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About this mod

The RPG Followers mod adds four new followers: The Healer, The Tank, The Rogue and The Mage, each one with their own specialization. There's also a bunch of neat feature like a few new items and a simple leveling system the Mage and Healer use. The Healer will also heal you or your party if you're in danger.

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The RPG Followers mod adds four new followers: The Healer, The Tank, The Rogue and The Mage. This is actually my first mod but I’m fairly proud by the number of neat features I’ve been able to cram in. I’m also pretty happy with the aesthetics but I hope the screenshots speak for themselves.


+ Healer Actually Heals
An important feature of this mod is the ability for the healer to protect you. Frankly it’s amazing the base game doesn’t have this. The healer will check you and your followers health and try and keep you alive. Although this is useful, I tried not to make this too overpowered.

+ Followers Improve
I dislike how stagnant Skyrim followers are, so I really wanted to make it feel like your followers improve. The Mage and The Healer will both use stronger spells as you level up. Originally the Tank was also going to learn all three words of the firebreath shout while you level up but it was rather glitchy, so I will try and add it in a later update sometime soon. Hopefully, I can come up with a gimmick for the rogue as well. 

+ New Items and Spells
Mainly the two new staff. The healer has a damaging staff that does a lot more damage if the target is undead and the mage gets a staff to summon a snow fox that helps in combat. There is also some other small thing I added here and there.

+ Followers fight like they should
Followers fulfill their roles as Tank, Healer, Rogue and Mage. All the followers have been given the right skills and new combat styles to fit their roles. For Example Tank will be a lot for aggressive than the Mage.

+ Unique Designs
Many followers on the nexus suffer from a disease I call ‘waifu - syndrome’. This disease is characterized as heavily modded followers with the same faces as every other modded follower. One of the main reason I made this mod was to try and be different. If variety is the spice of life then prepare your asshole. I think it's pretty cool how the followers contrast each other making for some pretty nice screenshots. Although I still want criticism and to be honest I might change the designs a little if enough people show interest.

+ Good Compatibility
I made a patch for Extensible Follower Framework so it should be compatible with basically any mod. I explain further about the compatibility later in the follower overhaul section but generally as long as it doesn’t change the vanilla followers combat significantly.


I came up with some fun ways you could play this mod and just thought I’d share them

· Play as you normally would but with four followers

· Play as one of the four followers, for example you could just play as the healer and heal your party using the other three followers. The follower presets are Inside File B if you want to use them.

· Play as all 4 characters. If you are using Project Proteus then it’s actually possible to swap places with your other followers. It would be a pretty fun and unique playthrough.

· Just use one follower. I’m not stopping you from just using the healer. 



A.)  Main file
This is the only file you need to play the mod, it’s a quick and simple download. The main file contains everything except the glowing tattoos as they are a bit more complicated to install. You decide whether you want to download B or just leave it, you do you. You might also want to install the EFF patch if you’re using EFF.


B.)  Glowing Tattoos
Part B only includes the followers appearance saved as player presets which can be used with Project Proteus to apply the tattoos. I spend a huge amount of time trying to figure out ways I could get glowing tattoos on an npc’s. I experiment a lot on this but as far as I can tell it’s nearly impossible to do it in one
simple download. And unfortunately if you want the cool glowing tattoos then it requires a bit more effort.

To keep it simple the only mod you need is Project Proteus. It’s a mod that let’s you apply your character presets onto NPCs. It also has a bunch of useful utility features too. 

1.) How to download Project Proteus:
These are the requirements for project proteus: SKSE SE, Address Library for SKSE Plugins, ConsoleUtilSSE, UIExtensions, RaceMenu, Face Discoloration Fix
Now you can download Project Proteus (PROJECT PROTEUS)

2.) Download the community overlays 1 + 2
Just download them as normal

3.) Download my presets (Part B Download).
Download part B and install them into  \Data\SKSE\Plugins\CharGen\Presets

4.) Apply the preset to the followers
In theory all you have to do is use the Proteus spell on your follower in game but honestly you might encounter a visual glitch giving the follower a black face. So just bear with me while I explain.

Use the Proteus wheel spell and aim it at a follower > Click NPC > Appearance > Preset Menu > Load Preset on NPC > [*Type in the name of the preset]

! Important advice: Save your player appearance in advance so you can change back after you're finished

*For example if I was giving the preset to the tank I would type ‘RPGTank4’. This will apply the tank preset I made named ‘RPGTank4’ which looks like the normal follower but it also has glowing tattoos.

Black Face Glitch Fix
It might work first time but you’ll probably get the black face glitch I was talking about. So let me explain the fix. This part is a tricky, I recommend reading ahead before trying this step by step.

Use the Proteus wheel spell, open the Player Module, Show Race Menu: Now you have to make your player character look like one of your followers.
Change your race and gender to match the follower.

This information will be useful (Healer: Imperial, Tank: Nord, Rogue: Wood Elf, Mage: Redguard).

Then apply the preset to yourself and give it time to load in. Now you will look like the follower except with glowing tattoos. Next, open the player module of Project Proteus again and click ‘Save Character’, then name the save after the follower so something like ‘RPGTank’. This might take a minute to save. Now just apply the new save’s appearance. So aim the Proteus Wheel at the follower > NPC module > Appearance > Preset Menu > Load Preset on NPC > [*‘RPGTank’]

*obviously type in whatever you named your character save as.

Do this for all four followers and boom: glowing tattoos. Take some aesthetic screenshots
for me.

Alternate fix for lazy people
I don’t suggest being lazy but I have an experimental idea of how to skip the whole black face glitch fix.
Simply download the experimental file into your Document, My Games.

After this just apply appearance as you would and you shouldn’t get the glitch. I cannot confirm the effectiveness of this fix just yet so basically, I’m using you brave, lazy people to test my mod for me. Please report back to me if it worked or not.

Funny story, I just found like 5 minutes after writing this that the Face Discoloration Fix is a thing. So I
might have overestimated how common this problem might be.


C.)    Follower overhaul compatibility:
You need to install a follower overhaul in order to have multiple followers at once however many interfere with follower combat packages meaning the healer won’t be able heal you. I recommend EFF (ExtensibleFollower Framework) because I know it works with my patch installed. It also works well if you have the UI Extension mod which you might have already installed as a requirement for the glowing tattoos. In general I just like it’s simplicity.

Amazing follower tweaks and Ultimate Follower Overhaul also seems to work without any patches however I’m not a huge fan of these.

I’m pretty sure Nether’s Followers Framework works as long as you don’t install the optional class files but it seems to conflict with Project Proteus so I don’t recommend it.


Recommended Mods:
Firstly I seriously recommend an ENB, a lot of things in this mod glows. The ENB will make things glow look amazing.

I also heavily recommend a skin improvement mod. Be it CBBE, UNP or Tempered Skins (I’m using ‘CBBE, the pure retexture’ if you’re curious)

Now let me tell you about the armour mods I recommend
Tank – Barbarian Armor
Healer – DenassaG_MageRobes
Rogue – Rugged Rogue
Mage- Star Cloth Mage
Cloaks of skyrim + Retexture + Artesian Cloaks of Skyrim


Where are they?
As of version 0.2 they are scattered around the various Inns of Skyrim


*There’s a chance the rogue will be impossible to dismiss.This might just be a problem on my end but if this happens to you Open the
console, select the follower, and type addfac 5c84e -1

*Mage has no spells? Just wait 24.

*Edit the Mages spells with caution. Follower overhauls tend to allow you to change the spells that your follower has. This might end up
changing what spells the mage uses and so you might not see the better spells that get added when you level up.

I think that’s everything but please tell me if there’s any bugs or problems with my mod and I’ll try and sort them out. Also give me suggestions for changes you’d like to see.  I going for a 1000 unique downloads so If you’re not sure about downloading it, download it for me.


0.2 changelog:
Cleaned the file
Removed Rogue from current follower faction
Relocated the Heroes around Skyrim
new file:
Optional file to remove glowing eyes
Next Update:
The next update will have an esl version of the mod
