Gamepad controller users who also use mods that allow keyboard hotkeys should temporarily deactivate any mod that assigns actions to the arrow keys or enter key, since this is what the arcane enchanter uses and will be activated by this grinder. AH Hotkeys, for instance, can be easily and quickly deactivated and reactivated via the MCM. Or alternatively, just don't assign anything to those keys.

Save your game before using every time. Not because it might crash- it's actually very stable- but if you make a mistake you might end up enchanting a bunch of random stuff you don't want enchanted. If you notice a problem while it's working, press Alt+x to quit the process.

Still experimenting with the optimal speed. It's capable of switching windows faster than Skyrim can keep up, and when it does, it makes unexpected selections from the enchanter window. It's currently running great on my laptop with a GTX 1050. Feedback appreciated, especially from users on slower machines.


It's an .exe file so just download it manually and save wherever is convenient. I keep it next to my skse launcher. Can be started before or after launching Skyrim, since Skyrim must be running in windowed mode anyway.