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About this mod

Adds presets of the men and women who fought the Battle of the Red Ring as members of the Nord legions. SKSE64 and RaceMenu are the ONLY requirements.

Permissions and credits

"On the other side of the shield wall, I have only one question.  When will I die?" 
~Lagertha, Vikings

NOTE:  I have divided the presets into male only and female only files for those people who only want one or the other.

These presets are veteran Nord soldiers who fought in the Battle of the Red Ring as Skyrim Legionnaires.  They are not pretty, with fine bones and air-brushed make up -- these are warriors who've fought in all kinds of weather and camped in the harsh wilderness.  Their lives are reflected in their faces.  They are mostly Nords with a couple of Redguards and Orcs.  I did not include any of the other mer (besides orcs), as they would likely not be welcomed among the Nords.

If you do not like the way they look, then I invite you to refrain from comment and move along to something which suits you better.

These presets ONLY require SKSE64, SkyUI and RaceMenu -- that's it.  Presets are nothing more than the facial bones and shape.  I did use the High Poly Head, which I've linked below, to create these.  (Most of them will probably work fine on a vanilla head mesh, but you'll likely have to do some clean up in the Sculpt tab of RaceMenu.)  You may use any eye, skin or hair mod you want.  I will give you a list of the mods I used, but they are not hard requirements.

My installed mods include --

Installation -- Vortex

  • Download with Vortex. 
  • Install by clicking the little down arrow next to Remove.  Choose Install. 
  • If necessary, make sure to Enable the mod by clicking the little down arrow on the Enabled/Disabled button.  Choose Enabled.  This mod does NOT have an .esp or .esl file, so it will not show in your load order or on the Plugins tab.

Uninstall -- Vortex

  • Disable the Mod.
  • Click the Remove button. In the pop-up box, be sure that both Remove Mod and Delete Archive are checked.
  • Click Remove at the bottom of the pop-up box.

Manual Installation  (Why?)

  • Unpack the archive with 7-Zip or another program which will read and unpack .7z files.
  • Drag and drop the SKSE folder into your \Skyrim Special Edition\Data folder.
  • Allow the over-write.

Manual Uninstall

  • Go to your \Skyrim Special Edition\Data folder.
  • Find the SKSE folder and work your way down to the Preset folder.
  • Delete either the whole folder, or just the presets that my mod installed.

Using the Presets

  • Start your new game as usual with RaceMenu installed and enabled.
  • Choose the race and sex as you normally would, based on the preset you're using.
  • Go to the Presets tab in RaceMenu, second tab from the left at the top right-hand corner of RaceMenu.
  • Hit F11 to load the preset of your choice and choose from the list which appears.
  • Go back to the Sliders tab, the first tab at the top right-hand corner of RaceMenu.
  • Choose the hair, hair color, eye color, complexion and weight/height that you want to use.
  • Use the sliders to make adjustments if you like -- change the size of the nose, the height of the eyes, the mouth shape or give them tattoos, war paints, different scars -- whatever makes you happy.
  • Go explore Skyrim.

My Thanks To -- TheVampireDante, VishVadeva, the Forgotten Sanctuary regulars on Discord

This mod is and will remain a Nexus exclusive.  Do not upload it anywhere else, period.