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About this mod

Simple port of this wonderful mod created by Kearsage.

- Perks tree
-Staves as Shield
- Illuminated staves

Permissions and credits

? Features ?
30 New Staves added to the game! 15 new models and textures, plus new textures for thedefault models
Defensive Staves! No longer feel your mage has to carry a shield aroundto defend against swordsmen
Staff Conversion! Convert your staff between a Defensive Staff and aMagic Staff on the fly. Recharge your staff with your magicka instead of soul
New Perks! Enhance your mage’s defensive abilities with new Perksin the Block Tree
Enhanced abilities for daedric and special staves! Convert to a defensive staff, illuminate, or rechargeback to a magic staff at will

? Where to get the new staves ?
1- Kill enemy casters. The staves have been added to theleveled lists of enemy mages, warlocks and other casters as well as some chests.
2- Crafting. All staves have crafting recipes, and willunlock as you unlock the material-appropriate Smithing perk.
3- Vendors. Staves have been added to the leveled lists ofCourt Wizards. In addition, Rindirsen, a traveling staff vendor, has set up
camp just outside the bridge to the Mage’s College in Winterhold to peddle his
staves to aspiring mages. The staves available will increase as you level up.

? Requirements ?
Staves of Skyrim requires Skyrim Script Extender (SKSE) as ofversion 1.6. This is required to process the new staff conversion scripts.
You can get SKSE here:

If you not want to use SKSE, you don't have to; however, youwill not be able to switch between Focused and Wild magics, and all Converted
staves will default to Fireball/Icespike/Lightning Bolt.

So, if you don't want to get SKSE, and don't mind usingdefault staves - everything else in the mod will work just fine!

? Defensive Staves ?
The Defensive Staves come in both Light and Heavy armorvariants. A Light Armor staff is called a “Defender”, whereas a Heavy Armor
staff is called a “Warstaff”.

Staves are roughly equivalent to the the shield of the samematerial. So, the Elven Defender has approximately the same stats as an Elven
Shield, and wooden staves being approximately like Leather.

All staves have crafting recipes which unlock with the perksin the Smithing Tree.
Staves are added to the leveled lists of caster enemies, soyou should see them drop from time to time.

? New Perks and Spells ?
A new perk now sits alongside the Block tree (and is part ofthe Block skill).
Some of the basic Block perks will work with Staves (and viceversa) but most require you to use one or the other. In addition to Block perks
specifically for your staff, the tree unlocks new spells to make your staff
even more versatile. These spells are also available in Spell Tomes from
Rindirsen, the staff vendor in Winterhold, though they are quite expensive to

Illumination Staves:
Illuminate your staff to light up dark areas by castingIlluminate Staff. Cast Illuminate Staff again to turn it off. An Illuminated
Staff is not a re-skinned torch, and can still be used to Block/Bash just like
a shield.

Charged Staves:
Convert your staff to shoot Fire/Frost/Shock magic for 300magicka. Cast the spell again to recharge your staff. No need to use Soul Gems
to recharge: your magicka recharges the staff. To convert a charged staff back
to a Defensive Staff, use the “Discharge Staff” lesser power. This costs no
magicka to cast, as is learned when you learn the “Illuminate Staff” power.
In addition, Charged Staves synergize with both Destructionskill (to increase their damage done) and the Alteration Skill (which decreases
the charge cost to cast).
You cannot sell a Charged Staff. No vendor wants to take astaff that is bristling with elemental energy. Discharge it first and convert
back to a Defensive Staff to sell it.

? Hotkeys ?
Due to the way the mod handles the charging/illumination ofstaves, you cannot hotkey a staff directly without it being lost at some point.
To fix this, a new item should appear in your apparel inventory: = Create
Defensive Staff Hotkey =

With a Defensive Staff equipped, click on the = CreateDefensive Staff Hotkey =, and a new item will appear, with the name of the
Defensive Staff and the word = Hotkey = after it.
This item will remain, even if you illuminate or charge yourstaff. Set this as a favorite, and assign a hotkey. As long as you have at
least 1 of the correct Defensive Staff in your inventory, activating the Hotkey
Item will equip the appropriate staff.

To remove individual Hotkey Items, simply drop the hotkeyitem from your inventory. The Create Hotkey item has a mesh, and will appear on
the in the world when dropped. If you do not use Hotkeys, you can remove it
this way (or by placing in a container). However, once it is unloaded from the
game, you will need to use console commands to re-add it:
1) Type into console: help "= create defensive"
2) This will tell you the item code for the hotkey item
3) Type into console: player.additem XXXXXXXX 1 (replaceXXXXXXXX with the hotkey item code)

? Compatibility ?
This mod may conflict with other mods that happen to alterthe same leveled lists. It will also conflict with mods that change the Block
Perk Tree. Simply adjust the load order to change which mod gets priority.

SkyRe: I use SkyRe myself, and normal Staves of Skyrim willoverwrite SkyRe's Block Perks with SoS ones if loaded after SkyRe in the load
order. If you want to use SkyRe's Block Perks, install the compatibility patch
below, which merges the Block skill tree for both mods, and gives the feel and
intent of SkyRe while still retaining much of the compatibility with staves.
ASIS When using ASIS with Staves of Skyrim, you must put thefollowing perks on the ASIS exception list:
If you douse ASIS and constantly get the conversion messages, add these perks to the
exception list!

ACE Combat Skills: ACE should be fully compatible with Staves of Skyrim.The modifications ACE makes to the combat system doesn't affect any of the
Block perks or skill tree, so there are no conflicts between the two at this
Artifact BalanceOverhaul: ABO is alsocompatible, though you must load Staves of Skyrim *after* ABO. Since ABO
adjusts staff descriptions you'll need to load SoS after in order for the
scripts to work properly.
Dual Sheath Redux: Many thanks to Neovalen for creating the compatibilitypatch for Staves of Skyrim and Dual Sheath Redux. Please download the patch the
DSR's Nexus page:
Combat Remasterd: WTFus has created a compatibility patch for usingStaves of Skyrim with Combat Remastered. It can be found on CR's Nexus page:

? Optional Files Available ?
SkyReCompatibility version - Merges bothSkyRe's Block Skill Tree Perks and Staves of Skyrim's Block Skill Tree Perks to
bring you the best of both. Note that some of SkyRe's Block perks may not work
with Staves.
SkyReCompatibility defense modified - Same as theSkyRe compatibility patch, but modifies the Defensive Staves' armor values to
be more in line with SkyRe's armor values. Thanks to Steelsouls for putting
this together!
No Perkversion - Does not add the new Block Perks or change the BlockTree. Vanilla perks are modified to be compatible with the new staves.
Staff-side Perks/Spells/Abilities are available for sale from Rindirsen.

Here is the original mod by Kearsage:
