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About this mod

Overhauls the death(Game over) system in skyrimSE, making it oriented to the team and not only to the player, giving penalties to the player when he its taken down, like Wounds and destroying his equipment and making followers stay down after knocked out in combat.

Permissions and credits
English its not my native language, so be patient in the reading and forgive me for any mistakes. (Will have a lot)

First of all, this mod its a personal project. i always played skyrim using hardcore mods and multiple followers, making my playtrough more based on the team than the solo player. the problem its skyrim its not designed to be played like this, generating the issue of unfair game over when my team could easily win a battle but everyone loses because the player has been hit.

 Second, i have released this mod on nexus some time ago to skyrimLe but due to some personal problems i could not give to it full support.

 What this mod do:

 >> Changes the death ( game over) to be executed only after the player and all the followers are down. Player will receive penalties for being knocked out, like wounds, special wounds and has a chance to have his equipped weapon or shield destroyed. followers that are knocked out will stay down until the battle ends, and has a chance to have its weapons or shield destroyed.

A short video showing the core feature, read the details bellow for more info

>> Player will receive a power called "DVS - Player Essential Configuration menu" to customize the mod, and two spells in the alteration menu for bug fix. "DVS - Force Follower To Recover"  and "DVS - Mark Custom AI Follower"

>> Every midnight player receive a non-cumulative number of chances to fight in the next day, this number is between 4 and 9. or the number can be changed in the MCM.

>> If the player fall in combat, he loses one chance to fight in that day, will receive a random wound, have a  chance to receive a special wound and have a chance to have his quipped weapon or shield destroyed(even unique or quest items). this can be toggled in the mod menu. and configured in the MCM menu.

>> Player will stay down for 20 seconds, and the camera will be switched to a random follower. if the player falls outside combat its 10 seconds or less.

>> V1.07-- To Users of camera mods like Smoothcam that locks the ability to switching the camera to a followers, now you have the option to sacrifice a follower to return to fight almost instantly. So if you are knocked out, you will receive the wounds and all penalties but will recover very fast and a follower will be knocked out in your place.

>> If the player falls in combat beyond the limit of chances to fight the game over is executed, ignoring the followers number

>> If the player and all followers fall inside combat the game over its executed  your team will be defeated, ignoring the number of chances to fight.

>>v1.2 - When your team is defeated, you will have the option to be rescued or reload your last save ( game over ). If you select rescue you will be sent to the last inn or house you have slept. and will lose a amount of gold that can be configured in the mcm.

>> Vampire players will not receive wounds and have unlimited chances to fight at night time, but cannot fall during the day time. this can be toggled in the mod menu

>> In configuration menu has a option to mark the player as a vampire to patch custom vampire mods, this will not turn the player a vampire but will make the mod consider the player its a vampire.

>> The number of chances to fight and wounds can be viewed in the Active effect menu

>> The wounds can be cured using potions that can be created in a cooking furniture or purchased from a merchant.

>> This mod support 25 followers, and only work on the followers when the team is inside combat, if you use the console command kill, killall or damageav in the followers they will act as normal vanilla behavior

>> All followers will be turned essential in the first time they enter in combat.

>> This mod its intended to be used with followers, if you fight without follower and die you will receive  a message "i will die here.. alone..".

>> If a follower fall in combat, he will stay down for some time, he can be healed to return faster, and has a chance to have his weapon or shield destroyed(even unique or quest items). this can be toggled in the mod menu

>> You have the option to make the followers recover inside combat only using healing spells, making they stay down until the combat ends. this is very useful if you are playing in late game using lot of followers.

>> V1.08: added the option that makes follower be wounded from stage 1 to 3, when a follower its wounded in stage 2 he will equip a arm bandage, when a follower its wounded in stage 3 he will equip a head bandage, he cannot be healed inside combat and will fall after some seconds when combat begin. ( but will not lose armor or weapons ).

>> You don't need keep using a healing spell in a downed follower, cast the spell for some time and when you receive the message "Will be restored soon.." stop and go to fight, after some time the follower will recover.

>> All downed followers will recover after the combat ends, its not much immersive but its far less annoying than search for a lot of downed followers, specially if you use grass mods.

>> This mod automatically support custom scripted followers like Sofia if the follower scripts set hin to be a player Teammate. if you get a repeating message "A follower Leaves your team " use the spell   "DVS - Mark Custom AI Follower"   and mark this kind of followers to avoid the issue, this mod do not changes the IA or the follower system, it only make the followers stay down and get up after a predetermined time inside combat. Keep in mind to use the spell only if you see bugs using this kind of followers.

>> When you dismiss a follower you will receive a notification  "A Follower Leaves Your Team", this notification will take some time to appear.

>> Followers far away from the player are not considered part of the team even if they are not dismissed, so in combat only the followers next to you that counts.

>> This mod its NOT a follower management mod like Nether Follower Framework, but its created to work with this kind of mods.
(the follower management i use its Amazing Follower Tweaks)

Passive Wounds Detailed explanation:

>> When the player fall in combat he can receive four different types of wounds and three pain types, this can be toggled in the mod menu.

>> All wounds and pains have potions with self explanatory name to remove its effects.

>> V1.07 -- Now you can heal the passive wounds sleeping in a inn, temple  or you house, if you sleep in a dungeon or in the wilds you will need a clean med kit that can be crafted  in a Tanning rack, it will be automatic used when you sleep Wounded in a unknown location.

>> V1.07 -- You need to sleep:   6 Hours to Heal light Wounds,  12 to heal medium wounds, 17 to heal Extreme wounds and 24 to heal Severe wounds. if you rest in your house, temple or a inn, you don't need any item to heal the wounds but if you sleep in a another location like a dungeon you will need a Med kit - clean.

>> V1.07 -- When you use a Med kit - clean you have a chance to lose this item in the healing process, the percentage it's based in the worst wound you have. 50% Severe ,  30% Extreme, 20% Medium and 5% to light wounds. if you don't lose the item it will turn in a Med kit - dirt, this one can be  cleaned in a cooking pot.

The pain can be:
  light , medium or severe, this affects the magic health and stamina regeneration

The wounds can be:

  light , medium , extreme or severe, this gives a penalty to health, magic and stamina 


Special Wounds Detailed explanation:

>> When the player fall in combat he has a chance receive four different types of special wounds. keep in mind this wounds are designed to kill the player so always carry potions to cure special wounds. this can be toggled off in the mod menu.

>> You can craft a potion "Cure Special wound" in the cooking pot.

Special Wounds are:

 Bleeding:  for some time player will receive continuous damage on health

 Weak to walk: for some time player will randomly fall, and as a random chance to get a severe damage when this happens.

 Magic out of control:
for some time player will receive damage from its own magic, getting random damage from fire, ice and thunder

 Weak arms: for some time the player arms are weakened and he will receive damage when its  arms are up, any equipped weapon or shield will be dropped (even unique or quest items)

Spell Configuration Menu:

beyond V1.09 this mod have a MCM menu

In the configuration menu you have the options to:

Deactivate or activate the followers Weapons Destruction

>> Deactivate or activate the player weapons destruction

>> Deactivate or activate followers Armors Destruction

>> Deactivate or activate Player Spell Destruction

>> Deactivate or activate Player Armor Destruction

>> Deactivate or activate Followers sacrifice

>> Deactivate or activate Followers Wounds

>> Deactivate or activate Followers Death

>> Deactivate or activate the Vampire Mode

>> Mark the player a Vampire ( Will activate the vampire mode )

>> Deactivate or activate the Wounds System ( the passive wounds )

>> Deactivate or activate the Special Wounds System

>> Pause the mod 

>> Uninstall the mod

>> Deactivate or activate followers automatically recovering after some time in combat


Common Questions:

This mod will make my game easy?

Depends on what mods you use and how you play, if you use the mod list bellow, maybe not, if you use over powered characters or bad balanced followers, probably yes, like i write above this mod is for people have a game play based on the team and not on single character, depending the way you play, this mod will only make you game easy.  in my play through i have to reload a lot because of battles against high level enemy groups, but everything will depends on your mod list

What is the difference between this mod and other death(game over) mods?

I have no idea, i tested other death mods a long time ago(more than 3 years), but i  didn't find any that worked to my play style, so after this i started to develop this mod and keep using it

know issues and bugs

 I get a repeating message "A follower left your team"

This happens because of custom scripted followers like sofia and the way its IA is coded removing it from the standard follower system, mark this npcs using the spell "DVS - Mark Custom AI Follower"   so this mod will not remove the follower from its internal list, keep in mind if you want to uninstall the follower you need to remove the mark using the same spell, dismiss the follower, and wait the confirmation message. You only need to use this spell to custom AI followers, follower that use the standard system will be tracked automatically

 Follower eyes its closed after he falls, the follower do not open the eyes

Talk to your follower and he will open the eyes

A follower has no eyes or its semi transparent after he falls
Use the spell DVS - Force Follower Recover and he will get back eyes, this usually fix all visual bugs in this mod.

Camera don't change to follower after player its knocked out

 Some Camera mods locks the camera system(Specially SKSE camera mods), making impossible for the script to change the camera from the first person to third, and from player to follower. this kind of mod normally as a configuration file to turn this option off.  SmoothCam its one that have this issue, but i have installed the basic version (without custom preset) and the camera switch worked fine. In version v1.07 added a option called Follower Sacrifice to avoid this issue. read the change log bellow for further information.

Camera don't change to follower after player its knocked out 2

 If player is hit by a spell that causes a continuous damage ( like a fireball that makes the player burn for some time ) the engine not allow the camera switch

Camera go to weird places and shows low poly terrain

 Caused by some followers that run away from the combat, even if you select in Amazing Follower Tweaks "Followers never run from combat" some followers will flee and leave you behind ( one its Uthgerd the Unbroken ), and when the followers are far away from player it will be in low poly terrain.

Loud repeating sound when equipping weapon

 Sometimes when a follower don't have weapons and the ai not have registered it, the npc will try to equip weapons that don't exists  in the inventory, because of this the engine keeps repeating the weapon equip sound and the npc tries to find a new weapon in a eternal loop. to fix it simple give a weapon to the follower you see that are not equipping weapons.

Stutter inside combat

 I think this happens when a follower lose his armor and the game don't have loaded the body mesh and texture, this happens using custom body followers and specially some time after you start the game. after the texture and mesh its loaded to memory the stutter stops.

Player its semi transparent or transparent  fixed in v1.02

 Unequip and equip a weapon, if not work, unequip and equip a armor

Follower its not recovering after combat end

This almost don't happens, but if happens..

First make sure make sure the follower its not dead and the player and all other followers are not in combat,  second cast the spell "DVS - Force Follower To Recover ",  if this not work,  talk to the downed follower, if he answer, open the console command, click on the follower using mouse cursor and write:


press enter, wait one second and write:

press enter, but  if the follower not answer, cast a healing spell on the downed follower, if not work resurrect or spawn a enemy and fight until the ends, even if after this the follower stay down you have to reload a save.

 My follower its too strong,  too over power or never fall in combat:

Nothing to do with this mod. This happens to Followers bad balanced, that have tons of health and use over powered perks and spells. use xedit to balance your follower or use the standard followers from the game like lydia.

 My follower its too weak

Skyrim its a game based on level but don't show anything related to it to the player, if your followers its being defeated too fast maybe the reason its high level enemy's, this can get worse when using hardcore mods, down below there's a link to a mod to show the enemy's level. And bad balanced followers can be the reason too.

A mod list that works very well with this mod and i use in my gameplay,
READ the description and the POSTS on the mods page!

Display Enemy Level
Much of Skyrim its based on level, but the game don't have a proper way to show this to the player. this mod will give a very good  ui to show this info, you only know how much you need this mod after you install.

Dead NPC Body Cleaner Remover
This one its very important if you want to have a stable save file and to use the mods bellow.

Amazing Follower Tweaks SE
The follower manager i use. my mod its created using AFT in mind.

Wildcat - Combat of Skyrim    +    Ultimate Combat SE 
Combination to make enemy's stronger, smarts and effective in battle, configure ultimate combat to make giants and dwarven centurions better enemy's.

Deadly Dragons
Turn dragons in god like creatures. be careful to not make the dragons over power before the initial dragon quests.

Genesis    +    Obis    +    Immersive Patrols
Combination to increase the number of npcs  and enemy's in the game, dynamically spawning more in interiors locations and in the open world. Read the mod description page and the posts!

Enemy Revolution Of Skyrim
This mod allow enemy's to use spells from mods and player only spells. Read the mod description page and the posts!

Another good mods i use:
Better Vampire NPCs
Revenge of the Enemy's
High Level Enemy's

 My other mods:

DVS - Followers City Home Outfit manager:  Give to your followers exclusive inventory to use inside city and your home,
so you can dynamically edit what they are wearing,  works with dismissed followers inside your houses.

DVS - Team Immersive Loot:

 Change Log

New version 1.2

   (Beta) Added a option to be rescued after the team is defeated. you will have a option to be teleported to the last inn or house you have slept or reload the game, a configurable amount of gold in the MCM will be lost.

    Changed the time to heal the player wounds, now when you sleep 12 hour you will heal all wounds, this will make more easy to heal the player and followers wounds inside a inn, or house.

    Added a slider to select the random chance of losing a medkit when healing followers.

Changed the summon followers spell to summon followers inside combat, will not summon knocked out followers.

  Added a option in the MCM menu to remove followers from combat. its useful to fix some bugs and stops followers that are attacking each other.

  ATTENTION: I have experienced a strange bug that makes the player become invisible using the rescue feature, player will be invisible depending of the light source, and looks like it only happens inside some location after you are rescued, when you change location this stops.

    Thanks to Ellewyn's that have asked me to create the rescue option a long time ago, after several tries i learned how to implement it.


>>  VERSION - V1.1

   Added options to toggle the mod notifications in the MCM menu, and i have converted all notifications in messages using the creation kit so you can edit the notifications using ssedit, i don't have added all the notifications, only the ones i think its relevant and keep repeating, but if you see something i forgot or need to be added tell me and i willtry to fix.

 Added clothes that will not be removed in armor destruction, i have seted to miner clothes variant 2,  but you can set the one you like in the ssedit, this armor will not be destroyed when a followers its knocked out, to change it in the ssedit  go to magic effect,   select       0_MonitorEffect__TeamDeath_Performance     and in the script area search for  TD_Clothes_To_Ignore,      bellow this double click in     ClothesMinerClothesVariant "Miner's Clothes" [ARMO:0006FF43],     this will allow you to click on the small box on the right in this option that will show all armors available in the game, so change to theone you want.

 The spell dvs - summon followers have been changed to be useful and not only a bug fix, now you can easily call all your current followers, but this will not work inside combat.


>> - V1.09

Added a MCM menu and  a option to make followers randomly die when wounded, can be customized the death chance by wound stage in the mcm menu

 Use the spell DVS - protect follower from death,  to protect quest followers

 Fixed some bugs from version 1.08, fixed the bug that turns resurrected zombies in essential.


>> V1.08

Added the  option Follower Wound and Followers Death.

  The  option Follower Wound makes a follower be wounded from stage 1 to 3, when a follower its wounded in stage 2 he will equip a arm bandage, when a follower its wounded in stage 3 he will equip a head bandage, he cannot be healed inside combat and when a battle starts he will fall after some seconds. ( but will not lose armor or weapons )

Followers wounds will be healed when you sleep 12 hours in a inn or in your house, or using a med kit - clean when you sleep in a different location.

 (Alpha version) Added the option Follower Death, when a follower its wounded in stage 3 he can get killed in combat. if you don't want a follower to die use the spell dvs - protect follower from death, this will make the follower fall in the battle start and he will not get killed. but not marked followers will be killed as normal, keep in mind that i cannot remove the essential flag from the followers so in the moment no followers will be killed using kill moves. ( i have tried removing the essential flag and followers started to flee from combat)

Added the spell DVS - protect follower from death,  this makes a follower not be killed if you activate the follower death option

Added the spell DVS - Summon Followers, this is a bug fix to find missing followers, even custom ai followers will be summoned.

Fixed some bugs from version 1.07


>> V1.07
  Added the  option Follower Sacrifice,
this option remove the camera switching from the player to a follower, allowing users from mods like smoothcam or other skse mods that locks the game camera system to use this mod.  stead of moving the camera when player is knocked out, a follower will fall and player will be restored almost immediately. Keep in mind that all penalties will be applied to the player and to the follower.
     To activate this option use the power "DVS - Player Essential Configuration menu". search for the option " F Sacrifice " and active it, wait until midnight when you see the message "A new day and new chances to fight as come" and this option will be working.

 Now you can heal the passive wounds sleeping in a inn, temple  or you house, if you sleep in a dungeon or in the wilds you will need a  "Med kit - clean" that can be crafted  in a Tanning rack, or bought from some merchants. it will be automatically used when you sleep Wounded in a unknown location.

  You need to sleep:   6 Hours to Heal light Wounds,  12 to heal medium wounds, 17 to heal Extreme wounds and 24 to heal Severe wounds. if you rest in your house, temple or a inn, you don't need any item to heal the wounds but if you sleep in a another location like a dungeon you will need a  Med kit - clean.

  When you use a "Med kit - clean" you have a chance to lose this item in the healing process, the percentage it's based in the worst injury you have. 50% from Severe Wounds,  30% Extreme, 20% Medium and 5% from light wounds, if you don't lose the item it will turn in a Med kit - dirt, this one can be  cleaned in a cooking pot.

To craft a Med Kit you will need a lot of embalming items that you find In Nord dungeons.


>>  V1.04
New version v1.04 Added a option called performance, in this option will be used a better script to monitor the player and the followers if you use a lot of combat mods its recommended to test this option, added more information to the status window, thanks to the user Ellewyn for reminding me.

Added a option to have a chance to destroy the followers equipped armor when knocked out, if you use nude body use this mod: equippable underwearfor npc.  if you use Sofia, and set her armor using dialog option "set outfit ",  its armor will not be truly destroyed, it will become impossible to re equip, this is something in Sofia script, not this mod. but if you give her a armor in the default follower dialog it will be destroyed.


Extract the content from this mod to the skyrim special edition data directory.

C:\Steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim Special Edition\Data

Or use a mod manager like Mod Organizer.

 Start the game and wait the messages showing the mod is initialized, will take a 20 seconds.


 Its a good practice to NOT REMOVE script mods in mid game, removing this kind of mod can cause instability in your save file,  but if you want to do it, this mod have a uninstall option in the mod configuration menu.

 Go to a interior cell, select the uninstall option. wait the validation of the uninstall, this will take 30 seconds, save, exit the game and remove the mod.

 The safest option than uninstall its to simple pause the mod. the mod will be there but will not make changes in the gameplay.


NPC Knockout Overhaul :  its compatible but you need to turn off the follower tracking system.( its a very good mod specially if you play stealth )

 This mod its compatible with wounds and injuries mods if the mod don't change the death game over system, in the mod configuration menu you can turn off the wounds if you want to use other custom injuries mod.

 This mod its not compatible to
any type of mod that makes the player essential or change how the death game over happens.

 This mod  has some incompatibilities with some Camera Mods, Read the bug section above for further explanation.

Big thanks to the user Ellewyn for the information below:

incompatibilities:   SmoothCam  have some issues with this mod locking the camera, but i think its something to do with custom presets.

 Compatibles: AlternateConversation Camera and Simple Lock-OnSE (the github version) , Floating Damage  its compatible but have some issues with custom presets, read the bug section for further information

About script performance

This mod has been created in a laptop from 2009 that runned a heavy moded  skyrim in a fps between 20 to 25 fps using mods like warzones, genesis, obis, amazing follower tweaks, and some others combat mods. all script and functions are only executed in very specific situation and a lot its based in the game event system. the internal system runs only when needed, hard calculations are executed only when needed. I have been using this mod for years with no crashes or instabilities in my games ( i develop while i play ) .


 A lot of users don't understand that the installation of a lot of heavy sized quest can be harmful to the game, navy mesh corruption, assets corruption, spell that don't load properly, not bashing textures and using heavy textures in system that don't have memory to handle, all this can lead to crash or even worse: a very good play trough in the first 30 hours and after this with no reason game starts to randomly crash. keep in mind that, its not because you have a good computer that can handle the new  games like far cry 5 or battlefield that this same computer will easily run a heavy moded skyrim. its not about your computer , but its more about the way the engine uses the game data.
( this part it's more a reminder to myself )

A big thanks to my Father that said: "you only play this game because other peoples moded it. You have a good mod so its not fair you not releasing it, if one person download and have a better game with it, you have done the right thing"
