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About this mod

Adds a currency system to Skyrim. Base coin is now copper with 4 added other coin types. Brass, Bronze, Silver and Gold. Coins now have weight to incentivize exchanging when trading, coins and currency items are auto converted to copper and back again after trade. Customizable with the MCM and you can add your own items to the system.

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This mod adds a currency system to Skyrim. Base coin is now copper with 4 added coin types. Brass, Bronze, Silver and Gold. When trading, coins and currency items are auto converted to copper so you can trade with your entire money pool. After trading, copper is converted back to the larger denomination coins. You only get the amount of Silver, Gold ect. coins back that you had before the trade, unless you sold items and gained money, in which case some of that extra money may be converted to currency items.

You can also add your own items to the system. Yes you can exploit this to cheat because it gives you the actual value of the item in coppers when trading, rather than selling the item which is subject to Skyrim's trade rules via your speech skill. As I always say, your game balance is up to you.

Updates, Please read!!!

Version 1.3

You can now add or remove items from the currency system directly from your inventory. To do so, hold the hotkey down specified in the MCM and click on / equip an item. This will remove the item if it's already added or add the item if it's not. You can now specify currency items to only work for certain factions. You can also add your own factions from any mod, up to 111 total. To add a faction, open the SCS_CurrencyFactions.txt in your Skyrm root folder, where TESV.exe is location and add a line with a faction name and form ID under the modname category it's from. You can create the category for any mod like so: 
ModName[Some Cool Mod.esp]
FactionName[Some faction name] ID[0x051599] 
FactionName[Some other faction name] ID[0x051598] 

Make sure the ModName matches exactly what the esp name is in your data folder. 
The faction name can be anything and is what will show up in the MCM for the faction.

For the form Id, replace the first two digits with "0x". 
So if the Form Id for the faction is 12345678, you would put:

To put Currency items in different factions, open the MCM, click the item and in the text field type "Edit" without the quotes. Example, if you put the Ebony Ingot in the Blacksmith faction and remove it from the All Merchants faction, ebony ingots will only be converted to copper when trading with blacksmiths. Leaving in All Merchants, the currency item will still be converted always. You can now exchange currency with Stewards serving Jarl's. You can specifify how many of each currency item stewards have in the MCM. Stewards will only exchange All Merchant and Steward currency items.

Version 1.4
The Toggle Currency hotkey now directly adds or removes items from the currency system. Press the hotkey while in your inventory and it will remove the item if it's already added or add the item if it's not. 

You can now set percentage values for currency items based on the location you are in. Changes are made based on the items base value. So if setting Gold,(Base value 100) to 110% in Whiterun, gold will be worth 110 copper but 100 copper everywhere else, ect. You can also add any location from any mod to available locations. Up to 118. To add a Location, open the SCS_CurrencyLocations.txt in your Skyrm root folder, where TESV.exe is location and add a line with a Location name and form ID under the modname category it's from. These must be between the [Locations] and [EndLocations] blocks.
You can create the category for any mod like so: 

LocationName[Solstheim - Hold] ID[0x016E2A]

ModName[Some Cool Mod.esp]
LocationName[Some Location] ID[0x051599] 
LocationName[Some other Location] ID[0x051598]

Make sure the ModName matches exactly what the esp name is in your data folder. The Location name can be anything and is what will show up in the MCM for the Location. For the form Id, replace the first two digits with "0x". So if the Form Id for the Location is 12345678, you would put: ID[0x345678] 

Note that locations last in the list take priority, so make sure more specific locations are lower in the list i.e have higher numbers. You can change a location's position in the list in the mcm. Click on the location and type "Swap With x" where x is the list slot you want to swap with. Example, if Whiterun is in list slot 8 and Eastmarch is in slot 0, Click on Whiterun and type "Swap With 0". Eastmarch will then be in spot 8 and Whiterun is slot 0. As an example if WhiterunBanneredMareLocation was in slot 7 and Whiterun was in slot 8, the percentages for WhiterunBanneredMareLocation would never be used because it's in the Whiterun location. You would need to move it lower in the list for it to work i.e set WhiterunBanneredMareLocation to slot 8 and Whiterun slot 7 or lower.

Also IMPORTANT: make sure for your location names, there aren't any repeats. The names are what are used to store
the percentages for currency items using StorageUtil. 

Version 1.6

Added sound voice files for the dialogue for most voice types using xVASynth.

Added option to have dummy copper (vanilla gold) coins while in your inventory so you can see how much weight you're carrying in copper. You can drop the copper coins to drop your actual copper. It will drop individual coins if at or below the limit you set in the MCM. If dropping an amount of copper above the limit, it will drop coin purses, but no more than the limit you set in the MCM. The value or coins in the coin purses will be equal to the amount of copper coins you dropped.

- Coins and Currency items auto convert to copper when entering the dialogue menu, barter menu or sleeping. 
- Can add any item to the currency system in game 
- Can change the weight and value of any currency item
- Can set currency items to only convert when trading with NPC's of certain factions. 
- Can increase or decrease currency item's value based on location
- Can add any faction from any mod to the list of available factions 
- Can add any location from any mod to the list of available locations

To add or remove items from the system, select Customize Currency Items from the MCM. It will close the journal menu and open another container menu. Add items to the container to add them as currency items. Remove items to remove them. You'll get all your items back when closing the menu, or if you gained items they will be removed, so you can't use this to cheat. 

As of version 1.3, you can now add or remove items directly from your inventory. Hold the hotkey set in the MCM while clicking on an item to add or remove from the currency system.
After adding items, they will show up in the Currency Items page, where you can set their weight and value. You can also change their names here by typing in text other than a number. In the settings page, you can specify a prefix for all currency items. Default is C - . So, for example, if you add the gold ingot to currency items, it will be renamed to C- Gold Ingot. This is so all currency items will be grouped together in your inventory menu. 

If you click on a currency item, it will display a message showing the total copper for the amount of that item is worth, and the total copper for all currency items plus your base copper, so you can see how much wealth you are carrying.

If Inject Coins is enabled, the mod will place new loose coins of brass, bronze, silver and gold near vanilla placed coins. It will also have a chance to add coins to actors and containers in the area. This is done with a script after you exit a load door. 

If convert rewards is checked, a random amount of copper you receive from rewards and coin purses will automatically be converted to larger denomination coins. 

You can now exchange coins with any merchant. The amount of coins the merchant has is based on how much wealth they have. This is combined with their merchant chest along with the copper / currency items they have on their person. If you want to cheat however, select Exchange Currency from the MCM to open a chest with unlimited coins. You still need enough copper to exchange though. 

To exchange, take larger coins or currency items from the container. Copper from your inventory will be removed if you have enough. Give larger coins to thecontainer to get your copper back. 

The Currency Exchange Fee determines the percentage you have to pay when buying larger denomination coins. So at 5%, if buying a gold coin (worth 100 copper) it costs 105 copper. 

The Copper Exchange Fee determine the percentage you have to pay when exchanging larger coins for copper. So at 5%, if giving a gold coin, you receive 95 copper in return. 

The Exchange Reset Timer determines how long before coins for a merchant are re calculated. Default is 48 hours. They never receive more value in larger coins, but if set to 0 it will have different amounts of currency items each time you exchange with the  merchant.

Default Coin Stats
Copper: Weight 0.1,   Value 1 
Brass:    Weight 0.4,   Value 10 
Bronze:  Weight 0.45, Value 25
Silver:     Weight 0.5,   Value 50
Gold:      Weight 0.55,  Value 100 

So for a copper value of 1000

Copper weighs    100 
Brass weighs       40 
Bronze weighs     18 
Silver weighs        10 
Gold weighs         5.5 

Note that there isn't a real limit on the amount of items you can add to the currency system, but the more items you add the more of a script performance hit there will be. You can add up to 111 factions and 118 locations, but again the more your add the more it affects performance. 

For currency items, adding even up to 50 shouldn't be too heavy on performance but adding more and you may start to notice script lag.

If using Coins of Tamriel, use the script free version and add the coins using the Customize Currency Items option in the MCM so this mod can take over. 

There's an optional file called SCS Gold to Copper which changes the Inventory and other text from Gold to Copper. If you already have a file called translate_english in Data/Interface DO NOT overwrite it. That probably means you have another mod that already changed that file. Instead open the file and change these lines like so: 

$Gold FoundCopper Found
$Most Gold CarriedMost Copper Carried
$Player GoldCopper
$Vendor GoldVendor Copper

And save. Press Ctrl F and search for Gold to easily find those lines.

PapyrusUtil SE
Papyrus Extender SE

Copy the files to your Skyrim Special Edition root folder, where SkyrimSE.Exe is located.

For the coin textures I used the viking coins from  Coin Resource by BerndR.
Bethesda for making the Elder Scrolls 
The SKSE Team
The SkyUI Team 
exiledviper meh321 for PapyrusUtil 
powerofthree and Shizof for Papyrus Extender
xVASynth for generating vanilla generic voice files.