Idea Suggestions (32 comments)

  1. GamingZacharyC
    • Moderator
    • 48 kudos
    Suggest your ideas here, and I might just make them!
    Might I suggest using GitHub instead?

    General Guidelines:
    First and foremost, keep it lore-friendly.
    That means that I'm not doing anything like adding more Guilded to the castle. I'm not allowing Horses on the grounds (something antistar has stated is contrary to the lore multiple times) via Clockwork-or-module-added avenues. That being said, anything that is well (emphasis on that) within Dwemer technology I will allow. Anything that makes sense given what is already in Clockwork is also good.

    If I don't see what you request as lore-friendly, I'll try my best to explain why I don't think so (see my reply to someone asking about Termini for New Lands mods). If you can't convince me, I won't make it.
    That being said, my one exception is if you can get Antistar to clear it. If I don't see it as lore-friendly, but Antistar does, then by all means link me to the proof.

    Retrieving links to forum posts:
    Nexus Main site: The date is a hyperlink to the post. You can right-click that and copy your link.
    Nexus Forums: The #post-number in the upper-right of the forum post is a link. You can right-click that and copy your link.

    Keep it realistic.
    Don't ask me to rebuild the entire castle (and not copy the Blue Palace again). Don't ask me to remove the railroading from the story. One more thing that I've actually considered: Don't ask me to let you move servants into the castle. Not happening (Nevermind, seems like that's happening). I like making these modules, but just remember that I do all of this in my spare time.

    Keep it family-friendly.
    Sorry, I'm not doing any of... that.

    Module-Specific Guidelines
  2. Zincwing
    • premium
    • 29 kudos
    Two suggestions:

    1. Could you merge some cells? I would like the living quarters and the travel room being merged with the main hall, maybe the master bed room as well. Crafting rooms can be kept apart though, I believe.

    2. Could you expand the living quarters, so my followers have room to sandbox when idle?
    1. BellCube
      • Moderator
      • 48 kudos
      The rooms are separated for technical reasons I'm afraid (though the new Light Limit Fix might address that). I'm not looking to touch the layout of the rooms so I'm afraid I won't be doing number 2, either.
  3. MistressWolf
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    I was curious if it would be possible to link the Safehouse storage at the LOTD safehouse with the storage at Clockwork?   Would just be a really nice quality of life improvement!    

    Thank you for your time!
    1. BellCubeDev
      • Moderator
      • 48 kudos
      I've never really gotten very far with LOTD, though I will definitely see what I can do. I've created a GitHub Issue (counter-intuitively named) for you and a Project Card for this suggestion. You can track its progress with the Issue for specific information and with the Project Card for a more general overview.
    2. MistressWolf
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Well almost two years later I present to you hopefully the answer to make this happen!!!
    3. BellCube
      • Moderator
      • 48 kudos
      Oh boy does time fly! Thanks for staying vigilant on this - I would absolutely have implemented something wild and kinda hacky had I went in on my own turf 
  4. Dreadsword
    • supporter
    • 4 kudos
    I have a few ideas for exterior additions.

    Turn the pond under the waterfall into a slightly bigger lake. After the questline is complete (or just any point after the travel machine is functional) you can pay Lahar to obtain supplies to allow the construction of a small pier with a functional fish hatchery (similar to what Windstad has). Also include a fishing spot if it's possible and you're okay with requiring something from the AE update.

    After the questline is complete (or just any point after the travel machine is functional) you can pay Lahar to obtain supplies to allow the construction of small shed outside Clockwork Castle that houses some livestock and nests for eggs with a grain mill next to the shed.

    Would want these because I think the exterior area of Clockwork Castle could use more things to do since right now there isn't anything besides walking to the mausoleum to progress the questline.
    1. BellCubeDev
      • Moderator
      • 48 kudos
      I love these! Definitely writing these down!

      As a quick aside, the exterior is home to a Clay Deposit and a Stone Quarry from the Hearthfire DLC. You can also play games with any children you've adopted via Hearthfire Multiple Adoptions outside.
    2. MistressWolf
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Absolutely LOVE the fishing idea!!!  Also would be nice to have a little farm area for animals.  I still think it would be nice to fix up the stables thats against the wall out front.
  5. GoldeNdeathStaR
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Don't know how easy this might be but I'd love to see Lamashtu made into a follower. We go through all the trouble helping her become whole and she just ends up stuck on a rooftop. Kind of a shame if you ask me. She is simply too good to leave like this!
    1. BellCubeDev
      • Moderator
      • 48 kudos
      Antistar actually has plans to do just that once they get around to making an update for Clockwork. I don't feel that I, a person with as much information as the next guy, could do a Lamashtu follower justice. The amount of lore insight and character mastery that one would need to possess would equate to being Antistar himself—and I'm far from that.
    2. GoldeNdeathStaR
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Now that is good news for one of my favorite mods out there hahah. I wasn't asking about anything extravagant, but i see your point. After all, the idea is indeed to do justice to her. She would have to have her own lines - especially concerning the dwemer ruins, their disappearance etc - and yes, that would take some considerable insight to do well. Thanks for the reply, and just keep being great!
  6. SamSeriousStone
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Hey I have an idea! In the Myrwatch Mages Tower Creation Club content there is a display for Saerek’s & Torsten’s skull keys. Could that be a feature for this mod too, it can be a nice collectible. 

    Also how is the process so far? It has been some time and idk if you made any progress on this. But if you did can please tell me. I really wanna know how is it going along.
    1. BellCubeDev
      • Moderator
      • 48 kudos
      Lahar's Labor won't be included in the next update as, for the most part, been working on Woodwoeker's Whim, Bug Fixes, Interesting Inhabitants, optimizing Superior Sorting, and the new Contiguous Caretaker. I've noted this down for when I do get to Lahar's Labor though!
  7. thelittlefae
    • premium
    • 46 kudos
    Hey, I love what you've done so far. These little touches make mods awesome. Not sure if you're still planning on actively working on this anytime soon but I thought I'd throw it out there since packages are a little out of my knowledge level as of this point-- I recently came across a new house mod, Winterberry Chateau, which happens to have an awesome feature that I think would be epic to implement into Clockwork Castle.
    There's a scripted function to invite people to either work at your residence (at least level 1 relationship) or move there (if follower). They're given packages to move about the residence and the cook can offer food like a spouse. Since you happen to have plenty of beds and servants quarters and space for followers this would work really well in this space, and you've already added lots of idle markers.

    Edit: Ah heck I just double checked the guidelines- please delete, sorry
    1. BellCubeDev
      • Moderator
      • 48 kudos
      Well, actually, now that I think about it...
      I've gained a bit more knowledge since I first wrote those guidelines. It's entirely possible to make a list of people who can be "servants" (though I'm none too sure why you'd need any). It's quite possible, and I could easily give them AI packages to run around the castle, sleep, etc. Lahar's Labor is governed entirely by Lahar's main package (though, if I remember right, that Lahar's package was never attached to Lahar in the beta included in the installer).

      I won't allow too many (no more than 7) just because it'll over-crowd the castle. And, do be warned: Adding servants WILL break the remote, desolate, and isolated feel of Clockwork Castle (which, you may be surprised, persists subconsciously throughout the remainder of the game, whether you realize it or not. Antistar's pretty darn good at setting the mood!)

      Now, here's the kicker: It'll be a lot of effort for (what I assume would be) a miniscule-in-comparison small return (in terms of user enjoyment, that is. No DP farming over here!). Because of this, other modules have priority over this one, so don't be surprised if this one doesn't make it into 2.1.0. I'll edit this post again when a GitHub Project has been created. Here you go! One genuine, certified, GitHub Projects card link!
    2. thelittlefae
      • premium
      • 46 kudos
      So my logic--- lamashtu is lonely and having people that stay in the house may bring her comfort, it's handy and pleasant being able to keep followers or people you like in your residence, it's (to me) immersive to have more people taking care of such a big place (with lahar in charge, of course) and any family you may have living there. Having all these beautiful servants areas and being unable to use them feels like such a wasted opportunity.
      I completely understand if this is low priority, thanks for even considering it. I really appreciate all you've done for the clockwork castle so far, it's really impressive and makes this an even better player home!
    3. BellCubeDev
      • Moderator
      • 48 kudos
      I'm glad to see how much people appreciate my work. It's born out of that same love of Clockwork and Skyrim that you, and many others, share. It's a want to see improvement, and a will to implement it. And, of course, the patience to share it with the world. After all, when someone reports a crash you never anticipated, or someone installs your mod incorrectly, or misunderstands my terribly-communicated requirement, it's always an interesting challenge, and one that many are not willing to take up. And I'm glad that Nexus exists and this community is as supportive as it is.

      Also, here's a GitHub Projects card link to keep track of your suggestion.
  8. JDTonts
    • premium
    • 6 kudos
    Maybe you could make a trophy display like the hearthfire ones but for the Gilded from Clockwork? Maybe use as a base to work from?
    1. BellCubeDev
      • Moderator
      • 48 kudos
      So, are you suggesting that I add the option to create trophies in Clockwork Castle (including the Clockwork trophies), add Clockwork trophies to Hearthfire homes, or perhaps both?

      Side-note: The mod you mentioned simply sets the "Playable" flag on the Gilded's armor. Their appearance is governed entirely by their armor.
  9. thelittlefae
    • premium
    • 46 kudos
    I like to keep my horses at my house or at least nearby, I don't like just leaving them at random stables that aren't mine, so it would be nice to some decent stables on the grounds.  Idk it kinda seemed weird to me that with the fact you had originally no dwemer tech, just these long big ruins to trek through, and it was supposed to be travelled often as a trade route... but you only have room for like one horse and it's kinda sad looking. 

    Since it would already require convenient horses or immersive horses for the "this is home" function, you can already call them to whatever world space. All you'd really need is to slap some parts together for the stable itself. 

    If you dislike having no non-magical way of horses entering or exiting may I suggest picking a spot, putting up some fences and making a pretty corral with stables and a terminus door attached?
    1. BellCubeDev
      • Moderator
      • 48 kudos
      I definitely forgot that Convenient Horses has the Nord Rider's Horn. I'll research the two mods you mentioned and attempt to add compatibility with a bigger stable. You can track this suggestion's progress with the GitHub Projects card

      As per Clockwork lore, there is absolutely no non-magical way to access the Castle (hence the entire questline). In addition, Lahar will not make a path because that would directly work to endanger the safety of Clockwork Castle. "No-one can take the castle from us if they do not know it exists," Lahar says if you ask him to deliver a letter to someone (forgive me if I'm a word or two off, I don't have access to my desktop right now).

      As for adding a terminus, I can't work out the logistics without a janky and hacky solution. In addition, Ludwig stayed in the Castle for most of his life. Reading his journals, it doesn't make sense that Ludwig and the Guilded would build a terminus for such a purpose (Remember, it was Ludwig who first invited Lahar and Lamashtu to live in Clockwork Castle). They aren't adventurers, they're traders with direct magical teleportation to each major trading site in Skyrim (and, soon, Bruma too!). Horses don't make much sense here anyway.
    2. thelittlefae
      • premium
      • 46 kudos
      Oh shoot you're totally right about the terminus being after everyone else dying. My brain was thinking about it being made when the castle was built. *facepalm* I'm so stoked by all your work, really excited for each update :)
    3. BellCubeDev
      • Moderator
      • 48 kudos
      I'm glad you like my work! This next update is primarily going to feature the module that you were waiting for (if this post is any indication), Interesting Inhabitants. In fact, I'm taking a tiny break to just play Skyrim, and I'm keeping Interesting Inhabitants installed while I do it.

      Side note: I WAS successful in getting the children to use other parts of the castle! Interesting Inhabitants essentially just needs a tiny bit of testing and polishing, then I need to finish up Contiguous Caretaker (which lets you call Lahar to any part of the castle at the push of a button. Useful because you'd otherwise have to search every room of the castle for him if you install Interesting Inhabitants).

      Yeah, it is really easy to forget that the castle's machinery was built towards the start of the Fourth Era. That's one of the barely-mentioned yet super-important lore details that I forget all too often. When you're in the castle, it feels like the machinery was always there.
  10. CrazedKitty1290
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I think it would be cool to be able to change the wallpaper or the bed linens if you ask Lahar to do so. I love the way the house looks but I wish there was a small bit of customization. On top of that what if you could do something with the room you find Ludwig in? Like either take down the secret door and turn it into a personal study or keep the door and make it into a secret necromancer lab or vault or something.

    Thanks for the addons you created so far! I look forward for more in the future!
    1. BellCubeDev
      • Moderator
      • 48 kudos
      I really, really like this one (like, more so than a lot of my personal ideas)! I'll definitely get to work on that, as soon as I finish up with making the Castle inhabitants more lively. (late reply because of the downtime)
    2. CrazedKitty1290
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Awesome! Thank you so much I really look forward to it!!
  11. Foamimi
    • premium
    • 151 kudos
    Hi! Would it be possible to remove the giant floating "Clockwork" text above the building when you arrive?
    If not no worries, I just thought it couldn't hurt to ask. <3 Thanks for your addons so far!
    1. GamingZacharyC
      • Moderator
      • 48 kudos
      Certainly is! In fact, I may just include that module in my next release (I already have a stack of smaller modules waiting, see the progress article).
    2. GamingZacharyC
      • Moderator
      • 48 kudos
      Shipped in v1.0.0
    3. Foamimi
      • premium
      • 151 kudos
      Sweet, thank you so much!! It's much appreciated!