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About this mod

The Black Sepulchre is a dynamic housing experience that changes as your character progresses. Suited towards a darker playthrough It begins as a dilapidated crypt already inhabited by a vampire, and will eventually end up as a fully furnished secret lair that holds the skulls of your enemies on the wall, and a treasure room overflowing with gold.

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The Black Sepulchre is located in Falkreath Cemetary.  A stair cut into the hillside leads up to an illusionary grave that hides the entrance.  In order to dispel the illusion and open the coffin that gives you access to the stair leading to the door, you must possess the
Black Skull Key

The Black Skull Key can be found inside the Jarl of Falkreath's trophy case.  In one of the Jarl's wardrobes, there is a vague letter from the vampire currently inhabiting The Black Sepulchre to the Jarl, describing some kind of arrangement between them. 

  • Wall of Skulls: 50 places on the wall for unique enemies encountered, such as Miraak, named dragons, etc.  These skulls are added to the wall automatically after they are defeated.  In addition, as you kill these unique enemies, you gain "Skull Ranks", which add piles of normal skulls representing the other enemies you have killed along the way.  These piles grow larger as you gain ranks.  A couple of features have Skull Rank as a prerequisite.  You must be rank at least rank 1 to clean the crypt and be allowed to purchase crafting equipment, and rank 2 to choose statue decorations. 

  • Treasure Room: The Treasure Room is entered through an unassuming sarcophagus in the smithing room which is actually revealed as a doorway when the lid is moved.  The vast majority of trophies have displays in this room.  This differs from trophy rooms in other mods in that as you acquire more and more trophies, gold begins to appear throughout the room.  It starts with a few coins here or there, and ends with not being able to see the floor because of all of the mounds of gold.  It isn't just gold however.  Depending on the type of trophy, you also gain either "Equipment Ranks", or "Valuable Ranks".  Gaining Equipment Ranks causes decorative weapons and armor to appear among the piles of gold, and Valuable Ranks cause jewelry and other expensive baubles to appear in the room, and elsewhere throughout the Black Sepulchre. 

  • Book of Skulls: This book controls many features in the Black Sepulchre.  Such as...
6 Lighting Themes: Three green and three red of various brightness. 

13 Shrine Options: All Divine shrines and 3 Daedric.
All Standing Stones
4 Bed Themes: Sarcophagus, dual coffins, stone double bed, and noble double bed.
2 Fountain options: Skull Fountain and Blood Fountain.
3 Statue Themes: Gargoyle, Blood, and Nordic.
10 Banner Themes: Dark Brotherhood, Thieves Guild, Winterhold, Hermaeus Mora, Imperial, Stormcloak, Nordic, Molag Bal, Worm Cult, High Hrothgar.
3 Mist Options: Mist, dust, mist & dust.
Ranks: Allows you to view your current Skull Rank, Equipment Rank, Valuable Rank, and Book Rank.
Decor Rugs: Allows you to toggle on/off the decor rugs in each room which control rug themes.

  • Black Fountain: Uses charges to buff the player based on whether or not they are a vampire.  Charges are gained using the spell "Black Tide", which is similar to soul trap.  The tome for Black Tide can be found on the ledge of the fountain.  The amount of charges currently in the fountain is displayed by gems embedded in the fountain.  Rubies denote 1 charge, while diamonds denote 10 charges. 
    Mortal Buff: 20% frost resistance, 25% fortify illusion, Night Stalkers Footsteps.  Bonuses similar to vampire bonuses. 
    Vampire Buff: Same as feeding.
  • Book Ranks: Gain Book Ranks by collecting Black Books, Elder Scrolls, or any of the many rare books which have displays.  As you gain Book Ranks you will start to see Books and other items of a scholarly nature appear around the Black Sepulchre.  At max rank an Apocrapha warp book will appear that will let you teleport to any major hold. 
  • Displays:
All Daedric Artifacts
All Thieves Guild Trophies
All Black Books
42 Individual Rare Book Displays

10 Bookshelves holding 240 Books
5 Mannequins
15 Weapon Racks
3 Weapon Plaques Holding 2 Weapons and a Shield
5 Weapon Plaques Holding 1 Weapon
Skeleton Key
Divine Amulets
Dragon Claws
Dragon Priest Masks
Nightingale Sword, Bow
Blade of Woe
Horn of Jurgen Windcaller
Red Eagles Bane
Eduj, Okin
Aetherial Item Choice
Black Bow of Fate
Ancient Falmer Crown
Auriel's Bow, Shield
Gauldur Amulet, Staff of Jyrik Gauldurson, Gauldur Blackbow, Gauldur Blackblade
Dawnguard Rune Axe, Rune Shield, Rune Hammer
Harkon's Sword
Miraak's Sword
Bloodskal Blade
Champion's Cudgel
The Paleblade
Ahzidal's Helm of Vision, Gauntlets of Warding, Boots of Water Walking, Armor of Retribution, Rings of Arcana, Necromancy
Kyne's Token
Charmed Necklace
Locket of Saint Jiub
Saarthal Amulet
Savos Aren's Amulet
Dragon Burial Map
All Hold Shields
Kolbjorn's Skull
Staff of Magnus
Miraak's Staff
Muiri's Ring
Ring of Pure Mixtures
5 Insect Jars
White Phial
Aretino Family Heirloom
Corrupt Dwemer Lexicon
Many Other Trophy Displays that Automatically Appear When Appropriate Conditions Are Met...

  • Hearthfire Multiple Adoptions Ready: Included for the spousal support.  Children aren't really appropriate in this type of evil player house, but are required, so there are two cages on a lower level for children. 

  • Custom Storage: Several sarcophagi double as chests with custom animation.
Main Hall: 2 storage sarophagi
Smithing Room: Ore and Ingots, Leather and Hides, Weapons, Armor
Enchanting Room: Small sarcophagus for Enchanting Supplies.
Other mundane storage throughout the Black Sepulchre.

  • Optional: On the lower level, behind the cages, there is a button that cleans the crypt, enables all crafting equipment and the library so no money is needed.
Known Conflicts
There may be conflicts with any mod that modifies Falkreath Cemetary, depending on how extensive the changes are. 

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