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About this mod

Spell mod that adds many new spells that fill missing roles and alters a few vanilla spells for balance.

Permissions and credits
Aetherial Tomes is a big spell mod which adds new spells that fill roles that felt lackluster in vanilla and expanding what each school can accomplish.
There are many brand new spells along with a few returning spells from previous elder scrolls games.
All spells have been carefully balanced and are on par with other spells of their respective ranks.

[Miscellaneous notes]
-Regular healing spells are all concentrative, there are new Aura spells that heal both you and nearby allies over time.
-Wards are slightly stronger, use significantly less magicka to maintain and decrease physical damage taken by a percentage instead of adding armor.
-Many master spells charge up faster as to make them less suicidal.
-Some vanilla spells have received balancing alterations.
-Many explosive spells will ignore line of sight, allowing you to more reliably hit targets through thin obstacles and terrain.
-Most fire and ice spell projectiles will have some degree of gravitational drop.
-Destruction rune spells have a casting delay to prevent spam in combat.
-Uses unofficial patch changes where applicable.

Entries marked with (+) indicate a vanilla spell that has been altered in some way.


---< Apprentice >---
Nature Leech
Channel a magical swarm which leeches health from your opponent.

Potent Flames
Channel a potent gout of flames.

Potent Frostbite
Channel a potent blast of frost.

Potent Sparks
Channel a potent beam of lightning.

Imbue Fire
Enchant your weapon attacks with minor additional fire damage, projectiles do double damage & power attacks do triple damage.

Imbue Frost
Enchant your weapon attacks with minor additional frost damage, projectiles do double damage & power attacks do triple damage.

Imbue Shock
Enchant your weapon attacks with minor additional shock damage, projectiles do double damage & power attacks do triple damage.

---< Adept >---
Fire Salvo
Channel a stream of bolts, exploding in a small radius on impact.

Ice Barrage
Channel a short stream of ice shards capable of hitting multiple opponents in a row.

Shocking Current
Channel a stream of electricity, shocking a target from a moderate range.

Devouring Leech
Channel a magical swarm which hungrily leeches health from your opponent.

Burning Cascade
Create a straight line of fire along the ground.

Glacial Cascade
Create a straight line of ice along the ground.

Tempest Cascade
Create a straight line of electricity along the ground.

Fire Nova
Blast enemies near you with an explosion of fire.

Frost Nova
Blast enemies near you with an explosion of ice.

Shock Nova
Blast enemies near you with an explosion of electricity.

Infuse Fire
Enchant your weapon attacks with additional fire damage, projectiles do double damage & power attacks do triple damage.

Infuse Frost
Enchant your weapon attacks with additional frost damage, projectiles do double damage & power attacks do triple damage.

Infuse Shock
Enchant your weapon attacks with additional shock damage, projectiles do double damage & power attacks do triple damage.

Dust Devil
Send out a whirlwind, dealing raw magical damage in a wide radius and inflicting stagger sometimes.

Flame Torrent
Channel a powerful & efficient gout of flames.

Frost Torrent
Channel a powerful & efficient blast of frost.

Shock Torrent
Channel a powerful & efficient beam of electricity.

---< Expert >---
Infernal Salvo
Channel a stream of powerful bolts, exploding in a moderate radius on impact.

Glacial Barrage
Channel a short stream of powerful ice shards capable of hitting multiple opponents in a row.

Voltaic Current
Channel a powerful stream of electricity, shocking a target from a long range.

Flame Aspect
Surround yourself with swirling fire for a duration, take 50% less fire damage and 50% more frost damage while active.

Frost Aspect
Surround yourself with a flurry of frost for a duration, take 50% less frost damage and 50% more fire damage while active.

Storm Aspect
Surround yourself with wild electricity for a duration, take 50% less shock damage and 25% more fire & frost damage while active.

Wicked Cloak
Leech the lifeforce of those around you for a duration.

Essence Leech
Cast a horizontal line that cuts into all in its path, drinking their souls and healing you.

Voracious Leech
Channel a magical swarm which fervently leeches health from your opponent.

Incinerate (+)
Blast a target with a powerful missile of fire, creates lingering fire on the ground.
(increased projectile speed, added hazard)

Ice Spear (+)
Impale a target with a powerful spear of ice, creates lingering ice on the ground.
(increased projectile speed, added hazard)

Thunderbolt (+)
Electrocute a target with a powerful bolt of lightning, creates lingering electricity on the ground.
(increased range, added hazard)

Fire a supercharged fireball, exploding in a wide radius.

Ice Gale
Cast a supercharged ice storm, freezing all in its path.

Release a supercharged lightning bolt, chaining to and between targets.

Fire Node
Mark a location, after a few seconds it detonates with a flood of fire in a large radius.

Ice Node
Mark a location, after a few seconds it detonates with a blast of ice in a large radius.

Lightning Node
Mark a location, after a few seconds it detonates with a storm of lightning in a large radius.

Incinerating Nova
Blast enemies around you with an intense explosion of fire.

Frigid Nova
Blast enemies around you with an intense explosion of ice.

Electric Nova
Blast enemies around you with an intense explosion of electricity.

Empower Fire
Enchant your weapon attacks with powerful additional fire damage, projectiles do double damage & power attacks do triple damage.

Empower Frost
Enchant your weapon attacks with powerful additional frost damage, projectiles do double damage & power attacks do triple damage.

Empower Shock
Enchant your weapon attacks with powerful additional shock damage, projectiles do double damage & power attacks do triple damage.

Send out a powerful whirlwind, dealing raw magical damage in a wide radius and inflicting stagger frequently.

Lob unlimited range fiery projectiles which deal damage depending on how far they travel from your position, 50% damage at point blank and up to 300% damage at max range.
(try aiming up at an angle)

Breath of Mehrunes
Channel a wide but short stream of intense flames, burning all caught within.

---< Master >---
Unleash armageddon, raining fiery chaos from above in a massive radius around the caster for a duration, striking with reckless abandon. Only works outdoors.

Dragon Fury
Unleash the fury of dragons in the form of a giant flood of fire.

Dragon Hatred
Unleash the hatred of dragons in the form of a giant flood of ice.

Lightning Storm (+)
Unleash a very long range beam of intense electricity.
(charges faster, deals more damage, uses more magicka and has a less distracting screen effect)

Fire Storm (+)
Detonate a huge ring of fire around you, dealing more damage closer to the center.
(charges faster)

Blizzard (+)
(charges faster, deals more damage)

---< Apprentice >---
Channel to move 15% faster.

Wizard Buckler
Gain 10% magic resistance and 10% magic absorption for a duration.

Ease Burden
Increase carry weight by 100 for an extended duration.

Impact Brace
Take no fall damage for a short time.

Eldrich Spew
Slow down a target by 35% for a duration.

Spelunker's Lantern
Creates a hovering light that follows you for a moderate duration, snuff the light temporarily by crouching.

---< Adept >---
Transmute Silver (+)
Turn one piece of Iron ore into Silver ore.
(renamed from Transmute Ore, now only turns iron into silver)

Chronos Minor
Slow down time by 40% for a minor duration. Drain a small amount of magicka during effect.

Telekinesis (+)
Concentrate to levitate an object, release to launch it.
(fixed ridiculous XP gain from using it while also greatly reducing magicka cost)

Channel to move 25% faster.

Steal Strength
Channel to absorb stamina and movement speed from a target.

Reflect 200% damage taken back at the attacker for a duration.

Wizard Shield
Gain 20% magic resistance and 15% magic absorption for a duration.

Sea Stride
Walk on water for a duration.

Aqua Fins
Swim 50% faster for a duration.

Lighten Load
Increase carry weight by 200 for an extended duration.

Eldrich Bonds
Slow down all targets in a blast radius by 50% for a duration.

Concentrate to shine a very bright light.

---< Expert >---
Blast Force
Charge up and release to violently knock down targets within a short distance.

Transmute Gold
Turn one piece of Silver ore into Gold ore.

Chronos Major
Slow down time by 50% for a short duration. Drain a small amount of magicka during effect.

Channel to move 40% faster.

Steal Vigor
Channel to absorb more stamina and movement speed from a target.

Reflect 400% damage taken back at the attacker for a duration.

Wizard Bulwark
Gain 30% magic resistance and 25% magic absorption for a duration.

Porpoise Fins
Swim 100% faster for a duration.

Pack Mule
Increase carry weight by 300 for an extended duration.

Eldrich Abyss
Spray on the ground to slow down all targets within an area by 65% for a duration.

Meridian Grip
Helplessly levitate most living targets in the air, let go to push targets away.

Unleash a slow projectile which turns all near it to stone for a few seconds.

Overwhelming Blows
Enchant your weapon attacks with a chance to stagger opponents, projectiles gain a minor chance to inflict knockdown & power attacks gain a moderate chance to inflict knockdown.

---< Master >---
Chronos Eternal
Slow down time by 60% for a moderate duration. Drain a small amount of magicka during effect.

Wizard Aegis
Gain 60% magic resistance and 40% magic absorption for a moderate duration.

Dragonhide (+)
Resist 80% physical damage for a moderate duration.
(charges faster)

Mass Paralysis (+)
Paralyze all targets in a big radius around you.
(charges faster)

---< Novice >---
Healing (+)
Concentrate to heal your wounds slowly.
(less magicka efficient)

Soothing Aura
For a duration, very slowly heal yourself and nearby allies in a small radius.

Lesser Ward (+)
Channel a protective ward, blocking a sum of magic damage and reducing melee damage taken by 30% and projectile damage taken by 50%.
(can block some more magic damage, directly reduces damage taken by a percentage instead of increasing armor rating)

---< Apprentice >---
Fast Healing (+)
Concentrate to heal your wounds.
(channeled instead of cast, less magicka efficient)

Alleviating Aura
For a duration, slowly heal yourself and nearby allies.

Concentrate to burn the undead with a short beam of light.

Imbue Hallow
Enchant your weapon attacks with minor additional sun damage, projectiles do double damage & power attacks do triple damage.

Blight Barrier
Increase Poison and Disease resistance by a minor amount for a duration.

Steadfast Ward (+)
Channel a powerful protective ward, blocking a sum of magic damage and reducing melee damage taken by 40% and projectile damage taken by 60%.
(can block some more magic damage, directly reduces damage taken by a percentage instead of increasing armor rating)

---< Adept >---
Close Wounds (+)
Concentrate to heal your wounds swiftly.
(channeled instead of cast, less magicka efficient)

Mending Aura
For a duration, heal yourself and nearby allies in a large radius.

Heal Other (+)
Concentrate to efficiently heal the wounds of a target.
(channeled instead of cast, less magicka efficient)

Concentrate to scorch the undead with a beam of light.

Holy Flash
Launch a ball of light that explodes in a moderate radius with sun damage.

Holy Nova
Release a bright nova around you for powerful sun damage.

Vampire's Bane (+)
Launch a ball of light that explodes in a wide radius, damaging the undead and igniting vampires for extra damage over time.
(added extra burn damage against vampires)

Stendarr's Aura (+)
Burn undead around you for unresistable sun damage for a duration.
(greatly increased damage radius and light radius)

Infuse Hallow
Enchant your weapon attacks with additional sun damage, projectiles do double damage & power attacks do triple damage.

Scourge Barrier
Increase Poison and Disease resistance by a moderate amount for a duration.

Greater Ward (+)
Channel a strong protective ward, blocking a sum of magic damage and reducing melee damage taken by 50% and projectile damage taken by 70%.
(can block some more magic damage, directly reduces damage taken by a percentage instead of increasing armor rating)

Cure Poison
Cleanse yourself of poisonous effects.

---< Expert >---
Grand Healing (+)
Concentrate to heal wounds very rapidly, affecting nearby allies as well.
(channeled instead of cast, less magicka efficient)

Revitalizing Aura
For a duration, swiftly heal yourself and nearby allies in a great radius.

Grand Heal Other
Concentrate to efficiently heal the wounds of a target very rapidly.

Brilliant Light
Concentrate to blast the undead with a long beam of light.

Divine Flash
Launch a ball of light that explodes in a large radius for intense sun damage.

Divine Nova
Release a brilliant nova around you for intense sun damage.

Valiant Ward
Channel a powerful protective ward, blocking a sum of magic damage and reducing melee damage taken by 70% and projectile damage taken by 90%.

Cure Disease
Cure all diseases afflicting you.

Empower Hallow
Enchant your weapon attacks with powerful additional sun damage, projectiles do double damage & power attacks do triple damage.

Corruption Barrier
Increase Poison and Disease resistance by a major amount for a duration.

Aurora Beacon
Release a light which rises up and bursts into a beacon, burning the undead with powerful sun damage over time.

---< Master >---
Return to Dust
Devastate undead around you in a great blast of purifying light

Bane of the Undead (+)
Turn and incinerate undead in a massive radius around you.
(charges faster)

Guardian Circle (+)
Create a circle that heals and causes undead to flee.
(charges faster)


---< Novice >---
Conjure Skeleton Archer
Summon a weak skeletal archer.

Conjure Skeleton Warrior
Summon a weak skeletal melee fighter.

Conjure Skeleton Apprentice
Summon a weak skeletal mage.

---< Apprentice >---
Dispel all nearby friendly summoned minions.

Conjure Spriggan
Summon a spriggan bent to your will.

Conjure Sabre Cat Familiar
Summon an agile sabre cat familiar.

Conjure Ice Wraith
Summon a fragile ice wraith.

Conjure Skeleton Scout
Summon a skeletal archer.

Conjure Skeleton Guardian
Summon a skeletal melee fighter.

Conjure Skeleton Mage
Summon a skeletal mage.

Soul Sunder
Enchant your weapon attacks to steal the souls of targets slain with killing blows.

Occult Healing
Concentrate to restore the health, magicka and stamina of conjured targets.

---< Adept >---
Soul Cloak
Trap the soul of slain targets in a large radius around you for a duration.

Conjure Spriggan Matron
Summon a spriggan matron bent to your will.

Conjure Bear Familiar
Summon a powerful bear familiar.

Conjure Skeleton Ranger
Summon a powerful skeletal archer.

Conjure Skeleton Champion
Summon a powerful skeletal melee fighter.

Conjure Skeleton Sorcerer
Summon a powerful skeletal mage.

Occult Mending
Concentrate to swiftly restore the health, magicka and stamina of conjured targets.

---< Expert >---
Conjure Spriggan Earth Mother
Summon a spriggan earth mother bent to your will.

Conjure Troll Familiar
Summon a raging troll familiar.

Conjure Wispmother
Summon a wispmother under your command.

Conjure Skeleton Bowman
Summon a mighty skeletal ranger.

Conjure Skeleton Hero
Summon a mighty skeletal melee fighter.

Conjure Skeleton Wizard
Summon a mighty skeletal mage.

Occult Reviving
Concentrate to very rapidly restore the health, magicka and stamina of conjured targets.

---< Master >---
Dragon Priest Servitude
Depending on which dragon priest mask you're wearing, summon a weakened phantom of the corresponding dragon priest for 300 seconds.


---< Apprentice >---
Target loses natural magicka regeneration for a short time.

Distort Shape
Gain a small chance to dodge attacks & spells and become slightly harder to detect for a duration.

Project a decoy which attracts attention.

Show Weakness
Lower a minor amount of physical, magic & poison resistance of a target for a duration.

---< Adept >---
Target loses natural magicka regeneration for a moderate time.

Distort Silhouette
Gain a chance to dodge attacks & spells and become moderately harder to detect for a duration.

Reveal Weakness
Lower a moderate amount of physical, magic & poison resistance of a target for a duration.

Eyes of Midnight
Gain Night-Eye for a long duration, can be cast again to dispel.

---< Expert >---
Target loses natural magicka regeneration for a longer time.

Distort Aspect
Gain a good chance to dodge attacks & spells and become harder to detect for a duration.

Unveil Weakness
Lower a major amount of physical, magic & poison resistance of a target for a duration.

---< Master >---
Distort Soul
Gain a large chance to dodge attacks & spells and become much harder to detect for a duration.


If you wish to spawn a cheat chest containing all the spells, here's how to do it:

1. Open the console with the tilde key

2. Type in
help "materialize aetherial chest" 0

3. Look for the string of numbers(sometimes also letters) that appear next to the search result for a spell tome called Materialize Aetherial Chest

4. Type those numbers into the following command
player.additem [numbers here] 1
don't actually enter the [ ]'s into the command, just the numbers by themselves

5. Cast the spell at the ground and enjoy your cheats, you.. you... cheaty cheating cheater!


I highly recommend installing Scrambled Bugs, it will fix several issues but for the purposes of Aetherial Tomes it will allow the various Imbue spells to always function regardless of what kind of setup you have.

Make sure you open 'Data\DLLPlugins\ScrambledBugs.json' with a text editor after installing and then change
and you'll be good to go.


Khajiit has tweaks, if you have clicks.

Some may call this junk. Me? I call them perks.